Aging is a disease and thus can potentially be cured. For example, Turritopsis dohrnii jelly fish ages backwards.
Information theory of aging is fascinating as described in this paper.
I personally don't plan to live for long once my body starts truly breaking down of age. I maximize the quality of my life experience through proper sleep, exercise and having no stress optimistic outlook. I don't have any negative thoughts about death as all things end, including our universe. Only thing that's annoying is pain. Especially chronic. So best try avoid that (that includes prisons, diseases..).
One way to solve aging sooner is to work on getting closer to AGI and have it solve it.
Like the advice of: try everything, figure out what you do best, make money from it. Stop caring what people think about you early. I try define these kind of rules and more for myself.
Blueprint has interesting ideas. I love that it's vegan based too. Trying to adapt some ideas from it as my goals with respect to health and longevity are to maximize happiness too and Bryan's method while it can work, does so at the expense of some life satisfaction.
- Curcumin, Pterostilbene and Nicotinamide riboside supposedly have anti aging properties.
- I'm 71 and find that the less I worry about aging, the younger I feel.
- It’s amazing how well a few things predict longevity. Do you smoke? Are you obese? High cholesterol or blood pressure? Do you sit or do you move? Living healthier for ~15 years longer is not rocket science, but does take effort.
- I'm 61 and I walk briskly 90 minutes 5-6 a week and lift weights 3-4 times a week. I never experience "aches and pain" with age.
- Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person always should have been.
- You’re not running out of time, you’re running out of energy working on the wrong stuff.
- Rapamycin meaningfully makes every organism we’ve tested live longer. Yeast cells, mice, apes and almost certainly humans.
- Don't worry about life' uncertainties. It will all be good.
- At 40, I've done some of the best work I've ever done and my pay has been better than ever. I'm 52 now and the trend has only gotten better. Why? Its because at 40, I had a much deeper understanding of the tech, I understood of the whole business process and I had the maturity to deal with people in a productive way. You won't find all of those in a 25 year old developer. The only way that age becomes a detriment is if you do not grow. I worked with someone my age who only strong skills are a large enterprise storage system. He is a dinosaur and his future is limited. That's not his age, its the way he chose to build is CV. Age is just number guys. Stay current, keep learning and stay strong.
- One challenge of people living longer: they cling to power longer, remaining in control of the most important institutions far past peak competency.
- Over the years, I have become convinced that much of the observed age-correlated cognitive decline in people younger than ~70 results from voluntary life choices, such as settling into fixed behavioral patterns (e.g. doing the same thing over and over for decades) and lack of exposure to new stimuli. It's the case for some physical activities as well: almost all people's actual performance degrades way, way faster, than their potential peak performance.
- Aging look is essentially your body fighting gravity for many years.
- Longevity FAQ - A beginner's guide to longevity research. (HN) (HN)
- Aesthetic anti-aging
- Is there actually anything out on the market that is worth taking to extend your life, as of now?
- "Future of Healthy Longevity" by Elizabeth Parrish (2018)
- What else can one do to try for as much longevity as possible? (2018)
- Preventing and Reversing Alzheimer's Disease. (2018)
- Can We Get Older Without Aging? (2018)
- HN: The Hallmarks of Aging (2019)
- Dr. Peter Attia - longevity compounds, fasting, supplements and more (2019)
- Prolonging healthy aging: Longevity vitamins and proteins
- Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End (2014)
- David Sinclair, Ph.D., Why we age and why we don’t have to (2019) (Talk)
- Some tips/notes about longevity (2019)
- The Longevity Fund - Seed and Series A VC with \$37M under management, investing in breakthrough longevity companies.
- Celine Halioua's blog on longevity
- What is the cause of aging in your opinion? (2019)
- Three New Longevity Startups (2020) (HN)
- Healthy habits add up to 10 disease-free years to your life, study reveals (2020) (HN)
- Progress of anti-aging therapies by clinical trial stage (HN)
- The Longevity FAQ (2020)
- Age Reversal Forum
- Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don't Have To (2019) (Review) (Reddit)
- How to Slow Aging (and even reverse it)
- Age Reduction Breakthrough (2020) (HN) (Twitter)
- Leap - Programs that aim to deliver breakthroughs in human health over 5 – 10 years and demonstrate seemingly impossible results on seemingly impossible timelines.
- Aging research links
- Quantitative Translation of Dog-to-Human Aging (2020) (HN)
- Anti-ageing: Where We Are At Now And The Various Drugs And Companies In The Field (2020)
- Longevity — what we know so far (2020) (Notes)
- Calico - Research longevity. (GitHub)
- Who Gets to Solve Death? (2020)
- Learnings from Running a Longevity Startup (2020) (HN)
- Elder Guide - Nationwide Nursing Home Facts and Statistics.
- Old Dogs, New Research and the Secrets of Aging (2020) (HN)
- "The MC1R Gene and Youthful Looks", Liu et al 2016
- I Hope to Die at 75 (2014) (HN)
- (How) should we pursue human longevity? (2020)
- Rewinding the biological clock: How to reverse ageing (2020) (HN)
- Anti-Aging: State of the Art (2020) (HN)
- Japanese people may have gained longevity by balancing their diets (2021) (HN)
- Anti-ageing effects of protein restriction unpacked (2021)
- Request for Startups in the Rejuvenation Biotechnology Space (2021)
- Fight Aging - Science of rejuvenation biotechnology.
- Cellular Aging Reversed in Mouse Eyes- Interview with Dr. Yuancheng Lu (2021)
- Maxim Orlovsky - A Proper Path to Digital Immortality (2019)
- The Effects of Longer Lifespans (2021)
- Longevity Investing Resources (2021)
- Want to Live to 200?
- The central role of DNA damage in the ageing process (2021)
- People who live past 105 years old have genes that stop DNA damage (2021) (HN)
- Extending health span: AKG, human clinical trials & aging biomarkers (Prof Brian Kennedy) (2021)
- Akira Kurosawa's letter on human potential
- How to solve aging (2021)
- Reminder on age “limits”
- Analysis of blood markers predicts human lifespan limit (2021) (HN)
- High FGF21, Low Insulin And Glucose: A Pro-Longevity Strategy? (2021)
- David Sinclair: Extending the Human Lifespan Beyond 100 Years (2021)
- The long lives of primates and the ‘invariant rate of ageing’ hypothesis (2021)
- Is Aging Inevitable? (2021) (HN)
- Preparing For a World With Longer Life Expectancy (2021) (Reddit)
- Is 40 the New 60? (2021) (HN)
- Cellular aging: a basic paradox elucidated (2021)
- Caitlin Flanagan on Turning 60 (2021)
- The Field of Longevity Biotech is a Mess (HN)
- NewLimit - Company built to extend human health span. (Intro)
- Japanese scientists develop vaccine to eliminate cells behind aging (2021) (HN)
- Senolytic vaccination improves normal and pathological age-related phenotypes and increases lifespan in progeroid mice (2021) (HN)
- Rest Less - Jobs, Money, Courses & Lifestyle for Over 50s.
- The World Ahead: the true costs of ageing (2021)
- Turning back time with epigenetic clocks (HN)
- Ask HN: How do you deal with getting old and feeling lost? (2022)
- A book that says your 30s are not the end.
- What is that people of age 30+ know that’s really hard to teach to people in their 20s or teens?
- Brain doesn't slow down until your 60s – later than we thought (HN)
- Old Age and Creativity (2022) (HN)
- Turning back the clock: Human skin cells de-aged by 30 years in trial (2022) (HN)
- The brain expands and shrinks over time (HN)
- Mental speed is high until age 60 (2022) (HN)
- HN: Getting hired after fifty (2022)
- On Longevity (2022) (HN)
- True Age by Morgan Levine (2022) (Reddit)
- On Aging Alone (2021) (HN)
- Scientists Discover Ways of Making Old Blood New Again (HN)
- Wild turtles age slowly, and some basically don’t age at all (2022) (HN)
- Ask HN: Why not have reverse life insurance that rewards longevity? (2022)
- Awesome Longevity
- Blue Zones, where people reach age 100 at 10 times greater rates (HN)
- Ask HN: Longevity for your parents, what to do? (2022)
- Rapamycin, drug used in cancer therapy, emerges as powerful anti-aging remedy (HN)
- What are best things you can start in your 30's to promote health and longevity? (2022)
- Aging programmer (2022) (HN)
- Small molecule cognitive enhancer reverses age-related memory decline in mice (2022) (HN)
- Data on how we spend our time as we age
- Collin Ewald | Aging & The Extracellular Matrix (2022) (WebG)
- Bryan Johnson's anti aging routine (Does it work)
- Women over 30, how do you deal with the effects of aging? (2022)
- What's one myth about old age that you would like to bust
- Longer proteins for longer lifespan? (2022) (HN)
- Ask HN: I'm 40 and feel my mental ability declining. Programming seems harder. (2023)
- Loss of epigenetic information can drive aging in mice (2023) (HN)
- ITP | National Institute on Aging
- Two research teams reverse signs of aging in mice (2023) (HN)
- Blueprint
- Loss of epigenetic information as a cause of mammalian aging (2023)
- For longevity, muscle strength may be as important as aerobic exercise (HN)
- Anti-Aging Techniques Taken to Extreme by Bryan Johnson (2023)
- My Anti-Aging Protocol Broke a World Record (2023)
- Observations from 9 Months of (Modified) Blueprint
- Can ‘Blueprint’ make you biologically younger? (2023)
- Peter Attia — The Science and Art of Longevity (2023)
- Outlive: The Science & Art of Longevity - Peter Attia (2023)