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OSS Rails apps HotTable - Minimal Airtable clone built with Rails and HotWire.Notes Links RailsConf 2019 - Rethinking the View Layer with Components by Joel Hawksley (2019) dev.to source code - Where programmers share ideas and help each other grow.Real World Rails - Real World Rails applications and their open source codebases for developers to learn from.Production Rails - Best practices for running Rails in production.React-Rails - Integrate React.js with Rails views and controllers, the asset pipeline, or webpacker.StimulusReflex - Build reactive applications with the Rails tooling you already know and love. (Docs ) (HN )Boring Rails When Should You Not Use Rails? (2020) (Lobsters ) (HN )Lobsters Rails Code Introduction to Ruby on Rails Patterns and Anti-patterns (2020) How Shopify reduced storefront response times with a rewrite (2020) (HN )A Site Reborn Under Deconstruction: The State of Shopify’s Monolith (2020) (HN )Rails Concerns: To Concern Or Not To Concern (2020) (HN )Rails Performance - Monitor performance of you Rails applications.railsnew.io - Simplest way to generate a new Rails app with (or without) all the bells and whistles.Rails Common WTFs HatchBox - Build, deploy, and manage Rails apps.Guide to Reactive Rails Rails Style Guide - Community-driven Ruby on Rails style guide. (Docs ) (RuboCop Rails )React on Rails - Integration of React + Webpack + Rails + rails/webpacker including server-side rendering of React.Ruby on Rails in a Week (2020) (HN )How to GraphQL with Ruby, Rails, Active Record, and No N+1 (2020) (HN )Introduction to Ruby on Rails Patterns and Anti-patterns (2020) Moving my serverless project to Ruby on Rails (2020) (HN ) (Lobsters )Data pipelines in Ruby on Rails (2020) Matestack - Reactive UIs in pure Ruby. (HN ) (GitHub )Will Johnson Blog - Covers Rails development.Ruby on Rails: Still the Best Web App Framework for Most Teams (2020) (Lobsters )Rails & Next.js Project Skeleton Rails 6.1.0 (2020) (HN )Encapsulating Ruby on Rails views (2020) How I Upgrade Ruby on Rails (2020) (Lobsters )Rails Tutorial Rails Settings Cached - Global settings for your Rails application.Fie - Rails-centric frontend framework running over a permanent WebSocket connection.Kuby - Convention over configuration approach for deploying Rails apps. (Code )Forest Admin in Rails - Provides an off-the-shelf administration panel based on a highly-extensible API plugged into your application.testfixtures - Ruby on Rails like test fixtures for Go. Write tests against a real database.FastRuby.io - Rails Upgrade Service.Engems - Rails component-based architecture on top of engines and gems.Tokenable - Rails gem that allows API-only applications a way to authenticate users.Rails: Postgres Partial Indexing (2021) Active Record, Postgres, Rails, and time travel (2021) Rails PG Extras - Rails PostgreSQL database performance insights. Locks, index usage, buffer cache hit ratios, vacuum stats and more.Ruby on Rails View Patterns and Anti-patterns (2021) There's No Such Thing as a Free Gem: How to roll your own Twitter OAuth flow in Rails (2021) Using Webpacker in Your Ruby on Rails Application — a Deep Dive (2021) A year of Rails (2021) Passwordless - Authentication for your Rails app without the icky-ness of passwords.RailsAdmin - Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data.Bullet - Help to kill N+1 queries and unused eager loading.Rails Best Practices (2021) Prosopite - Rails N+1 queries auto-detection with zero false positives / false negatives.Turbo Native for iOS Drifting Ruby - Ruby on Rails Screencasts for Web Developers.My Ruby on Rails stack for side projects in 2021 Rails: How to Reduce Friction at the Authorization Layer (2021) Noticed - Notifications for Ruby on Rails applications.GoRails - Learn Ruby on Rails.Rails Bytes - Templates to enrich your Ruby on Rails apps.Jumpstart Pro - Ruby on Rails SaaS Template.Why Write Rails View Tests (2021) How to Build a Web App with and without Rails Libraries (2021) What is a Rails model? (2021) Rails Testing for Beginners Ruby on Rails Controller Patterns and Anti-patterns (2021) Hotwire: Reactive Rails with no JavaScript? (2021) Dead simple Rails monitoring (2021) The room where it happens: How Rails gets made (2021) (Lobsters )How I organize my Rails apps (2021) Cells - View components for Ruby and Rails.Designing and Launching New Features in Rails (2021) Active Record Encryption in Rails 7 (2021) Kubernetes & Rails: The Definitive Guide (2021) Rails 6 with Webpacker 6, Tailwind 2 with JIT, Postcss 8 and some default setup (2021) (HN )Ruby on Rails: View Components, Storybook and Tailwind - a match made in heaven? (2021) (HN )Rails Mini Profiler - Performance profiling for Rails, made simple.From Paperclip to Active Storage: An incremental, zero-downtime approach (2021) OpenSourceRails.org - Curated list of great open-source Ruby on Rails applications. (Code )How to build a search engine with Ruby on Rails: Introducing the Whereable design pattern (2021) (HN )Stripe::Rails - Rails Engine for integrating with Stripe.Importmap for Rails - Use ESM with importmap to manage modern JavaScript in Rails without transpiling or bundling.Propshaft - Asset pipeline library for Rails. (Intro ) (Reddit )Active Event Store - Rails Event Store in a more Rails way.Optimistic Locking in Rails REST APIs (2021) Ahoy - Simple, powerful, first-party analytics for Rails.A Love Letter to Ruby and Rails (2021) (HN )AnyCable - Build lightning fast, reliable real-time applications with Ruby and Rails. (GitHub ) (Code )Esbuild Rails plugin Example Rails + Docker app Packwerk - Ruby gem used to enforce boundaries and modularize Rails applications.Bootsnap - Boot large Ruby/Rails apps faster.On Rails (2021) rails.new - From New Mac to Rails Development in 11 Minutes. (Tweet )Devise - Flexible authentication solution for Rails based on Warden.Rails 7.0: Fulfilling a vision (2021) (HN )From Node to Ruby on Rails (2021) (HN )What's New in Rails 7 (2021) Derailed Benchmarks - Series of things you can use to benchmark a Rails or Ruby app.Logidze - Database changes log for Rails.Rails: Postgres Native Partitioning (2022) Rails Feature Flags: Now So Flippin' Easy You Won't Believe It (2021) Arproxy - Proxy between ActiveRecord and database adapter.Run Ordinary Rails Apps Globally (2021) (HN )Rails and its Ruby dialect (2022) (Lobsters ) (HN )Dynamic forms with Turbo (2022) Don't make me think, or why I switched to Rails from JavaScript SPAs (2022) (HN )Lamby - Simple Rails & AWS Lambda Integration.Simply integrating Svelte into Rails (2021) Turbo Streams Tic Tac Toe (Code )clearbnb - building a vacation rental platform (2021) Rails 7 application inside Docker on macOS (2022) Rails 7 on Docker demo application - Working Rails 7 demo application without JavaScript bundling, running in Docker. No node.js or webpack.Rails adds support for Fiber-safe ActiveRecord ConnectionPools (2022) (HN )The In-depth Guide to ActiveRecord load_async in Rails 7 (2022) Rails 7 application inside Docker on macOS: Part two - database and Mutagen (2022) Turbo Rails - Use Turbo in your Ruby on Rails app.Stimulus for Rails ViewComponent - Framework for building reusable, testable & encapsulated view components in Ruby on Rails. (Docs )Senior Rails developer AMA (2022) Goldiloader - Just the right amount of Rails eager loading.Mailkick - Email subscriptions for Rails.ActiveRecord::PostgresEnum - Adds migration and schema.rb support to PostgreSQL enum data types.ActiveInteraction - Manages application-specific business logic. It's an implementation of the command pattern in Ruby.TurboFlash - Automagically include your flash messages in your Ruby on Rails Hotwire TurboStream responses.RSpec for Rails Rails-docker-box, or developing Rails within a dockerized environment (2022) Intro to Thread-Safety in Ruby on Rails (2022) User notifications with Rails, Noticed, and Hotwire (2022) Bullet Train Rails Template (Code ) (Twitter )Advanced topics in Rails (2022) Semantic Logger - Feature rich logging framework, and replacement for existing Ruby & Rails loggers.Responders - Set of Rails responders to dry up your application.Hotwire::Livereload - Live reload for Hotwire Rails apps.Primer ViewComponents - ViewComponents for the Primer Design System.Brakeman - Static analysis tool which checks Ruby on Rails applications for security vulnerabilities.Ruby on Whales: Dockerizing Ruby and Rails development (2022) Hotrails - Learn modern Ruby on Rails with Hotwire.PgSearch - Builds ActiveRecord named scopes that take advantage of PostgreSQL’s full text search.Simplify Rails Views Using ViewComponents with Tailwind CSS and RSpec (2022) Lookbook - Native development UI for ViewComponent.maybe_later - Run code after the current Rack response or Rails action completes.notifications-rails - Flexible notification library supporting the delivery to external services, rendering in various environments, and user configuration by category.Performance at GitHub: deferring stats with rack.after_reply (2022) Ask HN: Is Ruby on Rails still relevant? (2022) Spyke - Interact with REST services in an ActiveRecord-like manner.Rails Devs - Reverse job board for Ruby on Rails developers.20 in 20 Ruby on Rails challenge N1Loader - Loader to solve N+1 issues for good. Highly recommended for GraphQL API.Hybrid development Docker Compose setup for Rails (2022) Ruby and Ruby on Rails bookmarks collection Lograge - Taming Rails' Default Request Logging.Why We’re Sticking with Ruby on Rails at Gitlab (2022) (HN )Avo - Configuration-based, no-maintenance, extendable Ruby on Rails admin. (Code ) (HN )Lockbox - Modern encryption for Ruby and Rails.Tomo - Friendly CLI for deploying Rails apps.Motion - Reactive frontend UI components for Rails in pure Ruby.StoreModel - Work with JSON-backed attributes as ActiveRecord-ish models.Ruby on Rails: 3 tips for deleting data at scale (2022) A Single file Rails Application (2022) (Lobsters )Simplify your model code in Rails by avoiding association pollution (2022) Security Best Practices for Your Rails Application (2022) ViewComponent in the Wild: building modern Rails front ends (2022) RouteTranslator - Gem to allow you to manage the translations of your app routes with a simple dictionary format.Crunchy Bridge's Ruby Back End: Sorbet, Tapioca, and Parlour (2022) (HN )Vanilla Rails is plenty (2022) How Effective are Classic Lookup Optimizations for Rails Apps? (2022) Ruby concurrency is hard: how I became a Ruby on Rails contributor (2022) Lamby Cookiecutter - AWS SAM Cookiecutter to Quick Start Rails & Lambda.Database Performance Optimization and Scaling in Rails (2022) Quick intro to ReflexBehaviors (2022) The Basics of Receiving Webhooks in Rails (2022) HTML5 Canvas on Rails An Overview Of Upcoming Ruby on Rails 7.1 Features (2022) (HN )Docked Rails CLI - Running Rails from Docker for easy start to development.Handling Stripe Webhooks with Rails (2022) Rails Authentication from Scratch (2022) (HN )Ask HN: Who’s using Ruby for web development, without Ruby on Rails? (2023) Gemfile of dreams: the libraries we use to build Rails apps (2023) Ruby on Jets - Like Rails but serverless. (HN )Safe PG Migrations - ActiveRecord migrations for Postgres made safe.Rails on Docker · Fly (2023) (HN )Administration Zero - Administration system generator for Rails applications.