Good processes are essential for any kind of repeated success. Below are some personal processes I try follow for myself when doing certain things.
I think of my rules as boundaries within I try to operate my life. And processes are series of steps I should take when doing certain things. Some are vaguer than others. If I do them enough times, they become part of my habits.
- Wake up. Go take shower.
- Do morning skin care routine.
- Morning exercise. Until failure: push ups, deep squats & downward dog to cobra pose. Do exercise outside as I walk my dog, when I am around her. Listen to podcast during it.
- Drink morning smoothie + supplements.
- No news (Twitter/HN/..) until I do the above.
- Start day by checking my task manager for the day. Have timed 40 min to check Twitter/HN, reply to messages etc.
- Start work.
- Do evening skin care routine.
- Evening exercise. Until failure: push ups, deep squats & downward dog to cobra pose. Listen to some soothing music and think of plans for tomorrow or podcast.
- Write in look back & review of habits + check on plans.
- Some light news or book reading (book preferred).
- Sleep. I try to not expose myself to blue light during evening and be thoroughly exhausted at this point from good day's work so falling asleep is fast.
End of week Plan/Review (Sunday)
- Write in look back, taking general view of what happened in a week.
- Make plans for next week. Arrange ideas in focus. Long term focuses.
End of month Plan/Review (1st day of month)
- Summarize look back.
- Review finances & investments. Cut out non needed expenses. Reinvest if necessary.
- Make/check general plans for next month.
- Read about the topic/concept. Wiki/Google.
- Apply insights & act on it. Teach/write/build something related to the topic/concept.
- Note down points I want to cover & start writing.
- Refactor. Ask for feedback. Make it concise. Publish.
- Read. Note anything interesting.
Understand code
- Read contribution guidelines. Understand problem being solved. Understand data model & data flow.
New site
- Think URL structure / data model.
- Build. Get feedback. Evolve.