OSS apps
- atemoia - Simple full-stack Clojure app.
- ReactNYC - ClojureScript: A Great Place for React - Jorge Colindres (2018)
- shadow-cljs - ClojureScript compilation made easy.
- Creating Serverless Applications with ClojureScript and Firebase: Jake McCrary (2018)
- chestnut - Application template for Clojure + ClojureScript web apps.
- Lumo - Fast, cross-platform, standalone ClojureScript environment.
- React without JavaScript: ClojureScript, Reagent, Figwheel (2018)
- Planck - Stand-alone ClojureScript REPL. (Web)
- Code-Splitting ClojureScript (2019)
- learn re-frame - Paid course.
- A Tool For Thought (2016) (HN)
- Create CLJS App - Create ClojureScript apps with a single command.
- uix - Idiomatic ClojureScript interface to modern React.
- Learn Reagent Free
- Lambda Island - Screencast series about ClojureScript and Clojure.
- ClojureScript Unraveled - Open source book about ClojureScript. (Code)
- Piggieback - nREPL middleware that enables the use of a ClojureScript REPL on top of an nREPL session.
- Figwheel Main - Builds your ClojureScript code and hot loads it as you are coding.
- figwheel.main template - Template generator that will produce a minimal ClojureScript project that includes figwheel.main tooling.
- Learn You a ClojureScript for Great Good (2021)
- CLJSJS Packages - Effort to package JavaScript libraries to be able to use them from within ClojureScript.
- hiccup-d3 - Provides D3 charts written in ClojureScript.
- ClojureScript Koans
- Awesome ClojureScript
- Lessons On Writing JavaScript and React From ClojureScript (2021) (HN)
- ClojureScript Macros (2019)
- Hot Reload in ClojureScript (2019)
- Developing mobile digital key applications with ClojureScript (2021)
- Tetris in ClojureScript (HN)
- Racing Game in ClojureScript (HN)
- clojureflare - Clojurescript library to simplify the use with Cloudflare workers, focusing on simplicity.
- ClojureScript in the Age of TypeScript — David Nolen (2021)
- ClojureScript Tutorial (2021)
- Writing Mobile apps in ClojureScript in 2021
- Vlojure - Visual programming interface for ClojureScript.
- The Missing Guide for ClojureScript
- Speed up your ClojureScript Web App (2021)
- re-frame - ClojureScript framework for building user interfaces. (Web)
- re-flow - Library that adds tools for building and executing workflows in re-frame applications.
- lein-cljsbuild - Leiningen plugin to make ClojureScript development easy.
- React prerendering experiments in Clojure(script) land (2021)
- Helix - ClojureScript optimized for modern React development.
- obb - Ad-hoc ClojureScript scripting of Mac applications via Apple's Open Scripting Architecture. (HN)
- Introducing Visual and Interactive-Syntax realized (VISr) for ClojureScript (and JavaScript) (2022)
- Sente - Real time web comms for Clojure/Script.
- ClojureScript REPL (Code)
- Glogi - ClojureScript logging library based on goog.log.
- okulary - Fast Atom and DerivedAtom for ClojureScript.
- AWS + Go + ClojureScript
- shadow-grove - ClojureScript system to build browser based frontends.
- ClavaScript - ClojureScript syntax to JavaScript compiler.
- Tiny example project for setting up development using nREPL and shadow-cljs
- Cherry - ClojureScript to ES6 module compiler.
- Conduit - Real world application built with ClojureScript + re-frame.
- Maria - ClojureScript coding environment for beginners. (Code) (HN)
- js-interop - JavaScript-interop library for ClojureScript.
- solid-cljs - ClojureScript bindings to SolidJS.