Ad blocking
Use Wipr on iOS & macOS to block ads/trackers.
- Pi-hole - Network-wide ad blocking via your own Linux hardware. (Docs) (Docs Code) (Code)
- Pi-hole in a docker container
- Hosts - Extending and consolidating hosts files from several well-curated sources.
- Bromite - Chromium plus ad blocking and privacy enhancements; take back your browser.
- Resilience - Ad blocker for your computer.
- Ad Block engine in Rust - Native Rust module for Adblock Plus syntax (e.g. EasyList, EasyPrivacy) filter parsing and matching.
- Ad blocking with Raspberry Pi and Pi-hole (2020) (HN)
- Hole Stats - Follow up and manage the status of your Pi-hole with this simple macOS app that lives in your menu bar.
- Pi Stats - macOS app to visualize Pi-hole information.
- Should I Block Ads? (2020) (HN)
- EasyList filter lists - Sets of rules originally designed for Adblock that automatically remove unwanted content from the internet.
- HN: uMatrix has been archived (2020)
- Bypass Paywalls - Web browser extension to help bypass paywalls for selected sites.
- Stuff Your Pi-Hole from Anywhere (2020) (HN)
- How to Setup Pi-hole on a Local Computer without Raspberry Pi (2020)
- Making My Pi-hole Real Metal (2020) (HN)
- Blocky - DNS proxy for the local network written in Go.
- Unbound Pi-hole without scripts (2020)
- PI-Hole Prometheus Exporter - Prometheus exporter for PI-Hole's Raspberry PI ad blocker.
- Update Pi-hole's lists from remote sources
- Running my own DoH relay and getting Pi-hole protection away from home (2021)
- uBlock Origin works best on Firefox (HN)
- Gravity Sync - Easy way to synchronize the blocklist and local DNS configurations of multiple Pi-hole 5.x instances. (Article)
- Blacklist - Curated and well-maintained hostfile to block ads, tracking, cryptomining, and more.
- SponsorBlock - Skip YouTube video sponsors (browser extension). (Web)
- Hosts - Hostfile blocklist for ads and tracking, updated regularly. (Web)
- Adblocker - Efficient embeddable adblocker library.
- Let's Block It! - Collection of custom uBlock filters to hide low-value content. (Code)
- uBlock-Origin-dev-filter - Filters to block and remove copycat-websites from DuckDuckGo, Google and other search engines.
- Incoggo - Ad blocker for Paywalls.
- Google Tag Manager, the new anti-adblock weapon (HN)
- AdGuard Filters - AdGuard Content Blocking Filters.
- Cloudblock - End-to-end DNS encryption with DNS-based ad-blocking, built in the cloud automatically using Terraform with Ansible.
- Mullvad DNS Ad Block - Ad-blocking, tracker blocking, and custom rules for our DNS ad-blocking service.
- AntiRTDPI - MacOS kernel extension helping to neutralise Rostelecom's passive DPI.
- Zapret - ΠΠ±Ρ ΠΎΠ΄ DPI Π² Linux.
- python-adblock - Python wrapper for Brave's adblocking library, which is written in Rust.
- hBlock - Improve your security and privacy by blocking ads, tracking and malware domains.
- pihole-block-unblock - Simple script to block and unblock websites with pihole. You can automate with cron.
- Collection of online trackers
- Privaxy - Ad blocking / tracker blocking by MITMing HTTPS traffic. (HN)
- Pi-hole deployed into and transported with Tailscale
- Setting Up a Pi Hole Made My Home Network Faster (2019) (HN)
- PaesaDNS - Free ad-blocking and privacy focused DNS over HTTPS service.
- A layered approach to content blocking (2022)
- 1Hosts - World's most advanced DNS filter-/blocklists.
- donutdns - Block online ads by intercepting DNS queries. Simple alternative to Pi-hole.
- DNS based ad/abuse domain blocking
- AdGuard Home - Network-wide ads and trackers blocking DNS server. (HN)
- SponsorBlock Server - Skip YouTube video sponsors (server side portion).
- Spotify Ad Block
- An extensive tutorial on how to setup a Pi-Hole (2022) (HN)
- How To Setup a Wireguard VPN Server with PiHole (2022)
- uBlock Origin Core (HN)
- Orbital Sync - Synchronize multiple Pi-hole instances.
- HN: Pi-hole (2023)
- DNS Blocklists