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Fractals Notes Fractals are shapes with a non-integer dimension. Links Fractal charm: Space filling curves How to Fold a Julia Fractal My journey into fractals Marble Marcher - Video game demo that uses a fractal physics engine and fully procedural rendering to produce beautiful and unique gameplay unlike anything you've seen before. (Video )Fractals and Monads Generating the Mandelbrot Set Recursion and Fractals Fractals in Python Chaos - Visualizations connecting chaos theory, fractals, and the logistic map.Single div Sierpinski triangle (2020) (HN )Constructing the Sierpinski triangle (Lobsters )Chaos Game - Method of creating a fractal, using a polygon and an initial point selected at random inside. (Code )Chaos Game - Numberphile Strange Attractors - Implementation of Numberphile’s ideas from their Chaos Game Video.The Mandelbrot Set in HTML5 canvas and JS (Code )Playing with Chaos - Programming fractals and strange attractors in JS.Crossing Two Fractals (HN )Fractus - Elegant Fractal Explorer web application written in C++ (WebAssembly) and JavaScript. (Code )ASCII Mandelbrot Set Hexagonal Julia- Mandelbrot (Twitter )Understanding the Mandelbrot Fractal (2018) Drawing the Sierpiński Triangle with Recursive SQL and SVG (2020) Introduction to Newton Fractals (2016) L-System - Simple L-Systems explorer powered by WebGL. (Code )L-System manual Drawing Fractals with PureScript (2020) Classic Mandelbrot set fractal is generated by the iteration z → z² + c Kleinian fractals Clam - High-quality fractal viewer.Buddhabrot - Render a Buddhabrot fractal (an algorithm invented by Melinda Green).Buddhabrot fractal method Buddhabrot Explained The Computational Beauty of Nature (2020) - Computer Explorations of Fractals, Chaos, Complex Systems, and Adaptation.A Massive Fractal in Days, Not Years (2020) (HN )State of my brain The Fractal Project - Trying to understand what makes an image visually appealing by analyzing feedback on our randomly generated fractal art.DeepBlue - Basic web app to make high quality renderings of the Mandelbrot Set written in Haskell.3D Julia Sets Xmountains - Fractal terrain generator. (About )FractalView - 3D fractal renderer in GLSL.Fractal Explorer - Calculates Mandelbrot and Julia Set images using Rust/WASM.Pixel Play - Like Google Maps for fractals.Render Fractals in Go Without External Packages (Reddit )An almost one-liner to construct the Mandelbrot set with Mathematica (2020) 3D Mandelbrot Fractal Zoom (2020) Rust-Mandelbrot - Simple Mandelbrot fractal generator written in Rust.Fractal Garden - Explore 3D fractals in real time in your web browser. (Code )Fractal Sound Explorer - Explore fractals in an audio-visual sandbox.Sounds of the Mandelbrot Set (2021) Cute fractal Using Genetic Algorithm to Create Fractals (HN )The Double Pendulum Fractal (2021) rust-fractal-core - Mandelbrot fractal visualizer featuring perturbation based iteration methods, series approximation and multithreading.rust-fractal-gui - GUI for rust-fractal-core, a mandelbrot fractal visualizer.A Closer Look at Fractals (2013) Visualize 3D hyperbolic honeycombs and sphere packings Fractal Renderer in Swift A stochastic method to generate the Sierpinski triangle (HN )Extremely-detailed 2d fractals, continued (2021) A Well Trodden Path (2019) VFX Fractal Toolkit - Set of tools for generating fractal and generative art.The Mandelbrot Set (2022) Newton's fractal - Drawing Newton's fractal using js, wasm, SIMD commands, threads and GPU.SwiftUI Fractals - Sierpinski carpet, triangle, and a fractal tree using SwiftUI.3D fractal explorer Fractal Garden - Exhibition of Mathematical Beauty. (HN ) (Code )Crouching Trig, Hidden Fractal Vintage-Style Map of the Mandelbrot Set (2022) (HN )How do I calculate how fractal like an image is? LabLab - Fractals in fractals in fractals.