Try Clojure & Elements of Clojure are nice for learning.
Clerk is nice interactive notebook for Clojure.
- HN: Clojure learning journey
- REPL - Is in Russian but describes why REPL development is so amazing.
- Clojure Katas
- Полный стэк на "одном" языке
- cljfmt - Tool for formatting Clojure code.
- HN: A year in clojure
- Clojure vs. The Static Typing World
- clojure-lsp - Language Server (LSP) for Clojure.
- Clojure is a product design tool (2018)
- HN: Clojure at Netflix (2013)
- kaocha - Full featured next gen Clojure test runner.
- Manifold - Compatibility layer for event-driven abstractions.
- REBL - Graphical, interactive tool for browsing Clojure data.
- Clojure's slow start — what's inside? (2018)
- Maybe Not - Rich Hickey (2018)
- Virgil - Your own personal JVM psychopomp.
- Luminus - Clojure micro-framework based on a set of lightweight libraries.
- ClojErl - Clojure for the Erlang VM. (Interview with creator)
- Data > Functions > Macros. But why? (2018)
- edn - Extensible Data Notation. Superset of edn is used by Clojure to represent programs.
- spectrum - Library for doing static analysis of Clojure code, catching clojure.spec conform errors at compile time.
- Fast Tensors in Clojure - a Sneak Peek (HN)
- Expert to Expert: Rich Hickey and Brian Beckman - Inside Clojure (2013)
- Small Clojure Interpreter - Tiny implementation of Clojure in Clojure. (HN)
- Elements of Clojure Book
- Elements of Clojure with Zach Tellman (HN)
- Elements of Clojure: chapter on naming things
- Love Letter To Clojure (2019)
- Transcripts of Clojure-related talks
- core.typed - Optional type system for Clojure.
- Small Clojure Interpreter playground
- Naked Performance (with Clojure) – Tommi Reiman (2019)
- Building My Own Clojure Tools - Nikita Prokopov (2019)
- cljdoc - Central documentation hub for the Clojure community.
- SICP Distilled - Idiosyncratic tour of SICP in Clojure.
- The Clojure Mindshare (2019)
- Clojure Katas
- Babashka - Native, fast starting Clojure interpreter for scripting. (Talk) (Docs) (Migrating blog from Octopress to Babashka) (HN)
- Clojure Koans - Set of exercises for learning Clojure.
- State of Clojure 2020 (HN)
- Clojurians Zulip Chat
- Clojure: the Lisp that wants to spread (2020) (HN)
- REPL Debugging: No Stacktrace Required (2017) (HN)
- Clojure Chat Streams
- Clojure is Great (2020)
- clj-kondo - Linter for Clojure code that sparks joy.
- Clojure beginner resources
- Clojure Distilled
- Clojure for Brave and True
- Introduction to Clojure – Modern dialect of Lisp (2013)
- ClojureRS - Clojure, implemented atop Rust. (HN)
- Joker - Small Clojure interpreter, linter and formatter. (Web) (HN)
- 4Clojure - Resource to help fledgling clojurians learn the language through interactive problems. (Code)
- History of Clojure – Rich Hickey (HN)
- A History of Clojure (2021) (HN) (Summary by Rich Hickey with Q&A)
- Better Clojure formatting (2018)
- Clojure outside the JVM (2020)
- Why I'm Productive in Clojure (2013)
- Logging in Clojure: Making Sense of the Mess (2020)
- Transducers From The Ground Up (2020)
- Clojure Learning Program
- Clojure Basics: Debugging with the REPL (2020)
- Programming at the REPL (2018) (HN)
- Nubank acquires Cognitect (2020) (HN)
- Cursive - IDE for beautiful Clojure(Script) code. (Lobsters)
- Clojurists Together - Funding critical Clojure open source software.
- (N)vim for Clojure development (2020)
- Clojure from the ground up
- Clojure Reddit - Has nice resources in sidebar.
- Using Clojure in Command Line with Babashka (2020)
- Deep Diamond - Deep Learning in Clojure is Fast, Simpler than Keras (2020)
- What Clojure Spec is and what you can do with it (2020) (HN)
- Clojure Cheatsheet
- Essential Reference for the Clojure Standard Library
- Local memoized recursive functions (2020)
- Clojure Notes
- I will never let monads be in a Clojure project (2018)
- Going faster than TensorFlow with Clojure (2020)
- Simulating Machines in Clojure (HN)
- Clojure projects with the REPL (2020)
- Practicalli - Practical approaches to learning Functional Programming with Clojure. (GitHub)
- Salza λiquid text editor - Clojure Text Editor, for editing clojure code and markdown. Written entirely in Clojure with inspiration from Emacs and Vim.
- Clojure Rich Comment Blocks (2020)
- Metosin GitHub projects - Small house of programmers, mostly Clojure(Script).
- Planet Clojure - Meta blog that collects posts from the blogs of various Clojure hackers and contributors. (Code)
- Simulating RAM in Clojure (HN)
- Clojure graph resources - Curated list of Clojure resources for dealing with graph-like data.
- Rust for Clojurists (HN)
- Learning Clojure in Public
- Transducers! But can I thread? (Lobsters)
- Practicalli Clojure deps.edn - Collection of useful configuration and aliases for deps.edn based projects.
- re:Clojure 2020 - Community-driven effort to bring together knowledgeable speakers to present new and exciting topics on all things Clojure and Clojurescript. (Video)
- Towards Awesome Clojure Documentation (2017)
- How to be a REPL Sorcerer (2020)
- Semantic Clojure Formatting (2020) (HN)
- The Future of Clojure (2020) (HN)
- CLJ Commons - Community-led project to build up the supporting infrastructure around Clojure. (Discussion)
- conjure-cljdocs - View community usage examples/notes from within your editor.
- Cider 1.0 (2020) (HN)
- Why Clojure? (2018) (HN)
- Clojure DSL resources
- nREPL - Clojure network REPL that provides a server and client, along with some common APIs.
- Clojure, Faster (2020) (HN)
- State of Clojure 2021
- The Clojure Style Guide (Code)
- Rich Already Answered That - List of commonly asked questions, design decisions, reasons why Clojure is the way it is as they were answered directly by Rich.
- Clojure: Dark Cider (2020)
- Setup tests with Cider & deps.edn in 5 steps (2021)
- REPL Driven Development, Clojure's Superpower (2021)
- Clojure Rust GraalVM - Example of Clojure program calling a Rust library, all combined into one executable using GraalVM.
- Minimum Viable Clojure Developer (2021)
- - Comprehensive Clojure Training Online.
- Run Clojure CGI scripts on cheap shared hosting with babashka (2020)
- Collection about Rich Hickey's works on the internet
- Interactive Clojure REPL Guides
- Clojure from a Schemer's perspective (2021) (Lobsters) (HN) (Reddit)
- My Journey To Understanding Function Composition with Clojure (2021)
- Clojure Koans
- Returns a map (2021)
- clj-new - Generate new projects based on clj, Boot, or Leiningen Templates.
- ClojureVerse
- deps.clj - Port of the Clojure CLI bash script to Clojure. Can be run as executable or from source with babashka or JVM.
- Developer Ergonomics with VS Code, Clojure, and ClojureScript (2021)
- cljstyle - Tool for formatting Clojure code.
- Six Years of Professional Clojure (2021) (HN)
- Clojure JVM + BEAM = Clojerl (by Juan Facorro) (2021)
- americano - Simple tool for compiling Java from the Clojure CLI.
- Practical Artificial Intelligence Programming With Clojure (2021) (Code)
- Paths, Paths, Paths ... (2021)
- The REPL - Weekly newsletter and podcast diving into Clojure programs and libraries by Daniel Compton.
- Clojure by Example (2015) (HN) (Code)
- Roll your own Clojure web stack (2021)
- Clojure's JSON ecosystem (2021)
- Tour of our 250k line Clojure codebase (2021) (HN)
- Clojure Transducers (2021)
- Data notation in Clojure (2021) (HN)
- REPL vs CLI: IDE wars (2021) (HN)
- Projectless literate Clojure with embedded SVG
- Clojure - Source Libs and Builds (2021)
- 6 Years of Professional Clojure (2021)
- Web Development with Clojure Book - Build Large, Maintainable Web Applications Interactively.
- Clojure Resources
- Tutkain - Sublime Text package for interactive Clojure development. (Web)
- Clojure Zippers (2021)
- Clojure vs Haskell (2021)
- Thoughts on Clojure UI framework (2021) (HN)
- Engineering for Scale in Clojure (2021)
- Reactive Clojure: A web language (HN)
- Develop native mobile apps with JVM Clojure, GraalVM, SCI and Skia (2021)
- rewrite-clj - Rewrite Clojure code and edn.
- Interactive Clojure browser testing with nbb, Calva and nREPL (2021)
- Monads for Clojure Programmers (2021) (HN)
- tools.analyzer - Analyzer for Clojure code, written in Clojure and producing AST in EDN.
- Erlang inspired error handling with superv.async. (2016)
- Native Clojure with GraalVM (2021)
- Clojure Cookbook (Code)
- Building Stable Foundations - Heart of Clojure 2019 talk
- Geometer - Interactive playground for experiments with's geom libraries.
- CIDER nREPL - Collection of nREPL middleware, originally designed to enhance CIDER. (Docs)
- Fast and Elegant Clojure (2021) (HN)
- formatting-stack - Efficient, smart, graceful composition of Clojure formatters, linters.
- Clojure - Differences with other Lisps (HN)
- Clerk - Local-First Notebooks for Clojure. (HN) (Examples and Demos)
- Functional Composition - Chris Ford (2013)
- Efficient Recursive Levenshtein (Edit) Distance Algorithm (Lobsters)
- Moldable Emacs: a Clojure Playground with Babashka (2021)
- Clojure Experience Report (2020)
- Writing a Clojure highlighter from scratch (2021)
- Why Clojure is great (2021)
- Macrobrew: Clojure macros distilled (2021)
- Clojure Tutorial for Beginners (2021)
- logically - Explorations of logic programming in Clojure's core.logic.
- Why Clojure (Lisp) is good for writing transpilers (2020)
- OpenFaaS Clojure Template - OpenFaaS template for writing functions in Clojure.
- Kalai Transpiler - Source-to-source transpiler from Clojure to other languages (Rust, Java, C++, ...).
- Sayid - Debugger for Clojure.
- "Inside core.async Channels" by Rich Hickey (2014)
- Circular Programming in Clojure (2021)
- Abstract Clojure (2021)
- Clojure and ClojureScript Posts
- makejack - Clojure CLI build tool, and build library.
- Typed Clojure - Optional typing in Clojure, as a library.
- London Clojurians - YouTube
- re:Clojure Conference 2021
- "The Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes" in Clojure (2021)
- High-Performance Schemas in Clojure/Script with Malli 1/2 (2021)
- Understanding Clojure's Persistent Vectors (2013) (HN)
- Sublime ❤︎ Clojure (2021) (HN)
- Clojure Macros and Metaprogramming
- Microservices with Clojure (2018) (Code)
- Build Clojure app into Container Image using jib (docker-less build)
- Clojure is a better Java than Java (2019) (Lobsters)
- Bel in Clojure (Code)
- Containerizing a Clojure Project (2022)
- Application project template for Clojure
- goclj - Clojure parsing in Go.
- uclj - Small, quick, native Clojure interpreter.
- tree-sitter-clojure
- Humble Decomposition (2022) (HN)
- Humble Chronicles: The Layout (2022)
- Try Clojure - Interactive tutorial in the browser. (HN) (HN)
- Clojure rules for Bazel
- Create a password manager with Clojure using Babashka, sqlite, honeysql and stash (2022)
- Physics in Clojure: Elliptical Paths (HN)
- Serverless site analytics with Clojure nbb and AWS (2022) (HN)
- Clojure 1.11 (2022) (HN) (Lobsters)
- MAGIC - Functional Clojure compiler library and the start of a standalone Clojure implementation for the CLR.
- Contextualizing Clojure in the small and the large (2022)
- Setting Up VS Code For Clojure And Overtone Development (2022)
- Clojure meets GraalVM - Set of "hello world" projects to verify which Clojure libraries do actually compile and produce native images under GraalVM.
- Calcit Editor - Intuitive S-expressions editing for Clojure(Script).
- Portal - Clojure tool to navigate through your data. (Code)
- Clojure and Doom Emacs on a brand new M1 computer (2022) (HN)
- Scittle - Small Clojure Interpreter exposed for usage in browser script tags.
- Packaging Clojure for Production (2022)
- Clay - Way to write Clojure data science notebook value renderers that are portable across the land.
- ClojureC - Clojure implementation on top of C.
- Docker Clojure - Official Docker image for Clojure.
- Fast Embeddable Clojure in C
- Refactor nREPL - nREPL middleware to support refactorings in an editor agnostic way.
- The Dawn of Lightweight Concurrency for Java and Clojure (2022)
- Ideas for Clojure Network Eval API (2022)
- Web application using Component, Ring, Compojure, and Selmer connected to a local SQLite database
- ClojureDocs - Community-Powered Clojure Documentation and Examples. (Code) (HN)
- What does
do? (2022) - An introduction to deep code-walking macros with Clojure (2013) (HN)
- Things about Clojure or tooling, you found out way too late (2022)
- Bebo - Run Clojure scripts on Deno.
- Clojure Web Development Evolved (2022) (HN)
- nbb - Scripting in Clojure on Node.js using SCI. (HN)
- Jank - Clojure dialect on LLVM with gradual typing, a native runtime, and C++ interop.
- Why we chose Clojure (2022) (HN)
- Core Async Essentials (2020)
- Analyzing Every Clojure Project on GitHub
- Fix your Clojure code: Clojure comes with design patterns (2022)
- Binaural beats using scittle
- Ask HN: Is Clojure Dead? (2022)
- Building a Startup on Clojure (2022) (HN)
- Clojure 15th Anniversary: A Retrospective (2022) (HN)
- Clojure Cheat sheets
- Awesome Clojure
- Knowledge Base - Clojure Goes Fast
- clojupyter - Jupyter kernel for Clojure - run Clojure code in Jupyter Lab, Notebook and Console.
- Biff tutorial: build a chat app step-by-step (2022)
- Clojure at the REPL: Data Visualization (HN)
- Babashka Clojure nREPL as a system interface (2022) (HN)
- Why your REPL experience sucks
- Opinionated list of excellent Clojure learning materials
- Clojure is a trinity of language, REPL, and structural editor (2022) (HN)
- Structuring Clojure Applications (2022) (HN)
- zprint - Executables, uberjar, and library to beautifully format Clojure and Clojurescript source code and s-expressions.
- Through the looking glass w Data Rabbit: "A System built for Seeing" (2022)
- Vector Symbolic Architectures in Clojure (2022)
- Contributing to Clojure (2022)
- Using Clerk for Advent of Code
- Advent of Clojure: Need for Speed (2023)
- A Primer on Clojure Macros (2023)
- Joyride VS Code using a Clojure REPL (by Peter Strömberg and Michiel Borkent) (2022)
- Clojure Turns 15 panel discussion video (2022) (HN)
- Clojure in the Tyre Manufacturing Industry (2021) (HN)
- Symbolic Programming with Clojure