Loved watching Queen's Gambit. I play on Lichess and analyze games I played after. Want to build a dedicated chess app for analysis retrieval as Lichess and aren't cutting it. does have nicer puzzles I do at times but I do love Lichess's cleaner UI and that it's OSS.
I enjoy watching great chess games & listening to game analysis. Magnus Carlsen, Ian Nepomniachtchi, Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, Mikhail Tal, Daniil Dubov & Teimour Radjabov games are joy to watch.
Daniel Naroditsky, Gotham Chess & Eric Rosen have lots of videos to learn Chess from + enjoyable commentary.
The way I am trying to improve aside from watching/analyzing some high rated chess games is to analyze my own games with latest version of Stockfish.
Can use to transfer games to Lichess for deeper analysis as neither Lichess nor use latest Stockfish.
Nice players
- Ding Liren (Video)
- Levon Aronian
- Fabiano Caruana
- Jan-Krzysztof Duda
- Morozevich, Alexander
- Vladimir Kramnik
- Alireza Firouzja
- Boris Gelfand
- Richard Rapport
- Dmitry Andreikin
- Luis Supi (Video)
- Praggnanandhaa Rameshbabu (Video)
Favorite games
- World Chess Championship: Magnus vs Ian Game 2 (2021) (Talk after) (Reddit)
- Carlsen-Morozevich, World Blitz Championship 2012
- World Chess Championship: Magnus vs Ian Game 6 (2021) (HN) (Reddit)
- Crazy game
- Hans vs Max (Reddit)
- Shakhriyar Mamedyarov 2022 game (Analysis)
- Insane Move Crushed Stockfish
- 2022 FIDE World Blitz Championship: Magnus vs Rapport
- Anish vs Dubov (2023)
Interesting openings
- Ruy Lopez
- Danish Gambit
- Anna Cramling Asks The Candidates ”What Is The Most Fun Chess Opening”
- Sveshnikov Sicilian (In action)
- Trompowsky Attack (In action)
- Rousseau Gambit
- Lichess - Free online chess game server focused on real time gameplay and ease of use. (Code) (Costs) (HN) (GitHub) (HN)
- Lc0 - UCI-compliant chess engine designed to play chess via neural network, specifically those of the LeelaChessZero project. (Web)
- Improved chess game compression (2018) (HN)
- Play variations of chess games
- Pauli chess (HN)
- Chess With Friends - Play chess and video chat with your friends at the same time, no login required. (HN)
- Let's write a tiny chess engine in Go (Code)
- Stockfish - Strong open source chess engine. (Web) (macOS app) (Changelog) (Stockfish 12 on Lichess) (HN)
- Stockfish Testing Framework
- 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel
- What is 5D chess? (2020) (HN)
- Chess Board HTML Element (Code)
- I learned to be less terrible at Chess (2020)
- PyChess - Chess client for Linux/Windows. (Web)
- agadmator's Chess Channel
- How to Get Good at Chess, Fast (2013)
- A Grandmaster Plays a Beginner | Chess Mastery Explained (2020)
- GM Hikaru Nakamura Blitz Speedrun to 3000
- The Chess Website - Learn, Practice, and Play Chess.
- On learning chess as an adult: From 650 to 1750 in two years (2020) (HN)
- Lichess Chess Bots
- Search - Search YouTube chess videos by content.
- - Chess over ActivityPub.
- SwiftChess - Chess engine written in Swift.
- Play Magnus - Chess Training by Magnus Carlsen. (Lessons)
- - Analyze chess position from websites, ebooks, and videos. (Blog)
- The Chess Programming Wiki
- go-chess - Go library which provides common chess utilities such as move generation, turn management, checkmate detection, PGN encoding, and others.
- Chess tactics explained (HN)
- Maia Chess - Human-like neural network chess engine. (Code)
- OpeningRepertoire - Command line tool that generates opening repertoires from chess games in PGN format. (HN)
- Quantum Chess (2016)
- Quantum Chess Implemented in Rust
- python-chess - Pure Python chess library with move generation, move validation and support for common formats.
- gym-chess - Simple chess environment for openai/gym.
- A Beginner's Garden of Chess Openings (2002) (HN)
- Chess Tempo - Online Chess Training.
- Playing chess is a life lesson in concentration (2020) (HN)
- Ideal Chess – drop chess perfected? (2020) (HN)
- Assessing Game Balance with AlphaZero: Exploring Alternative Rule Sets in Chess (2020)
- Building My Own Chess Engine (2020) (Lobsters) (HN) (Code)
- Apple's chess engine code (Reddit)
- Sjeng - Chess-and-variants playing program.
- Daniel Naroditsky's Speed Runs
- Blindfold chess training (2020)
- lichess puzzler - Use stockfish and to produce puzzle candidates.
- ChessBase - Chess database with eight million games. Openings, players, tournaments.
- open database (Code)
- API (Code)
- Lichess Opening Explorer - Opening explorer for that can handle all the variants and billions of unique positions. (Code)
- Chessground - Mobile/Web chess UI for
- Climbing the Rating Ladder (Reddit)
- Hiding messages in chess games (2020) (Lobsters)
- Tip for getting from 600 to 1000 Chess Rating (2021)
- Resource Limited Chess - Creating small/efficient/fun chess bots and let them compete. (Code)
- Theory of Chess - Open-source cheat sheet for most common openings to teach myself what can transpose into what. (Reddit)
- The neural network of the Stockfish chess engine (2021) (HN)
- chessops - Chess and chess variant rules and operations in TypeScript.
- fishnet - Distributed Stockfish analysis for
- shakmaty - Rust library for chess move generation.
- Lichess End of Year Update 2020
- Notes on Chess
- chess-pipeline - Pulling games from the Lichess API into a PostgreSQL database for data analysis.
- chess-engine - Pure Rust, dependency-free chess engine that doesn't require a runtime.
- Study Openings - Tool to help chess players memorize opening repertoires. (Code)
- Stopping Early Queen Attacks In Chess (2021)
- ChessCraft - Never play the same game of chess again.
- Coding Adventure: Chess AI (2021)
- Trapped Knights (2019)
- Mayhem in the Møller Attack (2021)
- Tord Romstad - How Modern Chess Programs Work
- Basic Chess Openings Explained (2020)
- How To Learn & Study Chess Openings (2021)
- The Kilobyte’s Gambit - Can you beat 1024 bytes of JavaScript at Chess? (HN)
- When the prison banned board games, we played chess in our minds (2021) (HN)
- Listudy - Improve you chess game with spaced repetition. (Code)
- What is an effective way to prepare openings? (2021)
- 2800 Grandmaster vs. 2400 ELO: The Difference (2021)
- Lichess Founder AMA (2021)
- The Trappiest Opening in Chess? | Win Quickly with the Stafford Gambit (2020)
- OpeningTree - Consolidated view of all your chess games from, lichess, grandmaster games or custom pgn. (Code)
- Why Lichess will always be free (HN)
- 8 Weird Opening Traps You've Never Seen Before (2021)
- GM Aman Hambleton Beautiful Queen Sac (2021)
- Мужской разговор с Даниилом Дубовым: о Карлсене, претендентах, читерах и будущем шахмат (2021)
- Gotham Chess (YouTube)
- Magnus Carlsen's Challenger: Ian Nepomniachtchi (2021)
- Want To Crush The London System?
- 10 Positions Chess Engines Just Don't Understand (2021)
- How To Become A Chess Grandmaster (2021)
- Sultan Khan: The Best Unknown Chess Player Who Ever Lived (2021)
- 7 BEST Queen Sacrifices In Chess History! (2021)
- Chess reinforcement learning by AlphaGo Zero methods
- How To Calculate In Chess (2021)
- scalachess - Chess API written in Scala. Immutable and free of side effects.
- Engineering a chess match against my brother (2021) (HN)
- My Favorite Chess Openings by Rating (2020)
- How To Analyze Your Chess Games (2021)
- My Return to Competitive Chess | National Open Round 1 (2021)
- The Perpetual Chess Podcast
- daochess - Testing governance mechanisms via chess.
- - Chess Games Database & Community.
- Chess : My journey to 1800 (2021)
- OTB Chess - Place where people can find opponents to play Chess Over the Board.
- Becoming a Chess Grandmaster (2021) (HN)
- Prettier Lichess - Lichess, but prettier. (Code)
- Ghess: How to write a Chess Engine (2021) (Code)
- My SECRET Grandmaster Training (2021)
- Sunfish - Python Chess Engine in 111 lines of code. (Wiki)
- FastChess - Predicts the best chess move with 27.5% accuracy by a single matrix multiplication.
- Speed Run - Finding Mistakes #1 - Typical mistakes played at lower levels (2021)
- A series of different takes on the classic game of Chess (2020)
- 10 Chess Tips To CRUSH Everyone (2021)
- Chess opening names - Aggregated data set of chess opening names.
- Chess Position Ranking - Software suite for ranking chess positions and accurately estimating the number of legal chess positions.
- node-chess - Algebraic notation driven chess engine that can validate board position and produce a list of viable moves (notated).
- Mathematician Answers Chess Problem About Attacking Queens (2021) (HN)
- Micro-Max - 133-line Chess Source. (HN)
- Grandmaster Solves Master-Level Puzzles (2021)
- Coronate - Swiss-style chess tournament management app. (Web)
- Fast anti-chess simulator for RL in C
- ChessCoach - Neural chess engine that comments on each player's moves. (HN) (Code) (Data Used)
- Thoughts on chess improvement, after gaining 600 points in 6 months (1200-1800) (HN)
- poirebot - Chess engine and bot written in Rust.
- How to Calculate the Trappiest Openings in Chess Using Stats (2021) (HN)
- Blunder - UCI compatible chess engine written in Go.
- Drofa - UCI chess engine written in C++.
- How long does it take ordinary people to “get good” at chess? (HN)
- React chess piece component
- Acquisition of Chess Knowledge in AlphaZero (2021) (Article) (HN)
- Typesetting Chess in LATEX with the skak Package (2018)
- How Magnus Carlsen Became World Champion (2021)
- Why you should play the Sicilian (2021)
- Your favorite chess openings (2021)
- The Top Chess Players in the World -
- Chess Database
- Who is the most accurate world chess champion? (2021) (HN)
- vs. Lichess (2021) (HN)
- Интервью с Даниилом Дубовым // Шахматный мир после пандемии (2021)
- Chesspecker - Open-source app to practice chess. (Code)
- Where is each chess piece usually captured? Data from 15000 games
- Сергей Карякин и Теймур Раджабов: сахар для ума (Kuji Podcast) (2021)
- Halogen Chess engine - Written in c++. Implements Null-move pruning, Late move reductions, Quiessence search and a Transposition table that uses Zobrist Hashing.
- chessboard.js - JavaScript chessboard component. (Web)
- Reimagining Chess with AlphaZero (HN)
- Top Chess Engine Championship
- Minic - Simple chess engine to learn and play with.
- Chess Minigames for Enjoyable Learning (HN)
- Stockfish.js - WASM implementation of Stockfish chess engine. (HN)
- 10 Chess Traps to Win Fast
- Lichess coaches
- Lichess Variants - Crazyhouse, Chess960, King of the Hill, Three-Check, etc.
- chs - Play chess against the Stockfish engine in your terminal.
- Avalanche - Chess Engine written in Zig with neural evaluations.
- The Secrets of Zugzwang in Chess, Math and Pizzas
- lila-ws - Lichess' websocket server.
- lila-http - Take some of the HTTP load away from lila.
- Hanging Pawns - YouTube
- BotLi - Bot for Lichess.
- lichess-bot - Bridge between Lichess Bot API and bots.
- API - Play on Lichess as a bot. Allows engine play.
- Pleco - Rust-based re-write of the Stockfish Chess Engine.
- Principles of Chess Endgames | Introduction to Pawn Endgames | GM Naroditsky (2022)
- Stockfish WASM - WebAssembly port of the strong chess engine Stockfish.
- ShareChess - Free, open source website that allows you to share chess games as self-contained replay links. (Code)
- How much does fast thinking matter in Lichess games? (2022) (HN)
- Chess Coordinates trainer
- Weiawaga - UCI chess engine written in Rust.
- Learning Chess at 40 (HN)
- berserk - Python client for the Lichess API.
- What are the differences between the top chess engines?
- How to build a chess engine (HN)
- Chess Beginners Reddit
- - Retrieves your games so you can analyze them on Lichess. (Reddit)
- You can use an external engine with Lichess (2022)
- Irwin - AI that learns cheating patterns, marks cheaters, and assists moderators in assessing potential cheaters. (HN)
- Cute Chess - Graphical user interface, command-line interface and a library for playing chess.
- Chesshound - Rust library and cli tool that is intended for analyzing player patterns within any set of games.
- Chess Tactics CLI - Practice some chess tactics in your terminal.
- Chess Madra (Code)
- command-line-chess - Python program to play chess against an AI in the terminal.
- How useless is memorizing openings, as an amateur Lichess player? (2022)
- Generating Chess Puzzles Fast with Rust and Stockfish (2022)
- Opening Builder - Tool to help you build and remember your opening repertoire. (Reddit)
- Chessguessr - Wordle for Chess Games. (HN)
- HN: Magnus Carlsen to give up World Championship title (2022)
- From 1400 to 2000 in Blitz on - A 10½ Year Journey (2022)
- YouTubers/streamers out there who focus on concepts instead of deep individual lines
- My Experience Building A Chess App In React (2022) (Tweet)
- A New Kind of Chess (2022) (HN)
- Magnus Carlsen: Greatest Chess Player of All Time (2022)
- Cheating at chess with a computer for my shoes (2022) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Killer Chess Training Forum
- Botez Sisters: Chess, Streaming, and Fame (2022)
- ButtFish - Transmit Morse Code of chess moves to your butt. (HN)
- Chessly - Chess learning made fun and easy.
- Chessable - Where Science Meets Chess.
- GothamChess: Hans Niemann, Magnus Carlsen, Cheating Scandal & Chess Bots (2022)
- Perpetual Chess Podcast
- Levitov Chess - YouTube
- Hikaru Nakamura: Chess, Magnus, Kasparov, and the Psychology of Greatness (2022)
- Lichess Mobile Code
- Do any GMs exclusively play one specific opening?
- Rust rewrite of the sunfish simple chess engine
- Acquisition of Chess Knowledge in AlphaZero (2022) (HN)
- Noctie - Chess AI that predicts your rating. (HN)
- Human Chess - Chess variant where playing the top engine move is forbidden. (HN)
- Three very simple tips from an advanced player for improving your chess
- Long Live the King's Gambit | Chessable (Review)
- ChessTech News - Chess & Technology News.
- DuckChessZero - Engine + analysis interface for duck chess that runs entirely in the browser, with the networks trained with tabula rasa self-play, like AlphaZero.
- Analog Chess - Chess but no grid. (HN)
- chasse - Simple chessboard - without timers, rules etc. (Code)
- How do you memorize certain openings
- Fairy Stockfish - Chess variant engine supporting Xiangqi, Shogi, Janggi, Makruk, S-Chess, Crazyhouse, Bughouse, and many more. (Web)
- Looking for the best Chess960 starting position (2023) (HN)
- Crush everyone below 1500 using this opening
- What’s your favorite opening and why do you like it so much? (2023)
- Fire On Board: Shirov's Best Games by Alexei Shirov
- Deno Chess - Speedy pure-Typescript chess engine.
- Go Chess - Exploring Parallel Search Techniques with a Novel Go Chess Engine.
- What is Chess? What to think and how long for (2023) (HN)
- I played chess against ChatGPT-4 and lost (2023) (HN)