Message queue
Never ever use a database as a message queue is great read.
- patchbay - Message queue implemented over HTTP. (Lobsters)
- ElasticMQ - Message queue system, offering an actor-based Scala and an SQS-compatible REST (query) interface.
- Disque - Ongoing experiment to build a distributed, in-memory, message broker.
- rmq - Message queue system written in Go and backed by Redis.
- BullMQ - Premium Message Queue for NodeJS based on Redis.
- Celery - Distributed Task Queue. (Docs)
- Rusty Celery - Rust implementation of Celery for producing and consuming background tasks. (Docs)
- Apache RocketMQ - Distributed messaging and streaming platform with low latency, high performance and reliability, trillion-level capacity and flexible scalability.
- Performance benchmarks for various message queues
- Everything You Need To Know About Message Queues (2020)
- How do I design a system to process messages sequentially (2020)
- The Big Little Guide to Message Queues (2020) (HN)
- Machinery - Asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing.
- MiniQueue - Simple, single binary, message queue.
- Broker - Real-time BaaS (Backend as a Service). SSE message broker that requires you write no backend code to have a full real-time API.
- JackRabbit - Real-time Message Queue.
- MQ - Simple distributed in-memory message broker.
- nerve - Cloud-native messaging/pubsub with powerful routing.
- Thoughts on inter-service messaging (2021)
- Plumber - Swiss army knife CLI tool for interacting with Kafka, RabbitMQ and other messaging systems.
- SimpleXMQ - Message broker for managing message queues and sending messages over public network.
- Apache ActiveMQ - Popular open source, multi-protocol, Java-based message broker. (Code) (Docker)
- Burlesque - Message queue server with HTTP interface.
- Floki Message Queue - Borrows concepts from both Kafka and Amazon SQS into an easy to use package.
- Great hosted message queues
- Cavalcade - AMQP broker backed by PostgreSQL.
- A Message Queue in Shell (Lobsters)
- SAQ - Simple Async Queues. Simple and performant job queueing framework built on top of asyncio and redis.
- Bull Dashboard - UI built on top of Bull or BullMQ to help you visualize your queues and their jobs.
- dispenserd - Job queue designed to be: fast, reliable, feature rich, and tailored towards the needs of developers.
- Message Broker - Simple message broker example using BullMQ and Redis (worker / queue).
- Valet - Job queuing service and async task runner.
- Bonsaimq - Simple database message queue based on bonsaidb.
- Awesome Queues - Curated list of awesome queueing systems for background jobs and distributed tasks.
- Never ever use a database as a message queue (2022) (HN)
- LavinMQ - A message queue server that implements the AMQP protocol. Written in Crystal.
- Write Your Own Task Queue (2022)
- Pulsar - Distributed pub-sub messaging platform with a very flexible messaging model and an intuitive client API.
- BullMQ with BullBoard - Template repository to deploy a robust queueing system on Railway using BullMQ and Redis.
- pgmq - Message queue built on top of Postgres.
- laminarmq - Scalable, distributed message queue powered by a segmented, partitioned, replicated and immutable log.
- sqlxmq - Message queue implemented on top of PostgreSQL.
- Message Queue - Simple JSON-based messaging queue for inter service communication.
- Message Queue RPC - RPC-like client-service implementation over messaging queue.
- Conveyor MQ - Fast, robust and extensible distributed task/job queue for Node.js, powered by Redis.
- Replicating Database Changes to a Message Queue is Tricky (2022)
- Ratus - RESTful asynchronous task queue server.