Monero is great for buying things safely that government does not allow for whatever archaic reasons.
The fact that most/all blockchains have public ledger where each transaction is logged and everyone knows who sent coins to who makes it impossible to use as actual money. If decentralized global currency can be a thing in its own right. Right now as all blockchains are public and fully decentralized peer to peer exchanges are not a popular thing yet, this will happen.
I am curious what society where everyone agreed to use only anonymous currencies can look like. Probably chaos as then there will be no incentives (especially forceable like we have now with the government) to actually contribute to something good to society for some definition of 'good'. Roads, health care, free access to food seem essential in any society. The most beautiful thing about a coin like Monero in my opinion is that it lets you safely escape and transact openly with anyone in the world even if government can try to stop you.
TradeOgre is great for purchasing Monero.
ETH-XMR Atomic Swaps is great.
Mimblewimble seems like a nice alternative to Monero which also has private transactions and is quite efficient.
- Can buy Monero on Kraken/KuCoin/TradeOgre and transfer it out (to Exodus/Cake wallet).
- Can also buy LiteCoin on coin base, send to cake wallet address, convert to Monero.
- Bisq can be a nice decentralized exchange to swap coins for Monero.
- It's very risky to hold Monero on any of the centralized exchanges. Use a wallet.
- The basic idea is to encrypt amounts in a way that addition still works. This way, you can add up all the money in the system to see that it's the right amount, but without being able to see individual balances. The other idea is that addresses in Monero are actually seeds, which allow the sender to pick a random destination for the money. The private key allows the receiver to find the money and claim it. Without the private keys, it's impossible to see which funds belong to which addresses. Monero transactions also include decoys, which further confuse the flow of money. None of these methods are perfect on their own, but together they provide excellent privacy.
- What is Monero? XMR Explained with Animations (2021)
- Why Monero (2021) (HN)
- Mastering Monero (Code)
- Zero to Monero
- Monero Code
- - Hub of free Monero tools.
- Haveno DEX - Private and decentralized way to exchange Monero for national currencies or other cryptocurrencies. (Code)
- Impossible to ban Monero (2021)
- MyMonero - Simplest way to use the next-generation private digital currency Monero.
- Monero P2Pool - Decentralized pool for Monero mining.
- Bitcoin–Monero Cross-chain Atomic Swap
- Monero and Proof of Stake (2021)
- Tari - Digital assets focused blockchain protocol that is built in Rust, private by default, open source, and is being architected as a merge-mined sidechain with Monero.
- Monero has a serious user friendly problem (2021)
- Cake Wallet - Open Source Monero and Bitcoin Wallet. (Code) (Reddit)
- LocalMonero - Buy or Sell Monero Anonymously, Quick and Easy.
- XMR and the decoupling of Fiat (2021)
- Monero General Info-Dump
- On Privacy Enhancing Currencies & Supply Auditability (2021)
- Monero GUI Code
- Go Monero RPC Client
- Detecting Monero miners with bpftrace (2022)
- Mithril - Pure Rust Monero Miner.
- Big Monero communities (2022)
- Ask HN: Why are privacy coins like Monero not seeing wide adoption? (2022)
- 0xMR - Multi-contract, multi-chain, privacy focused project built on Ethereum.
- Breaking Monero - YouTube
- Monero Community Workgroup - YouTube
- Monero Has Received Some Upgrades (2022)
- AcceptXMR - Accept Monero in Your Application. (Article)
- MoneroPay - Backend service for receiving, sending and tracking status of Monero payments.
- Shadowchat - Simple Monero (XMR) superchat donation system in Go.