Companion for SwiftUI is useful. Swift with Majid & Swift by Sundell are great blogs. SwiftUI Weekly is nice newsletter.
Atomic Architecture lib is neat. SwiftUI Sample Apps, Swiftcord, CodeEdit & Food Truck are nice SwiftUI apps to study. Jordan's apps are nice to study too as they are quite small.
SwiftUI for Designers, Point-Free & SwiftOnTap are great resources.
- Setting a random background color is a great way to detect an accidental SwiftUI loop.
- SwiftUI is basically just a wrapper around UIKit. You can use UIHostingController to show SwiftUI views inside UIKit hierarchy, and UIViewRepresentable to wrap UIView in a SwiftUI View.
- HStack, VStack, ZStack, and Grid (among many others) conform to Layout, which means you can dynamically switch between them at runtime without re-creating the children, preserving animations
- SwiftUI Essentials WWDC 2019
- SwiftUI Combine Example - Example project of SwiftUI and Combine using GitHub API.
- SwiftUI by Example
- Evolution discussion of the new DSL feature behind SwiftUI (2019)
- About SwiftUI - Gathering all info published, both by Apple and by others, about new framework SwiftUI.
- SwiftUI Cheat Sheet
- SwiftUI Framework Learning and Usage Guide
- SwiftUI Examples Projects
- Answers to the most common questions about SwiftUI (2019)
- Awesome SwiftUI
- Awesome SwiftUI 2
- Awesome SwiftUI 3
- Awesome SwiftUI 4
- MovieSwiftUI - SwiftUI & Combine app using MovieDB API. With a custom Flux (Redux) implementation.
- Swift Playground explaining the concepts of the new Combine framework
- SwiftWebUI - Demo implementation of SwiftUI for the Web.
- The missing ☑️: SwiftWebUI
- QGrid - The missing SwiftUI collection view.
- DesignCode SwiftUI - App fully written in SwiftUI showcasing beautiful design and animations.
- Introducing SwiftUI Apple Docs
- Creating and Combining SwiftUI Views
- View composition in SwiftUI (2019)
- You have to change mindset to use SwiftUI (2019)
- Recipes app written in SwiftUI using Single State Container
- WaterfallGrid - Waterfall grid layout view for SwiftUI.
- SwiftUI NewsReader - Yet another SwiftUI example.
- OpenSwiftUI - OpenSource implementation of Apple's SwiftUI DSL.
- SwiftHIG - Links to the relevant Human Interface Guidelines for SwiftUI affordances.
- Clean Architecture for SwiftUI + Combine
- You can use SwiftUI today (2020)
- Answering the big question: should you learn SwiftUI, UIKit, or both? (2019)
- ViewInspector for SwiftUI - Framework for runtime inspection and unit testing of SwiftUI views.
- SwiftUI Online Playground
- Learn SwiftUI for iOS 13 course - Learn how to code custom UIs, animations, gestures and components in Xcode 11.
- SwiftUIEmbedded - Implementation of SwiftUI (based on OpenSwiftUI) for embedded and Linux devices.
- Build A Networking Client in SwiftUI
- WebView - SwiftUI component to use WKWebView.
- DeLong ◇ SwiftUI ◇ presentation (2020)
- Building Bottom sheet in SwiftUI (2020)
- SwiftUI for Mac (2019)
- SwiftUI basic Shape operations (2020)
- Data in SwiftUI: blog series (2020) (HN)
- SwiftUIX - Extension to the standard SwiftUI library.
- Composable Architecture
- Cross-platform Reddit client built in SwiftUI
- A guide to the SwiftUI layout system (2020)
- SwiftUI Architectures: Model-View, Redux & ViewState MVVM
- SwiftUI by Examples
- Introspect for SwiftUI - Allows you to get the underlying UIKit or AppKit element of a SwiftUI view.
- Suitcase - Command line tool that can be "programmed" to display a SwiftUI interface that can trigger commands and scripts. (HN)
- SwiftUI Airtable Demo (HN)
- Build a SwiftUI Animal Crossing Application (2020)
- Free guide: Architecting SwiftUI apps with MVC and MVVM
- SwiftUI: Running a Mac App Without an Xcode Project (2020)
- Stanford: Developing Applications for iOS using SwiftUI (2020)
- Preview SwiftUI layouts using Emacs org blocks (2020)
- Getting the most out of Xcode Previews for SwiftUI (2020)
- Recreate - Video series about recreating popular UI with SwiftUI.
- Understanding Property Wrappers in SwiftUI (2019)
- SwiftWebUI and WASM - Fork of the incredible SwiftWebUI to support WebAssembly via swiftwasm.
- Scripts to make working with SwiftWebUI and WASM easier
- Replicating complex UI using SwiftUI
- SwiftUI Suitability for MacOS App Development (2020)
- What’s new in SwiftUI for iOS 14
- State and Data Flow
- What’s the difference between @StateObject and @ObservedObject? (2020) (Tweet)
- What's new in SwiftUI for iOS 14 – Extended Edition (2020)
- Inline wrapping of UIKit or AppKit views within SwiftUI (2020)
- SwiftUI mix and match (2020)
- All SwiftUI property wrappers explained and compared (2020)
- 100 Days of SwiftUI (Notes)
- SwiftUI Inspector - Production-quality code straight from your favorite design tool.
- Multiplatform Messages app for macOS, iOS, iPadOS in SwiftUI
- A guide to SwiftUI’s state management system (2020)
- Twitter macOS Big Sur SwiftUI example app
- Todo example app for macOS Big Sur built in SwiftUI (Tweet)
- Learning SwiftUI
- Rdio macOS SwiftUI example app for Big Sur
- CatalystSidebarToolbar - Simple sidebar / NSToolbar example for Catalyst.
- Thinking in SwiftUI - A Transition Guide. (Code)
- Decision tree for how to define your SwiftUI properties (2020)
- Figma macOS Big Sur example app built in SwiftUI
- SwiftUI Changelog - Repository to track changes in the SwiftUI generated interface.
- SwiftUI: Bridging UIKit with ScrollViewReader and DragGesture (2020)
- Swift UI Property Wrappers - Deciding when to use @State, @Binding, @StateObject, @ObservedObject, and @EnvironmentObject.
- RedditOS - SwiftUI Reddit client for macOS.
- What is a SwiftUI Property Wrapper (2020)
- Primitive School - Learn SwiftUI for Designers, Sprint Kits, and more.
- Alignment Guides in SwiftUI (2020)
- SwiftUI Lab
- Impossible Grids with SwiftUI (2020)
- SwiftUI Hierarchy List (2020)
- Using SwiftUI's Spacer to Create Complex Layouts (2019)
- SwiftUI Kit - SwiftUI system components and interactions demo app. (Fork)
- Sharing SwiftUI layout information (2020)
- SwiftUI betas - what changed before 1.0 (2020)
- The State of SwiftUI (2020)
- How Swift 5.3 enhances SwiftUI’s DSL (2020) (HN)
- Going native: SwiftUI from the perspective of a React developer (2020)
- Debating if I’ll use SwiftUI for my new project. Worried I’ll be a lot slower and will run into issues that force me to redo parts in UIKit (2020)
- Nice SwiftUI books (2020)
- SwiftUI State Management Fundamentals (2020)
- SwiftUI Learning Resources
- iOS 14 Onboarding in SwiftUI
- SwiftUICollection - Building a Collection For SwiftUI.
- Example Mail app on macOS using SwiftUI
- Widget Examples - Demo project showcasing different types of Widgets created with SwiftUI and WidgetKit.
- MVVM in iOS with SwiftUI (Detailed Example + Pitfalls) (2020)
- Should I use SwiftUI in production? A code-to-code comparison to help you decide (2020) (HN)
- SwiftUI Code Examples - Solutions to interesting SwiftUI problems.
- SwiftUI Discussions - Place to discuss SwiftUI things.
- iOS App Dev with SwiftUI Tutorials (HN) (Code)
- The Strategic SwiftUI Data Flow Guide
- SwiftUI for Designers
- A Designer’s Guide to SwiftUI (Code) (Tweet)
- SwiftUI + GraphQL (2021)
- SwiftUI Animation Examples
- Banana Docs - Community SwiftUI Docs with Examples. (Code)
- Creating iOS Application Icons with SwiftUI (2021)
- SwiftUI App Icon Creator - Create iOS and macOS application icon in Xcode with SwiftUI.
- Flocking - Example showing how to use SwiftUI, Satin, Forge and Youi to simulate birds flocking via a compute particle system (n-body).
- Pulse - Structured logging system built with SwiftUI. Record and inspect network requests and logs right from your iOS app using Pulse Console. (Open Beta)
- Triple Trouble (2021) - Minimal example of three-column navigation for iPad and macOS using SwiftUI. (Code)
- Building cool apps with SwiftUI
- AppKit is done – macOS and SwiftUI (2021)
- HotSwiftUI - Utilities for Hot Reloading SwiftUI apps.
- SwiftUI Hooks - SwiftUI implementation of React Hooks. Enhances reusability of stateful logic and gives state and lifecycle to function view.
- Building the Clubhouse app in SwiftUI (2021)
- App-wise state in SwiftUI (2021)
- Mastering SwiftUI previews (2021)
- SwiftUI Animations Library - Useful SwiftUI animations for your next project.
- DetailsPro - Design user interfaces with SwiftUI.
- Core Data and SwiftUI (2021)
- SwiftUI Notes/Links
- Every SwiftUI protocol explained (2021)
- SwiftUI Navigation with Composable Architecture
- SwiftUI Livestream: How we built our iOS app (2021)
- SwiftUI In Production (2021)
- SwiftUISparkleTestApp - Sample Project for using Sparkle and SwiftUI.
- What is not so great about SwiftUI (2020)
- Building a Document-Based App with SwiftUI
- How to create a Search Bar with SwiftUI (2021)
- Abstracting Navigation in SwiftUI (2021) (Reddit)
- SwiftUI Introspect (2021)
- swiftUIViews
- SwiftUI and Core Data: The MVVM Way (2021)
- Getting started with SwiftUI (2021)
- Demystify SwiftUI (2021)
- Mastering List in SwiftUI (2021)
- What’s new in SwiftUI for iOS 15 (2021)
- Is SwiftUI ready? (2021)
- Improving SwiftUI Navigation for the Coordinator Pattern (2021)
- SVG to SwiftUI Converter (Web)
- SwiftUI - Router Pattern (2021)
- Awesome SwiftUI Libraries
- The missing SwiftUI packages (2021)
- SwiftUI+ GitHub - Collection of SwiftUI backports and more.
- SwiftUI Previews: Validating views in different states (2021)
- Best way to learn SwiftUI? With interactive examples. (2021)
- How do I customize the NavigationView in SwiftUI? (2021)
- SwiftUI under the Hood: Fonts - Moving parts (2021)
- Awaiting WebSockets in SwiftUI (2021)
- The Easiest way to use Firestore in SwiftUI | FirestoreQuery (2021)
- Displaying badges in SwiftUI (2021)
- Three beautiful macOS sidebars. Two built in Cocoa, and the third in SwiftUI
- Transactions and Animations (2021)
- SwiftUI Library - Rebuilt the most common iOS design components into a library of reusable container views. (GitHub) (Tweet)
- SwiftUIPlaygrounds - Shell project you can use to iterate over SwiftUI interfaces using the HotReloading project.
- DropDownMenu - Custom drop down menu tutorial written with SwiftUI.
- Building an asynchronous SwiftUI button (2021)
- How to read SwiftUI's source code
- Understanding SwiftUI Layout Behaviors (2021)
- Building a Collection For SwiftUI - Introduction (2020)
- Using Core Data With SwiftUI - An Introduction
- Peter Steinberger: Evolving Existing Projects With SwiftUI (2021)
- Completed Project for Cross Platform Image Filter SwiftUI macOS & iOS App
- Going native: SwiftUI from the perspective of a React developer (2020)
- Beginners guide to view modifiers in SwiftUI (2020)
- Dash Docset for Samuel Defago's Post on SwiftUI Layout Behavior
- Multi-platform Development, the SwiftUI Way (2021) (Code)
- SwiftUI under the Hood: Variadic Views (2022)
- State restoration in SwiftUI (2022)
- SwiftUI Concurrency Essentials (Code)
- WWDC22 artwork in SwiftUI
- SwiftUI and CoreData: The MVVM Way (2021)
- SwiftUI-Simulator - Simulate any device and settings on one simulator or device.
- SwiftUI Spring Animations Cheat Sheet for Developers
- SwiftUI: iOS UI Library
- Example similar to the button transform in the Measure App
- Best ways to communicate events 'up' to parent UIKit view controller
- Simple SwiftUI - Collection of small SwiftUI sample projects.
- Send Events from SwiftUI to UIKit and Vice Versa (2022)
- SwiftUI Social Contributor App - Designed as a social way to build and learn SwiftUI.
- Handle Keyboard Presses Using SwiftUI in macOS (2022)
- What architecture do you use for your SwiftUI apps? (2022)
- SwiftUI: How to use custom fonts and images in a Swift Package (2022)
- The SwiftUI render loop (2022)
- Don't use escaping closures in SwiftUI (2022)
- Exploring SwiftUI Sample Apps
- The SwiftUI Series - Week-long event to learn, compete and socialise in the world of SwiftUI. (Twitter)
- SwiftUI Workarounds (Video)
- SwiftUI in 2022 (Tweet) (HN)
- Markdown rendering using Text in SwiftUI (2022)
- Build an Animated App with Rive and SwiftUI - Design+Code
- SwiftUI Tutorials Code
- Learning SwiftUI thread (2022)
- SwiftUI iOS Debug & HotReloading in VSCode
- Sidebar App - Template repository for quickly creating boilerplate code for a SwiftUI macOS app.
- SwiftUI sample code from WWDC22
- What’s new in SwiftUI for iOS 16
- SwiftUI Code Examples
- Resizable Sheet in SwiftUI (2022)
- Every question and answer from WWDC 22’s SwiftUI digital lounge (Tweet)
- SwiftChartExamples - Overview of the different types of charts you can make with Swift Charts.
- SwiftUI 4 custom sheet sizes (2022)
- VStack, HStack and ZStack explained
- What's New In SwiftUI for iOS Cheat Sheet - WWDC22
- Navigation Backport - Backported SwiftUI navigation APIs introduced in WWDC22.
- Atmos - SwiftUI proof-of-concept which adds rain to a view's background.
- Variable Type in SwiftUI
- Flow Grid in SwiftUI
- MVCS - Simple, Familiar, Yet Powerful Architecture for building SwiftUI Apps.
- Model View Controller Store: Reinventing MVC for SwiftUI with Boutique (2022)
- SwiftUI for Mac 2022 (HN)
- SwiftUI Backports - Collection of SwiftUI backports to make your iOS development easier.
- SwiftUI Index
- SwiftUI for Mac Big Sur
- Introducing NavigationPath in SwiftUI (2022) (Code)
- SwiftUI - Be Water, My Friend (2022)
- Purposeful iOS Animations with SwiftUI
- Keyboard - SwiftUI music keyboard.
- Mastering grid layout in SwiftUI (2022)
- Apple’s use of AppKit, Mac Catalyst and SwiftUI in macOS (2022)
- Why I quit using SwiftUI (2022) (HN)
- React Meets SwiftUI - Common react design patterns implemented in SwiftUI.
- Natalia Panferova - Mysteries of SwiftUI Text View (2022)
- Ultimate Guide to SwiftUI Animations (2022)
- SwiftUI Navigation & URL Routing - Brandon Williams (2022)
- Build iOS 16 Stocks App With SwiftUI & SwiftCharts Series (Code)
- Libraried - SwiftUI Components in Action.
- Using the dismiss action from the SwiftUI environment (2022)
- Apple’s use of Swift and SwiftUI in iOS 16 (2022) (HN)
- Embracing Core Data In Swiftui (2022)
- SwiftUI PropertyWrapper Talk
- UIKit Custom Annotation with Callout in SwiftUI (2022)
- tundsdev - YouTube (Code)
- Pin a view to the bottom of safe area in SwiftUI (2022)
- SwiftUI Layout Inspector - Tool for learning how the SwiftUI layout system works, and for debugging your own layout code.
- SwiftUI Animations by Tutorials (2022)
- My Real Challenge with SwiftUI (2022)
- Custom Shape in SwiftUI (2022)
- SwiftUI is convenient, but slow (2022) (HN)
- Building custom layout in SwiftUI. Spacing. (2022)
- SwiftUI View Lifecycle - iOS and macOS app that demonstrates how different SwiftUI constructs and SwiftUI container views affect.
- MacPreviewUtils - Handy tools for SwiftUI previews on macOS.
- SwiftUI Subscription Paywall
- 30k lines of SwiftUI in production later (2023) (HN)
- Styling Components in SwiftUI (2023)
- SwiftUI iOS App with Bazel
- CatalystCustomToolbar - Using UIKit/SwiftUI to build a toolbar for a Mac Catalyst app.
- SwiftUI Sample Code
- Adaptive stack view in SwiftUI (2023)
- SwiftOnTap - Complete SwiftUI Docs with Examples.
- Exploring SwiftUI: New Sheet Modifiers in Xcode 14.3 Beta (2023)
- The making of Ice Cubes, an open source, SwiftUI Mastodon client (2023)
- Changing orientation for a single screen in SwiftUI (2023)