My current favorite font for programming is JetBrains Mono. I use it for VS Code and iTerm.
I use Fira Code for Sublime Text. And I love the default San Francisco Apple font for use in everything else.
Variable Fonts are neat. Like Mona Sans & Hubot Sans by GitHub.
Glyphs app is great for designing fonts.
Type Design Resources are great. Word-As-Image for Semantic Typography is fascinating.
Interesting fonts
- Inter - Typeface specially designed for user interfaces with focus on high legibility of small-to-medium sized text on computer screens. (Web) (The story behind Inter) (HN)
- Satoshi
- Anchor - Informal family of round display gothics, with a serious side. (Anchor in use: Charm)
- Braun - New corporate typeface. (Tweet)
- Albra
- Sigurd
- Graphik
- Filosofia
- Inconsolata (Code)
- Public Sans - Strong, neutral, principles-driven, open source typeface for text or display.
- Cascadia Code - Fun, new monospaced font that includes programming ligatures and is designed to enhance the modern look and feel of the Windows Terminal.
- Leon Sans - Geometric sans-serif typeface made with code in 2019 by Jongmin Kim.
- Codeface - Typefaces for source code beautification.
- JetBrains Mono - Typeface for Developers. (HN) (Code) (Lobsters)
- Iosevka - Slender typeface for code, from code. (HN) (Web)
- Victor Mono (Code)
- Noto - Font for all the world's languages.
- Cozette - Bitmap programming font optimized for coziness.
- Jost
- MonoLisa (HN)
- Recursive Sans & Mono - Variable font family for code & UI. (Code)
- Baudelaire - Modern transitional serif typeface.
- Fira Sans - Mozilla's new typeface, used in Firefox OS. (Code)
- Sohne
- Free variable writing fonts from iA
- Sparks - Typeface for creating sparklines in text without code.
- BLOKK - Gives you a nice fill text for mock-ups and wireframing without the lorem ipsum.
- Scunthorpe Sans - Self-censoring font. (HN)
- Amstelvar - Parametric variable font by David Berlow. (Code)
- Monaco
- Cardo
- Raleway
- Noway
- Entypo
- Space Grotesk - Florian Karsten Typefaces. (Code)
- Florian Karsten Typefaces
- PragmataPro - Coding font designed by Fabrizio Schiavi.
- OpenDyslexic - Typeface for Dyslexia. (HN)
- Moneta
- 3270font - Font for the Nostalgic. (HN)
- Last Resort - Special-purpose font that includes a collection of glyphs to represent types of Unicode characters. (HN)
- JuliaMono - Monospaced font for scientific and technical computing. (HN) (Code) (Article)
- Josefin Sans - Idea for creating this typeface was to make it geometric, elegant and kind of vintage, especially for titling.
- Titillium Web Variable Fonts
- Bungee - Chromatic signage typeface for vertical and horizontal setting. (Web)
- Quicksand
- Merriweather
- Bitmap fonts for humans
- Butler - Free serif font inspired by a mix between both Dala Floda & the amazing Bodoni family.
- Montserrat
- Libre Franklin
- Curves - Free font by Philippine Eevee.
- Roboto VF - Variable version of Roboto intended to be a 1:1 match with the official non-variable release from Google.
- Roboto Flex - Upgrades Roboto to become a more powerful Variable Font, allowing youu to do more to express and finesse your text.
- Roboto Serif
- Barlow - Slightly rounded, low-contrast, grotesk type family.
- IBM Plex typeface
- Monoid - Customisable coding font with alternates, ligatures and contextual positioning. Crazy crisp at 12px/9pt. (Code)
- League Mono - Monospace typeface inspired by Fira Mono, Libertinus Mono, and Courier. (Web)
- LiebeHeide - Amazingly real looking handwritten messages with LiebeHeide color font.
- Piazzolla font family (Code)
- Ellograph - Friendly monospaced typeface with a soft, rounded construction and striking cursive italics.
- Source Sans Pro - Set of OpenType fonts that have been designed to work well in user interface (UI) environments. (Code)
- Operator
- Consolas
- Comic Mono - Legible monospace font. (Code) (HN)
- Datalegreya - Typeface which can interweave data curves with text. (HN) (Code)
- Leland - SMuFL-compliant OpenType music font.
- Commuters Sans
- wavefont - Typeface for rendering data: waveforms, spectrums, diagrams, bars etc.
- Writer - Version of iA Writer Mono with increased letter-spacing and tuned weights.
- Proxima Vara
- Fabbrica - Sans serif typeface inspired by the industrial production world.
- BLOKK - Font for quick mock-ups and wireframing for clients.
- Fog City Gothic
- Gridlite
- Pretendard (Code)
- Basement Grotesque - Inspired by the expressiveness of early 19th-century grotesque typefaces. (Code)
- Redaction - Typeface from Titus Kaphar / Reginald Dwayne Betts’ show at MoMA PS1.
- Dank Mono - Coding typeface for aesthetes.
- scientifica - Tall, condensed, bitmap font for geeks.
- Cal Sans - Geometric sanserif tuned for display, that is, large point sizes.
- Tilt - Family of type inspired by the dimensional lettering found in storefront signage.
- Outfit Fonts
- Lora Fonts - Well-balanced contemporary serif with roots in calligraphy.
- Chomsky - Font in the style of the New York Times masthead.
- National Park Typeface
- Klee - Script font handwritten by pencil or pen.
- Inria Sans and Inria Serif (Web)
- Manrope - Modern geometric sans-serif. (Code)
- Brutalita - Grid based font editor and font. (HN) (Code)
- Agave - Small, monospaced, outline font that would be geometrically regular and simple. (Code)
- Readex - Variable font empirically shown to significantly improve reading-proficiency.
- Routed Gothic Font
- Monego - Beloved Monaco monospaced font, recreated with bold and italic variants.
- Newsreader - Original typeface designed by Production Type, primarily intended for continuous on-screen reading in content-rich environments.
- Berkeley Mono Typeface (Lobsters)
- Input Fonts - Flexible system of fonts designed specifically for code by David Jonathan Ross.
- Urbanist - Low-contrast, geometric sans-serif inspired by Modernist design and typography.
- Morisawa BIZ UDGothic - UD Gothic typeface with excellent readability and design balance.
- Berkeley Mono Typeface
- Martian Mono - Free and open-source monospaced font from Evil Martians.
- SFMono Square - Based on SF Mono, and added glyphs for Japanese & patched for Nerd Fonts.
- Sono - Soft monospace variable font.
- Familjen Grotesk - Sans serif typeface with a contemporary appearance intended for both text and display.
- Arima Font Family
- SF Pro (Tweet)
- Type With Pride: Gilbert Font Project
- Commissioner - Variable and static sans typeface.
- Kontinentalist
- mononoki - Font for programming and code review. (Code)
- Apfel Grotezk (Tweet)
- undefined medium - Free and open-source pixel grid-based monospace typeface. (Code)
- Magnat Poster fonts (Tweet)
- Approach - Modern approximation to the early grotesques.
- Figtree - Friendly, simple geometric sans serif font.
- Inter Tight - Specialized version of Inter with tighter spacing.
- Jost - Original font created by indestructible type.
- Virgil - Font that powers Excalidraw. (Web)
- Martian Grotesk
- Minecraft Mono - Programming font based on the typeface used in Minecraft. (HN)
- Minecraft Font
- Hasköy - Open-source variable sans-serif typeface family. (Web)
- Atkinson Hyperlegible Font (HN)
- Fragment Mono - Helvetica Monospace Coding Font.
- Acma
- Nabla - Isometric Color Font. (HN) (Code)
- Plus Jakarta Sans - Font family that takes geometric sans serif styles, designed by Gumpita Rahayu from Tokotype.
- Hubot Sans - Variable font from GitHub.
- Mona Sans - Variable font from GitHub.
- Sofia Sans
- Playfair - General purpose Open Source typeface family.
- Briem Hand - Font family that reproduces the handwriting style of Gunnlaugur SE Briem.
- Ysabeau - Essence of Garamond in an open-source sans-serif typeface.
- Typewolf - What's trending in type. (Site of the day)
- Google Fonts (Code)
- Programming Fonts - Test drive over 50 free programming fonts. (HN)
- Guide to Only the Best Open-Source Typefaces (Code)
- Inter typeface family
- Google Noto Fonts
- The sad state of font rendering on Linux (2018)
- Fabrizio Schiavi - Multidisciplinary designer with skill in typography.
- Rubrication Design Examples
- Google Web Fonts Helper - Hassle-Free Way to Self-Host Google Fonts. (Code)
- 50 free handwriting fonts (2020)
- Crafting the Airbnb Cereal Typeface (2018)
- Visual Overview of Typography
- Thinking With Type - Book on Typography.
- The Raster Tragegy and Low Resolution
- FontGoggles - Font viewer for various font formats. It is a desktop application for macOS. (Code)
- I Pressed ⌘B. You Wouldn't Believe What Happened Next - Marcin Wichary (2020)
- Variable Fonts Primer (Code)
- sfsymbols - Export the shapes in the SF Symbols font.
- Fonts In Use - Independent archive of typography.
- Awesome Typography
- Type Specimens
- Type Studies
- Practical Typography (HN)
- Showcase of OpenType Features (Code)
- - Great way to increase the Unicode coverage of your favorite programming font.
- Chrome Detect Font - Easily see which fonts are in use.
- Font Bakery - Command-line tool for checking the quality of font projects.
- Typelab - Type design service offering design software and bespoke type design for diverse clients.
- OH no Type - Oakland based type foundry.
- An Introduction to Variable Fonts (2019)
- Variable Fonts - Simple resource for finding and trying variable fonts. (Twitter)
- Variable Emojis
- YouTube Sans: The Making of a Typeface (2020)
- Convincing-looking 90s fonts in modern browsers (2020) (HN)
- The best totally free web fonts & typefaces (2020)
- Samsa - Variable font inspector. (Code)
- Axis-Praxis - Website for playing with OpenType Variable Fonts
- TinySDF - Browser-side SDF font generator. (Code)
- From boiling lead and black art: An essay on the history of mathematical typography (2017)
- The Future of Text: 2020 Vision Book (PDF)
- Future Of Text Initiative
- How to pick different font sizes that look good together
- Font Picker - Font selector component for Google Fonts.
- Advice on improving typesetting on websites
- xz/fonts - Break your users from unethical tracking networks. xz/fonts delivers exclusively open-source fonts through Vercel's impossibly fast CDN. (Code)
- Text for Proofing Fonts
- The Fastest Google Fonts (2020) (HN)
- Jaimey Shapey's typography
- Zach Leatherman | The Five Whys of Web Font Loading Performance (2018)
- Pop Culture Typography (2018)
- Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType (AFDKO)
- Typography.js - Powerful toolkit for building websites with beautiful design.
- Awesome Mac OS Catalina fonts you didn’t know you had access to (2020)
- ttf-parser - High-level, safe, zero-allocation TrueType font parser. Can be used as Rust and as C library.
- FontEdit - Desktop app to import, edit and export fonts as byte arrays for use in embedded systems. (HN)
- Open Sauce Fonts - Font super family that I developed for Creative Sauce's internal type system.
- Times New Roman alternatives: You can do better (HN)
- Python+FontForge+Org: I made a font based on my handwriting! (2020)
- What’s In A Font? Researching Website Typography (2020)
- font-kit - Cross-platform font loading library written in Rust.
- Helvetica - Documentary on typography, graphic design and global visual culture. (HN)
- Local Font Access Explained - Web API for enumerating fonts on the local system.
- HarfBuzz - Text shaping library. (Web) (Tweet)
- rustybuzz - Incremental harfbuzz port to Rust.
- Font Stash - Light-weight online font texture atlas builder.
- Grammar of Typography: Classical Design in the Digital Age
- Introducing Fontcase (2020)
- Webfont Handbook - From selection to optimization, learn how to make the web a more visually diverse, efficient, and readable environment.
- Runebender - Font editor written in Rust.
- Why not just use bitmap fonts? (2020) (Lobsters)
- Wikimedia FontCDN - Anonymizing, privacy-first reverse proxy to Google Fonts. (HN)
- 99 Font Pairings & Typeface Combinations
- Capsize - Flipping how we define typography in CSS. (Code)
- Embedded Google Fonts (Code)
- Once Upon a Type
- Leading-Trim: The Future of Digital Typesetting (2020) - How an emerging CSS standard can fix old problems and raise the bar for web apps.
- Cap height - Calculate the cap height of fonts loaded with Web Font Loader.
- Use advanced typography with local fonts (2020)
- Signifier design information (2020)
- ztext.js - 3D Typography for the Web.
- Did You Know Fonts Could Do All This? (2020) (Lobsters)
- macOS-like fonts on Manjaro/Arch Linux (2020) (HN)
- When fonts fall (2020) (HN)
- Design Class – Web Typography
- - Showcase of web typography designs with ready-to-use CSS codes.
- Fontsource - Updating monorepo full of self-hostable Open Source fonts bundled into individual NPM packages. (Web)
- Beautiful and Effective Web Typography: An Interview with Richard Rutter (2020)
- Web Font Loader - Gives you added control when using linked fonts via @font-face.
- Font Variation Description - Compact and unambiguous way to describe a font in CSS.
- Adobe Fonts - Quality fonts at your fingertips.
- Font engineering tools - Collection of font engineering utilities.
- Type Thursday - Global type superfamily converges monthly to help one another improve our letterforms over drinks.
- Font of the Month Club - Get a fresh new font delivered to your inbox every single month.
- Coding Fonts - Microsite that shows off fonts designed for writing code. (Code)
- The good line-height - Create a type scale following an 8 point baseline grid, or any grid.
- Type Scale - Visual Type Scale Calculator. (Code)
- Site-Speed Topography (2020)
- Monotype - Font & Technology Specialists.
- Black Foundry - Combining design and technology, we create fonts that perform.
- TypeMedia - MA in Type Design at the KABK.
- Arrow Type - Design & development for modern typography.
- Typographist
- Fontello - Icon fonts generator. (Code)
- lv_font_conv - Converts TTF/WOFF fonts to compact bitmap format.
- Typogram - Create nice-looking, minimalistic graphics that focus on a short snippet of text for sharing on the web. (Code)
- [Tips for making variable fonts]( of typefaces created by authors associated with Poland.font)
- Scaling custom fonts automatically with Dynamic Type (2020)
- Dev Fonts - List of fonts for coding. (Code) (HN)
- The League of Moveable Type - First open-source font foundry. (GitHub)
- Learn Typography
- Fontship - Toolkit for generating fonts and tooling for a collaborative workflow.
- fontTools - Library for manipulating fonts, written in Python.
- font-line - OpenType vertical metrics reporting and font line spacing adjustment tool.
- Ligaturizer - Add ligatures to any coding font.
- LiebeFonts - Hand-Made Fonts With Lots of Love.
- Time to Say Goodbye to Google Fonts (2020) (HN)
- Huerta Tipografica - Independent Type foundry. (GitHub)
- ufo2ft - Generate OpenType font binaries from UFOs without the FDK dependency.
- fontmake - Compile fonts from sources (UFO, Glyphs) to binary (OpenType, TrueType).
- OpenType Sanitizer - Parses and serializes OpenType files (OTF, TTF) and WOFF and WOFF2 font files, validating them and sanitizing them as it goes.
- Fontkit - Advanced font engine for Node and the browser, used by PDFKit.
- Connary Fagen - Type design studio and foundry.
- OpenType shaping documents - Documentation of OpenType shaping behavior.
- Kerning and letterspacing research
- Allsorts - Font parser, shaping engine, and subsetter for OpenType, WOFF, and WOFF2 implemented in Rust.
- Allsorts Tools - Example tools for the Allsorts font parser, shaping engine, and subsetter.
- Transfonter - Online @font-face generator.
- The hyperbezier pen tool - Introduces a new model for a path drawing (pen) tool, with a particular focus on font design.
- Fontdue - Fastest font renderer in the world, written in pure rust.
- fontpreview - Python library for font previews.
- Typeset - HTML pre-processor for web typography.
- glyphhanger - Web font utility belt. It can subset web fonts. It can show you what unicode-ranges are used on a web site (optionally per font-family.
- Web Fonts in 2021
- My favorite typefaces of 2020
- I love Typography (Fonts) (Twitter)
- VE Font Cache - Single header-only GPU font rendering library designed for game engines.
- System Font CSS - Use the native system font of the OS running the browser. (Web)
- ab-glyph - Rust API for loading, scaling, positioning and rasterizing OpenType font glyphs.
- Dharma Type
- System Font Stack (Code) (HN)
- Uniwidth typefaces for interface design (2021)
- Operator Mono Ligatures - Add ligatures to Operator Mono similar to Fira Code.
- Stop Using Icon Fonts (2021) (HN)
- WhatTheFont - Instant font identification.
- Font Remix (A Metadesign)
- Typoteka - Index of typefaces created by authors associated with Poland.
- The Best Font Loading Strategies and How to Execute Them (2021)
- Why does typography matter?
- Grid Systems in Graphic Design Book
- Continuous Typography (2020)
- Fontshare - Free fonts service.
- Glyphs - Mac font editor that puts you in control. (Twitter)
- Glyphs Python Scripts
- Let’s fix font size (2021) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Free Font Alternatives: The Ultimate Guide (2021)
- Fontjoy - Generate font pairings in one click. (Reddit)
- UNCUT - Open source typeface catalogue, focusing on somewhat contemporary type.
- PSTL - Digital Type Lab.
- Intrinsic Typography is the Future of Styling Text on the Web (2021)
- What I learned from studying fonts of top 1000 sites (2021)
- Swash - Font introspection, complex text shaping and glyph rendering.
- Demo for the swash crate
- Components AI - Typefaces - Collection of Google Fonts typeface packages for three.js/react-three-fiber.
- NaNGlyphFilters - Generative Fonts & Scripts. (Code)
- More than you ever wanted to know about font loading on the web (Lobsters)
- Using Computer Modern on the web
- Ask HN: What are the best typography talks? (2021)
- Learning a Manifold of Fonts
- 5 steps to faster web fonts (2021)
- Open source beautiful fonts (2021)
- Awesome OSS Fonts
- OpenType - Parser for OpenType fonts.
- nanoemoji - Wee tool to build color fonts.
- font - Collection of Go packages for parsing and encoding OpenType fonts.
- fontpreview - Highly customizable and minimal font previewer written in bash.
- Bryan Font (2021)
- Coding with Character (2021)
- Typeheist - Independent font foundry focusing on hand-lettered, realistic fonts.
- Helvetica Now Variable (HN)
- The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web - Practical guide to web typography.
- opentype.js - JavaScript parser and writer for TrueType and OpenType fonts. (Web)
- Improving My Website's Typography (2021)
- Blaze Type (Twitter)
- Lipi - Font independent text analysis support for shaping and layout.
- Twenty Bits I Learned About Making Fonts Book
- Typography of 2001: A Space Odyssey (2014) (HN)
- OSP-foundry - All fonts produced by OSP.
- Examples of the letter ‘B’ through history
- #calligraphy - Twitter
- Process Type Foundry (Twitter)
- Practica Program - Learn typeface design, together. (Twitter)
- Coding Font - Game to find your favorite coding font. (HN) (Lobsters)
- Nice, modern font stack that you recommend? (2021)
- Please Stop “Fixing” Font Smoothing (2012) (HN)
- Modular Font Editor K (MFEK) - Open source modular font editor. (GitHub)
- San Francisco Pro Fonts (Code)
- Colophon (Tweet)
- font vectors
- Fonts Knowledge - Google Fonts
- Gutenberg - Flexible and simple-to-use web typography starter kit for web designers and developers. (Web)
- OTF/WOFF/WOFF2 Converter (Code)
- fontstash-es - Text rendering and text shaping for OpenGL ES.
- React Awesome Typography - Typescript react component to align words visually and replaces typical misspellings every typographer hates.
- SVG to Font - Read a set of SVG icons and output a TTF/EOT/WOFF/WOFF2/SVG font.
- font-ligatures - Find ligature replacements for any system font.
- Brik Font: Creating Type with Lego
- pinot - Fast, high-fidelity OpenType parser.
- Google Font to SVG Path (Code)
- The Model Book of Calligraphy (1561–1596) (HN)
- Hyperglot - Database and tools for detecting language support in fonts.
- Liga - Add ligatures to any programming font.
- font-install - Cross-platform font installer.
- What if text was more expressive?
- How to avoid layout shifts caused by web fonts (2021 (HN)
- Type-X - Test your fonts across the web by easily overriding fonts on any webpage.
- In defense of user-defined web fonts (2022) (HN)
- fontvuer - Cross platform font viewer. (Code)
- Fontanello - Browser extension for Google Chrome and Firefox that lets you display the basic typographic styles of a text by right-clicking it. (Code)
- font-kit - Provides a common interface to the various system font libraries and provides services such as finding fonts on the system, performing nearest-font matching, and rasterizing glyphs.
- fontdb - Simple, in-memory font database with CSS-like queries.
- Text Rendering Hates You (2019) (HN)
- Production Type - Digital type design agency. (GitHub)
- Numderline - Font patcher that uses OpenType font shaping trickery to make it easier to visually parse large numbers. (Web)
- Exploring OpenType Font Features (2022)
- A Smart Blackletter Font: 7 Questions for Gerrit Ansmann (2016)
- Typography.Guru
- subfont - Command line tool to optimize your webfont loading. Aggressive subsetting based on your font use, self-hosting of Google fonts and preloading.
- font-toolkit - Rust font loading, positioning and rendering toolkit.
- Typography is impossible (2016) - Practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- How to Improve Your Static Site's Typography (2022)
- ot-builder - TypeScript library that manipulates OpenType fonts.
- Google Fonts Complete - Complete list of Google Web Fonts and their sources.
- Coldtype - Cross-platform display typography in python. (Web)
- Font Dimensions - Visualize dimensions of a variable font in the browser. (Code)
- Design With FontForge - Book about how to design new typefaces with FontForge. (Code)
- Best Font for Online Reading: No Single Answer (2022) (HN)
- python-fontbro - Friendly font operations on top of fontTools.
- Occlusion Grotesque Experimental Typeface (2021) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Roboto but Make It Flex (2022) (HN)
- Yep, I created the new Avatar font (HN)
- Introduction to variable fonts on the web (2022)
- GPU-Centered Font Rendering Directly from Glyph Outlines (2017)
- MkFont - Free tool to create & export fonts from existing assets. (Docs)
- Customizing Color Fonts on the Web (2022)
- font-rs - Font renderer written (mostly) in pure, safe Rust. There is an optional SIMD module for cumulative sum, currently written in C SSE3 intrinsics.
- Learn the Logic of Great Typography (HN)
- ttf2mesh - Standalone library for TrueType font tessellation. Allows to load ttf-file and convert its glyphs to 2D or 3D mesh objects without rasterization.
- Tips on designing monospace font
- Rust Font Tools - Collection of Rust crates for building OpenType fonts.
- Bunny Fonts - Faster & GDPR friendly Fonts. (HN)
- Internet Archive scans of logotype books
- Emtype Foundry
- Discrete Typography Tool - Understand and generate x-height and cap-height in CSS.
- Fluid Typography and Layouts with Andy Bell (2022)
- Ask HN: What is your default font for coding and terminal? (2022)
- Google Fonts Tools - Misc tools for working with the Google Fonts library.
- Adventures in Text Rendering: Kerning and Glyph Atlases | Warp (2022) (HN)
- Getfonts - Extract and meaningfully name fonts from Apple TTC (TrueType Collection) files.
- What's a good typeface other than Inter? (2022)
- Generator of fonts from SVG icons
- ttf2eot - Converts TTF fonts to EOT format. That can be useful for different web font generation tools.
- Music video typography trend
- Color fonts on Google Fonts (2022) (HN)
- First Batch of Color Fonts Arrives on Google Fonts (Tweet)
- Diffenator - Python 3 library/tool to compare two TTF fonts against each other.
- Download all Paratype fonts
- Noto Emoji fonts - Open source emoji library that provides standard Unicode emoji support and tools for working with them.
- Easy Fluid Typography With clamp() Using Sass Functions (2022)
- Fallback Font Generator
- Pangram Pangram Foundry - Free to Try Quality Fonts and Typefaces. (Twitter)
- 5 nice free Google Fonts
- Type Hunting - Archive of found typography.
- Fontaine - Automatic font fallback based on font metrics. (Tweet)
- Fontra - Browser-based font editor.
- COSMIC Text - Pure Rust multi-line text shaping and rendering for COSMIC. (Reddit) (HN)
- ttf-properties-changer - Change properties of ttf-fonts.
- Tokotype - Indonesian company that specializes in digital typeface. (GitHub)
- A few of my favorite typefaces (2021)
- Substitute web fonts with StopTheMadness (2022) (HN)
- Font Collection
- Almost monospaced: the perfect fonts for writing (2022) (HN)
- Typography for Lawyers (HN)
- Velvetyne type Foundry (Twitter)
- Studio Triple - Berlin based graphic and type design studio.
- Norad - Rust crate for working with Unified Font Object files.
- Mona Sans & Hubot Sans GitHub variable fonts (HN)
- Fontpie - Get your layout shifts optimized with a CLI-generated piece of CSS.
- My fav typefaces for UI design
- UTIF.js - Fast and advanced TIFF decoder.
- Glyphance - CLI tool for generating font subsets based on unicode ranges.
- Lettersoup - Retail Fonts.
- Fonts and text layout for Go
- Creating a handwritten TrueType font in Linux (2018)
- Google Fonts Checker - Scan your website and discover where your font files are hosted. (HN)
- libschrift - Lightweight TrueType font rendering library.
- How Type Influences Readability (2022)
- Fontations - Reading and writing font files.
- Typography in Severance
- What are your favorite fonts?
- Font Preview VSCode - VS Code extension which allows you to preview fonts.
- Ultimate List of Kerning Pairs
- What fonts are you using other than Inter?
- OpenType Collective - Collection of open source typefaces that you can use on any open source project. (Reddit)
- Wakamai Fondue - Tool that answers the question “what can my font do?”
- Fontmatrix - Font management application.
- subsetter - Reduces the size and coverage of OpenType fonts with TrueType or CFF outlines.
- Pentiment | Lettermatic (2022)
- Google Fonts project template - Repository architecture example for a typeface design project.
- Type Design Resources
- freetype-rs - Rust bindings for FreeType library.
- FontForge - Font editor.
- Local Google Fonts - Download modern Google Fonts files for local hosting. (Code)
- The end of Type 1 Fonts (2023) (HN)
- Raster CRT Typography (According to DEC) (2019)
- Word-As-Image for Semantic Typography (HN) (Code)
- Какие шрифты подходят для газетной вёрстки? (2023)
- A rant on web font licenses (HN)
- Stop Using Custom Web Fonts (2023) (Lobsters)
- Modern Font Stacks - System font stack CSS organized by typeface classification for every modern OS. (Code) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Free Fonts For Interface Designers (2023)