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OSS Django Apps Notes Links Profiling Django with DTrace and cProfile (2019) Django’s CBVs were a mistake (2012) Testing Django Migrations (2019) HN: Django 3 Viewflow - Reusable workflow library for Django.cookiecutter-django-rest - Build best practiced apis fast with Python3.rules - Awesome Django authorization, without the database.Django REST framework - Awesome web-browsable Web APIs.Awesome Django Introducing Django (2005) Django 3.1 (2020) (HN )Surviving Django (if you care about databases) (2020) (HN ) (Lobsters )Django Views — The Right Way - Opinionated guide on how to write views in Django. (Lobsters )Django Middleware Django Async: What's new and what's next? (2020) (HN )Django Redis - Redis cache backend for Django.Django styleguide Deploy Machine Learning Models with Django (Code )Async Views in Django 3.1 (2020) (HN )Build a simple Hacker News clone using Django 3 (2020) Building a Django app with data access control in 30 minutes (2020) (Lobsters )Django Waffle - Feature flipper for Django.Cookiecutter Django - Framework for jump starting production-ready Django projects quickly.SaaS Pegasus - Django-Powered SaaS Template. (Docs )Django Filter - Reusable Django application allowing users to declaratively add dynamic QuerySet filtering from URL parameters. (Docs )Django Best Practices: Security (2020) LearnDjango - Django Tutorials.Django Dynamic Fixture - Complete library to create dynamic model instances for testing purposes.Two Scoops of Django 3.x: Best Practices for the Django Web Framework Speed Up Your Django Tests book django-read-only - Disable Django database writes.Simple JWT - JSON Web Token authentication plugin for the Django REST Framework.drf-yasg - Generate real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 specifications from a Django Rest Framework API.Graphene-Django - Integrate GraphQL into your Django project.Graphene-Django-Plus - Tools to easily create permissioned CRUD endpoints in graphene.Optimizing Postgres full text search in Django (2019) Understand Group by in Django with SQL (2020) Running Django + React service by Cloud Run (2020) Django Doctor - Django GitHub PR bot that suggest the fix.Django’s Structure – A Heretic’s Eye View Django Book - Python Django Tutorials.Blazing fast tests in Django (2018) Django project optimization guide (2017) Django Ninja - Fast Django REST Framework. (HN )django-guardian - Per object permissions for Django.Docker-Compose for Django and React with Nginx Reverse-Proxy and Let's Encrypt (2020) (HN )Django Smartmin - Admin-like utility for users.Deploying Django to AWS ECS with Terraform Django Slick Reporting - Powerful and Efficient reporting engine with Charting capabilities.Dataclasses serializer - Dataclasses serializer for Django REST framework.django-floppyforms - Full control of form rendering in the templates.DIY Django and React Boilerplate for SaaS (Web ) (HN )django-unicorn - Provides a way to use backend Django code and regular Django templates to create interactive experiences without investing in a separate frontend framework. (Web )Hotwire + Django - Meta package to combine turbo-django and stimulus-django.Django migrations without downtimes (2015) wemake-django-template - Bleeding edge django template focused on code quality and security.Django Activity Stream - Way of creating activities generated by the actions on your site.Django antipatterns (Code )Turbo for Django - Integration of Hotwire Turbo with Django.Modern Django: A Guide on How to Deploy Django-based Web Applications Django Algolia Integration Docker, Django, Traefik, and IntercoolerJS: My go-to stack for building a SaaS (2021) (HN )Django 3.2 (2021) (HN )Constance - Dynamic Django settings.Rapid Prototyping with Django, htmx, and Tailwind CSS (2021) Django SQL Dashboard (HN ) (Code ) (Article )Get to know Django models better (2021) Django Chat - Podcast on the Django Web Framework by William Vincent and Carlton Gibson.Django Channels - Developer-friendly asynchrony for Django.Kolo - Django VSCode Extension. See everything happening in your running Django app. (Code )concrete-datastore - Highly versatile HTTP REST Datastore based on the web framework Django.Django for Startup Founders: A better software architecture for SaaS startups (2021) (HN )One Database Transaction Too Many (2021) Modeltranslation - Translates Django models using a registration approach.Django Packages - Reusable apps, sites and tools directory.Building MVPs fast on Django (2021) Building a Django driver for Psycopg 3 (2021) (HN )Python Django Web Framework - Full Course for Beginners (2019) Django Hijack - With Django Hijack, admins can log in and work on behalf of other users without having to know their credentials.django-htmx - Extensions for using Django with htmx.Appliku Deploy - Server Management, designed specially for Django. (HN )Type Check Your Django Application Hotwired/Turbo Django response helpers New Testing Features in Django 4.0 (2021) High Performance Django (2014) New Testing Features in Django 4.0 (2021) Model Bakery - Object factory for Django.The Decline of Django (2021) (HN )Profiling Django App (Lobsters )Reactor - Phoenix LiveView but for Django.Observing a Django backend with Honeycomb.io (2020) django-pgtrigger - Postgres trigger support integrated with Django models.django-pghistory - Provides automated and customizable history tracking for Django models using Postgres triggers.A complete guide to organizing settings in Django (2021) (HN )Why I Run Django on Kubernetes as a One-Man SaaS (2021) Django, HTMX and Alpine.js: Modern websites, JavaScript optional (2021) (HN )django-fsm - Adds simple declarative state management for django models.Django APScheduler - Adds a lightweight wrapper around APScheduler. It enables storing persistent jobs in the database using Django's ORM.Swapper - Django Swappable Models.dj-stripe - Django + Stripe Made Easy.The Definitive Guide to Celery and Django (Code )django-upgrade - Automatically upgrade your Django projects.Integrate Pydantic with Django and Django REST Framework (2021) Database-backed Periodic Tasks - Celery Periodic Tasks backed by the Django ORM.Create Django App Django JWT Auth - JSON Web Token Authentication support for Django.Django Async Orm - Django module that brings async to django ORM.drf-spectacular - Sane and flexible OpenAPI 3 schema generation for Django REST framework.Paperclip - Add attachments to Django models.Django-RQ - Simple app that provides Django integration for RQ (Redis Queue).django-clone - Controlled Django model instance replication.Jolie - Gorgeous drop-in replacement of Django Admin. (HN )Django-invitations - Generic invitations app for Django.Django IDOM - Allows Django to integrate with IDOM, a reactive Python web framework for building interactive websites without needing a single line of JavaScript.Django Easy Audit - Allows you to keep track of every action taken by your users.Django Garnett - Field level translation library that allows you to store strings in multiple languages.Django CORS Headers - Django app for handling the server headers required for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).Security And Django Awesome Django Blogs Django Sockpuppet - Build reactive applications with the Django tooling you already know and love.Django Celery Results - Celery result back end with Django.Polymorphic Models for Django - Improved Django model inheritance with automatic downcasting.Django Postgres Metrics - Django application that exposes a bunch of PostgreSQL database metrics.django-stubs - Type stubs and a custom mypy plugin to provide more precise static types and type inference for Django framework.Django Channels Rest Framework - Provides a DRF like interface for building channels-v3 websocket consumers.django-structlog - Structured Logging for Django.Django FastAPI ORM Djantic - Pydantic models for Django.nango - Streamlining Django forms to provide all the wins of single-page-applications without the pain.Django PostgreSQL Materialized View Example - Example of how to use a PostgreSQL materialized view in Django to speed up a complex query.Django Debug Toolbar - Configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response.Django Ratelimit - Cache-based rate-limiting for Django.Django Admin Interface - Modern responsive flat admin interface customizable by the admin itself.Django Step by Step - Django + Vue reference project that focuses on developer tooling and CI/CD + IaC.summarize-template - Show a summary of a Django or Jinja template.Rasters for Django - Raster data integration for Django projects with a PostGIS database backend.Anatomy of a Django/HTMX Project (2022) (HN )snapshot-queries - Capture all SQL statements executed via Django and SqlAlchemy ORM queries.Pyngo - Pydantic model support for Django & Django-Rest-Framework.Enforcing Zero Downtime Django Migrations (2022) Djangox - Django starter project with batteries.The Django speaking tour 2022 Tetra - Full stack reactive component framework for Django using Alpine.js (Code )Six things I do every time I start a Django project (2022) Daphne - Django Channels HTTP/WebSocket server.Pellet - Helps improve your Django app performance by discovering N+1 queries.Dataloaders for Django and Strawberry Django + htmx patterns Django RQ Scheduler - Database backed job scheduler for Django RQ with Django.Chard - Simple async/await task queue for Django. One process, no threads, no other dependencies.Django Lightweight Queue - Lightweight & modular queue and cron system for Django.Absurd Django - Running Django in the browser using Pyodide.Django Hypergen - Write server-rendered reactive HTML liveviews for Django in pure python.Django Model Values - Taking the O out of ORM.Production Tips for Django Apps (2022) (Lobsters )Deploy a Django app with fly.io (2022) Django Interactive Models - Create Django Models interactively.Weeknotes: DjangoCon, SQLite in Django, datasette-gunicorn (2022) Django safedelete - Mask your objects instead of deleting them from your database.Strawberry GraphQL Django integration Silk - Live profiling and inspection tool for the Django framework.Strawberry Django - Enhanced Strawberry integration with Django.Django Cachalot - Caches your Django ORM queries and automatically invalidates them.In Defense of Crusty Old Swiss Army Knives - An Exploration of Django & HTMX (2023) (Lobsters )Ban 1+N in Django (2023) (HN )