PyTorch Lightning & Lightning Hydra Template are neat. PyTorch in 100 Seconds & Tensor Puzzles is nice intros.
TorchScale is nice library for making Transformers efficiently. BackPACK is interesting too.
WebDataset is interesting.
- PyTorch Tutorials
- RL Adventure
- PyTorch template project
- PyTorch GAN - PyTorch implementations of Generative Adversarial Networks.
- PyTorch examples
- Grokking PyTorch
- Awesome PyTorch list
- OCaml PyTorch - OCaml bindings for PyTorch.
- Apex - PyTorch Extension: Tools for easy mixed precision and distributed training in PyTorch.
- Translate - PyTorch Language Library.
- What is torch.nn really?
- Introduction to PyTorch Workshop at the AMLD 2019
- Neural Pipeline - Neural networks training pipeline based on PyTorch. Designed to standardize training process and accelerate experiments.
- Faster R-CNN and Mask R-CNN in PyTorch
- tch-rs - Rust bindings for PyTorch.
- PyTorch Geometric - Geometric deep learning extension library for PyTorch.
- PyTorch Geometric Temporal - Temporal (dynamic) extension library for PyTorch Geometric.
- BigGAN-PyTorch - Contains code for 4-8 GPU training of BigGANs from Large Scale GAN Training for High Fidelity Natural Image Synthesis.
- Incredible PyTorch - Curated list of tutorials, papers, projects, communities and more relating to PyTorch.
- NimTorch - Nim frontend for pytorch, aiming to be mostly auto-generated and internally using ATen.
- PyTorch adds new dev tools as it hits production scale (2019)
- PyTorch tutorials demonstrating modern techniques with readable code
- PyTorch internals
- Towards Reproducible Research with PyTorch Hub (2019)
- XLM - PyTorch original implementation of Cross-lingual Language Model Pretraining.
- BoTorch - Bayesian optimization in PyTorch.
- PyTorch Lightning - Lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance AI research. Scale your models, not the boilerplate. (Tutorial) (Finding why Pytorch Lightning made my training 4x slower) (PyTorch Lightning for Dummies) (Tutorial) (Docs) (Web) (Intro) (Intro Code)
- PointNet.pytorch - PyTorch implementation for "PointNet: Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and Segmentation".
- former - Simple transformer implementation from scratch in PyTorch.
- PyTorch Implementation of Differentiable ODE Solvers
- PyTorch BigGraph - Software used for generating embeddings from large-scale graph-structured data.
- Deep Learning (PyTorch) - Projects and exercises for the latest Deep Learning ND program.
- PyWarm - Cleaner way to build neural networks for PyTorch.
- PyTorch implementations of algorithms for density estimation
- Higher - PyTorch library allowing users to obtain higher order gradients over losses spanning training loops rather than individual training steps.
- Detectron2 - FAIR's next-generation research platform for object detection and segmentation.
- Deep learning with PyTorch: a 60 minute blitz (HN)
- Neural Network Programming - Deep Learning with PyTorch (2019) - Series is all about neural network programming and PyTorch.
- A quick tour of Torch internals (2015)
- How to Run PyTorch with TPUs
- EfficientNet PyTorch
- Captum - Model interpretability and understanding for PyTorch.
- Pytorch-Struct - Fast, general, and tested differentiable structured prediction in PyTorch.
- Dive Into Deep Learning 2 PyTorch
- PyTorch at Tesla - Andrej Karpathy, Tesla (2019) (HN)
- 3D Ken Burns Effect - Implementation of 3D Ken Burns Effect from a Single Image using PyTorch.
- Fast LSTMs in PyTorch (2019)
- F8 2019: Developing and Scaling AI Experiences at Facebook with PyTorch
- Kaolin - PyTorch Library for Accelerating 3D Deep Learning Research.
- SpConv - PyTorch Spatially Sparse Convolution Library.
- Segmentation models - Python library with Neural Networks for Image Segmentation based on PyTorch.
- LSTM and QRNN Language Model Toolkit
- cvxpylayers - Python library for constructing differentiable convex optimization layers in PyTorch and TensorFlow using CVXPY.
- Frustum ConvNet - Sliding Frustums to Aggregate Local Point-Wise Features for Amodal 3D Object Detection.
- PyTorch Elastic - Framework that enables distributed training jobs to be executed in a fault tolerant and elastic manner.
- torchgpipe - GPipe implementation in PyTorch.
- C++ Implementation of PyTorch Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers
- Neural Painters: A learned differentiable constraint for generating brushstroke paintings
- CycleGAN and pix2pix in PyTorch - Image-to-Image Translation in PyTorch.
- Easily Extendable Basic Deep Metric Learning Pipeline
- TTAch - Image Test Time Augmentation with PyTorch.
- Hyperspherical Variational Auto-Encoders in PyTorch
- Hyperbolic Graph Convolutional Networks in PyTorch
- Deep Learning with PyTorch Book (2020) - Provides a detailed, hands-on introduction to building and training neural networks with PyTorch. (HN) (Code)
- OpenProtein - PyTorch framework for tertiary protein structure prediction.
- GPyTorch - Highly efficient and modular implementation of Gaussian Processes in PyTorch. (Docs)
- Memory-efficient implementation of DenseNets
- PyTorch Toolbelt - PyTorch extensions for fast R&D prototyping and Kaggle farming.
- Reformer - Efficient Transformer, in PyTorch.
- Which PyTorch-compatible training abstraction libraries do you use and why? (2020)
- Deep Learning with PyTorch Course (Code)
- PyTorch: An Imperative Style, High-Performance Deep Learning Library (2019)
- Open Graph Benchmark (OGB) - Collection of benchmark datasets, data-loaders and evaluators for graph machine learning in PyTorch.
- Ignite - High-level library to help with training neural networks in PyTorch.
- PyTorch Forum
- Collection of PyTorch notebooks for learning and practicing deep learning
- face.evoLVe - High-Performance Face Recognition Library based on PyTorch.
- PyTorch implementation for 3D Bounding Box Estimation Using Deep Learning and Geometry
- Fast AutoAugment - Official Implementation of 'Fast AutoAugment' in PyTorch.
- Rethinking the Value of Network Pruning
- PyTorch Metric Learning
- Deep Tutorials for PyTorch
- Matchbox - Enables deep learning researchers to write PyTorch code at the level of individual examples, then run it efficiently on minibatches.
- torchtext - Data loaders and abstractions for text and NLP.
- Relational Networks - PyTorch implementation of "A simple neural network module for relational reasoning".
- nflows - Normalizing flows in PyTorch.
- torchlayers - Shape inference for PyTorch (like in Keras) + new SoTA layers.
- PyTorch re-implementation of Neural Radiance Fields
- Torchmeta - Collection of extensions and data-loaders for few-shot learning & meta-learning in PyTorch.
- PyTorch SimCLR: A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations
- Neural Spline Flow, RealNVP, Autoregressive Flow, 1x1Conv in PyTorch
- PyTorch implementation of NeRF (Neural Radiance Fields)
- PyTorch learning rate finder
- PyTorch Scatter - PyTorch Extension Library of Optimized Scatter Operations.
- TorchServe - Flexible and easy to use tool for serving PyTorch models.
- torch-optimizer - Collection of optimizers for PyTorch.
- PyTorch 1.5 (2020) (HN)
- Tacotron 2 (without wavenet) - PyTorch implementation of Natural TTS Synthesis By Conditioning Wavenet On Mel Spectrogram Predictions.
- Tacotron 2 latest papers
- pytorch-crf - Conditional random field in PyTorch.
- torchprof - PyTorch layer-by-layer model profiler.
- A Taste of PyTorch C++ frontend API (2020)
- Tutorial: Mixture Density Networks with JAX (2020)
- Deep learning CNN feature visualization using PyTorch
- rectorch - PyTorch-based framework for state-of-the-art top-N recommendation.
- neural-dream - PyTorch implementation of DeepDream algorithm.
- PyProf2 - PyTorch Profiling tool.
- Blitz - Simple and extensible library to create Bayesian Neural Network layers on PyTorch.
- PyContrast - PyTorch implementation of Contrastive Learning methods.
- PyVacy - Differentially Private Optimization Algorithms for PyTorch.
- Gaussian mixture models in PyTorch
- Effective PyTorch - PyTorch tutorials and best practices.
- PyTorch for Numpy Users (Code)
- PyTorch implementation of Fully Convolutional Networks
- Lite Transformer with Long-Short Range Attention
- PyTorch implementation of the KWNG estimator
- Classification with PyTorch
- PyTorch Toolbox - Aiming to make you write Pytorch code more easier, readable and concise.
- Sinusoidal Representation Networks (SIREN)
- PyTorch Hub - Discover and publish models to a pre-trained model repository designed for research exploration. (Code)
- Pretrained models for PyTorch
- DrQA - Reading Wikipedia to Answer Open-Domain Questions. In PyTorch.
- minGPT - Minimal PyTorch re-implementation of the OpenAI GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) training. (Code) (HN)
- MiniTorch - Teaching library for machine learning engineers who wish to learn about the internal concepts underlying deep learning systems.
- PyTorch Performance Tuning Guide - Szymon Migacz, NVIDIA (2020) (Summary)
- Opacus - Training PyTorch models with differential privacy. (Web) (Opacus Lab Research)
- Towards Fast, Accurate and Stable 3D Dense Face Alignment
- Hivemind - Library to train large neural networks across the internet. Imagine training one huge transformer on thousands of computers from universities, companies, and volunteers.
- Prediction and Policy-learning Under Uncertainty (PPUU)
- PyTorch Lightning Bolts - Toolbox of models, callbacks, and datasets for AI/ML researchers.
- LabML Neural Networks - Collection of simple PyTorch implementation of various neural network architectures and layers. (Code) (HN)
- PyTorch Interpret - PyTorch library for interpreting your deep learning results, using both visualisations and attributions.
- Lambda Networks - PyTorch - Implementation of Lambda Networks, an attention-based solution for image recognition that reaches SOTA.
- PyTorch image data augmentation
- Bootstrap Your Own Latent (BYOL), in PyTorch
- Vision Transformer - PyTorch - Implementation of Vision Transformer, a simple way to achieve SOTA in vision classification with only a single transformer encoder, in PyTorch.
- Benchmkarking Optimizers in PyTorch (2020)
- ShrinkBench - PyTorch library to facilitate development and standardized evaluation of neural network pruning methods.
- Asteroid - PyTorch-based audio source separation toolkit for researchers.
- The Hitchhikers's Guide to PyTorch for Data Scientists (2020)
- Pointnet2/Pointnet++ PyTorch
- Dreamer PyTorch - Dream to Control: Learning Behaviors by Latent Imagination, implemented in PyTorch.
- project-NII-pytorch-scripts
- fairscale - PyTorch extension library for high performance and large scale training for optimizing training on one or across multiple machines/nodes.
- FastSpeech PyTorch
- Lightwood - Pytorch based framework that breaks down machine learning problems into smaller blocks that can be glued together.
- PyTorch Loss Functions: Guide (2020)
- David's Tips on How to Read PyTorch
- MeshCNN in PyTorch - General-purpose deep neural network for 3D triangular meshes, which can be used for tasks such as 3D shape classification or segmentation.
- Tinygrad - Simple and powerful neural network framework. (tinygrad: tiny efficientnet is recognize cat?) (HN) (Web) (HN)
- Lucent - Lucid library adapted for PyTorch.
- pytorch-pfn-extras - Supplementary components to accelerate research and development in PyTorch.
- PyHessian - PyTorch library for second-order based analysis and training of Neural Networks.
- AdaHessian - Second order based optimizer for the neural network training based on PyTorch.
- TorchMTL - Lightweight module to do Multi-Task Learning in PyTorch.
- TRTorch - PyTorch/TorchScript compiler for NVIDIA GPUs using TensorRT. (Docs)
- Mastering TorchScript: Tracing vs Scripting, Device Pinning, Direct Graph Modification (2020)
- Flow Forecast - Deep learning PyTorch library for time series forecasting, classification, and anomaly detection.
- SpykeTorch - High-speed simulator of convolutional spiking neural networks with at most one spike per neuron.
- PyTorch Loss - Label-smooth, amsoftmax, focal-loss, triplet-loss.
- Cleora - Faster alternative to PyTorch-BigGraph.
- The Original Transformer (PyTorch)
- PyTorch implementation of the hamburger module from the ICLR 2020 paper "Is Attention Better Than Matrix Decomposition"
- PyTorch Developer Day 2020
- MLflow and PyTorch integration – autologging and TorchServe plugin (2020)
- HiddenLayer - Lightweight library for neural network graphs and training metrics for PyTorch, Tensorflow, and Keras.
- LabML - Monitor PyTorch & TensorFlow model training on mobile phones. (Docs)
- Old Photo Restoration (Official PyTorch Implementation)
- Torch-Pruning - PyTorch pruning toolkit for structured neural network pruning and layer dependency maintaining.
- torchac - Fast Arithmetic Coding for PyTorch.
- AdaHessian - Easy-to-use AdaHessian optimizer (PyTorch).
- PyTorch Dynamic Quantization (2020)
- Performer in PyTorch - Implementation of Performer, a linear attention-based transformer, in PyTorch.
- GoTch - Go binding for Pytorch C++ API (libtorch).
- auraloss - Collection of audio-focused loss functions in PyTorch.
- Normalizing flows with PyTorch - Implementation and tutorials of normalizing flows with the novel distributions module.
- PyTorch Lightning Snippets
- Stylized Neural Painting (2021) (PyTorch Code)
- PyTorch Tools, Best Practices & Style Guide
- NeuralProphet - Neural Network based Time-Series model, inspired by Facebook Prophet and AR-Net, built on PyTorch.
- Pytorch-Lightning Implementation of Self-Supervised algorithms
- Reimplementation of LiteFlowNet using PyTorch
- Julius - Fast PyTorch based DSP for audio and 1D signals.
- PyTorch Points 3D - PyTorch framework for doing deep learning on point clouds.
- PyTorch Lightning project template
- TorchData - PyTorch dataset extended with map, cache etc. ( like).
- pytorch_memlab - Profiling and inspecting memory in PyTorch.
- NeRF (Neural Radiance Fields) using PyTorch (PyTorch Lightning)
- Faster PyTorch Implementation of Faster R-CNN
- Axial Attention in PyTorch - Implementation of Axial Attention - attending to multi-dimensional data efficiently.
- torchaudio - Audio library for PyTorch.
- Benchmark Suite for Deep Learning - Provides a wrapper to run PyTorch benchmarks using NVidia's Deep Learning Examples repo.
- Fast Transformers - PyTorch library for fast transformer implementations.
- PyTorch Quantization Aware Training (2020)
- Unsupervised Learning of Image Segmentation Based on Differentiable Feature Clustering
- WebDataset - High-performance Python-based I/O system for large (and small) deep learning problems, with strong support for PyTorch.
- Semantic Segmentation in PyTorch
- torchlambda - Lightweight tool to deploy PyTorch models to AWS Lambda.
- torchfunc - PyTorch functions and utilities to make your life easier.
- PyTorch-Reparam-Module - Reparameterize your PyTorch modules.
- Pytorch Forecasting - Time series forecasting with PyTorch.
- DALL-E in PyTorch - Implementation / replication of DALL-E, OpenAI's Text to Image Transformer, in PyTorch.
- PyTorch Architectures - PyTorch implementations of research paper model architectures.
- Ways of making PyTorch training faster (2021)
- RepVGG: Making VGG-style ConvNets Great Again (PyTorch)
- PyTorch-OpCounter - Count the MACs / FLOPs of your PyTorch model.
- PyTorch Memory optimizations via gradient checkpointing
- Efficient PyTorch - Best practices of training large datasets using PyTorch.
- SAM: Sharpness-Aware Minimization (PyTorch)
- Factorization Machine models in PyTorch
- graftr - Interactive shell to view and edit PyTorch checkpoints.
- EagerPy - Writing Code That Works Natively with PyTorch, TensorFlow, JAX, and NumPy. (Web)
- Evidential Deep Learning to Quantify Classification Uncertainty (2018) (Code)
- PyProf - GPU performance profiling tool for PyTorch models.
- ctcdecode - Implementation of CTC (Connectionist Temporal Classification) beam search decoding for PyTorch.
- OpenMM PyTorch Plugin - OpenMM plugin to define forces with neural networks.
- Totally Versatile Miscellania for PyTorch
- Lightning Flash - Collection of tasks for fast prototyping, baselining, finetuning and solving problems with deep learning.
- FlashTorch - Python visualization toolkit, built with PyTorch, for neural networks in PyTorch.
- torchinfo - View model summaries in PyTorch.
- Compressive transformer PyTorch implementation with notes
- DALL-E - PyTorch package for the discrete VAE used for DALL·E. (HN)
- PyTorch: From Centralized To Federated (2021)
- PyTorch 1.8, with AMD ROCm support (2021) (HN)
- Linear Attention Transformer in PyTorch - Transformer based on a variant of attention that is linear complexity in respect to sequence length.
- GeoTorch - Constrained optimization toolkit for PyTorch.
- LieTorch: Tangent Space Backpropagation
- FastMoE - Fast MoE implementation for PyTorch. (Code)
- NN Template - Generic template to bootstrap your PyTorch project with PyTorch Lightning, Hydra, W&B, DVC, and Streamlit.
- Lightning Hydra Template - PyTorch Lightning + Hydra. A very general, feature-rich template for rapid, scalable ML experimentation process and best practices.
- Memformer - PyTorch - Implementation of Memformer, a Memory-augmented Transformer, in PyTorch.
- torchtyping - Runtime type annotations for the shape, dtype etc. of PyTorch Tensors.
- torchbench - Easily benchmark machine learning models in PyTorch.
- pytorch-world - Nix scripts for pytorch-related libraries.
- Butterfly matrix multiplication in PyTorch
- GLOM - PyTorch - Geoffrey Hinton's new idea that integrates concepts from neural fields, top-down-bottom-up processing, and attention (consensus between columns) for learning emergent part-whole heirarchies from data.
- nnAudio - Audio processing by using PyTorch 1D convolution network.
- Lightning-Transformers - Flexible interface for high performance research using SOTA Transformers leveraging Pytorch Lightning, Transformers, and Hydra.
- PyTorch Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers
- torchsynth - Based upon traditional modular synthesis written in PyTorch. It is GPU-optional and differentiable. (Docs)
- PyTorch Tabular - Standard framework for modelling Deep Learning Models for tabular data.
- PyTorch implementation of EfficientDet
- Transfer Learning for Semantic Segmentation using PyTorch DeepLab v3
- Class Activation Map methods implemented in PyTorch
- Neural Network Pruning - PyTorch-based pruning and research.
- Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step: Beginner's Guide (2021) (Code)
- learn2learn - PyTorch Library for Meta-learning Research.
- PyTorch builds the future of AI and machine learning at Facebook (2021)
- allRank - Framework for training learning-to-rank neural models based on PyTorch.
- KD_Lib - PyTorch library to easily facilitate knowledge distillation for custom deep learning models.
- PyTorch Sparse - PyTorch Extension Library of Optimized Autograd Sparse Matrix Operations.
- train-CLIP - PyTorch Lightning solution to training CLIP from both scratch and fine-tuning.
- Norse - Deep learning with spiking neural networks (SNNs) in PyTorch.
- Dense Matching - Dense matching library based on PyTorch.
- TorchShard - Slicing a PyTorch Tensor Into Parallel Shards.
- Growing open-source: from Torch to PyTorch (2021)
- PyTorch implementation of "Supervised Contrastive Learning"
- Equinox - Callable PyTrees and filtered JIT/grad transformations => neural networks in JAX.
- PonderNet: Learning to Ponder (HN)
- PyNIF3D - Open-source PyTorch-based library for research on neural implicit functions (NIF)-based 3D geometry representation.
- PyGCL - Graph Contrastive Learning Library for PyTorch.
- Fast Transformer - PyTorch
- Fast Transformer - TensorFlow
- Bonito - PyTorch Basecaller for Oxford Nanopore Reads.
- Working through "What is torch.nn really?" (2021)
- PyTorch WideDeep - Flexible package to combine tabular data with text and images using Wide and Deep models in PyTorch.
- Vector Quantization - PyTorch
- PytorchLightning Tutorials - Collection of PyTorch lightning tutorial form as rich scripts automatically transformed to ipython notebooks.
- torchkit - Lightweight library containing PyTorch utilities useful for day-to-day research.
- PyTorch implementation of various Attention Mechanisms, MLP, Re-parameter, Convolution
- stoke - Lightweight wrapper for PyTorch that provides a simple declarative API for context switching between devices, distributed modes, mixed-precision, and PyTorch extensions.
- pystiche - Framework for Neural Style Transfer (NST) built upon PyTorch.
- TorchData - PyTorch repo for data loading and utilities to be shared by the PyTorch domain libraries.
- Efficient Video Dataset Loading and Augmentation in PyTorch
- Accelerate PyTorch models with ONNX Runtime
- Bagua - Deep learning training acceleration framework for PyTorch.
- TorchMetrics - Machine learning metrics for distributed, scalable PyTorch applications. (Docs) (Article)
- AutoDL-Projects - Automated deep learning algorithms implemented in PyTorch.
- PyTorch 1.10 (2021) (HN)
- TorchX - Library containing standard DSLs for authoring and running PyTorch related components for an E2E production ML pipeline.
- classy - PyTorch-based library for fast prototyping and sharing of deep neural network models.
- Probabilistic Torch - Library for deep generative models that extends PyTorch.
- jax2torch - Use JAX functions in PyTorch with DLPack.
- Differentiable Neural Computers, Sparse Access Memory and Sparse Differentiable Neural Computers, for Pytorch
- Toroidal - Lightweight transformer library for PyTorch.
- Ultimate PyTorch Source-Build Template - Template repository to build PyTorch projects from source on any version of PyTorch/CUDA/cuDNN.
- hf-hub-lightning - PyTorch Lightning Callback for pushing models to the Hugging Face Hub.
- Audio Augmentations - Library for PyTorch for audio in the time-domain, with support for stochastic data augmentations.
- e2cnn - PyTorch extension for equivariant deep learning.
- Deep Learning With PyTorch - Full Course (2021)
- All You Need to Know About PyTorch (2021)
- TorchSnooper - Debug PyTorch code using PySnooper.
- PyTorch-LIT - Lite Inference Toolkit (LIT) for PyTorch which focuses on easy and fast inference of large models on end-devices.
- Interactive Deep Colorization in PyTorch
- PyTorch Batched SVD - 100x faster SVD for PyTorch.
- PyTorch Adapt - Modular domain adaptation library written in PyTorch.
- Torch Memory-adaptive Algorithms (TOMA) - Helps you write algorithms in PyTorch that adapt to the available (CUDA) memory.
- Bayesian-Torch - Bayesian neural network layers for uncertainty estimation.
- PyTorch: Where we are headed and why it looks a lot like Julia (but not exactly) (HN)
- torchfilter - Bayesian filters in PyTorch.
- PopTorch - PyTorch integration for the Graphcore IPU.
- FlowTorch - PyTorch library for learning and sampling from complex probability distributions using a class of methods called Normalizing Flows.
- Attention is all you need implemented from scratch in PyTorch
- Winners of the 2021 PyTorch Annual Hackathon
- PyTorch vs TensorFlow in 2022 (HN)
- Perceiver IO - PyTorch implementation of DeepMind's Perceiver IO with PyTorch Lightning scripts for distributed training.
- Neural network inferencing for PyTorch and TensorFlow with ONNX, WebAssembly System Interface, and WASI NN (2021)
- hamiltorch - PyTorch-based library for Riemannian Manifold Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (RMHMC) and inference in Bayesian neural networks.
- Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn Book (2021) (Tweet) (Code)
- Web Application to generate your training scripts with PyTorch Ignite
- torchinterp1d - CUDA 1-D interpolation for PyTorch.
- torchquad - High-performance numerical integration on the GPU with PyTorch.
- Efficient PyTorch: Tensor Memory Format Matters (2021)
- TorchSSL - PyTorch-based Toolbox for Semi-Supervised Learning.
- PyTea - PyTorch Tensor Shape Error Analyzer.
- PyTorch Builder - Scripts to build PyTorch binaries and do end-to-end integration tests.
- PyTorch VAE - Collection of Variational Autoencoders (VAE) in PyTorch.
- Pytorch MS-SSIM - Fast and differentiable MS-SSIM and SSIM for PyTorch.
- PyTorch Live - Easy to use library of tools for creating on-device ML demos on Android and iOS.
- Modeling uncertainty with PyTorch (2022)
- PyTorch distributions examples
- moolib - Library for distributed ML training with PyTorch.
- v objective diffusion inference code for PyTorch
- Texar-PyTorch - Integrating the Best of TF into PyTorch, for Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Text Generation.
- solo-learn - Library of self-supervised methods for unsupervised visual representation learning powered by PyTorch Lightning.
- torch-max-mem - Decorators for maximizing memory utilization with PyTorch & CUDA.
- PyTorch implementation of various Knowledge Distillation (KD) methods
- Padertorch - Designed to simplify the training of deep learning models written with PyTorch. Focusing on speech and audio processing.
- VFormer - Modular PyTorch library for Vision Transformers.
- BindsNET - Simulation of spiking neural networks (SNNs) using PyTorch.
- Hammer - Efficient PyTorch-based library for training deep models.
- (Generic) EfficientNets for PyTorch - Pretrained EfficientNet, EfficientNet-Lite, MixNet, MobileNetV3 / V2, MNASNet A1 and B1, FBNet, Single-Path NAS.
- sbi - PyTorch package for simulation-based inference.
- torchmd - PyTorch differentiable molecular dynamics.
- TorchCAM - Simple way to leverage the class-specific activation of convolutional layers in PyTorch.
- torch2trt - PyTorch to TensorRT converter which utilizes the TensorRT Python API.
- PyTorch Toolbox for Image Quality Assessment
- Human Segmentation PyTorch - Human segmentation models, training/inference code, and trained weights, implemented in PyTorch.
- Breaching - Framework for Attacks against Privacy in Federated Learning in PyTorch.
- PyTorchViz - Small package to create visualizations of PyTorch execution graphs.
- PyTorch on Apple M1 MAX GPUs with SHARK – faster than TensorFlow-Metal (2022) (HN)
- Deep Robust - PyTorch adversarial library for attack and defense methods on images and graphs.
- TorchRec - Library for modern production recommendation systems. (Article) (HN)
- TorchStudio - IDE for PyTorch. (Web) (Beginner's Guide)
- sk2torch - Convert scikit-learn models to PyTorch modules.
- Multi-Task Learning in PyTorch
- PyTorch C++ Samples - Deep Learning sample programs of PyTorch written in C++.
- SparseLinear - PyTorch package that allows a user to create extremely wide and sparse linear layers efficiently.
- Complete Guide of Swin Transformer with Full PyTorch Implementation (2022)
- Kernel Point Convolution implemented in PyTorch
- executorch - Simple and portable executor of PyTorch programs.
- Image 2 Vec with PyTorch
- Tez - Super-simple and lightweight Trainer for PyTorch.
- TorchMultimodal - PyTorch library for training state-of-the-art multimodal multi-task models at scale.
- MiniTorch Module 0
- baukit - Kit of David's secret tools to help with productive research prototyping with PyTorch.
- Cyclemoid PyTorch - Implementation of the cyclemoid activation function for PyTorch.
- Graph Embedding - Reimplementation of Graph Embedding methods by PyTorch.
- Distributed PyTorch Lightning Training on Ray
- Lightning Pose - Accelerated pose estimation and tracking using semi-supervised convolutional networks.
- Disent - Modular VAE disentanglement framework for python built with PyTorch Lightning.
- MQBench - Open-source model quantization toolkit based on PyTorch fx.
- Self-supervised learning tutorial: Implementing SimCLR with PyTorch lightning (2022) (Code)
- PyTracking - Visual tracking library based on PyTorch.
- TorchDynamo - Python-level JIT compiler designed to make unmodified PyTorch programs faster.
- Einops Extensions - Implementation of some personal helper functions for Einops.
- TorchOpt - High-performance optimizer library built upon PyTorch for easy implementation of functional optimization and gradient-based meta-learning.
- PyTorch Connectomics - Segmentation toolbox for EM connectomics.
- TedNet - PyTorch Toolkit for Tensor Decomposition Networks.
- TorchData: PyTorch Composable Data loading utility library (2022)
- Equivariant Steerable CNNs Library for PyTorch
- PyTorch C++ inference with LibTorch
- pl_cross - Cross validation in PyTorch lightning made easy.
- diffsptk - Differentiable version of SPTK based on the PyTorch framework.
- minDiffusion - Self-contained, minimalistic implementation of diffusion models with PyTorch.
- torchdistX - Torch Distributed Experimental.
- grafog - Graph Data Augmentation Library for PyTorch Geometric.
- High-fidelity performance metrics for generative models in PyTorch
- Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models in PyTorch
- PyTorch Geometric Install Helper
- PyTorch Benchmarks - Collection of open source benchmarks used to evaluate PyTorch performance.
- Torchprofile - General and accurate MACs / FLOPs profiler for PyTorch models.
- K Means using PyTorch
- surgeon-pytorch - Library to inspect itermediate layers of PyTorch models. (Reddit)
- PyMDE - Minimum-distortion embedding with PyTorch.
- torchdistill - Modular, Configuration-Driven Framework for Knowledge Distillation.
- PyTorch on Angel - Arming PyTorch with a powerful Parameter Server, which enable PyTorch to train very big models.
- NITorch - Library written in PyTorch aimed at medical image processing and analysis, with a focus on neuroimaging.
- torch-ppr - Page-Rank computation using PyTorch.
- PyTorch-Energizer - Active learning library for PyTorch based on PyTorch-Lightning.
- Torchshow - Visualize PyTorch tensor in one-line of code.
- Accelerated PyTorch Training on M1 Mac (2022) (HN) (Reddit)
- Metatorch - Library and framework for prototyping PyTorch models with Haskell.
- Running PyTorch on the M1 GPU (2022) (HN)
- PyTorch Topological - Topological machine learning framework based on PyTorch.
- Optimizers - PyTorch optimization algorithms.
- MinT - Minimal Transformer Library and Tutorials.
- Transformer architecture optimized for Apple Silicon (HN)
- Taking Datasets, DataLoaders, and PyTorch’s New DataPipes for a Spin (2022) (Code)
- Lightning EcoSystem CI - Automated Testing for Lightning EcoSystem Projects.
- Run PyTorch models in the browser using ONNX.js
- torchsnapshot - Light-weight library for adding fault tolerance to large-scale PyTorch distributed training workloads.
- PyTorch Project Template
- PyTorch Model Compare - Tiny package to compare two neural networks in PyTorch.
- PyEPO (PyTorch-based End-to-End Predict-and-Optimize Tool) - Python-based, open-source software that supports modeling and solving predict-and-optimize problems with the linear objective function.
- Parti - PyTorch - Implementation of Parti, Google's pure attention-based text-to-image neural network, in PyTorch.
- OpenMMLab - Open source optical flow toolbox based on PyTorch.
- simpleT5 - Quickly train T5/mT5/byT5 models in just 3 lines of code.
- ngp_pl - Instant-ngp (only NeRF) in pytorch+cuda trained with pytorch-lightning (high quality with high speed).
- PyTorch time series - PyTorch implementations of neural networks for time series classification.
- DiffMat - PyTorch-based differentiable material graph library for procedural material capture.
- Torchsort - Fast, differentiable sorting and ranking in PyTorch.
- FL_PyTorch - Optimization Research Simulator for Federated Learning.
- PyTorch TestInfra - Infrastructure components that are supporting the PyTorch CI/CD system.
- TorchScene - Scene recognition tool based on PyTorch. Provide training, test and deployment functions, as well as many pretrained models.
- torchimize - Numerical optimization algorithms in PyTorch.
- 1D, 2D, and 3D Sinusoidal Postional Encoding (PyTorch and TensorFlowi)
- Kaolin Wisp - PyTorch Library and Engine for Neural Fields Research.
- Notebook walks through a single forward pass of the Transformer architecture in PyTorch
- EvoTorch - Advanced evolutionary computation library built directly on top of PyTorch.
- Writing Snake in 12 Lines of PyTorch (2022) (HN)
- PyTorch iOS Example Apps
- Bgflow - Boltzmann Generators and Normalizing Flows in PyTorch.
- Frechet Audio Distance in PyTorch
- Satellite Cloud Generator - PyTorch-based tool to generate clouds for satellite images.
- bitsandbytes - 8-bit CUDA functions for PyTorch.
- Horizontally Fused Training Array (HFTA) - Boost hardware utilization for ML training workloads via Inter-model Horizontal Fusion.
- Stannum - Fusing Taichi into PyTorch.
- Learn PyTorch for Deep Learning (Code)
- audio-diffusion-pytorch - Audio generation using diffusion models, in PyTorch.
- TorchEval - Library that contains a rich collection of performant PyTorch model metrics.
- C++ Torch Server - Serve PyTorch / torch models using Drogon.
- Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step: Beginner's Guide (2022)
- NeRF-Factory: An awesome PyTorch NeRF collection
- NestedTensor - Tools for the concurrent manipulation of variably sized Tensors.
- PyTorch Boiler - Minimalistic boiler plate code for training PyTorch models.
- PyEPO - PyTorch-based End-to-End Predict-then-Optimize Library for Linear and Integer Programming.
- torchmocks - Test PyTorch code with minimal computational overhead.
- Continual Learning - PyTorch implementation of various methods for continual learning (XdG, EWC, SI, LwF, FROMP, DGR, BI-R, ER, A-GEM, iCaRL, Generative Classifier) in three different scenarios.
- Hedwig - PyTorch deep learning models for document classification.
- GenForce - Efficient PyTorch library for deep generative modeling.
- NeuroMANCER - PyTorch-based framework for solving parametric constrained optimization problems.
- light-the-torch - Install PyTorch distributions with computation backend auto-detection.
- OpenMetricLearning - Library for metric learning pipelines.
- NerfAcc - PyTorch Nerf acceleration toolbox for both training and inference.
- PyTorch Estimate Flops - Estimate/count FLOPS for a given neural network using PyTorch.
- Bert-squeeze - Tools for Transformers compression using PyTorch Lightning.
- PyTorch dual-attention LSTM-autoencoder for multivariate Time Series
- torch-scan - Seamless analysis of your PyTorch models (RAM usage, FLOPs, MACs, receptive field, etc.).
- Kernl - Lets you run PyTorch transformer models several times faster on GPU with a single line of code, and is designed to be easily hackable.
- Open MatSci ML Toolkit - Single framework for prototyping and scaling out deep learning models for materials discovery, built on top of OpenCatalyst, PyTorch Lightning, and the Deep Graph Library.
- Torch-DCT - DCT (discrete cosine transform) functions for PyTorch.
- MultiPy - C++ library that enables you to run eager mode PyTorch models in production without any modifications to your model to support tracing.
- Video Swin Transformer in PyTorch
- PyTorch Fundamentals Learning Path
- Auto-PyTorch - Automatic architecture search and hyperparameter optimization for PyTorch.
- Auto-Tuning Hyperparameters with Optuna and PyTorch (2020)
- PyTorch Symbolic - Provides symbolic API for model creation in PyTorch.
- PyTorch 3D U-Net Convolution Neural Network (CNN) designed for medical image segmentation
- torchnnprofiler - Context Manager to profile the forward and backward times of PyTorch's nn.Module.
- Minimal IK PyTorch
- Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation with Mask-adapted CLIP (2022) (Code)
- Torchview - Visualize PyTorch models.
- LAMPE - Likelihood-free AMortized Posterior Estimation with PyTorch.
- Plan2Vec: Unsupervised Representation Learning by Latent Plans in PyTorch
- BackPACK - Backpropagation package built on top of PyTorch which efficiently computes quantities other than the gradient.
- TrueGrad - PyTorch interface for TrueGrad-AdamW.
- torchplate - Minimal Experiment Workflows in PyTorch.
- TorchScale - PyTorch library that allows researchers and developers to scale up Transformers efficiently and effectively.
- PyTorch 2.0 (HN)
- Implementation of Hinton's forward-forward (FF) algorithm - an alternative to back-propagation
- Transformer encoder in PyTorch
- PiPPy - Pipeline Parallelism for PyTorch.
- Forward Forward algorithm (by Geoffrey Hinton) implemented with PyTorch
- TencentPretrain: Tencent Pre-training Framework
- Zuko - Normalizing flows in PyTorch.
- PIQA - PyTorch Image Quality Assessment.
- Neural Network Force Field based on PyTorch
- MVTorch - Modular PyTorch library for multi-view research on 3D understanding and 3D generation.
- TorchMD - End-To-End Molecular Dynamics (MD) Engine using PyTorch.
- PyTorch Vulkan Back End User Workflow
- tiny-diffusion - Minimal PyTorch implementation of probabilistic diffusion models for 2D datasets.
- Transformer implementation in PyTorch
- PyTorch Snake - Memory and compute-efficient fused PyTorch implementation of the Snake activation function from Neural Networks Fail to Learn Periodic Functions and How to Fix It.
- OctoML PyTorch Profiler
- Lion PyTorch - Optimizer discovered by Google Brain using genetic algorithms that is purportedly better than Adam.
- PyTorch tutorial for beginners
- Holistic Trace Analysis - Library to analyze PyTorch traces.
- Lightning Pod - Deep Learning Research Template for the Lightning AI Ecosystem.
- Rising - High-performance data loading and augmentation library for 2D and 3D data completely written in PyTorch.
- minLoRA - Minimal PyTorch library that allows you to apply LoRA to any PyTorch model.
- Implementation of the Hyena Operator in PyTorch
- PyTorchTS - PyTorch based Probabilistic Time Series forecasting framework based on GluonTS backend.
- Zipslicer - Library for incremental loading of large PyTorch checkpoints. (HN)
- Torch.fx.Transformer - Symbolically modify PyTorch modules. (HN)
- PyTorch 2.0 (2023) (HN)
- PyTorch 2.0 Native Flash Attention 32k Context Window (2023)