GitHub actions
GitHub Actions by Example is great intro. act is useful for locally testing actions. This TS action template is great.
- Super-Linter - Combination of multiple linters to install as a GitHub Action. (Article) (HN)
- Create Release - Action to create releases via the GitHub Release API. (Modified)
- action-gh-release - GitHub Action for creating GitHub Releases.
- Release Drafter - Drafts your next release notes as pull requests are merged into master.
- Merge Conflict Finder - Finds any merge conflicts in your repository.
- Upload to Release - GitHub Action that uploads a file to a new release.
- Deploy Now - Deploy to Now from GitHub Actions with useful aliases.
- cache - Cache dependencies and build outputs in GitHub Actions.
- Lighthouse Auditing - Integrates Google's helpful Lighthouse audits for webpages β specifically testing for Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices, SEO, and Progressive Web Apps.
- merge-me-action - Automatically merge Pull Requests created from a GitHub account.
- upload-artifact - Uploads artifacts from your workflow.
- download-artifact - Downloads artifacts from your build.
- action-project-manager - Relatively simple a GitHub Action that can be used to manage issues in a project.
- compressed-size-action - GitHub Action that adds compressed size changes to your PRs.
- GitHub Action for Continuous Benchmarking
- GitHub Action for GitHub Push - GitHub Actions for pushing to GitHub repository local changes authorizing using GitHub token.
- actions-netlify - GitHub Actions for deploying Netlify.
- deploy-mdbook - GitHub Action to automatically build and deploy your mdbook project.
- actions-comment-run - Execute comment from issues and pull requests.
- GitHub Pages Deploy Action
- GitHub Action for the OCaml programming language
- Upload Release Asset - Action to upload a release asset via the GitHub Release API.
- Publish to GitHub - GitHub Action to push any local file changes, including new files, back to master.
- Post Slack messages - GitHub Action for posting Slack messages.
- GitHub Actions for DigitalOcean - Enables you to interact with DigitalOcean services via the doctl command-line client.
- SSH for GitHub Actions - GitHub Actions for executing remote ssh commands.
- Swift Action - Provides Swift support for GitHub Actions.
- Automated Branch Pull Requests - Open a pull request when a branch is pushed or updated.
- Repository Dispatch - GitHub action to create a repository dispatch event.
- Debug your GitHub Actions via SSH by using tmate to get access to the runner system itself
- ssh-agent - GitHub Action to setup
with a private key. - Stale - Marks issues and pull requests that have not had recent interaction.
- Twitter, together - GitHub action to tweet from a repository.
- setup-deno - Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of deno.
- GitHub Docker Action - Build and publish your repository as a Docker image and push it to GitHub Package Registry in one easy step.
- Github Action which uses the Git branch as the Docker tag for pushing
- Cancel Workflow Action - GitHub Action to cancel previous running workflows on push.
- turnstyle - GitHub Action for serializing workflow runs.
- Secrets Sync Action - Sync secrets from one repository to many others.
- Checkout - Action for checking out a repo.
- GitHub Actions for GitHub Pages - Deploy static files and publish your site easily. Static-Site-Generators-friendly.
- lint-action - GitHub Action for detecting and fixing lint errors.
- automerge-action - GitHub action to automatically merge pull requests when they are ready.
- Vercel Action - Make a deployment with github actions instead of Vercel builder.
- Create an Issue - GitHub Action that creates a new issue using a template file.
- Lock Threads - GitHub Action that locks closed issues and pull requests after a period of inactivity.
- action-cli - GitHub actions without JavaScript.
- amplify-cli-action - GitHub action for deploying AWS Amplify project.
- configure-aws-credentials - Configure AWS credential environment variables for use in other GitHub Actions.
- Safe space - Github action that checks the toxicity level of comments and PR reviews to help make repos safe spaces. (Article)
- Latest Changes - Automatically add the changes from each PR to the release notes in a file.
- Autosquash - Automatically updates and merges your pull requests.
- chart-releaser - GitHub Action to turn a GitHub project into a self-hosted Helm chart repo, using helm/chart-releaser CLI tool.
- action-waypoint - GitHub action for deploying and annotating PRs and commits with Waypoint.
- action-slack - Provides the function of slack notification to GitHub Actions.
- readme-scribe - GitHub Action that automatically generates & updates markdown content (like your
- Workflow Webhook Action - GitHub workflow action to call a remote webhook endpoint with a JSON or form-urlencoded payload, and support for BASIC authentication.
- Image Actions - Automatically compresses JPEGs, PNGs and WebPs in Pull Requests.
- GitHub Actions - Allows you to create Check Runs directly from your GitHub Action workflow.
- Codecov - GitHub Action that uploads coverage to Codecov.
- Upload to Apple's TestFlight service - GitHub Action that Uploads a build to Apple TestFlight.
- Commitsar - Tool to check that commits comply with conventional commit standard.
- Release Please Action - Automate releases with Conventional Commit Messages.
- Respond to Issue Based on Label - Bot that responds with a comment whenever a particular label is applied to an issue.
- Create or Update Comment - GitHub action to create or update an issue or pull request comment.
- pre-commit/action - GitHub action to run pre-commit.
- CodeQL Action - Runs GitHub's industry-leading static analysis engine, CodeQL, against a repository's source code to find security vulnerabilities.
- Login Action - GitHub Action to login against a Docker registry.
- Amazon ECR Login - Logs into Amazon ECR with the local Docker client.
- PR Merge Bot - GitHub action that manages pull request integrations.
- Open Collective Bot - Will comment on issues based on whether the author is already a backer of your Open Collective.
- Is Sponsor Label - GitHub Action that labels issues/PRs if the creator is a sponsor of the owner.
- Linkrot - GitHub Action that helps you automatically maintain the correctness of your website's outgoing links.
- lychee link checking action - Quickly check links in Markdown, HTML, and text files.
- GitHub Action PR Helper
- Delete older releases - Github Action to delete older releases.
- Dynamic Badges Action - Allows you to create badges for your with which may change with every commit.
- Upload files to a GitHub release
- Playwright GitHub Action - Set up GitHub Actions to run cross-browser tests on Chromium, WebKit and Firefox with Playwright.
- setup-graalvm - Sets up GraalVM environment for using in GitHub Actions.
- GitHub Repo Stats - GitHub Action to periodically inspect a target repository and generate a report for it.
- GitHub Label Sync - Synchronize your GitHub labels with as few destructive operations as possible.
- release-changelog-builder-action - GitHub action that builds your release notes / changelog fast, easy and exactly the way you want.
- changerelease - Automatically update your GitHub Releases from (Keep a Changelog).
- Comment on PR via GitHub Action - GitHub action to comment on the relevant open PR when a commit is pushed.
- GitHub Actions for deploying to Azure Functions
- GitHub Action for Azure CLI
- Workflow Conclusion Action - GitHub action to get workflow conclusion.
- Validate JSON - GitHub Action that validates JSON files based on a JSON Schema.
- GitHub Status Action - Adds a status update to a commit. GitHub will always show the latest state of a context.
- AWS IAM roles for GitHub Actions workflows
- Blazing fast GitHub Pages deploy
- Add & Commit - Add & commit files from a path directly from GitHub Actions.
- Slash Command Dispatch - GitHub action that facilitates "ChatOps" by creating dispatch events for slash commands.
- Paths Changes Filter - Conditionally run actions based on files modified by PR, feature branch or pushed commits.
- Pull Request Labeler - Action for automatically labelling pull requests.
- GitHub Actions for Netlify
- upload-cloud-storage - Uploads files/folders to a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket.
- setup-xcode - Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of Xcode.
- deploy-cloud-functions - Deploys your function source code to Cloud Functions and makes the URL available to later build steps via outputs.
- Skip Duplicate Actions - Save time and cost when using GitHub Actions.
- Accessibility Insights Action - Helps integrate automated accessibility tests in your GitHub workflow.
- action-netlify-deploy - Netlify deployments via GitHub actions.
- GitHub Automatic Releases - Simplifies the GitHub release process by automatically uploading assets, generating changelogs, handling pre-releases.
- Release Action - Action which manages a github release.
- GitHub Environment Variables - GitHub Action to expose useful environment variables.
- NPM Publish - GitHub Action to publish to NPM.
- flyctl-actions - GitHub Action that wraps the flyctl.
- GitHub Sync - GitHub Action for syncing current repository with remote.
- setup-git-credentials - GitHub action to clone private respositories.
- github-action-ghr - GitHub Action to upload build artifacts to GitHub releases.
- changed-files - Github action to retrieve all (added, copied, modified, deleted, renamed, type changed, unmerged, unknown) files with support for push and pull request events.
- Tailscale GitHub Action - Connects to your Tailscale network by adding a step to your workflow.
- git-release - Publish a GitHub Release with Assets and Changelog.
- Create pull request - Create a pull request, easy and simple.
- github-act-runner - Act as self-hosted runner.
- setup-git-user - GitHub Action that sets the git user and email to enable commiting.
- Buildah Build - GitHub Action for building Docker and Kubernetes-compatible images quickly and easily.
- Create Pull Request - GitHub action to create a pull request for changes to your repository in the actions workspace.
- GitHub Action for Dispatching Workflows - This action triggers another GitHub Actions workflow, using the workflow_dispatch event.
- Semantic Release Action
- Conventional Release Labels - Apply labels for automatically generated release notes, based on
- Changesets Release Action - Creates a pull request with all of the package versions updated and changelogs updated.
- action-semantic-pull-request - Github Action that ensures that your PR title matches the Conventional Commits spec.
- Metadata Action - GitHub Action to extract metadata (tags, labels) from Git reference and GitHub events for Docker.
- GitHub Sponsors Readme Action - Automatically add your GitHub Sponsors to your README.
- Pulumi GitHub Actions - Deploy continuously to your cloud of choice, using your favorite language, Pulumi, and GitHub.
- Import Codesign Certs - GitHub Action for Importing Code-signing Certificates into a Keychain.
- Maximize available disk space for build tasks - Github action to maximize the available disk space on Github runners.
- install-binary-action - GitHub action installing a binary from a tarball behind URL.
- datadog-actions-metrics - Send GitHub Actions metrics to Datadog.
- kustomize-action - GitHub Action to run kustomize build in parallel.
- git-auto-commit - GitHub Action to detect changed files during a Workflow run and to commit and push them back to the GitHub repository.
- PuRe Bot - Pull Request Bot to automate development workflow.
- Workflow Run Wait - If the same workflow is already running from a previous commit, wait for it to finish.
- GitHub Action for curl
- GitHub Deployments - GitHub Action for working painlessly with deployment statuses.
- Find Comment - GitHub action to find an issue or pull request comment.
- kube-tools - Kubernetes tools for GitHub Actions CI.
- Deploy to Gist - Github Action to deploy your file to Github Gist.
- Updating GitHub Wiki Pages with GitHub Actions
- Doka Labeler - Automatically label pull requests based on multiple criteria with minimal configuration.
- Action Get Merged Pull Request - GitHub Action to get the pull request merged with the base branch.
- Pull request name linter with commitlint - Lint pull request name with commit lint.
- Team Labeler Action - GitHub action to label your pull requests based on the author name.
- create-report - Github action for creating generic run report (using Markdown!).
- Compare the Differences Between Two Commits
- Run-On-Arch - Executes commands on non-x86 CPU architecture (armv6, armv7, aarch64, s390x, ppc64le).
- Discord for GitHub Actions - GitHub Action that sends a Discord message.
- pr-compliance-action - Check PR for compliance on title, linked issues, and files changed.
- Lighthouse Check Action - GitHub Action for running Lighthouse audits automatically in CI workflows.
- setup-cue - Install a specific CUE CLI version on your Github Actions runner.
- GitHub Action - Releases API - GitHub Action uploads release assets using Upload a release asset.
- GitHub Action for GraalVM
- assign-pull-request-reviewers-action - GitHub Actions to assign pull request reviewers by label.
- Run jq - Run jq on your data and get result as output.
- Label Checker - Check pull requests for the presence or absence of specified labels.
- Set Commit Status - GitHub Action to set commit status.
- Create Branch - Creates a new branch with the same commit reference as the branch it is being ran on, or your chosen reference when specified.
- Datadog Agent Action - Starts a Datadog Agent and gracefully shuts it down before the job finishes.
- Auto Request Review - GitHub Action that automatically requests review of a pull request based on files changes and/or groups the author belongs to.
- monorepo-deploy-actions - Deploy microservices in a monorepo via GitHub Actions + Argo CD.
- action-gh-push - GitHub Action for pushing to a repo.
- web-ext - GitHub Action to run web-ext commands.
- Sticky Pull Request Comment - Create comment on pull request, if exists update that comment.
- No Response - GitHub Action that closes Issues where the author hasn't responded to a request for more information.
- Action Regex Match - GitHub Action to do regex matching.
- Install SSH Key - GitHub Action that installs SSH key to .ssh.
- Contributors List - Automatically generate contributors.svg for your repository.
- GitHub Staging Apps on Fly
- Steam Deploy - Github Action to deploy a game to Steam.
- lowercase-linter - GitHub Action to ensure files are lower case only. Suggests valid names in kebab-case format.
- Release Commenter - GitHub Action to automatically comment on PRs and Issues when a fix is released.
- deploy-cloudrun - Deploys your container image to Cloud Run.
- Mjolnir - Close issues related to the merge of a pull request.
- Code sign a file - Action that signs libraries with a code signing certificate.
- Combine PRs - Combine/group together PRs (for example from Dependabot and similar services).
- Merge Dependabot - Automatically approves and merges dependabot PRs.
- shot-scraper - Automated screenshots for documentation, built on Playwright. (Article) (HN) (Demo)
- Semver Release - Automatically create SemVer compliant releases based on PR labels.
- Updater Action - Runs Dependabot workloads via GitHub Actions.
- Nrwl Nx Action - GitHub Action to wrap Nrwl Nx commands in your workflows.
- AWS S3 Deploy - Easily deploy a static website to AWS S3 and invalidate CloudFront distribution.
- file-existence-action - GitHub Action to check for file existence.
- Invoke AWS Lambda - Allows you to synchronously invoke a Lambda function and get the response (if desired).
- Use Herald Action - Allows you to add comments, reviewers and assignees to a pull request depending on rules you define.
- PR Custom Review - GitHub Action for complex pull request approval cases that are not currently supported by the Branch protection feature in GitHub.
- Get GitHub release information - Allows you to get release information by release id, tag, commit SHA (current commit or specified).
- Add to Project - Automate adding issues and pull requests to GitHub Actions.
- Code Climate Action - GitHub action that publishes your code coverage to Code Climate.
- Debug via SSH - Allows you to connect to a GitHub Actions runner via SSH for interactive debugging using ngrok.
- semantic-release/github - Publish a GitHub release and comment on released Pull Requests/Issues.
- Auto Update - Automatically keep pull requests with auto-merge enabled up to date with their base branch.
- GitHub Action Required Labels - Allows you to fail the build if/unless a certain combination of labels are applied to a pull request.
- Nested GitHub Runners Action - GitHub Action to run multiple self-hosted runners in a hosted GitHub Runner.
- Throttle - GitHub action for serializing jobs across workflow runs and more with Google Cloud Storage.
- Toot, together - GitHub action to toot from a repository.
- Open Issue Action - GitHub Action to open a new issue on ANY GitHub repository that the PAT has access to.
- branch-names - GitHub action to retrieve the current branch or tag names with support for all events.
- BuildCache Action - GitHub Action to install and configure BuildCache for faster compilation.
- QEMU Action - GitHub Action to configure QEMU support.
- Deploy-Pages - Deploys artifacts to GitHub Pages.
- Prow Github Actions - Slash commands, jobs, and chat-ops for GitHub actions inspired by Kubernetes Prow.
- Semantic Pull Requests - GitHub status check that ensures your pull requests follow the Conventional Commits spec.
- Assign Author - GitHub Actions to assign author to issue or PR.
- setup-amber - GitHub action to install and cache the amber tool.
- Issues Helper - GitHub Action easily helps you automatically manage issues.
- UpIssues - Mirror issues to the upstream repos.
- install-action - GitHub Action for installing development tools (mainly from GitHub Releases).
- 11ty GitHub Actions - How to test web accessibility using GitHub Actions.
- install-gh-release - GitHub Action to install the GitHub Release binaries.
- Comment Pull Request - GitHub action to comment pull request.
- Coursier cache action - GitHub action to save / restore the coursier / sbt / mill / Ammonite caches of your build.
- Issue Labeler - Label issues based on the body content of the issue.
- Algolia Crawler Github Action - Automatically index your website to Algolia when deploying your website.
- Dependabot Auto Merge - Automatically merge Dependabot PRs when version comparison is within range.
- Create JSON - Create a .json file to use on other steps of the workflow.
- dependency-review-action - GitHub Action for detecting vulnerable dependencies in your PRs.
- GitHub Release On Push Action - Github Action to create a git tag + release when pushed to main branch.
- GitHub Issue Parser - Use this action to convert issues into a unified JSON structure.
- Download workflow artifact GitHub Action - Downloads and extracts uploaded artifact associated with given workflow and commit or other criteria.
- PagerDuty Change Events - GitHub action that creates a PagerDuty change event.
- GH Find Current PR - GitHub Action for finding the Pull Request (PR) associated with the current SHA.
- TurboRepo Github Artifacts action - Allows you use Github artifacts as TurboRepo remote cache server.
- Commitlint Github Action - Lints Pull Request commits with commitlint.
- Create GH Release action - GitHub Action for creating GitHub Releases based on changelog.
- Update GitHub Actions Permissions - Update GitHub Actions's permissions automatically.
- Reviewpad GitHub Action - GitHub action to supercharge your pull requests workflows.
- Check JSON Schema - JSON Schema CLI and pre-commit hook built on jsonschema.
- Push Protected - GitHub Action to push newly created commit(s) to a protected branch, waiting for status checks to succeed.
- Sync S3 Bucket - GitHub Action to sync a directory with a remote S3 bucket.
- Label Sync - Sync GitHub Labels with labels definition file.
- git-issue-release - Automatically creates a release issue which includes pull requests after the latest release.
- Dagger - GitHub Action for Dagger.
- github-actions-wac - GitHub Actions - Workflows as Code (WaC).
- Find and Replace - Find and replace strings in your project files.
- changesets-snapshot - GitHub Action for publishing snapshot releases when using changesets.
- Supabase CLI Action - Supabase CLI on GitHub's hosted Actions runners.
- Changesets Snapshot Release - GitHub Action for making Snapshot releases using Changesets.
- Changesets Dependencies - GitHub Action for creating Changesets files for dependencies updates.
- setup-protoc - GitHub Action to setup the protoc compiler for protocol buffers.
- Upload Pages Artifact - Composite action for packaging and uploading an artifact that can be deployed to GitHub Pages.
- Condition based Pull Request Labeler - GitHub Action to assign labels to PRs based on configurable conditions.
- gh-changelogen - Changelog generator for GitHub Releases.
- Push to Fig Autocomplete
- Retry - Retries a GitHub Action step on failure or timeout.
- Send a tweet from a GitHub Actions workflow
- GitHub-Release-Action - Creates a plain Github release, without attaching assets or source code.
- actionsx/prettier - Native, blazingly-fast Prettier CLI on Github Actions.
- Create Nightly Release - GitHub action to create a new pre-release and delete old pre-releases created by this action.
- GitHub Project Changelog - GitHub action to create an issue containing a list of project cards according with the project column name specified.
- Setup-FFmpeg
- Supabase Edge Functions Deploy
- tagpr - Automatically creates and updates a pull request for unreleased items, tag them when they are merged, and create releases.
- Vault Plugin Secrets - Create ephemeral, finely-scoped GitHub access tokens using Hashicorp Vault.
- Release GitHub Actions - Automate the release of GitHub Actions.
- Validate JSON or YAML against a schema
- Markdown Autodocs - GitHub Action that automatically generates & updates markdown content from external or remote files.
- AutoUpdate - GitHub Action that auto-updates pull requests branches, whenever changes are pushed to their destination branch.
- Schedule regularly occurring meetings via GitHub Issue
- Delete Deployments - Action to clean up outdated GitHub Deployments.
- HTTP Request Action - Create HTTP Requests in GitHub Actions.
- YAML Update Action - Update YAML property with dynamic values.
- Wait-For-Secrets - Publish from GitHub Actions using multi-factor authentication. (HN)
- sccache-action
- Changelog Parser
- Get previous tag - GitHub Action that gets the latest tag from Git.
- Find Pull Request action - GitHub Action for finding pull requests.
- Retry action - Simple action will take a command and a number of times to retry on failure.
- sccache-action - GitHub action to download sccache artifacts.
- PR Comment Delete - GitHub Action to delete older PR comments.
- Push git subdirectory as branch
- Branch Deploy Action - GitHub Action to enable branch deployments using IssueOps.
- Dependent Issues - GitHub Action for marking issues as dependent on another.
- Pull Request Comment Branch - Get the head ref and sha of a pull request comment.
- Cosign Installer
- setup-bin - Sets up a binary in $PATH for use in actions.
- Issue Manager - Automatically close issues that have a label, after a custom delay, if no one replies back.
- Code Sign Action - Code sign files.
- cache-apt-pkgs-action - Cache APT packages in GitHub Actions.
- staticcheck-action - Runs Staticcheck to find bugs and other problems in your Go code.
- gobenchdata - Tool for inspecting go test -bench data, and a GitHub Action for continuous benchmarking.
- golangci-lint - Runs golangci-lint and reports issues from linters.
- action-update-go - GitHub Action to open PRs proposing dependency updates.
- setup-go - Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of Go.
- Go Release GitHub Action - Automatically publish Go binaries to Github Release Assets through Github Action.
- GoReleaser Action - GitHub Action for GoReleaser.
- Go version action - Action for using the latest released Go version and your projects minimal support Go version.
- Revive Action - Lint your Go code with Revive.
- goreadme - Generate readme file from Go doc. Available as GitHub action.
- x - Go faster reusable workflows.
- coverage-badge-go - Generate coverage badge for go modules.
- actions-goveralls - Coveralls GitHub Action with Go integration powered by mattn/goveralls.
- ghaction-xgo - GitHub Action for xgo, Go CGO cross compiler.
- Setup TinyGo - Sets up a TinyGo environment for GitHub Actions.
- Publish Rust crates using GitHub Actions
- Rust cargo Action - Runs specified cargo command on a Rust language project.
- rust-toolchain Action - GitHub Action for
rustup toolchain
commands. - GitHub Actions for Rust language - Recipes, discussions, questions and ideas.
- audit-check - GitHub Action is using cargo-audit to perform an audit for crates with security vulnerabilities.
- clippy-check - GitHub Action for PR annotations with clippy warnings.
- Rust tarpaulin Action - GitHub Action for code coverage reporting with tarpaulin.
- @actions-rs example - Rust application example which is using GitHub Actions for CI.
- Rust Cache Action - GitHub Action that implements smart caching for rust/cargo projects with sensible defaults.
- Cargo Bloat Action - Track rust binary sizes across builds using Github Actions.
- Rust Release Binary - Automate publishing Rust build artifacts for GitHub releases through GitHub Actions.
- Cargo install action - GitHub action for cache-efficient Rust crates installation.
- Awesome Rust Actions
- Install Rust Toolchain - Concise GitHub Action for installing a Rust toolchain.
- Cargo Release PR - GitHub Action to create a release PR using cargo-release.
- cargo-semver-checks - GitHub Action for running cargo-semver-checks.
- release-meta - Extract the metadata of a PR created by cargo-bins/release-pr.
- Clippy - Runs Clippy with reviewdog on pull requests to improve code review experience.
- Verify with Prusti - Verify Rust code using the Prusti verifier.
- Setup Miniconda - Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with conda via miniconda.
- setup-python - Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of python.
- setup-poetry - Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of Poetry.
- PyPI publish - GitHub Action, for publishing distribution files to PyPI.
- Install Poetry - Github action for installing and configuring Poetry.
- maturin-action - GitHub Action to install and run a custom maturin command.
- pyright-action - GitHub action for pyright.
- actions-poetry - GitHub Actions for Python projects using poetry.
- gh-action-sigstore-python - GitHub Action that uses sigstore-python to sign Python packages.
- npm-publish-action - GitHub action to automatically publish packages to npm.
- Size Limit - Compare the real cost to run your JS app or lib to keep good performance in every pull request.
- npm-install - GitHub Action to install npm dependencies with caching without any configuration.
- Jest Github Action - Jest action adding checks with annotations to your pull requests and coverage table as comments.
- pkg-size action - GitHub Action for getting automated size reports on your pull-requests.
- actions-package-update - Keeps npm dependencies up-to-date by making pull requests from GitHub Actions or CI.
- Setup pnpm - Install pnpm package manager.
- Build and Tag action - GitHub Action for publishing JavaScript Actions.
- optic-release-automation-action - Automate the release process of your npm modules, apps and actions.
- pNPM Setup - GitHub Action for setting up a pNPM environment. Caches dependencies for reduced execution times.
- Pkg Action - GitHub action that allows you to "compile" node projects with pkg.
- Setup Zig - Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of Zig.
- Cloudflare Pages GitHub Action - GitHub Action for creating Cloudflare Pages deployments.
- setup-emsdk - Actions step downloads emsdk and installs a version of Emscripten.
- ts_ci - Continus integration setup for TypeScript projects via GitHub Actions.
- setup-julia - Sets up a Julia environment for use in actions by downloading a specified version of Julia and adding it to PATH.
- RegisterAction - Register Julia packages via GitHub Actions.
- Julia Cache - Cache Julia artifacts, packages and (optionally) registries to reduce GitHub Actions running time.
- Julia tree shake - Find unused Julia project dependencies.
- julia-buildpkg - Runs the build step in a Julia package.
- Set up OCaml - Set up an OCaml and opam environment and add to PATH.
- OCaml CI Actions
- setup-clojure - Sets up Clojure tools environment for using in GitHub Actions.
- run-cmake - GitHub Action to build C++ applications with CMake.
- clang-format-action - GitHub Action for clang-format checking.
- Ccache for gh actions - Github action to speedup building using ccache/sccache for C/C++ projects.
- build-push-action - Builds and pushes Docker images and will log in to a Docker registry if required.
- Code for all Docker's github actions
- setup-kind - Setup KinD (Kubernetes in Docker) with a single GitHub Action.
- GitHub Action to set up Docker Buildx
- bake-action - GitHub Action to use Docker Buildx Bake as a high-level build command.
- repo2docker - GitHub action to build data science environment images with repo2docker and push them to registries.
- Docker Hub Description - GitHub action to update a Docker Hub repository description from readme.
- pg-dump - GitHub action to generate backup of a postgres database.
- GitHub Action for Kubernetes CLI - Provides kubectl for GitHub Actions.
- setup-minikube - Run minikube in github actions, continuous integration against Kubernetes in github actions.
- Setup Helm - Github Action for installing Helm.
- Nix Installer Action - GitHub Action for the Determinate Nix Installer.
- Nix CI Demo
- Nix + GitHub Actions - Example project showing how to use Nix to replace third-party GitHub Actions.
- install-nix-action - Installs Nix on GitHub Actions for the supported platforms: Linux and macOS.
- cachix-action - Build software only once using Nix with the help of Cachix.
- nix-profile-action - GitHub Action to install an ephemeral Nix profile.
- flake-dep-info-action - Access the fields of flake.lock as outputs in a GitHub action step.
- Set up Nix Cache Action - Configures the Nix package manager to read from (and optionally write to) a remote cache.
- Haskell Github Actions - Github actions for Haskell CI.
- hackage-publish - GitHub action for publishing packages and documentation to Hackage.
- HLint action - Checks that Haskell files are linted with HLint.
- Edit Cabal Version - GitHub Action for bumping and retrieving the package version in .cabal files for Haskell projects.
- Automate Haskell releases
- get-tested - CLI tool that retrieves the tested-with stanza of a cabal file and formats it in such a way that GitHub Actions can use it.
- Stack Cache Action - One-line caching action for Stack-based Haskell projects.
- install-llvm-action - GitHub Action for downloading and installing LLVM and Clang binaries.
- setup-beam - Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with OTP and Elixir.
- setup-java - Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of Java.
- gradle-build-action - Execute a Gradle Build in your Github Actions workflow.
- Setup Racket - GH action for installing Racket.
- Setup-Deno - Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of Deno.
- Setup Swift - GitHub Action that setup a Swift environment.
- SwiftPM Jazzy Docs - Generates and combines jazzy docs for all products of a Swift package.
- GitHub Action for SwiftLint
- Install Swift Tool - GitHub Action to build and cache any Swift based tool in workflows.
- Swift DocC Action - Generating Swift documentation using DocC.
- Scala Steward - Github Action to launch Scala Steward in your repository.
- Setup Scala - GitHub Action to install Java via Jabba and sbt.
- Sbt Dependency Submission - GitHub Action to submit the dependency graph of an sbt build to the Dependency Submission API.
- Electron Builder Action - GitHub Action for building and releasing Electron apps.
- GitHub Actions for mdBook - Setup mdBook quickly and build your site fast.
- RSS to README Action - GitHub Action that updates a section of a README from an RSS feed.
- flutter-action - Flutter environment for use in actions.
- lambda-action - GitHub Action for Deploying Lambda code to an existing function.
- Setup-Agda - Set up a specific version of Agda for your GitHub Actions workflow.
- Cross Gem Action - Cross compile a Ruby gem written in Rust.
- Elm Format - Validate your Elm files using elm-format.
- JS action template
- github-script - Makes it easy to quickly write a script in your workflow that uses the GitHub API and the workflow run context.
- Can use Github Actions to schedule commands with cron.
- If you want to share files/folders between jobs on GitHub actions, cache them using the current run id as the key so you can restore the cache on dependent jobs. This is much faster than uploading/downloading artifacts.
- OSS list of GitHub actions
- Collection of useful GitHub Actions
- Act - Run your GitHub Actions locally. (HN)
- GitHub Actions Workflow Parser - Language specification and the official parser for GitHub Actions main.workflow files.
- Accelerating new GitHub Actions workflows
- GitHub Actions Toolkit - Toolkit for building GitHub Actions in Node.
- JavaScript Action Template
- migrate-actions tool - Converts GitHub Actions main.workflow files into the new .yml syntax.
- GitHub Actions Toolkit - GitHub ToolKit for developing GitHub Actions.
- DevBots Toolkit - Mix of utility functions and helpers for writing GitHub Actions related to development on Apple's platforms.
- GitHub action to automatically rebase PRs
- Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of node.js
- An Unintentionally Comprehensive Introduction to GitHub Actions CI (2019)
- Hello, GitHub Actions!
- Creating GitHub Actions in Python (2019)
- Exploring Actions (2019)
- GitHub Actions Runner - Runner is the application that runs a job from a GitHub Actions workflow. The runner can run on the hosted machine pools or run on self-hosted environments.
- Awesome Actions - Curated list of awesome actions to use on GitHub.
- Actions Panel - Manually Trigger Your GitHub Actions. (HN)
- Running GitHub Actions on Preview Deploys (2020)
- Kubernetes controller for GitHub Actions self-hosted runnners
- fetch-actions-logs - Simple program to fetch your github actions logs using the GitHub API.
- Github Actions tutorial
- Run GitHub Actions locally for fast feedback (2020)
- goaction - Write Github actions in Go.
- Goaction example for using Github APIs
- github-actions-dhall - Demonstration using Dhall to generate YAML for github actions.
- GitHub Actions: Manual triggers with workflow_dispatch (2020)
- Happy-PR: Pull Request Sentiment Analysis with GitHub Actions (2020)
- Automate GitHub for more than CI/CD (2020)
- Self hosted Github Actions runners in Kubernetes (2020)
- Running GitHub Actions for Certain Commit Messages (2020)
- Actionsflow - IFTTT/Zapier free alternative based on GitHub Actions. (HN)
- Publish to GitHub Container Registry Using GitHub Actions (2020)
- GitHub Actions: first impressions (2020)
- Build and deploy OpenFaaS functions with GitHub Actions (2020)
- Meercode - Github Actions Dashboard. Keep an eye on your latest builds.
- Run your GitHub Actions in AWS CodeBuild
- GitHub Actions SDK (Go)
- Push to GitHub Container Registry using GitHub Actions (2020)
- Create a JavaScript GitHub Action using TypeScript
- Docker GitHub Action Example
- Tidymodels DVC Mashup (2020) - Using Github Actions and Data Version Control for ModelOps in R.
- GitHub Actions VS Code extension - Simple, unofficial extension to interact with GitHub Actions from within VS Code. (Code)
- Become a GitHub Actions Hero - Small, interactive tutorial for the GitHub Actions workflow syntax with an emulated workflow parser and runner. (Code)
- Apple Github Actions (iOS & macOS)
- Google GitHub Actions
- Custom GitHub Actions with Docker (2020)
- GitHub Actions Virtual Environments - Contains the source used to create the virtual environments for GitHub Actions hosted runners, as well as the VM images of Microsoft-hosted agents used for Azure Pipelines.
- ghat - Reuse GitHub Actions workflows across repositories.
- go-actions-toolkit - GitHub Actions Toolkit in Go.
- RepoKitteh - Easily write and deploy functions to automate your workflow.
- cdkactions - CDK for GitHub Actions.
- Terraform module for scalable self hosted GitHub action runners
- Go crazy with GitHub Actions (2021)
- Arduino GitHub Actions
- Setup Continuous Delivery with GitHub Actions (2021)
- 28 Days of GitHub Action Tips (2021)
- On-demand self-hosted AWS EC2 runner for GitHub Actions
- Save your bookmarks with GitHub actions
- Awesome GHA Snippets
- Awesome self-hosted GitHub Action runners
- Work with GitHub Actions in Your Terminal with GitHub CLI (2021) (HN)
- GitHub Actions workflow browser (2021)
- How we use GitHub Actions to manage GitHub Docs (2021)
- Unpacking Bash shell tips from a GitHub Actions workflow (2021) (Lobsters)
- GitHub Actions and their product management philosophy (2021)
- actionlint - Static checker for GitHub Actions workflow files.
- GitHub Actions Templates - Starter GitHub Actions templates to get you up and running with community built integrations.
- GitHub Actions runner on AWS Fargate - Example how to run self-hosted GitHub Actions runners on AWS Fargate.
- Docker Github Actions Runner - Will run the new self-hosted github actions runners with docker-in-docker.
- Automating a Software Company with GitHub Actions (2021) (HN)
- Private Action Loader - Allows private GitHub Actions to be easily reused.
- Dynamic content for GitHub repository templates using cookiecutter and GitHub Actions (2021)
- GitHub Actions Limitations and Gotchas (2021) (HN)
- GitHub Actions: Ephemeral self-hosted runners & new webhooks for auto-scaling (2021) (HN)
- Learning about GitHub actions
- Using Composite Actions with GitHub Actions (2021)
- GitHub Actions: DRY your GitHub Actions configuration by reusing workflows (2021)
- GitHub Actions Exporter - Prometheus exporter exposing GitHub Actions metrics.
- Collaborative programming environment inside GitHub Actions
- auto-doc - Auto generate documentation from actions.yml.
- go-actions-cache
- GitHub Actions Cheat Sheet (Code)
- Local self-hosted runners - Shows using local self-hosted runners on-premises by making use of a runner on a Raspberry Pi with LED's attached to it.
- GitHub Action Dashboard - Dashboard to keep track of the status of your GitHub Actions.
- Testing Linux packages on GitHub Actions (2021)
- GitHub Actions Badge - Badge for your GitHub Actions. (Code)
- Keyless signing with GitHub Actions
- Run server as systemd process & automate deployment with github actions (2021)
- Simple autograding with GitHub Classroom + GitHub Actions + CML Container (2021)
- 4 tips for GitHub Actions usability (+2 debugging) (2022)
- Curated list of useful Github actions with workflows examples (Code)
- How to upload assets to an existing Release in Github Actions (2021)
- Actions Sync - Go tool to allow you to sync from GitHub to a GitHub Enterprise instance.
- GitHub Actions by Example (HN) (Code)
- How We Write GitHub Actions in Go (2022) (Reddit)
- Security monitoring for the GitHub-hosted runner
- Organization workflows app - Allows you to run GitHub Actions workflows across multiple repositories, which is not yet natively supported.
- Debug your GitHub Actions by using SSH
- Save time with partial re-runs in GitHub Actions (2022)
- We use GitHub Actions to build GitHub (2022) (HN)
- Cross-Platform GitHub Action - Provides a GitHub action for running GitHub Action workflows on multiple platforms. (HN)
- Setup FFmpeg - Setup FFmpeg in GitHub Actions.
- How we sharded our test suite for 10x faster runs on GitHub Actions (2022)
- Output and group custom Markdown content on the Actions run summary page (2022)
- GitHub Actions Security Best Practices (2022)
- Manual Workflow Approval - Pause your GitHub Actions workflow and request manual approval from set approvers before continuing.
- GitHub Actions job summaries (2022) (Tweet)
- GitHub Action - Store variables between your jobs
- A beginnerβs guide to CI/CD and automation on GitHub (2022)
- GitHub Actions Playground
- What's your favorite GitHub Action that not enough people know about?
- GitHub action to update dependencies
- GitHub Self-Hosted Runners CDK Constructs
- Devtools - Simple development toolbox for GH actions and common actions.
- Chainguard reusable GitHub actions
- GitHub Workflow Auditor - Script to audit GitHub Action Workflow files for potential vulnerabilities.
- Container scheduling strategies for integration testing 14 different databases in Github Actions (2022)
- gh-actions-cache - GitHub (gh) CLI extension to manage the GitHub Actions caches being used in a GitHub repository.
- GitHub App Token - Impersonate a GitHub App in a GitHub Action.
- Using GitHub GraphQL API With GitHub Actions (2022)
- Automating visual UI tests with Playwright and GitHub Actions (2022)
- Workflow-Timer - Keep an eye on how long your GitHub Actions jobs are taking.
- Now reading - How I built a book display using GitHub actions, a Raspberry Pi, and an e-paper module.
- GitHub Actions Pitfalls (2022) (HN)
- gha-trigger - Webhook Server for Secure GitHub Actions.
- Terraform Google GitHub Action Runners - Module to create self-hosted GitHub Actions Runners on GCP.
- An easier way to install tools for GitHub Actions (2022)
- Docker Manifest Create Action - Create a multi-architecture Docker image in GitHub Actions.
- GitHub Actions Dhall - Typecheck, template and modularize your Github Action definitions with Dhall.
- Information and tips regarding GitHub Actions
- Using larger GitHub runners
- Deploying Edge Functions with GitHub Actions (2022)
- Docker Layer Caching in GitHub Actions
- action-validator - Tool to validate GitHub Action and Workflow YAML files.
- Rust-generated WebAssembly GitHub action template
- Select Matching Issues - GitHub Action to select issues matching a query.
- Cached LFS checkout - GitHub checkout action with LFS files pulled from cache.
- GitHub Actions Permissions (2022) (Lobsters)
- notify-discord - GitHub action for notifying a Discord channel about the status of GitHub Actions Workflow.