Try Ruby is nice intro. Ruby Nix is nice starter code.
- Ruby is nice, but what makes great?
- Clean code ruby - Clean Code concepts adapted for Ruby.
- Using Ruby in 2019
- Sorbet - Fast, powerful type checker designed for Ruby. (Code) (HN) (Article) (HN)
- Referral - Scan for definitions and references in your Ruby code.
- Artichoke - Ruby made with Rust.
- Artichoke Ruby Playground (Code)
- rubyfmt - Ruby Autoformatter.
- Ruby Next - Transpiler for Ruby. (HN)
- Rutie - Integrate Ruby with your Rust application. Or integrate Rust with your Ruby application.
- ruruby - Alternative Ruby implementation by Rust.
- How to Fix Slow Code in Ruby (2020) (HN)
- The Ruby Bibliography - Academic writing on the Ruby programming language. (Code)
- Exploring Metaprogramming in Ruby (2020) (Reddit)
- Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby
- TruffleRuby - GraalVM high-performance implementation of the Ruby programming language built by Oracle Labs.
- A silly thing you can do with the Ruby parser (Lobsters)
- Ruby Method Overloading (2020) (Lobsters)
- RBS - Type Signature for Ruby. (Article) (HN) (Lobsters)
- IRB - Interactive Ruby.
- Http.rb is Great (2018)
- Fast Ruby - Writing Fast Ruby. Common Ruby idioms.
- Effective Debugging of Memory Leaks in Ruby (2020)
- Ruby modules in-depth (2019)
- Proportional dispatching using Ruby (2020)
- Modern Ruby Serializers (2020)
- Ruby Antipatterns (Lobsters)
- Puma - Ruby/Rack web server built for concurrency. (Web)
- Ruby 3.0 Preview 1 (2020) (HN)
- Ruby one-liners cookbook (Code) (HN)
- RuboCop - Ruby static code analyzer and formatter, based on the community Ruby style guide. (Docs)
- Ruby Style Guide - Community-driven Ruby coding style guide. (Web)
- RuboCop Performance - Extension of RuboCop focused on code performance checks.
- RuboCop RSpec - Code style checking for RSpec files.
- Shopify Ruby Style Guide
- Context on STM in Ruby (2020) (HN)
- Error handling with Monads in Ruby (2020)
- Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby (2004) (HN) (Web) (Article) (Reddit)
- Ruby Refinements Have One Good Use Case (2020)
- rspec-core - RSpec runner and formatters.
- My Beef With RuboCop (2020) (Lobsters) (HN)
- RubyConf 2020
- Bazel Ruby Rules
- TypeProf - Experimental type-level Ruby interpreter for testing and understanding Ruby code.
- Ruby Code Examples Vs. Python Code Examples (2020)
- Inspecting the Contents of a Ruby Gem (2020)
- Learn Sorbet in Y minutes (2020)
- Polished Ruby Programming book
- Ruby 3.0.0 RC1 Released (2020) (HN)
- Ruby 3.0 and the new FiberScheduler interface (2020) (HN)
- Ruby Books
- Ruby 3, Concurrency and the Ecosystem (2021) (HN)
- lib-ruby-parser - Ruby parser written in Rust.
- Ruby Reference - Ruby Programming Language Reference. (Code)
- Ractors (2021)
- Diffy - Easy Diffing With Ruby.
- Why Wasn't Ruby 3 Faster? (2021) (HN)
- Ruby Garbage Collection Deep Dive: Tri-Color Mark and Sweep (2021) (HN)
- Functional Options in Ruby (2021)
- Standard Ruby - Ruby style guide, linter, and formatter. (1.0 release) (HN)
- Resilience in Ruby: Shell Commands (2021)
- Ruby Garbage Collection Deep Dive (2021)
- frum - Fast and modern Ruby version manager written in Rust.
- JRuby - Implementation of Ruby on the JVM. (Web)
- Cloudtasker - Background jobs for Ruby using Google Cloud Tasks.
- Introducing dry-files (2021)
- Ruby Garbage Collection Deep Dive: Compaction (2021)
- Ruby Weekly - Free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of Ruby news and articles.
- Ruby Garbage Collection with Jemma Issroff (2021)
- Ruby's Top Exception Classes
- Definitive Guide to Ruby's C API (HN)
- I Love Ruby - Get started with the greatest programming language made for humans.
- Rhizome - JIT for Ruby, implemented in pure Ruby. (HN)
- Exceptional Ruby Book - Definitive guide to exceptions and failure handling in Ruby.
- Fullstaq Ruby - Ruby, optimized for production. (HN)
- Benchmarking your Ruby with time_up (2021)
- Suture - Ruby gem that helps you refactor your legacy code. (HN)
- The Future Shape of Ruby Objects (2021)
- Ruby type conversion (2021)
- Ruby Packer - Distribute your Ruby code as a compiled binary. (HN)
- TenderJIT - JIT for Ruby that is written in Ruby. (HN)
- Stamping Out Overflow Checks in Ruby (2021) (HN)
- Proposal to Merge YJIT into Ruby (2021) (HN)
- ruby-build - Command-line utility that makes it easy to install virtually any version of Ruby, from source.
- YJIT - Optimizing JIT compiler built inside CRuby. (Article) (HN) (HN)
- Embracing Infinite Loops with Ruby and Polyphony (2021)
- A Compositional Approach to Optimizing the Performance of Ruby Apps (2021)
- Rufo - Ruby Formatter.
- Async Ruby (2021)
- Explaining Ruby Fibers (2021) (HN)
- Writing Go in Ruby with Ruby Next (2021) (HN)
- The Ruby Compiler Survey
- Programming with Something (2021)
- The Ruby Compiler Survey - Rubinius - Metacircular implementation of Ruby. (HN)
- Ruby vs. Python comes down to the for loop (2021) (HN)
- Future of Ruby – AST Tooling (2019)
- Learning Ruby from a JavaScript background
- Where is Ruby Headed in 2021? (HN)
- Natalie - Unique Ruby implementation, compiled to C++. (Web) (HN)
- Ruby 3.1 (2021) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Ruby: How to Run a Rack app in a Background Thread (2022)
- Ruby Structs (2021) (Lobsters)
- Reek - Code smell detector for Ruby.
- TryRuby - Learn programming with Ruby. (Code)
- Why I love Ruby (2022) (Lobsters)
- Ruby Best Practices List
- Ruby Fiber Scheduler (2022)
- mruby - Lightweight implementation of the Ruby language complying with part of the ISO standard. (Code)
- mruby-zig - mruby bindings for zig.
- Ruby Together - Community funded developer infrastructure. (HN)
- Pipelining without pipes (2022)
- What makes Ruby's blocks great (2022)
- How to make a templating language in ruby (Lobsters)
- ruby.wasm - Collection of WebAssembly ports of the CRuby.
- Fisk - Pure Ruby assembler.
- Parser - Ruby parser.
- Thanos - Ruby -> Go at the snap of your fingers.
- Please stop calling it "magic" (2017) (Lobsters)
- Ruby 3.2 preview 1 with support for WASM compilation (2022) (HN)
- Why Ruby Has Symbols (2022) (HN)
- Opal - Ruby to JavaScript source-to-source compiler.
- Ruby grammar for tree-sitter
- Fasterer - Make your Rubies go faster with this command line tool.
- Standing on the shoulders of giants and leaky abstractions (2022)
- Embedding Truffle Languages (2022)
- Making the Ruby interpreter run a program written in a natural language (2022)
- Learning Ruby: a resource list
- Rlang - Ruby-like language compiled to WebAssembly.
- Ruby LSP - Implementation of the LSP specification for Ruby.
- Code I like (I): Domain-driven boldness (2022)
- monoruby - Ruby implementation with a fast JIT compiler written in Rust.
- State Machines in Ruby: An Introduction (2022) (HN)
- Ruby Evolution: a brief list of new significant features
- Ruby parser and LSP in Rust
- To Ruby from Python (HN)
- Why Ruby Is More Readable Than Python (HN)
- Codeshift - Ruby CLI to transform source code using ASTs.
- Faster Ruby: Thoughts from the Outside (2022)
- From byebug to ruby/debug (2022)
- Natalie - Ruby Dialect. (Lobsters)
- Rucoa - Language server for Ruby.
- MemoryProfiler - Memory profiler for Ruby.
- IRB on browser powered by WebAssembly
- Ruby program that generates itself through a 128-language quine loop (HN)
- Programming Ruby 3.2 (5th Edition) (2022)
- Extending Ruby with Rust (2022)
- rbperf - Sampling profiler and tracer for Ruby (CRuby) which runs in BPF.
- ChatGPT Generate Ruby Code to Check User Exists in GitHub (2022)
- Building Games with DragonRuby (HN)
- What not to forget when implementing a pattern-matching in Ruby for custom objects (2022)
- Ruby 3.2.0 (2022) (HN)
- Ruby Nix - Generates reproducible ruby/bundler app environment with Ni.
- Install Ruby 3.2.0 + YJIT with ASDF (2022)
- Ruby 3.2.0 Is from Another Dimension (2023) (HN)
- Making Sorbet more incremental (2023) (Lobsters)
- Ruby 3.2’s YJIT is Production-Ready (2023) (HN)
- Pattern Matching Interfaces in Ruby (RFC)
- Ruby Internals Glossary - Acronyms I've run across in the Ruby source code and their meanings.
- Ruby Changes - History of Ruby language evolution.
- Ruby's private keyword is weird (2023)
- Build Your Own Fast, Persistent KV Store (2023) (HN)
- Granting at least once delivery (2023)
- Fibers and Ruby (2023)
- Fiber based async background job processor (2023)
- Stop ignoring pattern matching! It’s really good! (2022)