macOS apps
I maintain a big list of apps I use on my system here together with why and how I use them.
And here is a full list of the apps I have inside my /Applications
Nice OSS macOS Swift/ObjC apps
- Pine - Modern, native macOS markdown editor.
- Twig - Modern macOS markdown editor.
- Flowlist - Fun Self-Management for macOS.
- OnlySwitch - All-in-One status bar button, hide MacBook Pro's notch, dark mode, AirPods. (Web)
- Sloth - Displays all open files and sockets in use by all running processes on your system. (HN)
- TelegramSwift macOS
- Workbench - Seamless, automatic, “dotfile” sync to iCloud.
- LuLu - Free macOS firewall. (Web) (HN)
- - Watch the latest and greatest conference videos on your Mac.
- Gifski - Convert videos to high-quality GIFs on your Mac.
- Sourceful - Native source editor for iOS and macOS.
- Shifty - MacOS menu bar app that gives you more control over Night Shift.
- Seashore - Easy to use mac osx image editing application, gimp light.
- Linked Ideas - MacOS/iOS apps to treat ideas as links of concepts.
- HotKey - Simple global shortcuts in macOS.
- Latest - Small utility app for macOS that makes sure you know about all the latest updates to the apps you use. (Web)
- Hidden Bar - Ultra-light MacOS utility that helps hide menu bar icons. (HN)
- NetNewsWire - RSS reader for macOS and iOS.
- macos-key-cast - Log keys pressed on macOS. Useful for screen recordings and presentations.
- Rectangle - Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap areas. (Web)
- Plash - Make any website your Mac desktop wallpaper.
- Swindler - Swift window management library for macOS.
- Lunar - Intelligent adaptive brightness for your external display.
- Tinkle - Appends a visual effect for the focused window changes.
- Maccy - Lightweight clipboard manager for macOS.
- Pasteboard Viewer - Inspect the system pasteboards on macOS.
- Vimac - Vimium for macOS. (Web) (HN)
- LinkLiar - Link-Layer MAC spoofing GUI for macOS.
- Crescendo - Swift based, real time event viewer for macOS. It utilizes Apple's Endpoint Security Framework.
- Blurred - macOS utility that helps reduce distraction by dimming your inactive noise.
- - macOS HackerNews client that aims to be a Mac-assed Mac app. Written in Swift + AppKit. (HN)
- BluetoothConnector - Simple macOS CLI to connect/disconnect a Bluetooth device. Useful for AirPods or other Bluetooth headphones.
- Universal Tip - Programmable tooltip that can be used with any macOS app.
- NWPusher - macOS and iOS application and framework to play with the Apple Push Notification service.
- MacCacheCleaner
- Timer App - Simple Stopwatch App for macOS.
- Cameo - Small utility based on CMIOKit to explore installed CMIO DAL plugins and their properties.
- Pock - Display macOS Dock in Touch Bar.
- Akku - Missing macOS bluetooth headset battery indicator app.
- SubEthaEdit - General purpose plain-text editor for macOS. Widely known for its live collaboration feature. (Web) (HN)
- RegEx+ - Nifty RegEx test tool built with SwiftUI.
- Glance - Provides Quick Look previews for files that macOS doesn't support out of the box.
- MonitorControl - Control your external monitor brightness & volume on your Mac.
- Up Next - Meetings at a glance from your macOS menu bar.
- Multi - Create a custom, lightweight macOS app from a group of websites. (HN)
- Face Data - macOS application used to auto-annotate landmarks from a video.
- Bluetility - General-purpose Bluetooth Low-Energy utility.
- Gray - Tailor your macOS Mojave experience.
- Milestones - App to count down the days until upcoming milestones. Built to try out the Swift Composable Architecture, SwiftUI and Combine.
- j2s - macOS app to convert JSON to Swift structs.
- Timer - Simple Timer app for Mac.
- Mach-O Explorer - Graphical Mach-O viewer for macOS.
- Clipy - Clipboard extension app for macOS.
- AltTab - Windows alt-tab on macOS.
- MeetingBar - Menu bar app for your calendar meetings. (HN)
- Boop - Scriptable scratchpad for developers. In slow yet steady progress. (Code)
- Boom3D - Volume Booster & Equalizer for Mac and Windows.
- Fanny - Monitor your Mac's fan speed and CPU/GPU temperature from your Notification Center.
- Diurna - Basic/Classic Hacker News app, used as a Cocoa & Swift learning platform.
- eqMac - macOS System-wide Audio Equalizer.
- SensibleSideButtons - Side navigation for third-party mice in macOS. (HN)
- DevUtils - Developer Utilities for macOS. (Code) (HN) (HN)
- 5 GUIs - Tiny macOS app that can detect the GUI technologies used in other apps.
- Stats - macOS system monitor in your menu bar.
- Stackline - Visualize yabai window stacks on macOS. Works with yabai & hammerspoon.
- mirror-displays - Mac app and command-line tool for fiddling with display mirroring: on/off/toggle.
- eul - macOS status monitoring app written in SwiftUI.
- VirtualKVM - Automatically toggles Bluetooth and Target Display Mode when you connect a Macbook to your iMac via Thunderbolt.
- Keycastr - Open-source keystroke visualizer.
- Brooklyn - Screensaver inspired by Apple's Event on October 30, 2018.
- stts - macOS app for monitoring the status of cloud services.
- Auto DND - Mac app that keeps notifications stays right where it should.
- Virtual - Boot Linux VMs in a single command on macOS using the new Virtualization.framework.
- CloudyTabs - Menu bar application that lists your iCloud Tabs and Reading List.
- Xbar - Put anything in your macOS menu bar. (Code) (HN)
- SwiftBar - Powerful macOS menu bar customization tool.
- Clean Me - macOS system analyzer and cleaner.
- ImageOptim - GUI image optimizer for Mac. (Code)
- Pika - Open-source colour picker app for macOS. (Web)
- Syncthing macOS - Native macOS Syncthing tray application bundle.
- FSNotes - Modern notes manager for macOS and iOS. (Web) (HN)
- Suspicious Package - Application for Inspecting macOS Installer Packages.
- CleanShot X - Capture your Mac’s screen like a pro.
- Contexts - Simple & fast window switcher for Mac.
- DevDocs macOS - DevDocs API Documentation viewer for macOS.
- Finder built in SwiftUI for macOS
- Spotter - Productivity tool to launch everything. Alfred alternative.
- keyrace - Daily multiplayer keyboard races for macOS.
- DarkModeBuddy - Automatically switch your Mac between light and dark modes based on the ambient light sensor.
- Nuage - Native SoundCloud app for macOS, written in SwiftUI.
- OpenHaystack - App for tracking personal Bluetooth devices via Apple's massive Find My network.
- Script Kit - Automate Anything. (Code) (Use Script Kit to Automate Your Daily Workflows)
- Vitals - Tiny macOS process monitor.
- Patchman - MacOS application to test APIs with HTTP methods (Decluttered Postman).
- System Color Picker - macOS color picker as an app with more features. (Code)
- Unexpectedly - macOS utility to browse crash logs. (Web)
- Auxl - Modular API Client for macOS. (HN)
- TRex - Easy to use text extraction tool for macOS.
- Yippy - macOS open source clipboard manager. (Web)
- Download Full Installer - macOS application written in SwiftUI that downloads installer pkgs for the Install macOS Big Sur application.
- Notational Velocity - Modeless, mouseless Mac OS X note-taking application. (Web)
- Ambar - MacOS Menu Bar app built with SwiftUI. Can be used as a template project.
- YT Music - Mac app wrapper for (Code)
- Informant - Inspect files with a single click. (Code)
- Podman for macOS - Start and stop both the Podman Machine and its running containers.
- Airpass - Status bar Mac app to overcome time constrained WiFi networks. (Web)
- Lantern - Mac app for website auditing and crawling. (Web)
- TrackerZapper - Mac app that sits in your menubar and silently removes tracking parameters from any links you copy. (Code)
- Zavala - Dedicated outliner for macOS, iPadOS, and iOS.
- Pareto Mac - Automatically audit your Mac for basic security hygiene.
- Quick Draw - macOS app for drawing over the screen.
- Ultra for Music - Music Client for macOS.
- ProfileCreator - macOS application to create configuration profiles.
- Knuff - Debug application for Apple Push Notification Service (APNs).
- TinyPNG4Mac - TinyPNG client for Mac.
- Free Ruler - Ruler application for macOS.
- Equinox - Create dynamic wallpapers for macOS. (Web)
- podman-desktop - Graphical menu bar application for managing Podman machines.
- Marconio - Simple macOS application. Using Composable Architecture.
- DevToysMac - Helps in daily tasks like formatting JSON, comparing text, testing RegExp.
- Phoenix - Lightweight macOS/OS X window and app manager scriptable with JavaScript.
- Snip - Lightweight snippets manager built with SwiftUI + Combine for macOS. (Code)
- SketchyVim - Turns macOS input fields into real vim buffers.
- SketchyBar - Highly customizable macOS status bar replacement.
- NativeTwitch - Native Twitch Player.
- TomatoBar - Pomodoro timer for macOS menu bar.
- RsyncOSX - macOS GUI for rsync.
- Licenses - Native macOS App built using Swift UI and Combine.
- ManDrake - Native Mac man page editor with syntax coloring, mandoc syntax checking & live preview.
- CodeEdit - Free, open-source code editor for macOS. (HN) (Interview with Austin Condiff) (Web)
- Nimble - Lightweight native macOS editor based on everything we love about our favorite editors and IDEs.
- Doughnut - Podcast App for macOS.
- Collected App
- NativeYoutube - Personal App that turned into "alpha released app".
- Schemes - List apps with their registered schemes in macOS Launch Services.
- Hacker News client for macOS
- SelfControl - Mac app to block your own access to distracting websites. (Web)
- Clocker - macOS app to plan and organize through time zones.
- Seashore - Easy to use macOS image editing application for the rest of us.
- Notarize - Notarization status monitoring tool for macOS, supporting multiple developer accounts.
- VCam - macOS app that displays an avatar using a virtual camera.
- Telik - macOS application to track YouTube channels and playlists.
- macOS Push Tester App - Allows you to send push notifications through APNS (Apple Push Notification Service) and receive them on a device.
- MiaoYan - Lightweight Markdown app to help you write great sentences.
- Pinboarding - Pinboard client for macOS in SwiftUI and Combine.
- Later - Save all your Mac apps for later with one click.
- Picsee - Image viewer & organizer. (Issues)
- CotEditor - Text Editor for macOS. (Code) (HN)
- Clop - Clipboard optimizer for macOS.
- MemoArt - Solitaire/Patience/Klondike game but now developed with Swift, SwiftUI, TCA.
- MacCatalystWithAppKit - Build a Mac Catalyst application with AppKit.
- Mark - macOS native markdown editor.
- Wooshy - Like Alfred but for the UI. (Docs)
- Mist - Mac utility that automatically downloads macOS Firmwares / Installers.
- CutBox - Makes your macOS pasteboard awesome. (Code)
- Kyan Bar - Demo SwiftUI status bar app for macOS.
- UI Browser 4 - Ultimate assistant for Apple’s Accessibility and AppleScript GUI Scripting technologies.
- Reminders Menu Bar - Simple macOS menu bar application to view and interact with reminders. Developed with SwiftUI and using Apple Reminders as a source.
- Coffee - Tiny time tracker for your next big project.
- Assembl - Effortless window manager for macOS. (Code)
- TrueWidget - Displays macOS version, CPU usage and local time at the left bottom of the screen.
- IOBrowser - macOS application for browsing the IOKit registry.
- GoXLR for Mac - MacOS application to manage GoXLR without virtual machine.
- Snap - Better Spotlight search for macOS.
- Spotify Notify - Rich, native Spotify notifications.
- Pinch - One-click fix for Mac trackpad pinch to zoom gesture.
- Dashlane macOS/iOS Code
- Scoot - Efficiently move your mouse cursor, using keyboard shortcuts.
- MiniSim - MacOS menu bar app for launching iOS and Android emulators.
- MIDI Monitor - Monitoring MIDI data as it goes in and out of the computer.
- MarkEdit - Just like TextEdit on Mac but dedicated to Markdown.
- ExcalidrawZ - Excalidraw app for mac. Powered by pure SwiftUI.
- Pipper - App that allows users to keep a webview always visible on their screen, on top of other windows.
- Samra - Proper, full-fledged native Asset Catalog explorer & editor for macOS.
- Person Segmentation - macOS app that applies Apple's Person Segmentation algorithm to a video.
- FromScratch - Easily reset permissions for your macOS apps through a GUI.
Other interesting apps
- Tuple - Pair Programming Tool for macOS. (HN) (GitHub)
- Finicky - MacOS app for customizing which browser to start.
- OpenQuickly - Custom 'open quickly' window that imitates macOS' Spotlight.
- Flotato - Turn any web page into a Mac app.
- Autumn - MacOS window manager built for JavaScript hackers.
- Zappy - Screen capture tool. (HN)
- BlockBlock - Provides continual protection by monitoring persistence locations.
- VimMotion - Access macOS UI elements with your fingers stay on keyboard. Inspired by vim-easymotion & avy-mode.
- Entity Pro - Glyph & Emoji Finder.
- Glyphfinder - Missing character search for designers, developers and writers.
- Contrast - macOS app for quick access to WCAG color contrast ratios.
- Mouseless
- Codye - Allows you to present code in more than 180 languages and 80 themes.
- Coppice - Cultivate Your Thoughts.
- Hook - Find without searching.
- Twenttty - Give your eyes a break.
- PopClip - Appears when you select text with your mouse on your Mac. (PopClip Extensions)
- ClashX - Rule based proxy For Mac base on Clash.
- Lacona - Command launcher.
- Numi - Beautiful calculator app for Mac. (Code) (HN)
- ViDL - Download videos from YouTube and hundreds of other websites for offline viewing.
- FSMonitor - macOS app that monitors all changes to the file system.
- LaunchBar - Application launcher for macOS. (Assimilated Theme)
- Irradiated Software macOS apps
- Freeze - Save your open windows and tabs for later.
- FastScripts - Powerful script management utility. (3.0 release)
- LaunchControl - Fully-featured launchd GUI allowing you to create, manage and debug system- and user services on your Mac.
- HextEdit - Fast and native hex editor for macOS.
- Shortcat - Keyboard productivity app for macOS.
- MacUpdater - Keep all your apps up-to-date effortlessly.
- Flume - Beautiful Instagram experience for your Mac.
- Aqua Swatch - Match Color, Material & Icons.
- Screenotate - Recognize text in your screenshots.
- Hera - macOS app to prepare, join and take notes in meetings. (HN)
- Mumu X - Handy emoji picker on macOS, using GPT-3.
- Narrated - Screen Recordings That Include Your Camera.
- Monodraw - Powerful ASCII art editor designed for the Mac.
- TextSniper - Capture and extract any text from your Mac's screen.
- Keystroke Pro - Visualize Your Keypresses.
- Pulse - Network Inspector and Logger for Apple Platforms. (Twitter) (Guide) (Code)
- Keka - macOS file archiver. (Twitter)
- kindaVim - Vim moves for the whole macOS. in input fields and more. (Web) (Web Code)
- One Switch
- Quiver - Programmer's Notebook.
- SOL - macOS global command palette. Alfred/Raycast alternative. (HN)
- One Thing - Put a single task or goal in your menu bar. (CLI)
- SF Menu Bar - Browse Apple's collection of over 3,300 SF Symbols and quickly copy a symbol's name to the clipboard.
- Couverture - Easing Curve Editor.
- Muzzle - Silence embarrassing notifications.
- Bike - macOS Native Outliner. (HN) (Docs)
- IndigoStack - native macOS app for local web development. (HN)
- Sleeve - Now playing on your Desktop. (Tweet)
- Graphing Calculator 4
- TinkerTool - Gives you access to additional preference settings Apple has built into macOS.
- Homerow - Navigate macOS like a pro.
- rcmd - Reimagined Cmd-Tab app switcher.
- Marta - File Manager for macOS.
- Superlayer - Widget Engine for macOS. (Docs)
- PastePal - Universal pasteboard manager for Mac, iPhone and iPad. (Docs)
- Codelime - Powerful code snippet manager. (Docs)
- ShowMeYourHotKeys - macOS app to show applications menu shortcuts.
- TextTransformer - Apple ExtensionFoundation/ExtensionKit sample app.
- OrbStack - Fast, light, simple Docker & Linux for macOS. (Code)
- Little Snitch Mini (HN)
Apps I used but dropped
iOS like mouse text selection popover
Brings up a quick menu whenever some text is selected on which I can do a number of quick actions, like searching selected text on Google, YouTube or copy the text. Here are the extensions I have activated:
How it looked for me
Everything I use comes by default with PopClip except YouTube extension which you can download here. I used PopMaker tool to create this web search extension.
RSS Reeder
The app I once used to keep up with my RSS feeds. I use RSS to follow my favorite blogs, stay up to date on new podcast episodes and even track some software releases. I used Inoreader to sync blogs I follow between phone and mac. Here is how it looked like for me:
- Awesome macOS apps
- Open Source macOS apps (HN)
- Hyperlink and Deep Linking URLs
- Ship app open source code - Amazing GitHub native client that was closed down.
- Mac Open Web - Collection of open and indie Mac, iOS, and web apps that help promote the open web. (Code)
- Dashing - Generate Dash documentation from HTML.
- yabai - Tiling window manager for macOS based on binary space partitioning.
- 3 Advanced Workflows for "Things" Power User
- Apps & services (Russian)
- List of most "well-crafted" piece of macOS software you use? (2020)
- Awesome macOS Software
- Distributing Mac apps outside the App Store, a quick start guide (2021) (HN) (HN)
- Awesome Mac - Premium software sorted by category.
- Releasecast - Tool to help you get from app to release.
- Use Mac APIs and build Mac apps with Go (2021)
- The Best Mac Duplicate Finders (2021)
- What Makes a Great Mac App? (2021)
- Sparkle - Open source software update framework for macOS. (Code)
- Bump - Easy way to release & update indie Mac apps. (Web) (Why we built Bump)
- Bump Core - CLI tool that powers the Bump deploy pipeline.
- Signing a Mac Application (2015)
- Advanced Catalyst Example - Example of a Catalyst app using a three-column layout, with a primary toolbar.
- Amazing macOS apps list (2021)
- Dynamic Universal App - Size efficient alternative to macOS universal binaries.
- Microverse - macOS virtualization app for M1/Apple Silicon.
- Run MacOS Software On Linux Using Darling (2021) (Lobsters)
- Pacifist - Powerful multi-tool for working with macOS package files, disk images, and file archives.
- macOS Monterey's new network quality tool is surprisingly good (2021)
- IconSur - macOS Big Sur Adaptive Icon Generator.
- Swift Bundler - Create macOS apps with Swift packages instead of Xcode projects.
- Why aren't the most useful Mac apps on the App Store? (2021) (Lobsters)
- Apple Notes Export Tools
- CatalystEffectViewChrome - Demonstrates how to insert an NSVisualEffectView to the root of the main window of your Mac Catalyst app.
- CommandBar - Spotlight/'Open Quickly'-style 'command bar' implemented using UIKit/Mac Catalyst.
- A guide to NSButton styles
- buildkit-machine - Allows you to make buildkitd daemon accessible in your macOS environment.
- Catching Native Apps (2022) (HN)
- Catalyst Video Grid - Catalyst example of a grid-based video app that opens videos in secondary windows.
- Where Mac Catalyst Falls Short (2022)
- Notarize - CLI to easily notarize a Mac app.
- Good open-source alternatives to essential paid Mac apps (2022)
- Inspecting Web Views in macOS (2022) (HN)
- Building a native macOS app using SwiftUI and Combine (2021)
- What's the problem with old but excellent Mac apps? (2022) (HN)
- IBM Notifier - macOS agent used to display custom notifications and alerts to the end .
- Ask HN: Book Recommendation for macOS Development (2022) (Lobsters)
- Show your desktop & dock (2022)
- Mac software I love
- Why Remotion is a native macOS app (not Electron) (2021) (HN)
- CatalystToolbarMenuButton - Showcasing how to build a dropdown menu toolbar button using AppKit.
- Designing macOS menu bar extras
- Tips – Preview the Mac app people forget about (HN)
- App Fair - Catalog browser for discovering & installing macOS apps. (Code)
- What's new in AppKit (2022)
- Planning your macOS app - Apple Developer
- Apple Cloud Notes Parser
- Nice UX from Things mac app (2022)
- AirMessage Server - Lets people use iMessage on the devices they like.
- CatalystCustomSavePanels - Mac Catalyst example showcases a way to use NSSavePanel through an AppKit bridge.
- printents - CommandLine tool that prints the entitlements of an .app bundle or any executable on device.
- Platypus - Create Mac apps from command line scripts. (Code)
- Apple Dictionary Tools - Tools for extracting data from Apple dictionary files.
- Dockhunt - Share your dock and see who else has docked the apps you use. (Code)
- Ask HN: Resources to Learn macOS Development? (2023)
- Reducing Tailscale’s binary size on macOS (2023) (HN)
- Making macOS Apps Uninstallable (HN)
- node-appdmg - Generate beautiful DMG-images for your macOS applications.
- Apple Notes Liberator - Extract Data and Save It as JSON. (HN)
- Export Apple Notes to SQLite
- Apple passwords deserve an app (2023) (HN)