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C++ libraries CLI args - Simple, small, flexible, single-header C++11 argument parsing library.cxxopts - Lightweight C++ command line option parser.FTXUI - C++ Functional Terminal User Interface.Command Interface - Add a command-line interface to any C++ program. (HN )Argh - Minimalist argument handler.CLI11 - Command line parser for C++11.libcargs - Command line argument library for C/C++.Test Catch2 - Modern, C++-native, header-only, test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD - using C++11, C++14, C++17 and later.Google Test - Google Testing and Mocking Framework.utest.h - Single header unit testing framework for C and C++.Mutate - C++ Mutation Test Environment.RapidCheck - C++ framework for property based testing inspired by QuickCheck and other similar frameworks.doctest - Fastest feature-rich C++11/14/17/20 single-header testing framework.UT - C++20 μ(micro)/Unit Testing Framework.Tau - Micro Unit Test Framework for C/C++.FuzzTest - Open-source C++ fuzz testing framework targeted for developers.snitch - Lightweight C++20 testing framework.Concurrency Cpp-Taskflow - Fast C++ header-only library to help you quickly write parallel programs with complex task dependencies.Async++ - Lightweight concurrency framework for C++11.Thrust - C++ parallel programming library which resembles the C++ Standard Library.Dear ImGui - Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies. (Awesome Dear ImGui )giu - Cross platform rapid GUI framework for golang based on Dear ImGui.GuiLite - Smallest UI framework for all platform -- 5K lines code.Yue - Library for creating native cross-platform GUI apps.MyGUI - Fast, flexible and simple GUI.Plywood - Cross-platform framework for building all kinds of C++ software. (HN )Elements - Lightweight, fine-grained, resolution independent, modular GUI library. (HN )wxWidgets - Cross-Platform GUI Library.Fast UI Draw - Library that provides a higher performance Canvas interface. It is designed so that it always draws using a GPU. (HN )Web NFHTTP - Cross platform C++ HTTP framework.Drogon - C++14/17-based rapid HTTP and web application framework.Asio - Cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming that provides developers with a consistent asynchronous model using a modern C++ approach. (Code )Pistache - High-performance REST Toolkit written in C++.Malloy - C++ library providing embeddable server & client components for both HTTP and WebSocket.Crow - Fast and Easy to use microframework for the web. (Web )Oat++ - Light and powerful C++ web framework for highly scalable and resource-efficient web application. It's zero-dependency and easy-portable.libhttpserver - C++ library for building high performance RESTful web servers.async-sockets-cpp - Simple thread-based asynchronous TCP & UDP Socket classes in C++.mockturtle - C++ logic network library.Wt - C++ Web Toolkit.Beast - HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11.Homa - Low-Latency Data Center Network Transport.Graphics Cinder - Peer-reviewed, free, open source C++ library for creative coding. (Web ) (Docs ) (HN )Terathon Math Library - C++ math library containing classes for vectors, matrices, quaternions, and elements of projective geometric algebra.VGC - Next-Gen Graphic Design and 2D Animation. (Web )Yocto/GL - C++ Libraries for Data-Driven Physically-based Graphics. (Docs ) (HN )Methane Kit - Easy to use modern 3D graphics rendering abstraction API and cross-platform application framework.Tahoma2D - 2D and Stop Motion Animation Software. (Web )gfx - Minimalist and easy to use graphics API built on top of Direct3D12/HLSL intended for rapid prototyping.bigger - Prototype-oriented middleware library for 3D interactive applications.Treexy - Brutally fast, sparse, 3D Voxel Grid.neoGFX - Cross-platform GPU-oriented C++ application/game framework. (Web )NanoGUI - Minimalistic C++/Python GUI library for OpenGL, GLES2/3, Metal, and WebAssembly/WebGL.Anti-Grain Geometry - Open Source, 2D vector graphics library. Produces pixel images in memory from vectorial data.JNGL - Easy to use cross-platform 2D game library for C++.libpag - Real-time rendering library for PAG (Portable Animated Graphics) files that renders After Effects animations natively across multiple platforms.Alembic - Open computer graphics interchange framework. (Web )TriMesh2 - C++ library and set of utilities for input, output, and basic manipulation of 3D triangle meshes.Skity - Open-source 2D graphics library written in C++ using OpenGL and Vulkan.OpenMfx - Low-overhead mesh-processing plug-in API for cross-software procedural effects.Mesh2SDF - Converts an input mesh to a signed distance field (SDF).GTSAM - C++ library that implements smoothing and mapping (SAM) in robotics and vision, using Factor Graphs and Bayes Networks.VERA - C++/WASM Graphic Framework.EmberGL - Low-level open source graphics library, similar to OpenGL/DirectX/Vulkan, designed for real-time 2D/3D rendering on MCUs.Krakatoa - Fast particle renderer for use in visual effects applications.libpqxx - Official C++ client API for PostgreSQL.SOCI - C++ Database Access Library.taoPQ - C++ client library for PostgreSQL.Velox - C++ vectorized database acceleration library aimed to optimizing query engines and data processing systems.Supersonic - Ultra-fast, column oriented query engine library written in C++.SQLite ORM - Light header only library for modern C++.rocksdb - Pure C++ Node.js RocksDB binding. An abstract-leveldown compliant store.KVDK - Key-value store library implemented in C++ language.silicondb - Concurrent key-value store, column-oriented database and more.Speedb - Library that provides an embedded, persistent key-value store.Crypto OpenABE - Open source cryptographic library with attribute-based encryption implementations in C/C++.Crypto++ - Free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes.AZTEC - C++ elliptic curve library.Crypto3 - Modern Cryptography Suite in C++17.ML++ - Library created to revitalize C++ as a machine learning front end.Tensor - Differential Geometry Tensor Library.Math Eigen - C++ template library for linear algebra. (HN )Stan Math - C++ template library for automatic differentiation of any order using forward, reverse, and mixed modes. It includes a range of built-in functions for probabilistic modeling, linear algebra, and equation solving.Other {fmt} - Modern formatting library.simdjson - Parsing gigabytes of JSON per second.nlohmann/json - JSON for Modern C++.Folly - Library of C++14 components designed with practicality and efficiency in mind.jet-live - C++ hot code reload for linux and macos.cpr - Curl for People, a spiritual port of Python Requests.argparse - Argument Parser for Modern C++.lager - C++ library to assist value-oriented design by implementing the unidirectional data-flow architecture.Immutable++ - Persistent immutable data structures providing practically O(1) for appends, updates and lookups.cpp-httplib - C++ single-file header-only cross platform HTTP/HTTPS library.Proxygen - Collection of C++ HTTP libraries including an easy to use HTTP server.RESTinio - Header-only C++14 library that gives you an embedded HTTP/Websocket server.Enoki - Structured vectorization and differentiation on modern processor architectures.Marl - Hybrid thread / fiber task scheduler written in C++ 11.Collection of succinct data structures Microsoft's C++ Standard Library Quantum Library - Full-featured and powerful C++ framework build on top of the Boost coroutine library.Wangle - Framework providing a set of common client/server abstractions for building services in a consistent, modular, and composable way.Typeclasses in C++ - Future C++ implementation of Rust-like trait objects with no boilerplate.Basic Development Environment - Set of foundational C++ libraries used at Bloomberg.BareMetalLib - C++ support library for bare-metal programming.matplotlib-cpp - Extremely simple yet powerful header-only C++ plotting library built on the popular matplotlib.re2 - Fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to backtracking regular expression engines like those used in PCRE, Perl, and Python.Boost.Hana - Your standard library for metaprogramming.xtensor - C++ tensors with broadcasting and lazy computing.Choreograph - Simple, modern C++ animation and timing library.cppast - Library to parse and work with the C++ AST.thread-pool-cpp - High performance C++11 thread pool.pytest-cpp - Use pytest's runner to discover and execute C++ tests.MFEM - Lightweight, general, scalable C++ library for finite element methods.Backward-cpp - Beautiful stack trace pretty printer for C++.sparsehash - C++ associative containers.tabulate - Table Maker for Modern C++.stb - Single-file public domain libraries for C/C++.Diligent Engine - Modern cross-platform low-level graphics library and rendering framework.Loguru - Lightweight C++ logging library.DFHack - Dwarf Fortress memory access library, distributed with scripts and plugins implementing a wide variety of useful functions and tools.Tweeny - Inbetweening library designed for the creation of complex animations for games and other beautiful interactive software.Work-Stealing Queue libff - C++ library for finite fields and elliptic curves.REST client for C++ SDSL - Succinct Data Structure Library.Acutest - Simple header-only C/C++ unit testing facility.Boost Multiprecision Library - Provides integer, rational, floating-point, complex and interval number types in C++ that have more range and precision than C++'s ordinary built-in types.Sentry SDK for C/C++ scnlib - Modern C++ library for replacing scanf and std::istream.Plog - Portable, simple and extensible C++ logging library.Nano - C++ library for developing high-performance applications for macOS, iOS, tvOS, Android, Linux, and Microsoft Windows.span lite - C++20-like span for C++98, C++11 and later in a single-file header-only library.atomic_queue - C++ lock-free queue.RTTR - C++ Reflection Library.lager - C++ library for value-oriented design using the unidirectional data-flow architecture (Redux for C++).Heteroflow - Header-only C++ library to help you quickly write concurrent CPU-GPU programs using task models.GEOS - C++11 library for performing operations on two-dimensional vector geometries.subprocess.h - Simple one header solution to launching processes and interacting with them for C and C++.OpenMesh - Generic and efficient data structure for representing and manipulating polygonal meshes.Skia - Complete 2D graphic library for drawing Text, Geometries, and Images. (Web )nbind - Magical headers that make your C++ library accessible from JavaScript.Fiber Tasking Lib - Library for enabling task-based multi-threading. It allows execution of task graphs with arbitrary dependencies.ozz-animation - Open source c++ skeletal animation library and toolset.sqlpp11 - Type safe embedded domain specific language for SQL queries and results in C++.Tiny Differentiable Simulator - Header-only C++ physics library with zero dependencies.Movable Feast Machine C++ reference implementation and simulator Fastor - Light-weight high performance tensor algebra framework for modern C++.FastNoise - Fast C++ Noise Library.libigl - Simple C++ geometry processing library.Kodiak - C++ library that implements a generic branch and bound algorithm for rigorous numerical approximations.cilantro - Lean and fast C++ library for working with point cloud data, with emphasis given to the 3D case.Frozen - Header-only library that provides 0 cost initialization for immutable containers and various algorithms.fast_io - C++ general-purpose exception-safe RAII I/O library based on C++ 20 Concepts. It is at least ten times faster than cstdio or iostream.LEAF - Lightweight Error Augmentation Framework.nacro - Better C/C++ macro extension. Implemented in Clang plugins. Inspired by Rust's macro system.Magic Enum - Static reflection for enums (to string, from string, iteration) for modern C++, work with any enum type without any macro or boilerplate code.Nameof - Nameof operator for modern C++, simply obtain the name of a variable, type, function, macro, and enum.ALEX - Library for building an in-memory, Adaptive Learned indEX. (HN )cereal - C++11 library for serialization.Boost C++ Libraries ELFIO - Header-only C++ library intended for reading and generating files in the ELF binary format.DataFrame - C++ statistical library that provides an interface similar to Pandas package in Python. (Reddit )structopt - Parse command line arguments by defining a struct. (HN )Derecho - Open-source C++ distributed computing toolkit that provides strong forms of distributed coordination and consistency at RDMA speeds.Jungle - Embedded key-value storage library, based on a combined index of LSM-tree and copy-on-write (append-only) B+tree.NuRaft - C++ implementation of Raft core logic as a replication library.Hyperscan - High-performance multiple regex matching library. (Web )libcu++ - NVIDIA C++ Standard Library.OpenR - Distributed platform for building autonomic network functions.Abseil - Open-source collection of C++ code designed to augment the C++ standard library. (How to contribute to Abseil with a visible performance gain )semver - Semantic Versioning for modern C++.Aleph - Library for Exploring Persistent Homology.Terminal - Small header only C++ library for writing multiplatform terminal applications.Draco - Object-oriented component library geared towards numerically intensive, radiation (particle) transport applications built for parallel computing hardware.cpu_features - Cross platform C99 library to get cpu features at runtime.VSTGUI - User interface toolkit mainly for audio plug-ins.libunifex - Prototype implementation of the C++ sender/receiver async programming model.random - Random for modern C++ with convenient API.fifo_map - FIFO-ordered associative container for C++.TensorRT - C++ library for high performance inference on NVIDIA GPUs and deep learning accelerators.Hnswlib - Header-only C++/python library for fast approximate nearest neighbors.Non-Metric Space Library (NMSLIB) - Efficient similarity search library and a toolkit for evaluation of k-NN methods for generic non-metric spaces.Dyno - Runtime polymorphism done right.Geometry Central - Applied 3D geometry in C++, with a focus on surface meshes. (Docs )Bullet Physics SDK - Real-time collision detection and multi-physics simulation for VR, games, visual effects, robotics, machine learning etc.lexy - C++ parser combinator library.PEGTL - Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library. Zero-dependency C++ header-only parser combinator library for creating parsers according to a Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG).incbin - Include binary files in C/C++.uDepot - Multi-threaded, scalable, persistent store that is flash optimized by using a log-structured space allocation and GC framework.PDAL - Point Data Abstraction Library. GDAL for point cloud data. (Docs )painless - Header-only C++ library that provides an easy way to use interactive parameters in your program.Embedded Template Library (ETL) (Web )C++ B-tree - Modern C++ B-tree containers.Blitz++ - Multi-Dimensional Array Library for C++.ATen - TENsor library for C++11.AsyncFuture - Use QFuture like a Promise object.concurrencpp - C++ concurrency library.Build→It - Type based library framework for multi-stage imperative programming. (Web )FLANN - Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors.TVLLib - Template Vector Library.Ceres Solver - Open source C++ library for modeling and solving large, complicated optimization problems. (Docs ) (HN )sdbus-c++ - High-level C++ D-Bus library for Linux designed to provide expressive, easy-to-use API in modern C++.DGtal - Digital Geometry Tools and Algorithm Library. (Web )libpy - Library to help you write amazing Python extensions in C++.cppcoro - Library of C++ coroutine abstractions for the coroutines TS.DynaMix (Dynamic Mixins) - New take on polymorphism. It lets the user compose and modify polymorphic objects at run time in C++.maths - Linear algebra library with vector swizzling, intersection tests and useful functions for games and graphics dev.Edlib - Lightweight, super fast C/C++ (& Python) library for sequence alignment using edit (Levenshtein) distance.Corrade - C++11/C++14 multiplatform utility library. (Web )Vineyard - In-memory immutable data manager. (Docs ) (HN )Dionysus - Library for computing persistent homology.Parallel Hashmap - Family of header-only, very fast and memory-friendly hashmap and btree containers.Kimera - C++ library for real-time metric-semantic simultaneous localization and mapping.libtensor - C++ library for tensor computations.RadixSpline - Read-only learned index structure that can be built in a single pass over sorted data.Minisketch - Optimized library for BCH-based set reconciliation.TiledArray - Massively-parallel, block-sparse tensor framework written in C++.FBGEMM - Low-precision, high-performance matrix-matrix multiplications and convolution library for server-side inference.Cista++ - Simple C++ Serialization & Reflection. (Web )Memkind - User extensible heap manager built on top of jemalloc which enables control of memory characteristics and a partitioning of the heap between kinds of memory. (Web )FunctionalPlus - Functional Programming Library for C++. Write concise and readable C++ code.polylabel - Fast algorithm for finding the pole of inaccessibility of a polygon (in JavaScript and C++).GBDT - High performance and full featured C++ implementation of Jerome H. Friedman's Gradient Boosting Decision Trees Algorithm and its modern offsprings.DSPatch - Refreshingly Simple C++ Dataflow Framework.libcuckoo - High-performance, concurrent hash table.libmprompt - Robust multi-prompt delimited control and effect handlers in C/C++.IceCream-Cpp - Little (single header) library to help with the print debugging on C++11 and forward.expected - C++11/14/17 std::expected with functional-style extensions. (Tweet )monolish - MONOlithic Liner equation Solvers for Highly-parallel architecture.EVE - Expressive Velocity Engine.Galois - C++ library designed to ease parallel programming, especially for applications with irregular parallelism.timemory - Timing + Memory + Hardware Counter Utilities for C / C++ / CUDA / Python.Casbin-CPP - Authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in C/C++.SON-RPC-CXX - JSON-RPC for modern C++.PTHash - Fast and compact minimal perfect hash functions in C++.Zadeh - Blazing fast library for fuzzy filtering, matching, and other fuzzy things.Workflow - C++ Parallel Computing and Asynchronous Networking Engine. (HN )AFF3CT - Fast simulator and a library dedicated to the channel coding. (Web )Boost.Hof - Higher-order functions for C++.aids - std replacement for C++.POCO (Portable Components) - Powerful cross-platform C++ libraries for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile, IoT, and embedded systems. (Web )Operon - C++ Large Scale Genetic Programming. (Docs )CppCoro - Library of C++ coroutine abstractions for the coroutines TS.TinyGLTF - Header only C++11 tiny glTF 2.0 library.Pipes - Small components for writing expressive code when working on collections.NamedType - Implementation of strong types in C++.kari.hpp - Experimental library for currying in C++17.cpp-lazy - Fast and easy lazy evaluation library.memory-allocators - Custom memory allocators in C++ to improve the performance of dynamic memory allocation.Vc - Portable, zero-overhead C++ types for explicitly data-parallel programming.cinolib - Generic programming header only C++ library for processing polygonal and polyhedral meshes.ordered-map - C++ hash map and hash set which preserve the order of insertion.CIDLib - General purpose C++ development environment.CrossWindow - Cross platform system abstraction library written in C++ for managing windows and performing OS tasks. (Web )dr_libs - Single file audio decoding libraries for C/C++.EASTL - Alternative C++ Standard Library From Electronic Arts. (HN )Inja - Template Engine for Modern C++. (HN )Reckless - Low-latency, high-throughput, asynchronous logging library for C++.CPP-Libp2p - C++17 implementation of libp2p.µReact - Minimalistic reactive library for c++.Minicore - Fast and memory-efficient clustering + coreset construction, including fast distance kernels for Bregman and f-divergences.EXOTica - Extensible Optimization Framework. (Docs )subprocess - C++ high level library for running shell processes.HOT - Height Optimized Trie.Okasaki - Functional data structures in C++.rlottie - Platform independent standalone library that plays Lottie Animation.simdutf - Unicode validation and transcoding at billions of characters per second. (Talk ) (HN )Boost.PFR - std::tuple like methods for user defined types without any macro or boilerplate code.double-conversion - Efficient binary-decimal and decimal-binary conversion routines for IEEE doubles.FastNoise2 - Modular node graph based noise generation library using SIMD, C++17 and templates.TensorPipe - Tensor-aware point-to-point communication primitive for machine learning.Rotor - Event loop friendly C++ actor micro framework.optional - Single header implementation of std::optional with functional-style extensions and support for references.ZAB - Asynchronous framework for building event-driven, multi-threaded programs.Ensmallen - High-quality C++ library for non-linear numerical optimization. (Web ) (Docs ) (HN )Fleet - C++ library for programming language of thought models.MatX - Efficient C++17 GPU numerical computing library with Python-like syntax.oneMKL - Open-source implementation of the oneMKL Data Parallel C++ (DPC++) interface according to the oneMKL specification.mathiu.cpp - Simple computer algebra system in C++.Avendish - Declarative, non-intrusive, compile-time C++ reflection.libossia - Modern C++, cross-environment distributed object model for creative coding.RtAudio - Set of C++ classes that provide a common API for real time audio input/output.RtMidi - Set of C++ classes that provide a common API for real time MIDI input/output.HPX - C++ Standard Library for Parallelism and Concurrency.agrpc - Async GRPC with C++20 coroutine support.Marius - Large scale embeddings on a single machine.Compute Library - Set of computer vision and machine learning functions optimised for both Arm CPUs and GPUs using SIMD technologies.ahsohtoa - Structure-of-array synthesis in C++20.LIEF - Library to Instrument Executable Formats.AStarix - Fast and Optimal Sequence-to-Graph Aligner.dtl - Diff template library written by C++.TinyFSM - Simple C++ finite state machine library.Tongrams - C++ library providing fast language model queries in compressed space.Autocomplete - Efficient and effective query auto-completion in C++.Sexpresso - C++ centric s-expression parser library.baidu-allreduce - Small C++ library, demonstrating the ring allreduce and ring allgather techniques.HIP - C++ Heterogeneous-Compute Interface for Portability.SMACC - Event-driven, asynchronous, behavioral state machine library for real-time ROS (Robotic Operating System) applications written in C++.refl-cpp - Modern compile-time reflection library for C++ with support for overloads, templates, attributes and proxies.NymphRPC - Compact, C++-based Remote Procedure Call (RPC) library.libgo - Go-style concurrency in C++11.xatlas - Mesh parameterization / UV unwrapping library.ohm - Efficient, extensible occupancy map supporting probabilistic occupancy, normal distribution transforms in CPU and GPU.Flecs - Fast entity component system (ECS) for C & C++.Caches - C++ cache with LRU/LFU/FIFO policies implementation.SML - C++14 State Machine Library.Kokkos - Programming model in C++ for writing performance portable applications targeting all major HPC platforms.CPPItertools - Range-based for loop add-ons inspired by the Python builtins and itertools library.libs - Single-file public domain libraries for C/C++.asyncio - C++20 library to write concurrent code using the async/await syntax.CTPG - C++ Compile Time Parser Generator. (HN )Binlog - High performance C++ log library to produce structured binary logs.robin-hood-hashing - Fast & memory efficient hashtable based on robin hood hashing for C++.ParlayLib - Toolkit for Programming Parallel Algorithms on Shared-Memory Multicore Machines.YACLib - C++ library for concurrent tasks execution. (Docs )triSYCL - Generic system-wide modern C++ for heterogeneous platforms with SYCL from Khronos Group.Xcdat - Fast compressed trie dictionary library.Poplar-trie - C++17 implementation of memory-efficient dynamic tries.eraft - Generic raft library inspired etcd in C++.cpp-subprocess - Subprocessing with modern C++.CPP-JWT - JSON Web Token library for C++.libkdtree++ - C++ template container implementation of k-dimensional space sorting, using a kd-tree.promise-cpp - C++ promise/A+ library in JavaScript style.cocoyaxi - Go-style coroutine library in C++11 and more. (Lobsters )ConcurrentQueue - Fast multi-producer, multi-consumer lock-free concurrent queue for C++11.Ratas - Hierarchical timer wheel, for implementing timed event queues.Vectorscan - Portable fork of the high-performance regular expression matching library.Jinja2С++ - C++ implementation of the Jinja2 Python template engine.AMadeus - Collection of high performance C++ containers that can be chosen as drop-in replacements for std::vector and std::set.json2cpp - Compiles JSON into static constexpr C++ data structures with nlohmann::json API.RAJA - Enables architecture and programming model portability for HPC applications.cpp-sort - Sorting algorithms & related tools for C++14.sol2 - C++ library binding to Lua.KDBindings - Reactive programming & data binding in C++.alpaka - Abstraction Library for Parallel Kernel Acceleration.cpp-effects - Effect handlers in C++.nanobench - Simple, fast, accurate single-header microbenchmarking functionality for C++.Multi-Protocol SPDZ - Software to benchmark various secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocols such as SPDZ, SPDZ2k, MASCOT, Overdrive, BMR garbled circuits, Yao's garbled circuits.minicsv - C++ Minimalistic CSV Streams.two - C++ toolkit for rapid development of live graphical apps and games.fast_io - Significantly faster input/output for C++20.nanobind - Seamless operability between C++17 and Python.thread-pool - Simple, functional thread pool implementation using pure C++20.Maat - Open-source symbolic execution framework.mp-units - Compile-time enabled Modern C++ library that provides compile-time dimensional analysis and unit/quantity manipulation.CTTI - Compile Time Type Information for C++.Junction - Concurrent data structures in C++.loop_tool - Thin, highly portable toolkit for dense loop-based computation.fixed_string - C++17 string with fixed size.async_simple - Simple, Light-Weight Asynchronous C++ Framework.Universal - Header-only C++ template library for universal number arithmetic.LodePNG - PNG encoder and decoder in C and C++.PoseLib - Minimal solvers for calibrated camera pose estimation.TOML++ - Header-only TOML config file parser and serializer for C++17.Easy3D - Lightweight, easy-to-use, and efficient C++ library for processing and rendering 3D data.rangeless - Library of higher-order functions for data manipulation.OpenDHT - Lightweight C++17 Distributed Hash Table implementation.Kokkos - C++ Performance Portability Programming EcoSystem: Math Kernels - Provides BLAS, Sparse BLAS and Graph Kernels.BOUT++ - Framework for writing fluid and plasma simulations in curvilinear geometry.HiGHS - Linear optimization software.Voro++ - Three-dimensional Voronoi cell library in C++.SimpleBLE - C++ fully cross-platform BLE library designed for simplicity and ease of use.zstr - C++ header-only ZLib wrapper.uvw - Header-only, event based, tiny and easy to use libuv wrapper in modern C++ - now available as also shared/static library.nanoprintf - Smallest public printf implementation for its feature set.fgt - Fast Gauss transforms.Coherent Point Drift (CPD) - C++ implementation of the Coherent Point Drift point set registration algorithm.lex - C++ library for Lua style pattern matching.ADVobfuscator - Obfuscation library based on C++11/14 and metaprogramming.manif - Small C++11 header-only library for Lie theory.sse4-strstr - SIMD-friendly algorithms for substring searching.Chrono - High-performance C++ library for multiphysics and multibody dynamics simulations.xorstr - Heavily vectorized c++17 compile time string encryption.transwarp - Header-only C++ library for task concurrency.Serdepp - C++ serialize and deserialize adaptor library like rust serde.rs.KelCoro - C++20 coroutine library.Eventuals - C++ library for writing asynchronous computations out of continuations.Albany - Implicit, unstructured grid, finite element code for the solution and analysis of multiphysics problems.match(it) - Lightweight header-only pattern-matching library for C++17 with macro-free APIs.libassert - Most over-engineered and overpowered C++ assertion library.MIPP - Portable and Open-source wrapper for vector intrinsic functions (SIMD) written in C++11.Flat - Flat containers for C++.AnyAny - C++20 library for comfortable and efficient dynamic polymorphism.RxCpp - Reactive Extensions for C++.userver - C++ Asynchronous Framework. (Web ) (HN )Dash - Persistent memory friendly hashing index.Crab - C++ Library for Building Program Static Analyses.HFSM2 - High-Performance Hierarchical Finite State Machine Framework.cuCollections - Open-source, header-only library of GPU-accelerated, concurrent data structures.BS::thread_pool - Fast, lightweight, and easy-to-use C++17 thread pool library.Dem Bones - Automated algorithm to extract the linear blend skinning (LBS) from a set of example poses.cubeb - Cross platform audio library.Polygeist - C/C++ frontend for MLIR. Also features polyhedral optimizations, parallel optimizations, and more.hashmap.h - Simple one header hashmap implementation for C/C++.CacheLib - Pluggable in-process caching engine to build and scale high performance services.ztd.text - Premiere library for handling text in different encoding forms and reducing transcoding bugs in your C++ software.uni-algo - Unicode Algorithms Implementation for C/C++.CTAsm - Compile Time Assembler for C++. (Lobsters )hopscotch-map - C++ implementation of a fast hash map and hash set using hopscotch hashing.kdtools - Tools for Working with Multidimensional Data in R and C++.Photon - High-efficiency LibOS framework, based on a set of carefully selected C++ libs.memory - STL compatible C++ memory allocator library using a new RawAllocator concept that is similar to an Allocator but easier to use and write.hspp - Haskell Style Programming brought to C++.fast_float - Fast and exact implementation of the C++ from_chars functions for float and double types: 4x faster than strtod.ReactivePlusPlus - Reactive programming library for C++.Simple streaming library alpaca - Pack C++ structs into a compact byte-array without any macros or boilerplate code.CSV2 - Fast CSV parser and writer for Modern C++.Nod - Small, header only signals and slots C++11 library.MP - C++20 Template Meta-Programming.oneTBB - Flexible C++ library that simplifies the work of adding parallelism to complex applications, even if you are not a threading expert.zzzJSON - Fastest JSON parser written in pure C.B-Tree - General-purpose high-performance lightweight STL-like modern C++ B-Tree.cppq - Simple, reliable & efficient distributed task queue for C++17. Backed by Redis.Coost - Tiny boost library in C++11.SPU - Secure Processing Unit.BaSpaCho - Direct solver for symmetric positive-definite sparse matrices designed for mathematical optimization. It implements supernodal Cholesky decomposition algorithm, and has GPU support.archimedes - C++ reflection via code generation.tiny::optional - Replacement for std::optional that does not unnecessarily waste memory.Terathon-Container-Library - C++ containers for arrays, lists, maps, hash tables, trees, and graphs.STXXL - Standard Template Library for Extra Large Data Sets.fast_log - Fast implementation of the natural logarithmic function.C++ Predefined Macros pika - C++ library for concurrency and parallelism.Benchmark - Microbenchmark support library.BzTree - Open-source BzTree implementation.function2 - Improved and configurable drop-in replacement to std::function that supports move only types, multiple overloads and more.tinyformat.h - Minimal, type safe printf replacement library for C++.libhal - Collection of interfaces and abstractions for embedded peripherals and devices using modern C++.GeoArrow - Experimental C and C++ implementation of the GeoArrow specification.Sonic-Cpp - Fast JSON serializing & deserializing library, accelerated by SIMD.Outcome - Lightweight outcome\<T> and result\<T> (non-Boost edition).Realtime Math - Geared towards real time applications that require their math to be as fast as possible.Animation Compression Library - Animation compression is a fundamental aspect of modern video game engines.mz::type_list - Compiler-friendly variadic type list for C++.json.h - Simple single header solution to parsing JSON in C and C++.header-parser - Extracts information from an annotated C++ header and outputs it as JSON for use in code generation tools.CDT - C++ library for generating constraint or conforming Delaunay triangulations.JSBSim - Open source flight dynamics & control software library.fastgltf - Superfast SIMD powered glTF 2.0 parser written in C++17 with minimal dependencies.Stroika - Modern, portable, thread-savvy, C++ application framework. It makes writing high performance C++ applications easier by providing safe, flexible, modular building blocks.riptide_cpp - Multihreaded 64 bit c++ files for processing numba arrays.ProxSuite - Advanced Proximal Optimization Toolbox.bin2cpp - Easiest way to embed small files into a c++ executable.gcl - Graph concurrent library for C++.type_safe - Zero overhead utilities for preventing bugs at compile time.JSONCONS - C++, header-only library for constructing JSON and JSON-like data formats such as CBOR.CTHASH - Compile Time Hash. Constexpr implementation of SHA-2 family of hashes.Celerity Runtime - High-level C++ for Accelerator Clusters.Algorithm - Boost.org algorithm module.polymorphic_value - Polymorphic value-type for C++.Proxy - Easy Polymorphism in C++.BinOpt - Library for Self-guided Runtime Binary Optimization.LibColony - C++ (and JavaScript) library for task sheduling, perfect for colony simulation games. (Web )Gloo - Collective communications library with various primitives for multi-machine training.Contourklip - C++ library for boolean operations on contours. Including cubic beziers.emhash - Very fast and memory efficient c++ flat hash map/set.sparse-map - C++ implementation of a memory efficient hash map and hash set.RenderGraph - Render graph management library.kuhllib - Experimental standard C++ library.ggwave - Tiny data-over-sound library.libfork - Bleeding-edge, lock-free, wait-free, continuation-stealing tasking library.libremidi - Cross-platform C++17 library for real-time and MIDI file input and output.Rodin - Modern C++17 finite element method and shape optimization framework.nsuv - C++ wrapper around libuv focused on making callback arg passing safer.Senders - Standard Model for Asynchronous Execution in C++.Links