Tailwind CSS
Tailwind UI, Meraki UI & TailwindCSS Radix have nice components. UI Devtools is useful tool. Together with Typewind.
UnoCSS is a nice alternative.
I personally enjoy using styled components pattern more than inline class name styles as it's easier to read and I like the composition of DOM elements with nice names.
I always value readability and extendability over being able to write/edit things fast. With styled components pattern with some inline styles be it with Tailwind or otherwise, I find I get the best of both worlds.
- You can get all the Tailwind JIT goodness you like just by adding a single script tag to the head of your document.
- Tailwind is best used in incremental steps: 1. Flesh out the UI first. 2. Notice the emerging CSS class usage patterns. 3. Abstract components out. Last step involves pulling all classes into an actual CSS file.
- The key to TailwindCSS is to avoid putting too many classes in one string. Just use classnames to merge them for you.
- Awesome Tailwind CSS
- Typed Tailwind - Brings types to TailwindCSS via TypeScript.
- Tailwind with React (2020)
- Introduction to Tailwind and the Utility first workflow
- tailwindcss-classnames - Functional typed classnames for TailwindCSS. (Video)
- Twin - Use Tailwind classes within any CSS-in-JS library. (HN)
- react-native-tailwindcss - React-native style system based on TailwindCSS.
- tailwind-rn - Use Tailwind CSS in React Native projects.
- Headwind - Opinionated Tailwind CSS class sorter for Visual Studio Code.
- Tailwind Colors - Tailwind CSS color configration tool. (Code)
- Tailwind Starter Kit - Beautiful extension for TailwindCSS. (Code)
- Figma Kit for TailwindCSS (Code)
- React Native Tailwind - Functional CSS classes for React Native.
- TailwindCSS Figma Plugin
- TailBlocks - Ready-to-use Tailwind CSS blocks. (Code)
- Tailwind CSS Dark Mode - Tailwind CSS plugin that adds variants for dark mode.
- The origin story of Tailwind (2020) (HN)
- Tailwind Gradient Designer (Code)
- Tailwind Ink - AI color palette generator for TailwindCSS. (HN) (Code)
- Tailwind Studio
- Beginner Tailwind - Make good looking designs quickly. All without a single line of custom CSS. (Intro)
- Tailwind UI React extension
- Headless UI - Unstyled, fully accessible UI components. (Code) (Article)
- Kitwind - Marketplace of fully responsive, multi-purpose UI kits, built with Tailwind CSS.
- Kometa UI Kit - Over 130 sections, built with TailwindCSS.
- Tailwind CSS Resources you wish you had (2020)
- Statik UI - Modern UI kit based on Tailwind CSS.
- Why Tailwind CSS (2020) (Tweet)
- Tailwind Play - Official Tailwind CSS playground. (Intro article) (Code) (HN)
- Sidewind - Tailwind but for state. (Docs)
- Tailwind CSS Custom Forms - Better base for styling form elements with Tailwind CSS.
- Tailwind UI CSS Components - Collection of professionally designed, pre-built, fully responsive HTML snippets you can drop into your Tailwind projects.
- Tailwindo - Convert Bootstrap CSS code to Tailwind CSS code.
- Setup Emotion to use Tailwind classes in Next.js (2020)
- Oceanwind - Compiles tailwind shorthand into css at runtime.
- Prettier Plugin Tailwind - Sort tailwind classes in HTML with Prettier.
- UI Devtools for Tailwind CSS
- Tailwind versus BEM (2020)
- TailwindCSS v2.0 (2020) (HN)
- tailwindcssinjs - Packages for using Tailwind CSS with CSS-in-JS.
- emotion-tailwind-preflight - Merge the shiny TailwindCSS base styles into your CSS-in-JS project.
- Tailwind Builder - Create Tailwind templates in minutes.
- Tailwind Classes Sorter - Sort tailwind classes in order of default plugins.
- I Love Tailwind (2020) (HN)
- Windy - Transform every element on any website to Tailwind CSS.
- Tailwind Config Viewer - Local UI tool for visualizing your Tailwind CSS configuration file.
- tailwindcss/typography - Plugin that provides a set of prose classes you can use to add beautiful typographic defaults to any vanilla HTML you don't control.
- Beamwind - Collection of packages to compile Tailwind CSS like shorthand syntax into CSS at runtime.
- Twind - Smallest, fastest, most feature complete Tailwind-in-JS solution in existence. (Web)
- Twind CLI
- Blog โ Tailwind CSS (Code)
- Tailwind UI Kit - Beautiful and large components kit for TailwindCSS. (Code)
- Tailwind Tools - Tailwind CSS Tools For Developers.
- RustyWind - CLI for organizing Tailwind CSS classes.
- Tails - TailwindCSS Page Creator.
- TailwindCSS Buttons - Unique collection of Copy & Paste TailwindCSS buttons.
- Tailwind CSS for Rails - Makes it easy to use this CSS framework with the asset pipeline.
- tailwindcss/forms - Plugin that provides a basic reset for form styles that makes form elements easy to override with utilities. (Web)
- DaisyUI - Tailwind CSS Components. (Code) (HN)
- Tailwind Color Shades Generator (Code)
- Wicked Blocks - Tailwind Blocks ready to copy-paste. (HN)
- Why Tailwind Isn't for Me (2021)
- Universal Tokens for Tailwind - Use Tailwind tokens as CSS variables, SASS map, SASS variables, ES module, JSON & Common JS module. (Code)
- windicss - Next generation tailwindcss compiler.
- Windi CSS for Vite - On-demand TailwindCSS.
- Windi CSS - Next generation Tailwind CSS compiler. (Docs) (Docs Code)
- Windi Analysis - Visual analyzer for Windi CSS. (Web)
- updrafts.app - Design & Prototype with Tailwind CSS.
- Tailwindize - Convert any color into a Tailwind one.
- Nightwind - Automatic, customizable, overridable Tailwind dark mode plugin. (Web)
- Why I Don't Like Tailwind CSS (2021) (Lobsters)
- Tailwind CSS JIT - Just-in-time compiler for Tailwind CSS.
- Tailwind CSS JIT + Rails without Webpacker
- From semantic CSS to Tailwind - Refactoring the Netlify UI codebase (2021)
- Kimia-UI - Collection of UI Components for React built with Tailwind CSS. (Code)
- Tailwind-Styled-Component - Create Tailwind CSS React components like styled components with class names on multiple lines and conditional class rendering.
- Tailwind UI: Now with React + Vue support (2021) (Tweet)
- Building React + Vue support for Tailwind UI (2021) (HN)
- Using Tailwind CSS's Headless UI for React (2021)
- tailbuild - Simple command to build a Tailwind CSS file for your project (with JIT compiling and watching).
- Tailwind JIT as a CDN - Use the full power of Tailwind CSS' new JIT compiler by including one script tag to your HTML. (Demo)
- Tailwind Mobile - Mobile UI components made with Tailwind CSS. (Web)
- Sexism, Racism, Toxic Positivity, and TailwindCSS (2021)
- Moving From Tailwind To CSS Variables (2021)
- TailwindCSS Stimulus Components - Set of StimulusJS components for TailwindCSS apps similar to Bootstrap JS components.
- eslint-plugin-tailwindcss - ESLint plugin for Tailwind CSS usage.
- Best way to structure your classes and markup when building UIs with Tailwind CSS (2021)
- tailwindcss/aspect-ratio - Plugin that provides a composable API for giving elements a fixed aspect ratio.
- Tailwind CSS Tutorial for Beginners (2020)
- TailwindCSS Converter - Convert CSS To Tailwind. (Code)
- Coming to Terms with Tailwind (2021) (HN)
- tailwindcss-capsize - Tailwind CSS utility classes for trimming whitespace above & below capital letters.
- tailwind-merge - Utility function to efficiently merge Tailwind CSS classes in JS without style conflicts.
- Destack - Build landing pages visually right in your Next.js project. Deploy them zero further configuration. (Code)
- Most well-known sites you know of that use Tailwind CSS? (2021)
- Tailory - Customize your website with rare, unique Tailwind components that are guaranteed to be different from the crowd. (Twitter)
- Wicked Blocks - Ready Made Tailwind CSS blocks, for your next project.
- Tailwind class madness. Never again. (2021)
- Discord-Inspired Dashboard with Tailwind CSS
- Goodbye CSS Modules, Hello TailwindCSS (HN)
- artis3n.tailscale - Ansible role to install and enable a Tailscale node.
- Create a Responsive Navbar using React and Tailwind (2021)
- You don't need SVG! Creating animated loaders for content with Tailwind CSS (2021)
- People creating awesome Tailwind content (2021)
- TailwindCSS Radix - Utilities and variants for styling Radix state. (Code)
- Tailwind TS Generator - Generate Tailwind type from your own configuration.
- Tailwind CSS v3.0 (2021) (HN) (Tweet)
- What's new in Tailwind CSS v3.0? (2021)
- tailwindui-crawler - Will crawl the tailwindui.com website and download all the components to the ./output folder.
- Effortless typography, even in dark mode โ Tailwind CSS Typography v0.5 (2021)
- Rebuilding iOS 15 with Tailwind CSS (2021)
- Animate CSS - Tailwind CSS Plugin
- Box Shadows for TailwindCSS
- Palette Generator and API for Tailwind CSS (Code) (Article)
- HyperUI - Open Source Tailwind CSS Components. (Code)
- TailwindCSS Animation Snippets (Code)
- TailwindCSS Dash Docset
- I used Tailwind for the U in CUBE CSS and I liked it (2022)
- Flowrift - Beautifully designed Tailwind CSS UI blocks - view / copy / customize. (Code)
- Tailwind CSS the Right Way
- tailwindcss-animate - Tailwind CSS plugin for creating beautiful animations.
- TailwindCSS Prettier Plugin
- Alpine.js and Tailwind HTML setup (2022)
- twd - Simple tailwind like CLI tool for deno.
- Tailwind CSS Nested Groups plugin - Adds support nested groups to the group variant for any level deep by scoping them.
- Tailwind CSS Theming - Tailwind CSS plugin for client-side theming using CSS variables, with dark mode support.
- Tailwind CSS - CLI tool that takes a CSS generated by TailwindCSS and generates Rust code with all available class names and modifiers.
- tailwindcss-constants - Apply TailwindCSS utilities only if they match a constant.
- Meraki UI Tailwind CSS Components - Tailwind CSS components that support RTL languages & fully responsive based on Flexbox & CSS Grid with elegant Dark Mode. (Code)
- Tailwind Labeled Groups - Plugin that allows to create multiple groups utilities such as group-card or group-1 and works with Tailwind 3 features and all variations.
- Tailwind Admin Template - Admin dashboard template built with Tailwind and Alpine.js.
- Lemon Design - React component library based on Tailwind CSS.
- Tailwind CSS Logical - CSS Logical Properties and Values plugin for Tailwind CSS.
- Tailwind CSS Plugin Starter - Boilerplate for Tailwind CSS plugins.
- Tailwind CSS OpenType - Tailwind CSS utility classes for advanced typographic features.
- Xtend UI - Custom UI made easy with simplicity and total freedom. (Code)
- Windy Radix Palette - Tailwind preset for bringing Radix Colors palette to Tailwind.
- Tailwind Components Collection
- Tailwind Utopia - TailwindCSS plugin to generate interpolated fluid typographic and spacing scales as created by the generator utopia.fyi.
- Tailwind CSS Assistant - Tailwind CSS assistant allowing you to edit classes.
- tailwind-converter - Convert TailwindCSS classes to a single CSS class.
- TailwindCSS Themer - Unopinionated, scalable, TailwindCSS theming solution.
- Tailwind Color Picker - Chrome extension color picker for Tailwind.
- TailwindFormatter - Formats tailwind classes within elixir projects.
- Tailwind Init (twinit) - Setup TailwindCSS on your project with one command.
- Automatic Class Sorting with Prettier โ Tailwind CSS (2022)
- Tailwind Components - Responsive Cards (Code)
- Impulse - Impossible Dev Tools for React and Tailwind. (Code)
- Example Showcase - Tailwind CSS
- Preline UI - Open-source set of prebuilt UI components based on the utility-first Tailwind CSS framework. (Code)
- Tailwind CSS v3.2: revisiting my โfeature creepโ warning (2022) (HN)
- TailwindCSS-Fluid-Type - Plugin that makes the use of Fluid Type a breeze.
- TailwindCSS Container Queries
- Tru Narla: Building a design system in Next.js with Tailwind (2022)
- JIT Browser TailwindCSS
- Tailwind Components Gradient Generator
- TailwindCSS Radix UI - Style Radix UI components with TailwindCSS.
- Advanced TypeScript: The ultimate Tailwind typings (2022)
- Railwind - Tailwind compiler rewritten in rust.
- TwClassed - Make your Tailwind components re-usable. (Code)
- Tailscan - Browser inspector for TailwindCSS.
- What working with Tailwind CSS every day for 2 years looks like (2022) (HN)
- Tailwind is a Leaky Abstraction (2022)
- Easy Tailwind - Easier way of writing Tailwind classes.
- Tailwind Current Hue Plugin
- RippleUI - TailwindCSS Components. (Code)
- Sailboat UI - Modern UI framework for Tailwind CSS. (HN) (Code)
- stailwc - Tailwind in SWC, fast.
- Don't use Tailwind for your Design System (2021) (HN)
- Tailwind Tagged - Way to use tailwind by writing standard CSS.
- tw variants - Tailwind variant grouping without increasing CSS size.
- Typewind - Safety of Typescript with the magic of Tailwind. (Tweet)
- Tailwind Radix Colors - Bring Radix UI's color system to Tailwind CSS.
- tw-to-css - Transform Tailwind classes to pure CSS.
- Tailwind Mistakes You're Probably Making (2023)
- tailwind-variants - Power of Tailwind combined with a first-class variant API.
- Tailwind Pseudo Elements - TailwindCSS Plugin that adds variants of pseudo elements.
- Tailwind Color Picker Raycast - Simple color picker for Tailwind CSS and Radix UI color palettes.
- TailwindCSS Icons - Use any icon from Iconify.
- I used Tailwind for the U in CUBE CSS and I liked it (2022)
- Konsta UI - Mobile UI components made with Tailwind CSS. (Web) (HN)
- Tailwind CSS v3.3 (2023) (HN) (Tweet)