Swift libraries
FlyingFox is nice for HTTP endpoints. Composable Architecture is great SwiftUI framework. Async Algorithms is a good lib to study. Actomaton seems nice for state management. Sheet is neat for action sheets. Cache is nice lib for caching. SwiftyJSON is nice too. SwiftPrettyPrint is useful for printing.
swift-rs is neat way to call Swift functions from Rust.
Setting & Lexical are nice libraries with great code to study.
- Commander - Compose beautiful command line interfaces in Swift.
- Swift Argument Parser - Straightforward, type-safe argument parsing for Swift. (Tweet)
- SwiftCLI - Powerful framework for developing CLIs in Swift.
- Brisk - Proof of concept scripting library for Swift.
- Ashen - Framework for writing terminal applications in Swift.
- SwiftShell - Library for creating command-line applications and running shell commands in Swift.
- Spinner - Powerful Swift CLI Spinners.
- TerminalUI - Way to build TUI apps with a layout system and API that's similar to SwiftUI.
- ANSITerminal - Swift library to access features of ANSI terminal on Unixes console (Linux and Mac).
- CLISpinner - 60+ spinners for use in the terminal.
- Chalk - Terminal colors using Swift 5’s string interpolation extensions.
- Motor - Swift cli spinner. Simple and fully customizable.
- SwiftTUI - SwiftUI for terminal applications.
- Beak - Command line interface for your Swift scripts.
- Motion - Animation engine for gesturally-driven user interfaces, animations, and interactions on iOS, macOS, and tvOS. (Tweet)
- Anim - Swift animation library for iOS, tvOS and macOS.
- Alomofire - Elegant HTTP Networking.
- APIKit - Type-safe networking abstraction layer that associates request type with response type.
- Kronos - Elegant NTP date library in Swift.
- AFNetworking - Delightful networking framework for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS.
- Atlantis - Little and powerful iOS framework for intercepting HTTP/HTTPS Traffic from your app. (HN)
- UIComponent - Write UI in crazy speed, with great perf & no limitations.
- Permission - Exposes a unified API to request permissions on iOS.
- SPStorkController - Modal controller as in mail or Apple music application.
- SPPermission - Simple request permission with native UI and interactive animation.
- PanModal - Elegant and highly customizable presentation API for constructing bottom sheet modals on iOS.
- SwiftCharts - Easy to use and highly customizable charts library for iOS.
- SwiftEntryKit - Banner presenter library for iOS.
- Sizes - View your app on different device and font sizes.
- MagazineLayout - Collection view layout capable of laying out views in vertically scrolling grids and lists.
- Stevia - View Layout library for iOS.
- ContextMenu - iOS context menu UI inspired by Things 3.
- PresenterKit - Swifty view controller presentation for iOS.
- OnboardingKit - Simple and interactive framework for making iOS onboarding experience easy and fun.
- Stagehand - Modern, type-safe API for building animations on iOS.
- iOS Security Suite - Advanced and easy-to-use platform security & anti-tampering library written in pure Swift.
- OnboardKit - Customizable user onboarding for your UIKit app in Swift.
- JTAppleCalendar - Unofficial Apple iOS Swift Calendar View. Swift calendar Library. iOS calendar Control. 100% Customizable.
- SFSymbolsSafe - Safe way to use SF Symbols.
- KeyboardGuide - Modern, real iOS keyboard system notifications handler framework that Just Works.
- FormToolbar - Simple, movable and powerful toolbar for UITextField and UITextView.
- Router - Simple Navigation for iOS.
- NotificationBanner - Easiest way to display highly customizable in app notification banners in iOS.
- TweenKit - Animation library for iOS in Swift.
- Mandoline - iOS picker view to serve all your "picking" needs.
- SwipeMenuViewController - Swipable tab and menu View and ViewController.
- Direct Select - iOS implementation of Direct Select by Virgil Pana.
- Jelly - Library for animated, non-interactive & interactive viewcontroller transitions and presentations.
- PlayerKit - Modular video player system for iOS and tvOS.
- ActivityIndicatorView - Number of preset loading indicators created with SwiftUI.
- FloatingPanel - Clean and easy-to-use floating panel UI component for iOS.
- Family - Child view controller framework that makes setting up your parent controllers as easy as pie.
- ShowTime - Easiest way to show off your iOS taps and gestures for demos and videos.
- ChromaColorPicker - Intuitive iOS color picker built in Swift.
- GradientProgressBar - Customizable gradient progress bar (UIProgressView).
- Blob effect implementation with UIKIt
- NextGrowingTextView - Next in the generations of 'growing textviews' optimized for iOS 8 and above.
- PTCardTabBar - Card-Style TabBarController for iOS.
- MIBlurPopup - Lets you create popups with a blurred background.
- Sliders - Collection of unique fully customizable SwiftUI sliders.
- Mantis - Photo cropping tool which mimics Photo.app written by Swift.
- NewYorkAlert - Modern alert and action sheet for iOS written in Swift.
- SwipeTransition - Allows trendy transitions using swipe gesture such as "swipe back anywhere".
- SwiftMessages - Very flexible message bar for iOS written in Swift.
- Purchases - iOS subscriptions and purchases made easy.
- ConfettiView - View that emits confetti with shapes, images, and text of your choosing for a specified duration, and then fades out.
- SwiftyPickerPopover - More convenient way to display a popover with a built-in picker.
- KeyboardKit - Swift library that helps you create custom keyboards for iOS.
- CollectionLayouts
- KeyboardAvoider - Missing interactive keyboard in SwiftUI for iOS.
- RichEditorView - Simple, modular, drop-in UIView subclass for Rich Text Editing.
- liquid-swipe
- rate-it - Showcase of custom user rate screen, with responsive emotional animated controls.
- Sheeeeeeeeet - Swift library for creating menus, custom action sheets, context menus etc.
- CameraBackground - Show camera layer as a background to any UIView.
- EmojiPickerUI - Framework implementing a macOS-style emoji picker for iPadOS.
- RSKGrowingTextView - Light-weight UITextView subclass that automatically grows and shrinks.
- PyBridge-iOS - Reuse Python code in native iOS applications.
- StepperView - SwiftUI iOS component for Step Indications.
- YPImagePickeri - Instagram-like image picker & filters for iOS.
- CHIOTPField - Set of textfields that can be used for One-time passwords, SMS codes, PIN codes, etc.
- NotesTextView - iOS Notes style formatting for UITextView using NSAttributedString.
- CameraKit - Helps you add reliable camera to your app quickly.
- Haneke - Lightweight generic cache for iOS written in Swift with extra love for images.
- MTBBarcodeScanner - Lightweight, easy-to-use barcode scanning library for iOS 8+.
- LiquidSwipe - Example of using SwiftUI to create a beautiful Liquid Swipe control.
- FanMenu - Menu with a circular layout based on Macaw.
- SwiftHook - Framework to hook object’s methods in iOS.
- HorizonCalendar - UIKit library for displaying a range of dates in a vertically-scrolling or horizontally-scrolling calendar component.
- CampcotCollectionView - Collapse and expand UICollectionView sections with one method call.
- SectionScrubber - Component to quickly scroll between collection view sections.
- TDBadgedCell - Table view cell class that adds a badge, similar to the badges in Apple's own apps.
- FNMNetworkMonitor - iOS networking framework that can be used to monitor the network of an iOS app.
- Texture - Smooth asynchronous user interfaces for iOS apps.
- Listable - Declarative list views for iOS apps.
- Buy Me a Coffee framework for iOS
- UIKitPlus - Declarative UIKit with LivePreview for iOS9+ (better than SwiftUI).
- SweetCurtain - Framework that provides Curtain Controller. Curtain Controller is a container view controller that implements a content-curtain interface.
- ScrollStackController - Create scrollable complex layouts easily using UIViewControllers/UIView and the power of AutoLayout.
- SwiftSignatureView - Lightweight, fast and customizable option for capturing fluid, variable-stroke-width signatures within your app.
- SwiftyTesseract - Swift wrapper around Tesseract for use in iOS applications.
- Alertift - Swifty, modern UIAlertController wrapper.
- ThirdPartyMailer - Interact with third-party iOS mail clients, using custom URL schemes.
- MXSegmentedControl - Simple Segmented Control.
- PullUpController - Pull up controller with multiple sticky points like in iOS Maps.
- SwiftPageMenu - Customizable Page Tab Menu Controller.
- PIPKit - Picture in Picture for iOS.
- CollectionViewPagingLayout - Simple but highly customizable paging layout for UICollectionView.
- Selene - iOS library which schedules the execution of tasks on a background fetch.
- GPUImage - Open source iOS framework for GPU-based image and video processing.
- Blueprint - Declarative UI construction for iOS, written in Swift.
- Finjinon - Custom AVFoundation based camera UI, focused on quickly adding several photos.
- Colorful - iOS color picker built with Swift.
- KeyboardHelper - Small tool for handling UIKeyboard appearing and disappearing in your view controllers.
- QCropper - Image cropping/rotating/straightening library for iOS in Swift.
- Interpolate - Swift interpolation for gesture-driven animations.
- Swift Validators - String validation for iOS.
- Kanvas - iOS library for adding effects, drawings, text, stickers, and making GIFs from existing media or the camera.
- ComponentKit - View framework for iOS that is heavily inspired by React. (Web)
- ColorKit - Advanced color manipulation for iOS.
- DITranquillity - Dependency injection for iOS (Swift).
- Typist - Swift UIKit keyboard manager for iOS apps.
- OneTimePassword - TOTP and HOTP one-time passwords for iOS.
- BadgeHub - Quickly add a notification badge icon to any view.
- TouchVisualizer - Lightweight pure Swift implementation for visualizing touches on the screen.
- FrameLayoutKit - Super fast and easy to use autolayout kit.
- Coordinator - Implementation of Coordinator design pattern. It is the application architecture pattern for iOS, carefully designed to fit into UIKit.
- Shuffle - Multi-directional card swiping library inspired by Tinder.
- Pageboy - Simple, highly informative page view controller.
- BetterSegmentedControl - Easy to use, customizable replacement for UISegmentedControl & UISwitch.
- WhatsNewKit - Showcase your awesome new app features.
- Jukebox - iOS audio player written in Swift.
- Turbo Native for iOS - iOS framework for making Turbo native apps.
- UserDefaultsSnapshot - Library that enables us to create a snapshot of the values which UserDefaults manages.
- OverlayContainer - Non-intrusive iOS UI library to implement overlay based interfaces.
- NotificationToast - View that tries to replicate iOS default toast message view.
- AutomaticSettings - Data driven settings UI generation.
- ContextMenuSwift - Better version of iOS 13 Context Menu.
- Katana - Modern framework for creating iOS apps, inspired by Redux.
- Align - Intuitive and powerful Auto Layout library.
- ZLSwipeableViewSwift - Simple view for building card like interface inspired by Tinder and Potluck.
- SVPinView - Light-weight customisable library used for accepting pin numbers or one-time passwords.
- SkyFloatingLabelTextField - Beautiful and flexible text field control implementation of "Float Label Pattern". Written in Swift.
- Synth - Library for using Neumorphic components in your app.
- Pinnable - Convenient Auto Layout.
- MTSlideToOpen - Simple SlideToUnlock iOS UI component.
- Scroll Mechanics - Scroll mechanics implementation.
- UltraDrawerView
- PagedLists - Paginated UITableView and UICollectionViews for iOS.
- uicollectionview-layouts-kit - Set of custom layouts for UICollectionView with examples.
- Loading Buttons - Collection of loading buttons and their stylings written in Swift.
- Twitter Text Editor - Standalone, flexible API that provides a full-featured rich text editor for iOS applications. (Intro)
- SheetPresentation - UIPresentationController and attendant classes for iOS to present a view controller pinned to an edge of the screen like an action sheet.
- Twitter Image Pipeline - Robust and performant image loading and caching framework for iOS clients.
- ScreenCorners - Check the display corner radius of an iOS device.
- ScheduledNotificationsViewController - Shows you all of your pending local notifications in one place, with all the information you need.
- Epoxy - Suite of declarative UI APIs for building UIKit applications in Swift.
- LTMorphingLabel - Graceful morphing effects for UILabel written in Swift.
- KVKCalendar - Most fully customization calendar and timeline library.
- ActiveLabel.swift - UILabel drop-in replacement supporting Hashtags (#), Mentions (@), URLs (http://), Emails and custom regex patterns, written in Swift.
- ExpandedTabBar - Creative designed solution for "more" items in UITabBarController.
- ASCollectionView - Lightweight custom collection view inspired by Airbnb.
- CollectionKit - Reimagining UICollectionView.
- ChidoriMenu - Easy way to add popover menus visually similar to the Context Menus and Pull Down Menus iOS uses but with some advantages.
- CachingPlayerItem - Stream and cache media content on your iOS device.
- BMPlayer - Video player for iOS, based on AVPlayer, support the horizontal, vertical screen.
- Aztec Editor - Reusable native iOS visual HTML text editor component.
- Rideau - Drawer UI similar to what Apple's apps use. (e.g Maps, Shortcuts).
- NiceNotifications - Create rich local notifications experiences on iOS with incredible ease.
- Inspector - Debugging library written in Swift.
- Drops - µFramework for showing alerts like the one used when copying from pasteboard or connecting Apple pencil.
- Cider - Helpers and extensions for UIKit.
- YYText - Powerful text framework for iOS to display and edit rich text.
- Tutti - Swift library that lets you create tutorials, hints and onboarding experiences.
- UXKit - Write code that works on both, UIKit and AppKit.
- InputBarAccessoryView - Simple and easily customizable InputAccessoryView for making powerful input bars with autocomplete and attachments.
- MotionToastView - Beautiful Multipurpose Motion Toast Library in iOS using Swift.
- LocalConsole - In-app console and debug tools for iOS developers.
- PINRemoteImage - Thread safe, performant, feature rich image fetcher.
- Firefly - iOS syntax highlighter based on Savanna Kit, Sourceful and Highlightr.
- Hammer - iOS touch synthesis library.
- Google Sign-In for iOS
- UIView+Borders - One sided borders on any side of a UIView.
- MGCleanArchitecture - Clean Architecture with RxSwift & MVVM - Templates and Solutions.
- Bauletto - Display iOS 13 style banner with ease.
- SPIndicator - Floating indicator, mimicrate to indicator which appear when silent mode turn on / off. Support large texts.
- SwiftyFORM - iOS framework for creating forms.
- XCoordinator - Powerful navigation library for iOS based on the coordinator pattern.
- SegementSlide - Multi-tier UIScrollView nested scrolling solution.
- BluetoothKit - Easily communicate between iOS devices using BLE.
- Yoshi - Convenient wrapper around the UI code that is often needed for displaying debug menus.
- MeshKit - Powerful and easy to use live mesh gradient renderer for iOS.
- GSMessages - Simple style messages/notifications, in Swift.
- Swash - Fonts in iOS made safe, expressive, and dynamic.
- TwitterProfile - Nested scrolling with pager just like in Twitter and Instagram profile.
- UBottomSheet - iPhone Maps App bottom sheet - A Protocol Oriented Approach.
- Stream Chat iOS SDK - Build your own chat experience for iOS.
- Useful-Swift-Extensions - Personally useful Swift Extensions for iOS Development.
- SPLarkController - Custom transition between controllers. Settings controller for your iOS app.
- BottomPopup - Provides a popup-like presentation style to any view controller.
- AudioStreaming - AudioPlayer/Streaming library for iOS written in Swift using AVAudioEngine.
- CHTCollectionViewWaterfallLayout - Waterfall (i.e., Pinterest-like) layout for UICollectionView.
- SectionKit - Reusable sections for UICollectionView.
- Eureka - Elegant iOS form builder in Swift.
- RevealingSplashView - Splash view that animates and reveals its content, inspired by the Twitter splash.
- EasyPeasy - Auto Layout made easy.
- TactileSlider - UIControl slider that can be dragged from any point within its bounds, similar to those in Control Center and Home.app.
- SupportDocs - Generate help centers for your iOS apps. Hosted by GitHub and always up-to-date.
- ToggleUI - Library that provides property wrappers to create feature toggles for your app with built-in debug view based on SwiftUI and Combine.
- MBVideoPlayer - Video player on top of AVQueuePlayer.
- iOS-Utils - Set of convenient iOS utilities.
- Toast-Swift - Swift Toast view - iOS 14 style and newer - built with UIKit.
- NetShears - iOS Network monitor/interceptor framework written in Swift.
- FittedSheets - Bottom sheets for iOS.
- JustTweak - Feature flagging framework for iOS apps.
- SnackBar.swift - Provide brief feedback about an operation through a message at the bottom of the screen.
- FLCharts - Easy to use and highly customizable charts library for iOS.
- Instantiate - Type-safe and constructor injectable InterfaceBuilder protocols.
- SPPermissions - Ask permissions with ready-use interface.
- Agrume - iOS image viewer written in Swift with support for multiple images.
- Folio - Flexible way to detect when you scroll to the end of a
. - UIOnboarding - Configurable welcome screen for iOS 13 and higher.
- RichTextView - iOS Text View (UIView) that Properly Displays LaTeX, HTML, Markdown, and YouTube/Vimeo Links.
- M13Checkbox - Customizeable checkbox for iOS.
- Mapbox Maps iOS - Public library for displaying interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in native iOS.
- SpreadsheetView - Full configurable spreadsheet view user interfaces for iOS applications.
- Tempura - Holistic approach to iOS development, inspired by Redux and MVVM.
- SPQRCode - Native QR code scanner of iOS. Repeated system scanner from the camera app.
- ColorPicker - UI component for pick a color.
- UINotifications - Present custom in-app notifications easily in Swift.
- ExpandableCell - Awesome expandable, collapsible tableview cell for iOS written in Swift 5.
- SPPageController - Mimicrate to UIPageViewController. Has native system and scroll view paging. Support scroll to page and layout margins from container.
- BiometricAuthentication - Use Apple FaceID or TouchID authentication in your app using BiometricAuthentication.
- ZLImageEditor - Powerful image editor framework. Supports graffiti, cropping, mosaic, text stickers, image stickers, filters.
- TouchInspector - Drop-in package that helps you visualize and debug touches on iOS and iPadOS.
- SwiftAlertView - Powerful AlertView library written in Swift.
- WebViewKit - Adds a WebView to SwiftUI.
- StickyTabBarViewController - Sticky and Collapsible View on top of tab bar.
- NotSwiftUI - Designed to help you create UI components quickly and efficiently with code.
- Switches Animations - Animate switch collection, Add Beautiful Customise Switch in your application to boost UI and UX.
- TempiFFT - Real-time audio input and FFT written entirely in Swift for iOS.
- TTProgressHUD - Light weight HUD written in SwiftUI meant to display the progress of an ongoing task on iOS.
- JustLog - Takes logging on iOS to the next level. It supports console, file and remote Logstash logging via TCP socket with no effort.
- TFManager - Add validations to your text fields, Group them together and navigate through them via keyboard's return button and accessory view.
- MPITextKit - Powerful text framework for iOS to display rich text based on TextKit, inspired by Texture and YYText.
- UserDefaults-Browser - Browse and edit UserDefaults on your app.
- ShyView - UI component that avoids screenshots and recordings.
- FluidInterfaceKit - Framework that provides the advanced infrastructure for your iPhone apps.
- Piano - Easily play combinations of sound effects and Taptic Engine vibrations on iOS.
- SwiftQueue - Job Scheduler for iOS with Concurrent run, failure/retry, persistence, repeat, delay and more.
- NativeUIKit - Mimicrated views and controls to native Apple appearance.
- VFont - iOS Variable Fonts integration.
- Wave - Spring-based animation engine for iOS that makes it easy to create fluid, interruptible animations that feel great.
- AnimationPlanner - Chain multiple UIView animations without endlessly nesting in completion closures.
- SplitSheet - Split sheet made with UIScrollView.
- UIPiPView - UIView that is capable of Picture-in-Picture (PiP) in iOS.
- KeyboardToolbar - Add tools above your keyboard with iOS-like keyboard buttons.
- SwiftyProvisioningProfile - Parse iOS mobile provisioning files into Swift models.
- Inkable - Improve working with Apple pencil.
- YetAnotherSwipeToDismiss - Dismissable view controller supporting Auto Layout and dynamic height.
- SHSearchBar - Clean and shiny search bar that does what UISearchBar does only with dirty hacks.
- Datadog SDK for iOS and tvOS - Swift and Objective-C libraries to interact with Datadog on iOS and tvOS.
- Shiny - Iridescent Effect View (inspired by Apple Pay Cash).
- Rive iOS - iOS runtime library for Rive that supports both UIKit and SwiftUI.
- Yokoso - Simple spotlight instruction framework for UIKit iOS.
- Parchment - Event logger implemented in Swift.
- EZCustomNavigation - Easy Custom Navigation Controller that allows popping view controllers with pan gesture from center too and UnPop them back in.
- ImageViewer.swift - Easy to use Image Viewer that is inspired by Facebook.
- Thunder Basics - Collection of helpful extensions, subclasses and wrappers to make iOS app development easier.
- Thunder Collection - Wrapper around UICollectionViewController enabling a declarative API around it's delegate methods using protocols.
- Baymax - Diagnostics framework for iOS apps.
- Pastel - Gradient animation effect like Instagram.
- Lurker - Abstraction over the iOS BackgroundTask API to make background tasks easy to isolate, maintain and schedule.
- SDCALayer - Server-Driven CALayer.
- AppContainer - Create and manage multiple environments with a single application, just as if you were swapping containers.
- ShimmerView - Collection of APIs to construct Skelton View + Shimmering Effect type loading indicator on UIKit and SwiftUI.
- EJKit - iOS Framework for Editor.js - block styled editor.
- UDF - Unidirectional Data Flow Framework.
- SwipeCell - Swipe Left2Right & Right2Left, pure SwiftUI implementation.
- PureLayout - Extends UIView/NSView, NSArray, and NSLayoutConstraint with a comprehensive Auto Layout API that is modeled after Apple's own frameworks.
- Beeline - Small library that aims to provide a lean, automatic implementation of the classic iOS router pattern.
- DynamicIslandUtilities - Collection of utilities that provides functionality around the Dynamic Island.
- TextFieldEffects - Custom UITextFields effects inspired by Codrops, built using Swift.
- SwiftUICalendar - Simple calendar for SwiftUI.
- SideMenu - Interactive iOS side menu with rich features.
- TypographyKit - Consistent & accessible visual styling on iOS with support for Dynamic Type.
- WishKit - In-App Feature Requests. Made Easy.
- Roadmap - Publish your roadmap inside your app and allow users to vote for upcoming features.
- Setting - Compose beautiful preference panels.
- Y-CalendarPicker - Easy-to-use and highly customizable month calendar.
- AlpacaChat - Swift library that runs Alpaca prediction locally to implement ChatGPT like app on Apple platform devices.
- Lexical iOS - Extensible text editor framework that integrates the APIs and philosophies from Lexical Web with a Swift API built on top of TextKit.
- Aperture - Record the screen on macOS.
- AboutThisApp - Standard, customizable "About This App" panel for any Mac app.
- LaunchAtLogin - Add "Launch at Login" functionality to your macOS app in seconds.
- Preferences - Add a preferences window to your macOS app in minutes.
- FileWatcher - Monitoring file system changes in macOS.
- CustomButton - Customizable button for your macOS app.
- KeyboardShortcuts - Add user-customizable global keyboard shortcuts to your macOS app in minutes.
- FloatingFilter - Display things in an app-modal floating window that users can fuzzy-filter by typing ahead.
- mac-open-with - Open a file with an installed app on macOS.
- Uberabout - Replaces the default “About” window in your macOS app with an aesthetically pleasing one.
- StackNavigationView - SwiftUI component for macOS that makes complex view hierarchies possible.
- LoginServiceKit - Easy manage login items in macOS.
- WindowTreatment - Tools for happier work with NSWindow.
- Programmatic NSWindow Tabbing
- SimplyCoreAudio - Swift framework that aims to make Core Audio use less tedious in macOS.
- STTextView - TextKit2 text view without NSTextView baggage.
- NSToolbar - Programmatically constructing an NSToolbar (AppKit) for macOS.
- AppKitFocusOverlay - Add hotkey(s) to display the key focus path for any window in your AppKit application.
- MenuBuilder - Swift Function Builder for creating NSMenuItems.
- LoginItemKit - Add non-sandboxed macOS applications to user login items.
- DSFMenuBuilder - SwiftUI-style DSL for generating
instances for AppKit. - LaunchAtLogin - Add “Launch at Login” functionality to your macOS app in seconds.
- DSFQuickActionBar - Spotlight-inspired quick action bar for macOS.
- SwiftHttp - Swift HTTP library to rapidly create communication layers with API endpoints.
- ApiKit - Swift library that makes it easy to perform async api calls.
- CleanNetwork - Lightweight URLSession wrapper for using async/await in networking.
- Mu - Minimalist HTTP request library via async / await.
- SwiftHttp - Awesome Swift HTTP library to rapidly create communication layers with API endpoints.
- EasyNetworking - Easy networking with chainable type safe Future.
- AsyncHTTP - Swift networking with async/await.
- RealHTTP - Lightweight yet powerful async/await based client-side HTTP library made in Swift.
- Akka HTTP - Streaming-first HTTP server/module of Akka.
- FlyingFox - Lightweight, HTTP server written in Swift using async/await.
- Apexy - Library for organizing a network layer in a project.
- Hummingbird - Lightweight, flexible HTTP server framework written in Swift.
- Vapor - Server-side Swift web framework. (GraphQL Vapor Template)
- Alchemy - Elegant, batteries included web framework for Swift.
- LeafKit
- TinyNetworking - Contains a tiny networking library. It provides a struct Endpoint, which combines a URL request and a way to parse responses for that request.
- AsyncKit - Sugary extensions for the SwiftNIO library.
- NIOExtras - Useful code around SwiftNIO.
- SwiftNIO SSL - Swift package that contains an implementation of TLS based on BoringSSL.
- WebSocketKit - WebSocket client library built on SwiftNIO.
- NIO Transport Services - Extensions for SwiftNIO to support Apple platforms as first-class citizens.
- TermiNetwork - Zero-dependency networking solution for building modern and secure iOS, watchOS, macOS and tvOS applications.
- swift-http-structured-headers - Swift implementation of the HTTP Structured Header Field specification.
- SwiftNIO HTTP/2 - HTTP/2 support for SwiftNIO.
- Meridian - Web server written in Swift that lets you write your endpoints in a declarative way.
- GraphQLKit - Easy setup of a GraphQL server with Vapor. It uses the GraphQL implementation of Graphiti.
- Kitura - Swift web framework and HTTP server. (Web) (GitHub)
- Apodini - Declarative, composable framework to build web services using Swift.
- UDPBroadcastConnection - Framework to send UDP broadcast messages and listen to responses using a Dispatch source.
- Swim - DSL for writing HTML in Swift.
- TinyGraphQL - Simple and lightweight GraphQL query builder for the Swift language.
- Atributika - Convert text with HTML tags, links, hashtags, mentions into NSAttributedString. Make them clickable with UILabel drop-in replacement.
- HTMLKit - Type-safe DSL that renders dynamic HTML templates in Swift.
- WebURL - New URL type for Swift.
- Criollo - Powerful Cocoa web framework and HTTP server for macOS, iOS and tvOS.
- Postie - Structured HTTP Client using Combine.
- SwiftHtml - Awesome Swift HTML DSL library using result builders.
- SwiftCss - Awesome Swift CSS DSL library using result builders.
- Fuzi - Fast & lightweight XML & HTML parser in Swift with XPath & CSS support.
- Swift Fetch - Fetch-like API implementation for Swift for asynchronous HTTP requests with the new async/await syntax.
- Microya - Micro version of the Moya network abstraction layer written in Swift.
- swift-html - Swift DSL for type-safe, extensible, and transformable HTML documents.
- DocumentID - FirebaseFirestoreSwift's library for lightweight use of DocumentIDs in SwiftUI.
- Albatross - Swift webhook handler which designed to translate and forward Github Webhook to Other Webhook.
- HTMLString - Escape and unescape HTML entities in Swift.
- Socket - Swift async/await based socket.
- DOMKit - Type-safe access to DOM APIs from Swift.
- Arachne - Networking layer for apps using Swift Concurrency.
- Swift runtime for Fastly Compute@Edge
- Vapor Sitemap - Dynamic sitemap generator for Vapor.
- URLNavigator - Elegant URL Routing for Swift.
- Vapor Routing - Routing library for Vapor with a focus on type safety, composition and URL generation.
- PacketProcessor - Type-safe packet processor framework in Swift.
- Swift LibP2P - Swift implementation of libp2p, a modular & extensible networking stack.
- APNSwift - HTTP/2 APNS library built on AsyncHTTPClient.
- URLEncoder
- curl-swift - Opinionated libcurl wrapper for Swift.
- MicroClient - Simple and lightweight network client.
- Embassy - Super lightweight async HTTP server in pure Swift.
- URLRequestBuilder - Deal with query items, HTTP headers, request body and more in an easy, declarative way.
- SafeURL - Compile-time-checked URLs.
- JWT - Vapor JWT provider.
- RxNetworks - Network API With RxSwift + Moya + HandyJSON + Plugins.
- Vapor OAuth - OAuth2 Provider Library for Vapor.
- APIRouter - Easy way to manage multiple RESTful API endpoints in Swift.
- Clairvoyant - Monitoring framework for Vapor servers.
- Swift Web - Collection of Swift server-side frameworks for handling HTML, CSS, routing and middleware.
- URLQueryEncoder - URL query encoder with support for all OpenAPI serialization options.
- Vercel - Swift runtime for Vercel Serverless Functions.
- async-http-client - Async/await HTTP client using new concurrency model in Swift.
- Pioneer - GraphQL for Vapor.
- Web - Write your website in pure Swift with power of WebAssembly. DOM, CSS and all the WebAPIs are available out of the box.
- WebFoundation - Web-based implementation of missing SwiftWasm Foundation APIs.
- Composable Architecture - Library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind. (Awesome) (Tweet) (Swift Composable Undo)
- SwiftUI Navigation - Tools for making SwiftUI navigation simpler, more ergonomic and more precise.
- LinkNavigator - Easy & Powerful navigation library in SwiftUI.
- Swift Composable Presentation - Navigation helpers for SwiftUI applications build with ComposableArchitecture.
- ComposableEnvironment - Library to derive and compose Environment's in The Composable Architecture. (Fork)
- TCACoordinators - Powerful navigation in the Composable Architecture via the coordinator pattern.
- Tokamak - SwiftUI-compatible framework for building browser apps with WebAssembly.
- Sync - Real-time Apps the SwiftUI way. (Sync Example App)
- Reactive Swift fork of The Composable Architecture (The future of The ReactiveSwift Composable Architecture)
- SwiftUIKit - Contains additional functionality for SwiftUI.
- QGrid - Missing SwiftUI collection view.
- PullToRefresh - Can add refresh control and perform action your SwiftUI list.
- Swift Sunburst Diagram - Easily render diagrams given a tree of objects.
- ChartView - Swift package for displaying charts effortlessly.
- URLImage - Asynchronous image loading in SwiftUI. SwiftUI Image view that displays an image downloaded from URL, with cache and filters.
- SwiftUI Router - Routing in SwiftUI.
- Graphaello - Tool for Writing Declarative, Type-Safe and Data-Driven Applications in SwiftUI using GraphQL. (Article)
- SwiftUI Grid - SwiftUI Grid view layout with custom styles.
- SwiftUIPager - Provides a Pager component built with SwiftUI native components.
- SwiftUI Shapes - Collection of custom shapes for iOS and macOS.
- ASCollectionView - SwiftUI collection view with support for custom layouts, preloading, and more.
- SwiftUI Environment Overrides - QA assistant for a SwiftUI app: change the color scheme, accessibility settings, and localization on the fly.
- RKCalendar - SwiftUI Simple Calendar / Date Picker for iOS.
- AStack - Missing SwiftUI Adaptive and Accessible Stacks Library.
- SwiftUI Settings Screen - Beautiful settings screen created in SwiftUI.
- Swift Request - Declarative HTTP networking, designed for SwiftUI.
- PartialSheet - Custom SwiftUI modifier to present a Partial Modal Sheet based on his content size.
- SwiftClockUI - SwiftUI library to display a clock. You can move the arms to change the time, change the style of the clock and customise some configurations.
- FloatingButton - Easily customizable floating button menu created with SwiftUI.
- CombineMIDI - Connect MIDI using Combine to SwiftUI (or UIKit).
- PureSwiftUI - Bringing Views into Focus.
- CodeScanner - SwiftUI view that is able to scan barcodes, QR codes, and more, and send back what was found.
- Gmenu - Redesigned menu for Gmail iOS app, implemented using SwiftUI.
- SwiftUISearchBar - Search bar built entirely in SwiftUI.
- PathBuilder - SwiftUI function builder for Path.
- AlertX - Custom alerts in SwiftUI made easy.
- Grid - Grid view inspired by CSS Grid and written with SwiftUI.
- Popup View - Toasts and popups library written with SwiftUI.
- Concentric Onboarding - iOS library for a walkthrough or onboarding flow with tap actions written with SwiftUI.
- Partition Kit - SwiftUI Library for creating resizable partitions for View Content.
- FancyScrollView - SwiftUI ScrollView Designed to imitate the App Store and Apple Music ScrollViews (with or without a Parallax Header).
- SwiftUI Animatable Gradients - Collection of SwiftUI View Modifiers for creating animated color gradients.
- SlidingRuler - Sliding ruler control for SwiftUI.
- Shiny - Add motion-based texture to your SwiftUI views.
- Router - Typesafe routing for SwiftUI.
- SwiftUICharts - Simple line and bar charting library that support accessibility written using SwiftUI.
- CleanyModal - Swift UI Kit to present clean modal/alert.
- SwiftUI Charts - SwiftUI Charts with custom styles.
- Parma - SwiftUI view for displaying Markdown with customizable appearances.
- SwiftUI Visual Effects - View modifiers that wrap UIVisualEffectView, with environment integration.
- HighlightedTextEditor - SwiftUI view for dynamically highlighting user input.
- SwiftUIKit - Collection of missing SwiftUI components.
- SlideOverCard - SwiftUI card view, made great for setup interactions.
- ConfettiSwiftUI - Swift package for displaying configurable confetti animation.
- SwiftUI BottomSheet - SwiftUI view component sliding in from bottom.
- AttributedText - Render attributed strings in SwiftUI.
- SetNeedsDisplay - Swift Property Wrapper to invalidate your view's layout or display based on property changes.
- MarkdownUI - Render Markdown formatted text in SwiftUI.
- ElegantCalendar - Efficient and customizable full screen calendar written in SwiftUI.
- BBSwiftUIKit - SwiftUI library with powerful UIKit features.
- SwiftlySearch - Small, lightweight UISearchController wrapper for SwiftUI.
- GCProgressView - Simple SwiftUI progress view.
- Router - Library that assists with SwiftUI view transitions.
- SwiftUIWindowStyles - Showcase of window and toolbar style combinations possible with SwiftUI on macOS.
- BetterSheet - Powerful SwiftUI sheet replacement.
- swiftui-navigation-stack - Alternative SwiftUI NavigationView implementing classic stack-based navigation giving also some more control on animations and programmatic navigation.
- SkeletonUI - Elegant skeleton loading animation in SwiftUI and Combine.
- AVPlayer-SwiftUI - Using AVPlayer in SwiftUI.
- SwiftUIKitView - Easily use UIKit views in your SwiftUI applications. Create Xcode Previews for UIView elements.
- Loadability - Powerful, modern networking and caching with SwiftUI support.
- AlertToast - Present Apple-like alert & toast using SwiftUI.
- Composable Navigator - Open source library for building deep-linkable SwiftUI applications with composition, testing and ergonomics in mind.
- SDWebImageSwiftUI - SwiftUI Image loading and Animation framework powered by SDWebImage.
- SwiftUI-Animations - Animations created with SwiftUI.
- Stacks - UIStackView convenience APIs inspired by SwiftUI.
- WrappingHStack - SwiftUI HStack with the ability to wrap contained elements.
- Liquid - Create a playful backsplash in SwiftUI.
- AQUI - Collection of SwiftUI views and utilities.
- DynamicColor - Provides powerful methods to manipulate colors in an easy way in Swift and SwiftUI.
- FetchImage - Makes it easy to download images using Nuke and display them in SwiftUI apps.
- ResponderChain - Cross-platform first responder handling without subclassing views or making custom ViewRepresentables in SwiftUI.
- SwiftUI TextEdit View - SwiftUI proof-of-concept text edit component.
- ToastUI - Simple way to show toast in SwiftUI.
- SystemNotification - SwiftUI library that lets you mimic the native iOS system notification in your iOS apps.
- BetterSafariView - Better way to present a SFSafariViewController or start a ASWebAuthenticationSession in SwiftUI.
- CodeEditorView - SwiftUI code editor view for iOS and macOS.
- ToastSwiftUI - Simple way to show a toast message in SwiftUI.
- Coordinator - Declarative navigation API for SwiftUI.
- NavigationStack - Alternative to SwiftUI's navigation with greater flexibility and custom transition animation support.
- NStack - SwiftUI view that allows you to hoist navigation state into a Coordinator.
- SwiftUI Tooltip - Easy Tooltip for your SwiftUI Project.
- MondrianLayout - Way to building layouts faster in AutoLayout like SwiftUI - powered by Result Builders.
- AdvancedList-SwiftUI - Advanced list with empty, error and loading state implemented with SwiftUI.
- StackKit - Power of SwiftUI with UIKit.
- ViewExtractor - Extract SwiftUI views from ViewBuilder content.
- KeyWindow - Share values provided by views in the Key window to all other parts of your SwiftUI application including the commands block.
- Stateful WebView for SwiftUI
- BottomSheet - Sliding Sheet from the bottom of the Screen with 3 States build with SwiftUI.
- Panel - A SwiftUI panel component similar to the iOS Airpod battery panel or the Share Wi-Fi password panel.
- Containers - Useful SwiftUI container view's. FittingGeometry, ScrollableView, LayoutReader, PageView, UIKitView. (iOS).
- BindingKit - Set of handy additions to the basic SwiftUI Binding type.
- Stinsen - Coordinators in SwiftUI. Simple, powerful and elegant.
- AlertKit - SwiftUI alerts (and action sheets) done right.
- ViewCondition - Super sweet syntactic sugar for SwiftUI.View initializers.
- SwiftUI Layout Guides - Micro-library exposes UIKit's layout margins and readable content guides to SwiftUI.
- SnapToScroll - Easy-to-use HStack that snaps to elements on scroll.
- CodeEditor - SwiftUI TextEditor View with syntax highlighting using Highlight.js.
- DropView - SwiftUI-based library to display alerts inspired by the Apple Pencil and pasteboard stock ones.
- Observable - Property wrapper type that creates an ObservableObject for just a single property.
- APDynamicGrid - SwiftUI Package for an easy grid management.
- Subsonic - Small library that makes it easier to play audio with SwiftUI.
- PageView - SwiftUI view enabling page-based navigation.
- View+Bleed - Opposite of padding.
- Visual Effects - SwiftUI wrapper for UIVisualEffectView.
- StackUI - Use UIStackView like SwiftUI.
- SwiftDown - Markdown editor component for your SwiftUI apps.
- SwiftUIRouter - Experimental navigation router for SwiftUI.
- PagerTabStripView - Elegant Pager View fully written in pure SwiftUI.
- SVGView - SVG parser written in SwiftUI.
- Snap - Customizable Snapping Drawer à la Apple Maps. 100% in SwiftUI.
- PermissionsSwiftUI - SwiftUI package to handle permissions.
- ModalView - Analogue of SwiftUI NavigationView that provides a convenient interface of displaying modal .
- SwiftUICharts - Charts / plotting library for SwiftUI.
- HandySwiftUI - Handy SwiftUI features that didn't make it into the SwiftUI.
- TextBuilder - Like a SwiftUI ViewBuilder, but for Text.
- PackAPrefPane - Reusable & customizable SwiftUI settings sheet as a Swift package.
- Colorful - SwiftUI implementation of AppleCard's animated colorful blur background.
- LookingGlassUI - Shimmering SwiftUI Views using device orientation.
- BottomSheetView - Present sheets with UISheetPresentationController in SwiftUI.
- RouteLinkKit - Lightweight iOS mini framework that enables programmatic navigation with SwiftUI.
- SwiftUI Sliders with custom styles
- ResizableSheet - Half modal view for SwiftUI.
- Zoomable - Container that allows you to zoom in and out of an image using only SwiftUI.
- SherlockForms - Elegant SwiftUI Form builder to create a searchable Settings and DebugMenu screens for iOS.
- GRDBQuery - Property wrapper for displaying up-to-date database content in SwiftUI views.
- JGProgressHUD-SwiftUI - Easily show HUDs with SwiftUI! Lightweight SwiftUI wrapper for JGProgressHUD for iOS, tvOS, Catalyst.
- WebView - Simple SwiftUI wrapper for WKWebView.
- PreviewView - Make use of SwiftUI Previews for UIKit.
- TokenField - SwiftUI wrapper for NSTokenField.
- BetterPicker - Better Picker for SwiftUI.
- ObservableStore - Lightweight Elm-like Store for SwiftUI.
- Snappable - SwiftUI custom modifiers to make the ScrollView snappable.
- DynamicOverlay - SwiftUI library that makes easier to develop overlay based interfaces, such as the one presented in the Apple Maps app.
- TabBar - Highly customizable tab bar for your SwiftUI application.
- AxisSheet for SwiftUI - Handles the sheet view in 4 directions (.top, .bottom, .leading, .trailing) according to the axis mode.
- SwiftUI WrappingStack - SwiftUI Views for wrapping HStack elements into multiple lines.
- SymbolPicker - Simple and cross-platform SFSymbol picker for SwiftUI.
- SwiftUI-Animation - Animations built using SwiftUI framework.
- MSLView - SwiftUI view for Shadertoy-style MSL shaders.
- Focuser - Focus text field in SwiftUI dynamically and progress through form using iOS keyboard.
- UIPilot - Typesafe SwiftUI navigation library. (Reddit)
- StatefulTabView - SwiftUI TabView that retains the state of each tab as well as some other goodies.
- SwiftTabler - Multi-platform SwiftUI component for tabular data.
- Camera-SwiftUI - Lightweight camera library for quick integration with SwiftUI - iOS/iPadOS only.
- ShapeUp - Make shapes and cut corners in SwiftUI.
- SwiftUI Animation
- Atomic Architecture - Declarative state management and dependency injection library for SwiftUI x Concurrency.
- SFReadableSymbols - High readable code with SFSymbols.
- Color Kit - SwiftUI Color Pickers, Gradient Pickers And All The Utilities Needed To Make Your Own.
- SwiftUI Drawer - SwiftUI bottom-up controller, like in the Maps app. Drag to expand or minimize.
- TextView - SwiftUI multi-line TextView implementation including support for auto-sizing. (iOS).
- SwiftTipJar - Swift package that lets you have a tip jar running in minutes.
- Scaling Header Scroll View - Scroll view with a sticky header which shrinks as you scroll. Written with SwiftUI.
- SwiftUI-Shimmer - Super-light modifier that adds a shimmering effect to any SwiftUI View.
- HalfASheet - SwiftUI pseudo-modal partial screen sheet, with height customization.
- Dux - Guide users through your SwiftUI app with coach marks.
- ViewController - MVC for SwiftUI. ViewController's for SwiftUI.
- Model3DView - Render 3D models with SwiftUI effortlessly.
- CompactSlider - Control for selecting a value from a bounded linear range of values.
- Spiral - SwiftUI shape for macOS, iOS and watchOS.
- RefreshableScrollView - SwiftUI ScrollView supporting pull-to-refresh.
- FastList - Bare-bones replacement for SwiftUI List, intended to work around some of List's performance issues.
- NavigationSearchBarModifier - Clean way to attach a search bar with a scope bar in SwiftUI.
- FrameUp - Reframing SwiftUI Views. A collection of tools to help with layout.
- PureduxSwiftUI - SwiftUI bindings to connect UI to PureduxStore.
- SwiftyUIKit - Featherweight lib for building an autolayout-powered UIView layout in a clean SwiftUI-style.
- LightChart - Lightweight SwiftUI package with line charts implementation.
- buttoncraft - Craft that perfect SwiftUI button effect.
- Dockable - SwiftUI component for launching custom picture-in-picture experiences.
- RepresentableKit - Use UIKit views inside SwiftUI, including Xcode Previews.
- Kuru - iOS library for SDDUI (Server Data Driven UI) in SwiftUI.
- SwiftUILayouts - Collection of native SwiftUI layouts.
- UIViewControllerPresenting - UIKit presentation APIs in SwiftUI.
- Factory - New approach to Container-Based Dependency Injection for Swift and SwiftUI.
- SwiftUI Flow Layout - Flow Layout implemented in SwiftUI.
- AntsInMyPants - Animate arbitrary SwiftUI views using slow-mo wiggles like the iOS Home Screen widget picker.
- FrameKit - Swift library that helps you build stunning App Store screenshots with SwiftUI.
- Pow - Delightful SwiftUI transitions for your app.
- WrapLayout - Custom layout built on top of SwiftUI's Layout API that lays elements out in multiple lines.
- AsyncView - SwiftUI View for handling in-progress and error states when loading data asynchronously using async/await.
- ShuffleIt - UI library for SwiftUI custom stack views with a wide range of elegant and unique shuffling, sliding and swiping behaviors.
- Axt - SwiftUI view testing library.
- Controls - SwiftUI Knobs, Sliders, X-Y Pads, and more.
- MarkdownText - Native SwiftUI view for rendering Markdown text in an iOS or macOS app.
- Prism - Lightweight 3D renderer for SwiftUI.
- SwiftfulLoadingIndicators - Collection of lightweight SwiftUI loading animations.
- Exhibition - Framework and generator for displaying and debugging a SwiftUI component library.
- SwiftNodeEditor - Package of SwiftUI code for making node editors.
- BobTheBuilder - Package with various build/creation helpers for SwiftUI.
- EasyMenu - SwiftUI Menu but not only button. You can create custom Menu.
- SwiftUI Dynamic Island Animations
- TagExtractor - Extract tag value from SwiftUI views.
- HypeUI - Implementation of Apple's SwiftUI DSL style based on UIKit.
- SimpleToast - Simple, lightweight, flexible and easy to use library to show toasts / popup notifications inside iOS or MacOS applications in SwiftUI.
- Engine - Performance driven framework for developing SwiftUI frameworks and apps.
- UIToolz - Programmatic UI in Swift.
- SwiftUI Overlay Container - Highly customizable view container components for SwiftUI.
- EditValueView - Library that makes easy to display property edit screens for SwiftUI.
- SwiftUIGraphs - Replacement for SwiftUI Charts.
- OutlineView - SwiftUI view for macOS, which allows you to display hierarchical visual layouts.
- ComputeUI - Write SwiftUI / Tokamak apps on Fastly Compute@Edge.
- AnimateText - Library for animating text. Developed with SwiftUI.
- LightDarkMode ToggleStyle - Custom style for SwiftUI toggle with nice animations.
- EasySkeleton - Lightweight and fast skeleton library for SwiftUI.
- Dependencies - Dependency management library inspired by SwiftUI's "environment.".
- SwiftUIColor - Make system color defined in UIColor/NSColor available to SwiftUI Color.
- HostingPassthrough - Let SwiftUI and UIKit views live in harmony.
- ParallaxSwiftUI - Add a motion parallax effect to your SwiftUI views to add some depth to your UI.
- SwiftUI Hooks Form - SwiftUI implementation of React Hooks Form.
- FloatingTabBar - Aesthetic floating tab bar – SwiftUI & Combine.
- DidUpdate - SwiftUI inspired State observing without SwiftUI.
- NavigationTransitions - Pure SwiftUI Navigation transitions.
- SwiftUI Async Button - SwiftUI Button Async Initializers.
- ScrollKit - SwiftUI library that adds powerful scrolling features to SwiftUI, such as offset tracking and pinnable scroll header views.
- UIEnvironment - Framework that mimics the SwiftUI view's environment to replicate the value distribution thought your UIKit app.
- Republished - Property wrapper enabling nested ObservableObjects in SwiftUI.
- SplitView - Split two SwiftUI views without NavigationSplitView nonsense.
- SwiftUI SharedObject - New property wrapper for SwiftUI ObservableObject.
- ShinySwiftUI - SwiftUI extensions and components that just make sense.
- ViewStateController - Framework for simplified management of view state, allowing easy implementation of complex views.
- Quick - Behavior-driven development framework for Swift and Objective-C.
- Muter - Automated mutation testing for Swift.
- AccessibilitySnapshot - Makes it simple to add regression tests for accessibility in UIKit.
- swift-create-xcframework - Command Line Tool to create XCFrameworks by wrapping xcodebuild.
- xcframework - Simple tool to create an XCFramework.
- DVR - Network testing for Swift.
- XCResultKit - Swift interface for finding and parsing xcresult files that Xcode generates when running tests.
- simpreboot - Accelerate iOS simulator testing.
- Difference - Simple way to identify what is different between 2 instances of any type. Must have for TDD.
- Pages - Lightweight, paging view solution for SwiftUI.
- Mockolo - Efficient Mock Generator for Swift.
- Mocker - Library written in Swift which makes it possible to mock data requests using a custom URLProtocol.
- XCTAssertNoLeak - Provides assert function that check memory leak in Swift.
- MockingKit - Swift-based mocking library that makes it easy to mock protocols and classes.
- TABTestKit - Designed to make writing and maintaining automated tests for iOS applications.
- A11yUITests - Accessibility tests for XCUI Testing.
- Catbird - Mock server for UI tests.
- StubKit - Smart stubbing system.
- TestCleaner - Tidy up your XCTests.
- Mendoza - Dispatch Apple's UI Tests over multiple physical machines.
- Mussel - Framework for easily testing Push Notifications, Universal Links and Routing in XCUITests.
- Spectre - BDD Framework and test runner for Swift projects and playgrounds.
- GeometryWriter - GeometryWriter writes the minimum frame to a View.
- SwiftParamTest - Parameterized test for Swift.
- Shock - HTTP mocking framework written in Swift.
- XCTAsync - Swift library to more easily test async code.
- UITestingPlus - Utilities for working with XCUI testing.
- BDDSwift - Type-safe, compiler-enforced way of writing BDD steps and scenarios in Swift for XCTest.
- Distribute XCFramework with mixed implementation only and exported dependencies
- SwiftDocTest - Experimental tool for testing Swift example code in documentation.
- PreviewSnapshots - Library for sharing view configurations between SwiftUI previews and SnapshotTesting snapshot tests.
- Swift Package Tests - Automated tests for validating the generated Swift snapshots behave correctly.
- SwiftTwitch - Library intended for client-facing applications interaction with the New Twitch API, Helix.
- SlackKit - Build Slack apps, in Swift.
- SwiftNeuralNetwork
- Swift for TensorFlow APIs
- DL4S - Provides a high-level API for many accelerated operations common in neural networks and deep learning.
- Neuron - Neural network library for Swift.
- Bender - Easily craft fast Neural Networks on iOS! Use TensorFlow models. Metal under the hood.
- Carlo - Monte Carlo Tree Search Library.
- Replicate Swift - Lets you run models from your Swift code, and do various other things on Replicate.
- Blackbird - Small, fast, lightweight SQLite database wrapper and model layer, based on modern Swift concurrency and Codable, with no other dependencies.
- Lighter - Swift APIs for SQLite: Type-safe down to the schema. Very, very, fast. Dependency free.
- SwiftSQL - Swift API for SQLite.
- ActiveSQLite - Helper of SQLite.Swift. It can let you use SQLite.swift easily.
- PostgresKit - Non-blocking, event-driven Swift client for PostgreSQL.
- SqlKit - Build SQL queries in Swift. Extensible, protocol-based design that supports DQL, DML, and DDL.
- SwiftDB - Type-safe, SwiftUI-inspired wrapper around CoreData.
- Dflat - Structured Data Store for Mobile. SQLite ❤️ FlatBuffers. (HN)
- RediStack - Non-blocking Swift client for Redis built on top of SwiftNIO.
- PersistDB - Projection-based Database Persistence in Swift.
- RSocket Swift - Client and Server implementation of the RSocket (Reactive Socket) network protocol on top of SwiftNIO.
- MySQLKit - Non-blocking, event-driven Swift client for MySQL.
- MySQLNio - Non-blocking, event-driven Swift client for MySQL built on SwiftNIO.
- OHMySQL - Swift + MySQL.
- Cirrus - Simple CloudKit sync for Codable Swift models.
- Swift ORM - CoreData based Swift ORM.
- RapidLMDB - Fast and efficient LMDB wrapper for Swift.
- supabase-swift - Swift client for Supabase.
- Vapor provider for RediStack
- CloudKit + Codable
- PostgresClientKit - PostgreSQL client library for Swift.
- Bodega - Simple store for all your basic needs.
- StoreKitPlus - Adds extra functionality for working with StoreKit 2, like extensions, observable state, services, etc.
- PersistentHistoryTrackingKit - Library for managing Core Data's Persistent History Tracking.
- Stores - Typed key-value storage solution to store Codable types in various persistence layers like User Defaults, File System, Core Data, Keychain, and more.
- Swift Graphics - Cross-platform 2D graphics library for Swift.
- SwiftyGif - High performance & easy to use GIF engine.
- SkiaKit - Swift Bindings to the Skia 2D graphics Library. (Fork)
- GLTFKit2 - Efficient glTF loader and exporter for Objective-C and Swift.
- RedECS - Swift Game Engine and Entity Component System inspired by Redux and Composable Architecture.
- Elliptic Curve Key Pair - Sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt using the Secure Enclave on iOS and MacOS.
- CBORCoding - Lightweight framework containing a coder pair for encoding and decoding Codable conforming types to and from CBOR document format.
- SwiftECC - Swift Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECIES, ECDSA and ECDH).
- Histogram - Swift port of HdrHistogram.
- SRP - Secure Remote Password is a authentication protocol to prove your identity to another party, using a password, but without ever revealing that password to other parties.
- Sync WebSocket Vapor - Web Socket Server Support for Sync.
- Matft - Numpy-like library in Swift. Function name and usage is similar to Numpy.
- NumberKit - Advanced numeric data types for Swift 5, including BigInt, Rational, and Complex numbers.
- FirebladeMath - Dependency free, lightweight, fast math library for 2D and 3D vectors, quaternions and matrices in Swift with (optional) SIMD support.
- Euler - Computational framework written in Swift.
- Runtime - Swift Runtime library for viewing type info, and the dynamic getting and setting of properties.
- Dynamic - Library that uses @dynamicMemberLookup and @dynamicCallable to access Objective-C API the Swifty way.
- MerchantKit - Modern In-App Purchases management framework for iOS.
- Swift tagged - Library for safer types.
- Login Critter - Animated avatar that responds to text field interactions.
- Pixel - Image editor and engine using CoreImage.
- FlexibleImage - Simple way to play with the image.
- Reqres - Simple network activity logger for iOS.
- ObjectBox Swift - Persisting your Swift objects superfast and simple.
- set-simulator-location - CLI for setting location in the iOS simulator.
- OrederedSet - Swift collection of unique, ordered objects.
- Apollo iOS - Strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for iOS, written in Swift.
- Charts - Beautiful charts for iOS/tvOS/OSX! The Apple side of the crossplatform MPAndroidChart.
- Connectivity - Makes Internet connectivity detection more robust by detecting Wi-Fi networks without Internet access.
- Sublimate - Ridiculously fast full stack Swift prototyping with Vapor and Sourcery.
- Sourcery - Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code.
- Aiolos - Floating panel for your iOS Apps.
- ShellOut - Easily run shell commands from a Swift script or command line tool.
- BlueSocket - Socket framework for Swift using the Swift Package Manager.
- GraphQL - Swift GraphQL implementation for macOS and Linux.
- Regular Expression Decoder
- Render - Swift and UIKit a la React.
- SwiftLint - Tool to enforce Swift style and conventions, loosely based on GitHub's Swift Style Guide.
- LayoutKit - Fast view layout library for iOS, macOS, and tvOS.
- SwiftCheck - QuickCheck for Swift.
- Highlightr - iOS & OSX Syntax Highlighter.
- Loaf - Swifty Framework for Easy iOS Toasts.
- ImageTransition - Library for smooth animation of images during transitions.
- Mockingjay - Elegant library for stubbing HTTP requests with ease in Swift.
- Mobius - Functional reactive framework for managing state evolution and side-effects.
- Table and Collection view data sources
- swift-log - Logging API package for Swift 5.
- FeedKit - RSS, Atom and JSON Feed parser written in Swift.
- DefaultsKit - Simple, Strongly Typed UserDefaults for iOS, macOS and tvOS.
- Nimble - Express the expected outcomes of Swift or Objective-C expressions.
- Schedule - Lightweight timed task scheduler for Swift. (A modern alternative to Timer).
- HandySwift - Goal of this library is to provide handy features that didn't make it to the Swift standard library (yet) due to many different reasons.
- Ease - Event driven animation system that combines the observer pattern with custom spring animations as observers.
- Proposer - Provides a single API to request permission for access Camera, Photos, Microphone, Contacts, Reminders, Calendar, Location or Notifications.
- Codextended - Suite of extensions that aims to make Swift’s Codable API easier to use by giving it type inference-powered capabilities and conveniences.
- Valet - Lets you securely store data in the iOS, tvOS, watchOS, or macOS Keychain without knowing a thing about how the Keychain works.
- FillableLoaders - Completely customizable progress based loaders drawn using custom CGPaths.
- SwiftMetrics - Metrics API package for Swift.
- Zephyr - Effortlessly synchronize UserDefaults over iCloud.
- Sweep - Fast and powerful Swift string scanning made simple.
- KeyboardLayoutGuide - Apple's missing KeyboardLayoutGuide.
- IkigaJSON - High performance JSON library in Swift.
- ReSwift - Unidirectional Data Flow in Swift - Inspired by Redux.
- Kingfisher - Lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web.
- Blueprints - Framework that is meant to make your life easier when working with collection view flow layouts.
- SPAlert - Native popup from Apple Music & Feedback in AppStore. Contains Done & Heart presets.
- Moya - Network abstraction layer written in Swift.
- Pulley - Library to imitate the iOS 10 Maps UI.
- Cache - Nothing but Cache.
- Stencil - Simple and powerful template language for Swift.
- StencilSwiftKit - Framework bringing additional nodes & filters to Stencil dedicated to Swift code generation.
- Prelude - Swift µframework of simple functional programming tools.
- Swift Protobuf - Plugin and runtime library for using protobuf with Swift.
- KZFileWatchers - Micro-framework for observing file changes, both local and remote. Helpful in building developer tools.
- SkeletonView - Elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents he is waiting.
- DDMathParser - String → Number.
- Chatto - Lightweight framework to build chat applications, made in Swift.
- Defaults - Swifty and modern UserDefaults.
- Rocket - Swift CLI release tool for Git repos and Swift Packages.
- Carbon - Declarative library for building component-based user interfaces in UITableView and UICollectionView.
- Surge - Swift library that uses the Accelerate framework to provide high-performance functions for matrix math, digital signal processing, and image manipulation.
- PostgresNio - Non-blocking, event-driven Swift client for PostgreSQL.
- Swift Numerics - Provides a set of modules that support numerical computing in Swift. (Article) (HN)
- AtomicKit - Concurrency made simple in Swift.
- ConsoleKit - APIs for creating interactive CLI tools.
- Rainbow - Delightful console output for Swift developers.
- Ink - Fast and flexible Markdown parser written in Swift.
- SwiftPlot - Swift library for Data Visualization.
- AsyncHTTPClient - HTTP client library built on SwiftNIO.
- Yaap - Yet Another (Swift) Argument Parser.
- Puma - Set of build utilities to automate mobile application development and deployment.
- Disk - Delightful framework for iOS to easily persist structs, images, and data.
- VectorMath - Swift library for Mac and iOS that implements common 2D and 3D vector and matrix functions, useful for games or vector-based graphics.
- Alley - Essential
micro-wrapper for communication with HTTP(S) web services, with built-in automatic request retries. - Deferred - Work with values that haven't been determined yet.
- FSEvents - Unofficial wrapper around FSEvent tailored for Swift 5.
- Diagnostics - Allow users to easily share Diagnostics with your support team to improve the flow of fixing bugs.
- KeyboardKit - Framework to help iOS and Mac Catalyst apps support being controlled using a hardware keyboard.
- FastDiff - General purpose diffing library with parent/children n-level diffing.
- Keychain Swift - Helper functions for saving text in Keychain securely for iOS, OS X, tvOS and watchOS.
- GradientLoadingBar - Customizable animated gradient loading bar.
- Verge - Flux pattern for iOS + Swift (UIKit/SwiftUI).
- ExceptionCatcher - Catch Objective-C exceptions in Swift.
- Euclid - Swift library for creating and manipulating 3D geometry.
- MKRingProgressView - Ring progress view similar to Activity app on Apple Watch.
- Pusher Channels Swift Client - Pusher Channels websocket library for Swift.
- SwiftGraph - Graph Data Structure in Pure Swift.
- SwiftPriorityQueue - Generic Priority Queue in Pure Swift.
- BetterCodable - Better Codable through Property Wrappers.
- RouteComposer - Protocol oriented, Cocoa UI abstractions based library that helps to handle view controllers composition, navigation and deep linking tasks in the iOS application.
- CoreStore - Unleashing the real power of Core Data with the elegance and safety of Swift.
- Version - Semver (Semantic Version) Swift µFramework.
- AXSwift - Swift wrapper for accessibility clients.
- Path.swift - Delightful, robust, cross-platform and chainable file-pathing functions.
- SwiftCoroutine - Swift coroutines for iOS and macOS.
- Fields - Good, solid base to build custom forms in iOS apps, using self-sizing UICVLayout.
- InfiniteCarousel - Infinite Carousel Collection View.
- LLVMSwift - Swift wrapper for the LLVM C API.
- ClangSwift - Swift wrapper for the libclang C API.
- JWTDecode - Library to help you decode JWTs in Swift.
- Shout - SSH made easy in Swift.
- Predicate.swift - Small addition to Swift adding predicate matchers for filtering operators using KeyPaths, it just feels natural.
- URLFormat - Type safe url pattern matching without regular expressions and arguments type mismatches based on parser combinators.
- EmptyStateKit - Beautiful, animated & fully customizable empty state view. A great way to engage and keep users whenever the view has no content to display.
- FluentKit - Swift ORM framework (queries, models, and relations) for building NoSQL and SQL database integrations.
- SwiftCssParser - Powerful , Extensible CSS Parser written in pure Swift.
- Standard Library Preview - Provides access to new functionality that has been accepted into the standard library through the Swift Evolution process.
- KeyedCodable - Addition to swift's Codable and it's designed for automatic nested key mappings.
- Regex - Open source regex engine.
- Future - Streamlined Future<Value, Error> implementation.
- Nuke - Powerful image loading and caching system.
- SwiftyUtils - All the reusable code that we need in each project.
- Result - Swift type modelling the success/failure of arbitrary operations.
- DefaultCodable - Convenient way to handle default values with Swift Codable types.
- PSOperations - Framework that leverages the power of NSOperation and NSOperationQueue.
- SwiftRichString - Elegant, easy and swift-like way to create Attributed Strings.
- Insert3D - Fastest way to embed a 3D model in Swift.
- Time - Building a better date/time library for Swift.
- MultipeerKit - MultipeerConnectivity + Codable.
- Berkanan SDK - Enables Bluetooth mesh messaging between nearby apps.
- Delta - Generic emulation framework that anyone could use to develop their own iOS emulator.
- App Store Connect Swift SDK
- Spin - Aims to provide a versatile Feedback Loop implementation working with the three main reactive frameworks available in the Swift community.
- Logic
- CommonMarkAttributedString - Create NSAttributedStrings from Markdown Text.
- SwiftFFmpeg - Swift wrapper for the FFmpeg API.
- SICA - Simple Interface Core Animation.
- SwiftSH - Swift SSH framework that wraps libssh2.
- Siren - Notify users when a new version of your app is available and prompt them to upgrade.
- UILabel+Copyable - Simple UILabel category meant to add copy functionality to it.
- Networking - Elegantly connect a JSON API. (URLSession + Combine + Generics).
- PLRelational - Data storage, processing, and presentation framework based on relational algebra.
- Auth Library for Swift - Supports OAuth1, OAuth2, and Google Application Default Credentials.
- Down - Blazing fast Markdown / CommonMark rendering in Swift, built upon cmark.
- AudioPlayer - Syntax and feature sugar over AVPlayer. It plays your audio files (local & remote).
- GraphViz - Swift package for working with GraphViz.
- CareKit - Open source software framework for creating apps that help people better understand and manage their health.
- Swift Video Generator - Provides an easy way to combine images and audio into a video or merge multiple videos into one.
- SociableWeaver - Build declarative GraphQL queries in Swift.
- Swifter - Tiny http server engine written in Swift programming language.
- Secure Property Storage - Helps you define secure storages for your properties using Swift property wrappers.
- Reductio - Tool used to extract keywords and phrases using an implementation of the algorithm TextRank.
- pure-swift-json - JSON encoding and decoding without the use of Foundation in pure Swift.
- aws-sdk-swift-core - Low-level framework for AWSSDKSwift.
- Pathos - File management and path analysis for Swift.
- Shell - Library written in Swift to run system commands.
- Resilient Decoding - Makes your Decodable types resilient to errors and allows you to inspect those errors.
- Thingy - Modern device detection and querying library.
- Penguin - Explore the ideas of data frames, accelerated compute, tables, data structures, and distributed data in Swift.
- CasePaths - Brings the power and ergonomics of key paths to enums.
- LoggingFormatAndPipe - Allows for formatting and redirecting log lines.
- ConsistencyManager - Library that manages consistency of immutable models.
- CSProgress - Higher-performing, easier-to-use replacement class for Apple's NSProgress, written in Swift.
- OAuthSwift - Swift based OAuth library for iOS and macOS.
- SwiftQL - Swift DSL for type-safe, extensible, and transformable SQL queries.
- BonMot - Beautiful, easy attributed strings in Swift.
- Smoke Framework - Light-weight server-side service framework.
- lumos - Light Swift wrapper around Objective-C Runtime.
- Grand Central Dispatch - Provides comprehensive support for concurrent code execution on multicore hardware.
- Rearrange - Collection of utilities for interacting with NSRange.
- Keyboard Observing - Combine-based solution for observing and avoiding the keyboard in SwiftUI.
- swift-base64-kit - Base64 encode and decode without the use of Foundation in pure Swift.
- Proton - Purely native and extensible rich text editor for iOS and macOS Catalyst apps.
- Vaux - HTML DSL library for Swift.
- Echo - Complete reflection package for Swift.
- XMLCoder - Easy XML parsing using Codable protocol in Swift.
- Concurrent - Collection of functional concurrency primitives inspired by Concurrent ML and Concurrent Haskell.
- JavaScriptKit - Swift framework to interact with JavaScript through WebAssembly.
- SwiftyTimer - Swifty API for NSTimer.
- SwiftyUserDefaults - Modern Swift API for NSUserDefaults.
- MessagePack
- CacheAdvance - Performant cache for logging systems. CacheAdvance persists log events 30x faster than SQLite.
- Table - Helper function to print the table.
- PMJSON - Pure Swift JSON encoding/decoding library.
- Marklight - Markdown syntax highlighter for iOS and macOS.
- Validated PropertyKit - Easily validate your Properties with Property Wrappers.
- Hyperconnectivity - Modern replacement for Reachability written fully in Swift and using Apple's Combine framework.
- Doggie - Foundational library for Apple's swift. It includes mathematics, accelerate, signal processing and graphic functions.
- SwiftJS - Cross platform Javascript engine for Swift.
- SwiftIO - Simple Tools for File I/O in Swift.
- swift-benchmark - Swift library to benchmark code snippets.
- MessageKit - Community-driven replacement for JSQMessagesViewController.
- ChatLayout - Alternative solution to MessageKit. It uses custom UICollectionViewLayout to provide you full control over the presentation.
- MultiSlider - UISlider clone with multiple thumbs and values, range highlight, optional snap intervals, optional value labels, either vertical or horizontal.
- SwiftMarkup - Parses Swift Markup from documentation comments into structured documentation entities.
- swift-exec - Simple process execution with Swift.
- OpenAPIKit - Codable Swift OpenAPI implementation.
- swift-sh - Easily script with third-party Swift dependencies.
- DeviceKit - Value-type replacement of UIDevice.
- SwiftyAttributes - Swifty API for attributed strings.
- Bow - Cross-platform library for Typed Functional Programming in Swift.
- Bow Arch - Library to architect applications in pure Functional Programming, based on the notion of Comonadic User Interfaces.
- Regift - Simple tool that can add and icon overlay with app version to your iOS app icon.
- Fluent UI Apple - UIKit and AppKit controls for building native Microsoft experiences.
- Flexer - Lexing library for Swift.
- Markup - Swift package for working with HTML, XML, and other markup languages, based on libxml2.
- LANumerics - Swift package for doing numerical linear algebra.
- SwiftCBOR - CBOR implementation for Swift.
- DNS - Swift implementation of DNS Records / RR.
- WKWebViewJavascriptBridge - Bridge for Sending Messages between Swift and JavaScript in WKWebViews.
- OctopusKit - 2D ECS game engine in 100% Swift + SwiftUI for iOS, macOS, tvOS.
- GraphZahl - Framework to implement Declarative, Type-Safe GraphQL Server APIs using Runtime Magic.
- llbuild2 - Experimental, Swift native, fully async, NIO futures-based low level build system.
- SwiftJWT - Implementation of JSON Web Token using Swift.
- NDArray - Multidimensional Array library for Swift.
- SwiftGit2 - Swift bindings to libgit2.
- PythonKit - Swift framework to interact with Python.
- LoggerKit - Swift framework to log messages in a colorful and clear way.
- InterposeKit - Modern library to swizzle elegantly in Swift. (Docs)
- Decomposed - CATransform3D manipulation made easy.
- FSCheckoutSheet - WKWebView wrapper that handles interaction w/ a FastSpring checkout form.
- AwaitKit - ES8 Async/Await control flow for Swift.
- Minimalist - Dead simple Observable Property and Signal.
- MusicTheory - Music theory library with Key, Pitch, Interval, Scale and Chord representations in swift enums.
- Default - Modern interface to UserDefaults + Codable support.
- Dye - Cross-platform terminal styling for Swift command-line interface.
- SearchExpressionParser - Parses search strings (as in: what you put into a search engine) into evaluable expressions.
- Low-Level Versioned Store (LLVS)
- SwiftySound - Simple library that lets you play sounds with a single line of code.
- MetalCamera - Swift, Metal based image and video processing on iOS.
- Macaw - Powerful and easy-to-use vector graphics Swift library with SVG support. (Usage Examples)
- ReadabilityKit - Preview extractor for news, articles and full-texts in Swift.
- VLCKit - Generic multimedia library for any audio or video playback needs on macOS, iOS and tvOS.
- Cleanse - Swift Dependency Injection.
- PosixDispatch - Fast, small, efficient analog of GCD in Swift.
- StringMetric - String metric/similarity functions implemented in Swift.
- Fireblade ECS - Dependency free, lightweight, fast Entity-Component System (ECS) implementation in pure Swift.
- jpeg - Decode, inspect, edit, and encode jpeg images in pure swift.
- png - Decode, inspect, edit, and encode png images in a native swift framework.
- Random Color - Can use the library to generate attractive random colors on iOS or macOS.
- Stefan - Framework that helps you to manage states in your collection views.
- DataSources - Type-safe data-driven List-UI Framework.
- OrderedDictionary - Ordered dictionary data structure implementation in Swift.
- Signals - Library for creating and observing events. It replaces delegates, actions and NSNotificationCenter with something much more powerful and elegant.
- Fakery - Swift fake data generator.
- Swift Service Lifecycle - Cleanly startup and shutdown server application, freeing resources in order before exiting. (Article) (HN)
- Prephirences - Swift library that provides useful protocols and convenience methods to manage application preferences, configurations and app-state.
- SoulverCore - Powerful Swift framework for evaluating mathematical expressions.
- KeychainAccess - Simple Swift wrapper for Keychain that works on iOS, watchOS, tvOS and macOS.
- Stripe iOS SDK
- MistKit - Swift Package for Server-Side and Command-Line Access to CloudKit Web Services.
- NoopKit - Short for No-operation Kit. Set of functions making work with empty closures a breeze.
- Swinject - Lightweight dependency injection framework for Swift.
- Starscream - Websockets in swift for iOS and macOS.
- Swift Algorithms - Open-source package of sequence and collection algorithms, along with their related types. (Article) (HN) (Write better code with Swift Algorithms)
- SwiftyStoreKit - Lightweight In App Purchases framework for iOS, tvOS, watchOS, macOS, and Mac Catalyst.
- ReactiveKit - Streams of values over time.
- Swift Atomics - Implements an atomics library for Swift, providing atomic operations for a variety of Swift types, including integers and pointer values.
- EFQRCode - Lightweight, pure-Swift library for generating pretty QRCode image with input watermark or icon and recognizing QRCode from image.
- WasmTransformer - Package which provides transformation operation for WebAssembly binary.
- Graphiti - Swift library for building GraphQL schemas/types fast, safely and easily.
- ZippyJSON - Much faster version of JSONDecoder.
- AppIconGenerator - Library for creating App Icons from SwiftUI views.
- TPInAppReceipt - Reading and Validating In App Purchase Receipt Locally.
- BigInt - Arbitrary-precision arithmetic in pure Swift.
- NWWebSocket - WebSocket client written in Swift, using the Network framework from Apple.
- Fuse Swift - Lightweight fuzzy-search library, with zero dependencies.
- SFSafeSymbols - Safely access Apple's SF Symbols using static typing.
- Burritos - Collection of well tested Swift Property Wrappers.
- workflow-swift - Unidirectional data flow library for Swift and Kotlin.
- SwiftGraphQL - GraphQL client that lets you forget about GraphQL. (HN)
- DictionaryCoding - Swift Decoder/Encoder which converts to/from dictionaries.
- Annotated - Small library that let you annotate your strings with semantic annotations.
- Serpent - Framework made for creating model objects or structs that can be easily serialized and deserialized from/to JSON.
- Codemine - Collection of extensions containing useful functions and syntactic sugar for your Swift project.
- Gifu - Adds protocol-based, performance-aware animated GIF support to UIKit.
- LifecycleKit - Framework for building lifecycle-aware architecture components.
- Swiftkube - Swift client for Kubernetes.
- LogDog - User-friendly logging.
- KeychainItem - Keychain Item Property Wrapper.
- SwiftNIO SSH - Programmatic implementation of SSH using SwiftNIO. (Article) (HN)
- PredicateKit - Allows Swift developers to write expressive and type-safe predicates for CoreData using key-paths, comparisons and logical operators, literal values, and functions.
- Umbrella - Analytics abstraction layer for Swift.
- SwiftOTP - Swift library for generating One Time Passwords (OTP).
- SwiftKeychainWrapper - Simple wrapper for the iOS / tvOS Keychain to allow you to use it in a similar fashion to User Defaults.
- ObjectiveKit - Swift-friendly API for a set of powerful Objective C runtime functions.
- Soto for AWS - Swift language SDK for Amazon Web Services (AWS), working on Linux, macOS and iOS.
- SwiftKotlin - Tool to convert Swift code to Kotlin.
- Swift Distributed Tracing - Collection of Swift libraries enabling the instrumentation of server side applications using tools such as tracers.
- CloudStorage - Sync settings through iCloud key-value storage.
- OpenGraph - Swift wrapper for the Open Graph protocol (OGP).
- MultiProgressView - Animatable view that depicts multiple progresses over time. Modeled after UIProgressView.
- swift-parsing - Library for turning nebulous data into well-structured data, with a focus on composition, performance, and generality. (Introducing Parser Builders)
- OpenTelemetry Swift - OpenTelemetry Tracer built for Swift Distributed Tracing.
- SwiftAudioPlayer - Streaming and realtime audio manipulation with AVAudioEngine.
- RBBJSON - Enables flexible JSON traversal at runtime and JSONPath-like querying for rapid prototyping.
- CodableWrappers - Collection of PropertyWrappers to make custom Serialization of Swift Codable Types easy.
- SwiftImage - Image library in Swift with Swifty APIs and value semantics.
- SwiftAudio - Audio player written in Swift, making it simpler to work with audio playback from streams and files.
- AudioKitUI - User Interfaces for AudioKit.
- Continuations - Simple library for efficient continuations including ones that are guaranteed to be executed.
- SwiftyWasmer - Swift API for the Wasmer WebAssembly Runtime.
- Bluetooth - Pure Swift Bluetooth library.
- Delicious.swift - Swift language extensions and Cocoa utilities for macOS/iOS.
- BBMetalImage - High performance Swift library for GPU-accelerated image/video processing based on Metal.
- Resolver - Swift Ultralight Dependency Injection / Service Locator framework.
- Swift Declarative Configuration - Tiny library, that enables you to configure your objects in a declarative, consistent and understandable way, with ergonomics in mind.
- Inflection - Swift port of the string inflection functionality from Rails ActiveSupport.
- ObjectMapper - Convert your model objects (classes and structs) to and from JSON.
- Swift Dhall - Swift implementation of the Dhall configuration language.
- SwiftOSC - Open Sound Control client and server framework written in Swift.
- AudioStreamer - Swift 4 framework for streaming remote audio with real-time effects using AVAudioEngine.
- BezierKit - Comprehensive Bezier Path library written in Swift.
- GraphQL Language - Simple GraphQL language parser library for Swift.
- NativeMarkKit - Flavor of Markdown designed to be rendered by native apps.
- SwiftGestalt - Native Swift (Metadata) Runtime Introspection Libraries.
- PinLayout - Fast Swift Views layouting without auto layout.
- SwiftState - Elegant state machine for Swift.
- GEOSwift - Swift Geometry Engine.
- Syntax - Write parsers quickly in Swift with an intuitive SwiftUI-like DSL.
- RxBiBinding - Reactive two-way binding.
- CoreGPX - Library for parsing and creation of GPX location files. Purely Swift.
- SwiftRT - Experimental computational framework written in the Swift language.
- Beethoven - Audio processing Swift library that provides an easy-to-use interface to solve an age-old problem of pitch detection of musical signals.
- Parsley - Markdown parser for Swift, using Github Flavored Markdown and Metadata.
- Turf for Swift - Spatial analysis library written in Swift.
- SwiftRex - Swift + Redux + (Combine|RxSwift|ReactiveSwift).
- Puppy - Flexible logging library written in Swift.
- HotReloading - Hot reloading available as a Swift Package.
- SwiftRegex5 - Basic regex operations in Swift.
- SwiftLSPClient - Swift library for interacting with Language Server Protocol implementations.
- TrustKit - Easy SSL pinning validation and reporting for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS.
- SDGSwift - Swift Compiler As a Package.
- Foil - Lightweight property wrapper for UserDefaults done right.
- BackedCodable - Powerful property wrapper to back codable properties.
- ZIP Foundation - Library to create, read and modify ZIP archive files.
- Gen - Composable, transformable, controllable randomness.
- Swift Collections - Package of production grade Swift data structures. (Getting Started)
- Options - Swift Package for more powerful Enum types.
- AAChartKit-Swift - Elegant modern declarative data visualization chart framework.
- Nantes - Swift TTTAttributedLabel replacement.
- FuzzyFind - Swift package to perform fuzzy search queries on strings.
- Yaproq - Templating language for Swift.
- Swift Collections Benchmark - Lets you collect and easily visualize performance data about data structure implementations and collection algorithms.
- ProcessEnv - Small library for capturing the shell configuration used by a Foundation/AppKit process.
- swift-enum-properties - Struct and enum data access in harmony.
- Regex - Wrapper for NSRegularExpression that makes it more convenient and type-safe to use regular expressions in Swift.
- SwiftRegexDSL - Declarative Structured Language for regular expressions in Swift.
- SFBAudioEngine - Toolbox of powerful audio functionality for macOS and iOS.
- SWCompression - Swift framework for working with compression, archives and containers.
- Snowflake - SVG in Swift.
- RubyGateway - Embed Ruby in Swift: load Gems, run scripts, call APIs seamlessly in both directions.
- PLCrashReporter - Reliable, open-source crash reporting for iOS, macOS and tvOS.
- RSBarcodes - 1D and 2D barcodes reader and generators for iOS 8 with delightful controls.
- SwiftSocket - Provides as easy to use interface for socket based connections on server or client side.
- Media - Beautiful and declarative cross-platform wrapper API for Apple's PhotoKit.
- Needle - Compile-time safe Swift dependency injection framework.
- NukeUI - Comprehensive solution for displaying lazily loaded images on Apple platforms.
- JMESPath for Swift - Swift implementation of JMESPath, a query language for JSON.
- BrightFutures - Write great asynchronous code in Swift using futures and promises.
- Pigeon - SwiftUI and UIKit library that relies on Combine to deal with asynchronous data.
- SwiftCF - Use CoreFoundation based framework in Swift painlessly.
- Deeplink - Library to parse deeplinks and their arguments using String interpolation.
- Ensure - Type-based input validation.
- Overture - Library for function composition.
- LifecycleHooks - Inject custom code into views and view controllers in response to lifecycle events.
- Dollar - Swift library that provides useful functional programming helper methods without extending any built in objects.
- Carlos - Simple but flexible cache.
- Swift Identified Collections - Library of data structures for working with collections of identifiable elements in an ergonomic, performant way.
- Dip - Simple Swift Dependency container. Use protocols to resolve your dependencies and avoid singletons / sharedInstances.
- LRUCache - Open-source replacement for NSCache that behaves in a predictable, debuggable way. (Tweet)
- SwimplyCache - LRU Cache written in Swift.
- Partial - Type-safe wrapper mirroring the wrapped type's properties, making each property optional.
- Custom Dump - Collection of tools for debugging, diffing, and testing your application's data structures.
- Strongbox - Swift utility class for storing data securely in the keychain. Use it to store small, sensitive bits of data securely.
- WalletConnectSwift - WalletConnect Swift SDK.
- Actomaton - Swift async/await & Actor-powered effectful state-management framework.
- Orion - DSL designed to make it entirely effortless to interact with with Objective-C's dynamic aspects in Swift.
- RouterService - Type-safe navigation/dependency injection framework focused on making modular Swift apps have very fast build times.
- AHDownloadButton - Customizable download button with progress and transition animations. It is based on Apple's App Store download button.
- VertexGUI - Framework for creating cross-platform GUI applications with Swift.
- SwiftIndexStore - IndexStore reader library for Swift.
- Spatial - Hasle-free AutoLayout (MacOS / iOS).
- VideoIO - Video Input/Output Utilities.
- SwiftVideo - Swift Video Framework for Linux, macOS, and iOS/iPadOS.
- Runtime Issues - Trigger runtime issues from your code during development or debugging.
- Link Previewer - Makes a preview from an URL, grabbing all the information such as title, relevant texts and images.
- YouTubePlayerKit - Swift Package to easily play YouTube videos.
- Then - Super sweet syntactic sugar for Swift initializers.
- DateBuilder - Create dates and date components easily (e.g. "first Thursday of the next month").
- TableKit - Type-safe declarative table views.
- MultipartKit - Parses and serializes multipart-encoded data with Codable support.
- MatchingEngine - Early experimental general-purpose pattern matching engine for Swift.
- SyncKit - Automates the process of synchronizing Core Data or Realm models using CloudKit.
- TextStory - Happier, more flexible NSTextStorage.
- OperationPlus - Set of NSOperation subclasses and extensions on NSOperation/NSOperationQueue.
- BlueSignals - Generic Cross Platform Signal Handler.
- Netable - Swift library for encapsulating network APIs using Codable in a type-oriented way.
- Bluejay - Simple Swift framework for building reliable Bluetooth LE apps.
- CodableCache - Framework that allows for seamless memory caching and disk persistence of your plain old Swift structs.
- SymbolKit - Swift package for encoding and decoding Swift Symbol Graph files.
- Swift Jaeger Client - Jaeger Client built for Swift Distributed Tracing.
- OpenTelemetry API for Swift
- Doctor Pretty - Wadler's "A prettier printer" embedded pretty-printer DSL for Swift.
- Environment - Type-safe environment variables in Swift.
- Swift BSON - Pure Swift BSON library.
- GAppAuth - Drop-in class to handle AppAuth with Google Services (iOS & macOS).
- Maestro - Build complex, conducted animations declaratively without manually managing state.
- Analytics-Swift - Hassle-free way to add Segment analytics to your Swift app (iOS/tvOS/watchOS/macOS/Linux).
- SourceKitten - Little framework and command line tool for interacting with SourceKit.
- SwiftExif - Wrapping library for libexif and libiptcdata for Swift to provide a JPEG metadata extraction.
- JSONElement - Bridging the gap between untyped and typed when dealing with JSON data in Swift.
- ReMVVM - Application architecture concept, marriage of Unidirectional Data Flow (Redux) with MVVM.
- LanguageServerProtocol - Swift library for working with LSP.
- Flagsmith iOS - iOS Client written in Swift for Flagsmith. Ship features with confidence using feature flags and remote config.
- Lightweight Observable - Lightweight implementation of an observable sequence that you can subscribe to.
- Swift Distributed Actors - Peer-to-peer cluster implementation for Swift Distributed Actors. (Article) (HN)
- Watchdog - Class for logging excessive blocking on the main thread.
- StyledTextKit - Declarative building and fast rendering attributed string library.
- Clangler - Swift package for parsing Clang module map files.
- Swimi - MIDI/SMF parser written in Swift.
- BinaryCoder - Example implementation of Swift.Codable using a simple binary format.
- CollectionConcurrencyKit - Async and concurrent versions of Swift’s forEach, map, flatMap, and compactMap APIs.
- Dwifft - Small Swift library that tells you what the "diff" is between two collections.
- CachedAsyncImage - AsyncImage, but with cache capabilities.
- Fusion - Dependency Injection via Swift property wrappers.
- MachKit - Inspect, write and patch processes virtual memory.
- WebMIDIKit - Simplest MIDI Swift library.
- Arena - Implementation of the generational arena data structure in Swift.
- Focus - Optics library for Swift (where Optics includes Lens, Prisms, and Isos) that is inspired by Haskell's Lens library.
- Operadics - Standard Operators for the working Swift Librarian.
- AsyncCollections - Functions for running async processes on Swift Collections.
- SwiftTreeSitter - Swift wrappers for the tree-sitter incremental parsing system.
- Then - Tame async code with battle-tested promises.
- NIOCronScheduler - Swift cron scheduler based on Swift NIO.
- RealEventsBus - Simple type-safe event bus implementation in swift.
- AppUpdately - Fetch the update available status for iOS or macOS apps based on the bundle identifier.
- SwiftGD - Simple Swift wrapper for libgd, allowing for basic graphic rendering on server-side Swift where Core Graphics is not available.
- AnyImageKit - Toolbox for pick/edit/capture photo or video. Written in Swift.
- PySwiftyRegex - Easily deal with Regex in Swift in a Pythonic way.
- Identity - Type-safe identifiers in Swift.
- FlipBook - Swift package for recording views.
- ModernAVPlayer - Persistence AVPlayer wrapper.
- CodableX - Make Swift's Codable easier using Property Wrappers.
- SecureXPC - Framework designed specifically for secure XPC Mach service communication.
- SPDiffable - Extension of Diffable API which allow not duplicate code and use less models.
- automerge-swift - Wrapper around Swift types that can be modified concurrently by different users, and merged again automatically (a CRDT).
- MoreSFSymbols - Collection of additional custom SFSymbols for Swift.
- swift-prelude - Collection of types and functions that enhance the Swift language.
- Syzygy - Common base code for Syzygy products.
- Asynchone - Extensions and additions to AsyncSequence, AsyncStream and AsyncThrowingStream.
- nhcalc - Compute NeuralHash for a given image.
- LittleBlueTooth - Simple library that helps you in connecting with BLE devices.
- Raylib for Swift
- web3.swift - Ethereum Swift API with support for smart contracts, ENS & ERC20.
- Popovers - Library to present highly-customizable popovers. (Reddit)
- swift-bridge - Call Rust from Swift and vice versa. (Reddit)
- ProcedureKit - Advanced Operations in Swift.
- BartyCrouch - Localization/I18n: Incrementally update/translate your Strings files from .swift, .h, .m(m), .storyboard or .xib files.
- Lindenmayer - Swift library that implements a parametric Lindenmayer system and related SwiftUI views for presentation of the results of your systems.
- BluetoothWeb - Swift library for Bluetooth Web API (WebAssembly).
- EPUBKit - Simple Swift library for parsing EPUB documents.
- SVGPath - Cross-platform Swift library for parsing SVGPath strings.
- Datadog SDK for Swift testing
- CloudKitSyncMonitor - Monitor current state of NSPersistentCloudKitContainer sync.
- Swift Assimp - Swift wrapper around Open Asset Import Library (aka assimp) for macOS and Linux.
- Valid - Input Validation Done Right. A Swift DSL for Validating User Input using Allow/Deny Rules.
- AnyCodable - Type-erased wrappers for Encodable, Decodable, and Codable values.
- RealFlags - Feature Flagging framework in Swift sauce (support dynamic data providers, like FirebaseRemoteConfig).
- Swift-DocC Plugin - Swift Package Manager command plugin for Swift-DocC.
- Composable Effect Identifier - Library that helps managing
identifiers when using "The Composable Architecture" (TCA). - SwiftyDraw - Simple, lightweight drawing framework written in Swift.
- AsyncBluetooth - Small library that adds concurrency to CoreBluetooth APIs.
- JXKit - Pure swift interface to JavaScriptCore.
- CGPathIntersection - Library that identifies points where two CGPaths intersect.
- OSCKit - Classes needed for your apps to communicate among computers, sound synthesizers, and other multimedia devices via OSC over an IP network.
- Sextant - Complete, high performance JSONPath implementation written in Swift.
- Box - Micro library for Swift that makes possible to transform any value type into a reference type.
- Validated - Swift μ-Library for Somewhat Dependent Types.
- Repeat - Modern Timer in Swift, Debouncer and Throttler (alternative to NSTimer) made with GCD.
- SPSafeSymbols - Easy usage SFSymbols with static types. If symbol not available, compiler will show warning.
- ScriptLib - Early and in progress scripting suite for Swift apps.
- SwiftDate - Toolkit to parse, validate, manipulate, compare and display dates, time & timezones in Swift.
- NonEmpty - Compile-time guarantee that a collection contains a value.
- App Store Connect - Interact with App Store Connect APIs.
- μSwift - Minimal standard library that provides a few of the core interfaces required for using basic constructs in Swift.
- Lullaby - Functional DSP / Audio Framework for Swift.
- Cassowary - Swift implementation of the cassowary simplex solver.
- SwiftPrometheus - Prometheus client for Swift.
- swift-babab - Swift library for Buffers, Arrays, Bits and Bytes.
- Diff - Simple diffing library in pure Swift.
- swift-json - High-performance JSON parsing in swift.
- SwiftSlash - Concurrent Shell Framework Built Entirely With Async/Await.
- SwiftDI - Tool for Dependency Injection using @propertyWrapper.
- Nivelir - Swift DSL for navigation in iOS and tvOS apps with a simplified, chainable, and compile time safe syntax.
- AutoChangeable - Convenient way to copy instances of Swift types with changed properties.
- EnvKit - Swift package for transmitting environment variables between shell processes.
- CodableCSV - Read and write CSV files row-by-row or through Swift's Codable interface.
- Swift Tree Sitter - Swift bindings for the tree-sitter parsing library.
- APNGKit - High performance framework for loading and displaying APNG images in iOS and macOS.
- DateHelper - Swift Date extension helper.
- SwiftDraw - Swift library for parsing and drawing SVG images to CoreGraphics contexts.
- Async+ - Chainable interface for Swift's async/await.
- AsyncExtensions - Collection of operators, async sequences and async streams that mimics Combine behaviour.
- ISSoundAdditions - Swift Sound class to read and modify the system volume effortlessly.
- DSFSparkline - Sparklines for macOS, iOS and tvOS.
- EventSource - Simple Swift client library for the Server Sent Events (SSE).
- MusadoraKit - Framework to easily access Apple's latest MusicKit and Apple Music API with async-await syntax.
- FlexLayout - Swift interface to the highly optimized facebook/yoga flexbox implementation. Concise, intuitive & chainable syntax.
- CoreTextSwift - Swifty CoreText API.
- SwiftPrettyPrint - Pretty print for Swift.
- PlotUI - Integrate beautiful minimalistic plots into your app.
- Neon - Swift system for working with language syntax.
- SwiftMixin - Provides all of the functionality required to overwrite functions and methods at runtime.
- Swift Async Algorithms (Intro)
- Bagbutik - Generated Swift code for the App Store Connect API based on the official OpenAPI spec.
- Expression - Cross-platform Swift library for evaluating mathematical expressions at runtime.
- Flow - Type built on Swift concurrency which can be chained like AsyncSequence or a Combine Publisher with the guarantee that only one value will come through the chain.
- DictionaryBuilder - Dictionary result builder for Swift.
- Inject - Hot reloading workflow helper that enables you to save hours of time each week, regardless if you are using UIKit, AppKit or SwiftUI.
- TimeLapseBuilder - Build a movie from JPEG images in Swift using AVFoundation.
- OSCKit - Open Sound Control (OSC) library written in Swift.
- SwiftRoaring - Swift wrapper for CRoaring.
- Mercato - Lightweight StoreKit 2 Wrapper.
- HeckelDiff - Fast Swift diffing library.
- SwiftLocation - Lightweight Swift Library that provides an easy way to work with location-related functionalities.
- Feedbacks - Tool to build feedback loops within a Swift based application. Feedbacks relies on Combine and is compatible with SwiftUI and UIKit.
- SwiftMsgPack - Fast & Lightweight MsgPack Serializer & Deserializer for Swift.
- RoughSwift - Create hand-drawn, sketchy, comic shape in Swift.
- StoreHelper - Swift Package Manager (SPM) package that enables developers to easily add in-app purchase support to iOS 15/macOS 12 SwiftUI apps.
- Mirai - Provides Rust-styled Future.
- AnyObservableObject
- UpdateAvailableKit - Easy way to check if the installed app has an update available.
- SwiftDSSocket - Swift based asynchronous socket framework built atop DispatchSource.
- SwiftScripting - Utilities and samples to aid in using Swift with the Scripting Bridge.
- Narratore - Swift library that can be used to create and run interactive stories and narrative games.
- KSPlayer - iOS/macOS/tvOS video player.
- SwiftyJSON - Better way to deal with JSON data in Swift.
- EnumKit - Library that gives you the ability to simply access an enum associated value, without having to use pattern matching.
- Toledo - Dependency injection library for Swift that statically generates resolvers at compile-time.
- Concurrent Sequence - Collection of operations on Swift sequences that execute concurrently.
- Swift URL Routing - Bidirectional router with more type safety and less fuss.
- FaviconFinder - Small swift library for iOS & macOS to detect favicons used by a website.
- ComposableOpenURL - State-driven URL opening for The Composable Architecture.
- CertificateSigningRequest - Generate a certificate signing request (CSR) programmatically on iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS devices.
- HypervisorKit - Swift library providing an interface for writing X86 hypervisors on macOS (Hypervisor.framework) and Linux (KVM).
- WebPKit - Framework that extends a variety of Cocoa APIs with capabilities for encoding and decoding WebP files for all of Apple's platforms.
- ActoCrawler - Swift Concurrency-powered crawler engine on top of Actomaton, with flexible customizability to create various HTML scrapers, image scrapers, etc.
- Genything - Library dedicated to easy and composable generation of random data, no matter how complex.
- Imaginary - Remote images, as easy as one, two, three.
- Injectable - New Dependency Injection approach for Swift and SwiftUI.
- QRCode - Simple and quick macOS/iOS/tvOS/watchOS QR Code generator library for SwiftUI, Swift and Objective-C.
- Glider - Logger.
- SafePresentation - Throw common warnings of ViewController presentation as error.
- EffectsLibrary - Allows developers to create sophisticated and realistic particle systems such as snow, fire, rain, confetti, fireworks, and smoke with no or minimal effort.
- Music Notation - Cross-Platform Music Notation API written in Swift.
- GzipSwift - Swift framework that enables gzip/gunzip Data using zlib.
- AsyncSequenceReader - Building blocks to easily consume Swift's
. - RichTextKit - Swift-based library for working with rich text in UIKit, AppKit and SwiftUI.
- BigInt - Arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic in Swift.
- Tarscape - Swift package for creating and extracting Tar files.
- SwiftCSV - CSV parser for Swift.
- UserDefault - Swifty User Defaults thanks to Property Wrappers.
- Protected - API for Reads and Writes protected via Phantom types.
- SemanticVersion - Represent semantic versions like "1.0.0" or "1.2.3-beta1" (SemVer) in Swift.
- LDSwiftEventSource - Server-sent events (SSE) client implementation in Swift.
- HaishinKit - Camera and Microphone streaming library via RTMP, HLS for iOS, macOS, tvOS.
- Lotsawa - Swift implementation of the MARPA algorithms.
- Boutique - Simple but powerful persistence library, and more.
- KDTree - Swift implementation of a k-dimensional binary space partitioning tree.
- Algolia Search Swift - Fully-featured and blazing-fast Swift API client to interact with Algolia.
- AnyAsyncSequence - Type-Erased Existential Generic AsyncSequence Values in Swift.
- ConcurrencyPlus - Utilities for working with Swift Concurrency.
- Algorithms on Sequences - Various string search algorithms for Swift.
- Swift Unidirectional Flow - Unidirectional flow implemented using the latest Swift Generics and Swift Concurrency features.
- ELMaestro - Swift framework that provides a plugin system for iOS apps.
- SwiftBitset - Bitset class in Swift for fast and concise set operations over integers.
- webauthn-swift - Swift library for implementing the WebAuthn spec.
- Map - MKMapView wrapper for SwiftUI as drop-in to MapKit's SwiftUI view.
- CodableCSV - JSON-like CSV file parsing using the Codable protocols in Swift.
- SwiftyXPC - Wrapper for Apple’s XPC interprocess communication library that gives it an easy-to-use, idiomatic Swift interface.
- DeepCodable - Encode and decode deeply-nested data into flat Swift objects.
- Eval - Lightweight interpreter framework written in Swift, evaluating expressions at runtime.
- Tuxedo - Template language for Swift.
- SwiftyContacts - Swift library for Contacts framework.
- TextureSwiftSupport - Library that gains Texture(AsyncDisplayKit) more power in Swift.
- Binary Codable - Binary encoder for Swift Codable types.
- OpenAI - Swift client for the OpenAI API.
- SwiftCommand - Wrapper around Foundation.Process, inspired by Rust's std::process::Command.
- swift-nio-imap - Swift project that provides an implementation of the IMAP4rev1 protocol, built upon SwiftNIO.
- AsyncValue - Simple swift package that provides a Swift Concurrency equivalent to
. - Flow - Generic node graph editor.
- DivKit - Open source Server-Driven UI (SDUI) framework. SDUI is a an emerging technique that leverage the server to build the user interfaces of their mobile app.
- MarkCodable - Swift Codable with human-friendly Markdown storage. (Tweet)
- CRDT - Conflict-free Replicated Data Types in Swift.
- SwiftNodes - Graphs & Trees: Data Structures, Algorithms, Drawing.
- SwiftObserver - Elegant Reactive Primitives for Clean Swift Architecture.
- GetLaid - Most Readable & Concise AutoLayout Swift Code.
- Crossroad - Route URL schemes easily.
- BytePatternFinder - Pattern matcher for bytes.
- AudioKitEX - Extension to AudioKit contains all of the AudioKit features that rely on C/C++ DSP.
- Physical - Swift package for physical quantities.
- SwiftHooks - Little module for plugins, in Swift.
- AsyncLocationKit - Wrapper for Apple CoreLocation framework with new Concurency Model.
- UIKitDOM - Implementing DOM for UIKit.
- Swift Confidential - Swift literals obfuscator to defend against static reverse engineering.
- TelemetryClient - Swift SDK for TelemetryDeck, a privacy-conscious analytics service for apps and websites.
- Semaphore - Counting Semaphore for Swift Concurrency.
- Swift Configuration Parser - Simple configuration file parsing for Swift.
- Oklab - Swift implementation of Björn Ottosson's Oklab perceptual color space for image processing.
- Aftermath - Swift-based, open-source incident response framework.
- DSWaveformImage - Generate waveform images from audio files on iOS & macOS in Swift. Native SwiftUI & UIKit views.
- QRCode - QR Code Generator in Swift.
- CalendarKit - Swift calendar UI library for iOS and Mac Catalyst.
- SundialKit - Reactive communications library across Apple platforms.
- Screenshots - Swift framework for taking screenshots.
- swift-index-store - Library to read from Swift / clang source code indexes.
- ULID.swift - Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier (ULID) in Swift.
- LongPressButton
- XConfigs - Quick, simple and stylish solution for your remote and dev configurations.
- Advanced ScrollView - Build advanced interactions with UIScrollView and NSScrollView in SwiftUI.
- TimecodeKit - Robust and precise SMPTE timecode library supporting 20 frame rates.
- MIDIKit - Modern multi-platform Swift CoreMIDI wrapper with MIDI 2.0 support.
- PListKit - Multiplatform Swift library bringing functional methods and type safety to .plist (Property List) files.
- SwiftRadix - Easily convert integers to binary/hex/octal strings and back again with clean functional syntax.
- EasyBackgroundRefresh - Easy background refresh registration, scheduling, execution, and completion. BGTaskScheduler for the lazy.
- ReflectionMirror
- SerializedSwift - Significant enhancement to the current Codable protocol for better and easier Serializing and Deserializing of JSON.
- TaskQueue - Task Queue Class developed in Swift.
- ASN1Parser - Minimalistic Swift parser for ASN.1 data. Currently supports DER and therefore also BER binary format.
- MothECS - Simple Entity Component System in Swift.
- Inject - Effortless modular dependency injection for Swift.
- Decide - Modular state and side-effects system for your swift application.
- Frostflake - High performance unique ID generator inspired by Snowflake.
- ProcessService - System to host an executable within an XPC service.
- MessagePack.swift - Fast, zero-dependency MessagePack implementation.
- NearbyActorSystem - Easy to use implementation of a DistributedActorSystem Swift 5.7 language feature based on MultiPeer Connectivity framework.
- Compilertron - InjectionIII for the Swift compiler.
- BlueSwift - Swift framework for easy connection with Bluetooth peripherals.
- SwiftTypeReader - Gather type definitions from Swift source code.
- FineJSON - More useful JSONEncoder, Decoder.
- Swime - Swift MIME type checking based on magic bytes.
- InstantSearch - Library of widgets and helpers to build instant-search applications on iOS.
- KeyPathValue - Structure for assigning values using keypath.
- ElleKit - Elegant Low Level Elements.
- swift-async-queue - Queue that enables sending FIFO-ordered tasks from synchronous to asynchronous contexts.
- CornucopiaStreams - Stream-based transport broker.
- DictionaryCoder - Fast dictionary encoder / decoder for Swift Codable types.
- CallStackParser - Utility class for parsing the current call stack in scope.
- Autolayout - Incredible AutoLayout on direct power of CSS3.
- Apache OpenWhisk runtimes for Swift
- CodeEditKit - Interface between CodeEdit and extensions.
- Compute - Swift runtime for Fastly Compute@Edge.
- KeyValueCoding - Access the properties of pure Swift struct or class instances indirectly by a property name or a key path.
- LeakDetector - SPM to support finding memory leaks for Swift projects.
- Easing - Easing functions in Swift.
- RateLimiters - Debounce and Throttle Swift implementations.
- CodableToTypeScript - Generate typescript code for typing JSON from Swift Codable.
- SmoothGradient - Generate buttery smooth gradients.
- SwiftMVI - Lightweight MVI framework for Swift.
- SwiftUseCase - Library for creating independent & coverable usecases with a powerful execution API.
- Kinzoku - wgpu-native wrapper for Swift.
- Flock - Rapid file download using concurrent connections.
- Dependencies Additions - Companion library to Point-Free's swift-dependencies that provides higher-level dependencies.
- ThirtyTo - Encode, Decode and Generate Random String in Base32Crockford Format.
- OpenAlpha - Swift package for retrieving images from Sony digital cameras.
- AttributedString Builder - Simple way to build up attributed strings using result builders from a variety of sources.
- StripeKit - Swift package used to communicate with the Stripe API for Server Side Swift Apps.
- TaskGroupsResultBuilder - ResultBuilder to use to bundle tasks together.
- Compress NIO - Compression/Decompression support for Swift NIO ByteBuffer.
- JavaScriptCoreExt - Adds more functionality to the built-in JavaScriptCore framework by exposing some new APIs.
- CodeEditLanguages - Collection of Tree-Sitter Parsers for Syntax Highlighting.
- y-uniffi - Yrs UniFFI Language Binding.
- RoundedPath - Swift package for rounding the corners of a graphics path.
- YouTubeKit - YouTube video and audio extractor.
- Timerable - Protocol-oriented Timer Factory with all the features you'll ever need.
- PeriodDuration - ISO 8601 period/duration APIs missing in Foundation.
- SummarizedCollection - Flexible Collections for Swift Using In-Memory B+Trees.
- d3-async-location - Async location streamer using new concurrency model in Swift.
- SimulatorServices - Swift Interface into simctl.
- CardinalKit - Open-source framework for rapid development of modern, interoperable digital health applications. (Template)
- SecureDefaults - Lightweight wrapper for UserDefaults/NSUserDefaults that adds an additional layer of AES-256 encryption for enhanced security.
- LemonSqueezy - Async Swift library for Lemon Squeezy.
- SwiftCloudDrive - Easy to use Swift wrapper around iCloud Drive.
- SwiftMetricsExtras - Extra packages complementing the core SwiftMetrics API.
- GoogleCloudKit
- Bytes - Swift Library for working with sequences of Bytes.
- EditorConfig - Swift library for working with .editorconfig files.
- SwiftOxide - Swift wrapper for a Rust library, allowing us to use Rust as a library within Swift.
- GlobPattern - Swift package to parse and evaluate glob patterns.
- RunScriptPlugin - Plugin for executing arbitrary ShellScript.
- swift-clocks - Few clocks that make working with Swift concurrency more testable and more versatile.
- TreeArray - Swift tree-based array implementation. Efficient for random insertions/deletions.
- TreeSitterLanguages - Languages for Tree-sitter wrapped in Swift packages.
- DebugAdapterProtocol - Swift library for working with Debug Adapter Protocol.
- Parse Swift - Swift library that gives you access to the powerful Parse Server backend from your Swift applications. (Fork)
- Readium Swift Toolkit - Toolkit for ebooks, audiobooks and comics written in Swift.
- HexGrid - Easy and intuitive way of working with hexagonal grids.
- RequestDL - DL networking library for Swift.
- SFSymbol - All the SFSymbols at your fingertips.
- SwifCron - Simple pure swift cron expression parser.
- OpenAI - Swift package for OpenAI public API.
- swift-filestream - File stream APIs for reading from or writing to files on Linux and macOS.
- OpenAIKit - Swift package used to communicate with the OpenAI API.
- swift-certificates - Library for working with X.509 certificates.
- LicensesPlugin - Plugin to collect licenses of the library used in your swift package.
- OpenAIStreamingCompletions - Streaming text generation using the OpenAI APIs.
- Puid - Simple, fast, flexible and efficient generation of probably unique identifiers.
Other (not lib)
- OverlayTest - Shows how to create a window that looks like the volume change indication on OS X El Capitan.
- When you want to edit a package in Swift (e.g. a dependency you have) you can (temporarily) add it as a local package and that'll take precedence over the package dependency.
- Under appreciated power trick in SwiftPM is to quickly get a package into edit mode (
swift package edit swift-nio
). Edit a piece of code you think needs to change, and confirm in your project -> then, submit the fix! - Make your Swift package manifest more readable by factoring out common target dependencies
- Swift Package Index - The place to find Swift packages. (Server) (Repo List)
- Swift Package Registry (Code)
- SwiftPM Library - Place to find packages for Swift. (Code)
- Ice - Developer friendly package manager for Swift; 100% compatible with Swift Package Manager.
- freshOS - 100% Open Source iOS Toolset.
- swift-outdated - Swift subcommand for displaying when Swift dependencies are out of date.
- DocTest - Experimental tool for testing Swift example code in documentation.
- swift-docker - Build & test your swift packages using docker -
swift docker test
. - My experience replacing CocoaPods with SwiftPM (2020)
- Swift Package Collection Generator - Collection of packages and tooling for generating and consuming package feeds.
- PureSwift packages
- xcframeworks - Demonstration of creating and integrating xcframeworks and their co-op with static libraries and Swift packages.
- Swift Package Info - Swift CLI tool that provides information about a Swift Package.
- Entrapta - Experimental tool to generate richly-linked, Apple-style API reference websites for Swift projects.
- docc2html - Static site generator for DocC documentation archives.
- Swift Package Manager framework creation in Xcode (2020)
- swift-package-editor - Mechanical editing support for Package.swift manifests.
- Create your own Swift Package and release it on Github.com (2021)
- Surmagic - Create XCFrameworks with ease.
- Awesome SwiftWASM - Community-driven curated list of SwiftWasm projects and content.
- Swift-DocC - Documentation compiler that produces rich API reference documentation and interactive tutorials for your Swift framework or package. (Release Article) (Hosting DocC archives in static hosting environments)
- Swift-DocC-Render - Web Single Page Application (SPA) powered by Vue.js for creating rich code documentation websites.
- Kaitlin Mahar - Maintaining a Library in a Swiftly Moving Ecosystem (2019)
- Guise - Generate Public API for Swift Frameworks/Libraries.
- CocoaPods Pod Linkage plugin - CocoaPod plugin that allows you to mix how you link libraries. (Tweet)
- MOKO KSwift - Swift-friendly API generator for Kotlin/Native frameworks.
- Swift on Server Deployment Guide - Guides for building, debugging and deploying Swift Server applications.
- Swift Concurrency adoption guidelines for Swift Server Libraries
- Web API Client in Swift (2021) (Code)
- Create API - Delightful code generation for OpenAPI specs for Swift written in Swift.
- CloudKit Samples: Sharing
- Microapps architecture in Swift. SPM basics. (2022)
- nixSwiftPM - Helper for building SwiftPM projects in Nix.
- LicensePlist - License list generator of all your dependencies for iOS applications.
- SwiftLintPlugin - SwiftPM plugin that adds a linting command.
- Sitrep - Source code analyzer for Swift projects.
- swift-add - Easily add swift packages from the command line.
- Combining protocols in Swift (2022)
- Swift Package Manager
- LicenseKit - Helps you protect your Swift-based apps and libraries with a commercial license.
- spmready - Tool to check if all your pods are ready to migrate to swift package manager.
- Tuist SwiftLint plugin - Plugin that extends Tuist with SwiftLint functionalities.
- PluginManager - Dynamic loading of Swift plug-ins for extensible architectures.
- Equatable Errors in Swift (2021)
- A DSL for state machines in Swift (2021)
- OSLog and Unified logging as recommended by Apple (2020)
- Exploring MusicKit (2022)
- Layout Framework Benchmark - Benchmark the performances of various Swift layout frameworks (autolayout, UIStackView, PinLayout, LayoutKit, FlexLayout, Yoga, ...).
- CloudKit Samples: Queries
- CloudKit Samples: Core Data with CloudKit
- Swift Sample Distributed Actors Transport
- Swift Documentation Extract - SPM plugin for generating symbolgraphs and cataloging DocC documentation.
- Data Caching with NSCache (2021)
- xcframework-maker - macOS utility for converting fat-frameworks to SPM-compatible XCFramework with arm64-simulator support.
- Core Image by Example - Hands-on approach for getting to know all things Apple's Core Image framework can do.
- Awesome Swift Async Await - Hand-curated list of Swift async/await resources.
- SwiftPlantUML - Generate UML class diagrams from swift code with this Command Line Interface (CLI) and Swift Package.
- Apple Platform SDK API Differences, with Swift support (Code)
- SwiftLintPlugin - SPM Plugin for SwiftLint.
- SwiftPackageList - Command-line tool to generate a JSON, PLIST, Settings.bundle or PDF file with all used SPM-dependencies of an Xcode project or workspace.
- Scipio - Tool that takes existing Swift packages, binary frameworks, or CocoaPods, compiles them into XCFrameworks and delivers them as a single Swift package.
- Async State Machine - Structure an application thanks to state machines.
- SPISearch - App (macOS & iOS) to explore the search results from Swift Package Index.
- Swift Distributed Actors on Fly.io
- Meet Transferable (2022)
- SwiftFormatPlugin - Swift Package Plugin to format source code with SwiftFormat.
- Uncompressing Folders in Swift
- Add test data to SPM packages (2021)
- Async Composable Architecture (2022)
- Learn how to use Core Data CloudKit
- Swift dependency graph - Visualization of swift package dependencies.
- ExtensionKit - Create executable bundles to extend the functionality of other apps by presenting a user interface. (HN)
- Loco - Fast CLI linter for Localization.strings and swift files.
- Swift CI - Swift + Continuous Integration service.
- Jungle - Swift CLI tool that generates complexity metrics information from a Cocoapods Xcode project or a SwiftPM package.
- Build DocC documentation for your Xcode project / Swift Package
- Generate and test RESTful APIs in Swift (2022)
- Correctly playing audio in iOS applications (2022)
- Swift Macro Examples (Fork)
- Apple announces full Swift rewrite of the Foundation framework (2022)
- Swift Package Manager Rules for Bazel
- Gazelle Plugin for Swift and Swit Package Rules for Bazel
- dependency-graph - Command-line tool that can visualize the dependencies of packages.
- Swift Package Template
- Creating an XCFramework (2023)
- Coming in Swift 5.9: Network requests in Swift package plugins (2023)
- Safely pinning SPM dependencies to exact versions (2023)
- Introducing Swift Certificates and Swift ASN.1 (2023)
- Swift-Colab - Swift kernel for Google Colaboratory.
- Sileo - Modern package manager for iOS 12 and higher.
- DoccGPT - Self-documenting Swift code with GPT and DocC.