Phoenix framework
Productive web framework that does not compromise speed or maintainability.
Phoenix OSS apps
- Calendlex - Simple Calendly clone with Phoenix LiveView.
- Honeydew - Example app built on the CELP (Commanded, Elixir, LiveView, PostgreSQL) stack.
- Phoenix Chat Example - Step-by-Step Beginners Tutorial for Building, Testing & Deploying a Chat app in Phoenix.
- Philomena - Next-generation imageboard.
- Surface - Server-side rendering component library for Phoenix.
- Phoenix LiveView - Rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML.
- Animating a Canvas with Phoenix LiveView (2019)
- Build a real-time Twitter clone in 15 minutes with LiveView and Phoenix 1.5 (2020) (HN)
- Mastering Phoenix Framework
- PhoenixClient - Channel client for connecting to Phoenix from Elixir.
- Phoenix in Action (2019)
- Build a Video Chat App in Phoenix LiveView (2020)
- The beauty of LiveView (2020) (Lobsters)
- Torch - Rapid admin generator for Phoenix apps.
- Fireweed - Exploration of building full stack single page application with Elixir and Phoenix LiveView.
- Translating Phoenix Applications With Gettext (2020)
- Phoenix Igniter - Base from which to build your Phoenix apps.
- Elixir/Phoenix on Alpine Linux
- Introducing Phoenix LiveSessions (2020)
- ReactPhoenix - Functions to make rendering React.js components easy in Phoenix.
- Drab - Remote controlled frontend framework for Phoenix. (Web)
- Phoenix.PubSub.PostgreSQL - Phoenix PubSub adapter based on PostgreSQL LISTEN / NOTIFY.
- Phoenix LiveView Tips
- A hook for handling very large lists with Phoenix Live View (2021)
- The Sublime Developer Efficiency of Elixir, Phoenix and LiveView (2021)
- PETAL – the end-to-end web stack (2021)
- PETAL Stack in Elixir (2021)
- Getting started with PETAL (2021)
- Revisiting a Video Chat Application with Phoenix and WebRTC (2021)
- Phx.Gen.Auth - Authentication system generator for Phoenix 1.5+ applications.
- Client-Side Drag and Drop with Phoenix LiveView
- Data Fetching Using LiveComponents (2021)
- Slipstream - Slick websocket client for Phoenix channels.
- Constraint Programming with MiniZinc and Phoenix/LiveView
- Learning Elixir, Phoenix and LiveView: A Primer for Experienced Programmers (2021)
- Elixir and Phoenix after two years (2021) (HN)
- Phoenix LiveView Counter Tutorial
- Livebook - Write interactive & collaborative code notebooks in Elixir. (HN) (Code) (Web Code) (Tweet)
- PhoenixIntegration - Set of lightweight, server-side integration test functions for Phoenix.
- Let's Build An Instagram Clone With The PETAL(Phoenix, Elixir, TailwindCSS, AlpineJS, LiveView) Stack (2021)
- Let’s build a real time chat application with Elixir and Phoenix LiveView (2021)
- ExPlatorm - Battery-included Phoenix boilerplate.
- Phoenix + Docker app example
- Phoenix LiveSession - Live sessions for Phoenix LiveView and Phoenix Controllers.
- Phoenix: An Introduction to Elixir's Web Framework (2021)
- How Phoenix LiveView Works (2021) (HN)
- Phoenix with Webpack 5 and TailwindCSS
- Awesome Phoenix Liveview
- Awesome Phoenix
- Phoenix Content Negotiation Tutorial - Tutorial showing how to return different content for the same route based on accepts header. Build a Web App and JSON API.
- Use Phoenix Channels (2021) (HN)
- Desktop - Building native-like Elixir apps is the goal of this library. It combines Phoenix LiveView and Erlangs built-in WxWidgets library to archieve this.
- How We Got to LiveView (2021) (HN)
- PLDS - CLI version of Phoenix LiveDashboard.
- Hot Reloading with Phoenix and Webpack (2021)
- Preparing a Phoenix 1.6 app for deployment with Elixir Releases (2021)
- Gigalixir Action - GitHub Action for deploying Phoenix applications to Gigalixir.
- Gigalixir - Elixir’s Platform as a Service.
- Absinthe.Phoenix - Integrates Absinthe subscriptions with Phoenix.
- PhxComponentHelpers - Extensible Phoenix liveview components, without boilerplate.
- Phoenix.PubSub - Distributed PubSub and Presence platform for the Phoenix Framework.
- Restore LiveView State on Startup (2022)
- Petal Components - Phoenix Live View Components.
- Where to (not) use Phoenix LiveView (2021)
- LiveBeats: Building a social music app with Phoenix LiveView (2022) (HN)
- LiveViewJS - TypeScript back end for LiveView Apps (Phoenix LiveView). (HN) (Overview Video)
- Petal Boilerplate - Clean install of the latest Phoenix with some extras to get you started.
- LiveViews - Phoenix LiveView workalikes for different languages and frameworks.
- Build Simple Reusable Widgets Using Slots (2022)
- Stripe with Elixir and Phoenix (2022)
- Phoenix LiveView Cursors (2022) (Reddit)
- Real World Phoenix - Learn from Phoenix apps written by experienced developers.
- Exzeitable - Dynamically updating, searchable, sortable datatables with Phoenix LiveView.
- Building a Streaming Music Service with Phoenix and Elixir (2022) (Lobsters)
- React in LiveView: How and Why? (2022)
- Real-Time Phoenix: Build Highly Scalable Systems with Channels by Stephen Bussey
- LiveMotion - High performance animation library for Phoenix LiveView.
- Sobelow - Security-focused static analysis for the Phoenix Framework.
- Phoenix.Swoosh - Provides the ability to set the HTML and/or text body of an email by rendering templates.
- Learn Phoenix (Web App) Framework
- Using CQRS in a simple Phoenix API with Commanded (2022)
- Media Storage and CDN with Phoenix and Elixir (2022)
- How LiveView got rid of dangling processes in tests (2022)
- A Guide to Phoenix LiveView Assigns (2022)
- LiveView in Rust
- AbsintheGraphqlWS - Add graphql-ws websocket transport for Absinthe.
- Rummage.Phoenix - Support framework for Phoenix that can be used to manipulate Phoenix collections and Ecto models with Search, Sort and Paginate operations.
- How LiveView Took on a Life of Its Own (2022)
- PhxLiveStorybook - Pluggable storybook for your LiveView components.
- Triggering a Phoenix controller action from a form in a LiveView (2022)
- Ask HN: So, what's up with Phoenix (web framework)? (2022)
- PhoenixLiveViewNative - Swift package lets you use Phoenix LiveView to build native iOS apps with SwiftUI.
- Using Svelte with Phoenix LiveView
- Phoenix framework LiveView live sessions in action (2022)
- WebAuthnLiveComponent - Drop-in LiveComponent for password-less authentication.
- Phoenix Channels - Async-ready Phoenix Channels v2 client library in Rust.
- LiveView Native - Native platform implementations of the Phoenix LiveView protocol. (GitHub)
- PhoenixGon - Phoenix variables in your JavaScript without headache.
- PhoenixProfiler - Web Profiler and Debug Toolbar for Phoenix Framework.
- Phoenix LiveDashboard - Real time dashboard with metrics, request logging, plus storage, OS and VM insights.
- LiveUpload Example - Demonstrating file uploads with Phoenix LiveView.
- BroadwayCloudPubSub - Google Cloud Pub/Sub connector for Broadway.
- Phoenix LiveView 0.18: New Special HTML Attributes (2022) (Lobsters)
- Bodyguard - Simple authorization conventions for Phoenix apps.
- LiveInspect - Inspect LiveView assigns directly in the browser.
- LiveEvent - Standardized events for LiveView.
- LiveAssign - State management conventions for LiveView.
- Phoenix Diff - See the changes needed when upgrading an Elixir Phoenix application.
- Phoenix 1.7-rc released: Built-in Tailwind, Verified Routes, and more (2022) (Reddit)
- Kaffy - Powerfully simple admin package for phoenix applications.
- Phoenix.View - View abstraction for Phoenix.
- Submillisecond LiveView - LiveView implementation for the submillisecond web framework built with lunatic in Rust.
- LiveView Native Core - Provides core language-agnostic functionality for LiveView Native across platforms.
- Brief Introduction to Phoenix and LiveView (2022)
- Meta programmable functional notebooks with Livebook - José Valim (2022)
- ExTerm - Phoenix LiveView Terminal LiveComponent.
- Phoenix 1.7 is View-less (2022) (HN)
- 7 GUIs: Implementing a Circle Drawer in LiveView (2022)
- TDD Phoenix | Test-Driven Development with Phoenix
- Testing LiveView
- Elixir, Phoenix, LiveView, Ash. (2023)
- Phoenix/Ecto - Integrates Phoenix with Ecto, implementing all relevant protocols.
- Naming Elixir Phoenix context functions (2023) (HN)
- content - Plug to add Content Negotiation to any Phoenix App so you can render HTML or JSON for the same route.
- Async processing in LiveView (2023)
- VPS - Ties together 4 different Phoenix applications and runs them all on a single instance of the BEAM that is running Nerves on a Vultr.
- Phoenix.HTML - Helpers to generate and manipulate HTML contents.
- Ecto SQLite3 Extras - Helpful queries and Phoenix Live Dashboard integration for SQLite.
- Phoenix LiveView Free Course
- RequestCache - Request caching for Phoenix & Absinthe (GraphQL), short circuiting even the JSON decoding/encoding.
- Semantic Search with Phoenix, Axon, Bumblebee, and ExFaiss (2023) (HN)
- Phoenix 1.7.0 released: Built-in Tailwind, Verified Routes, LiveView Streams, and what's next (2023)
- Phoenix Dev Blog - Streams (2023) (Reddit)
- Phoenix 1.7.0 (2023) (HN)
- Phoenix Todo List Tutorial