- ARKit 1.5 Opens a Whole New Realm of Possibilities
- ARVideoKit - Capture & record ARKit videos, photos, Live Photos, and GIFs.
- ARKit-SCNPath - Create paths for your Augmented Reality environments using just points to represent the centre of the path.
- Getting started with RealityKit (2019)
- Capturing ARKit scene (Like
) into WebRTC video stream - Code examples for Depth APIs in iOS
- RealityUI - Swift Package for creating familiar UI Elements in a RealityKit rendered AR or VR scene.
- ARTetris - Augmented Reality Tetris made with ARKit and SceneKit.
- ArKit smoothedSceneDepth API
- Advanced Scene Understanding in AR (2020)
- Facemoji Kit - Face tracker with blend shapes coefficients, 3D head pose and dense mesh in real-time on iOS, Android, Mac, PC and Linux.
- SceneKit PortalMask - Clean class to create a portal in SceneKit for use in ARKit.
- FocusEntity - Bringing the scanning box from SceneKit to RealityKit.
- AR with SceneKit and Metal (2020) (HN)
- ARImageTracking - Augmented Reality image tracking with SwiftUI and RealityKit and ARKit 4. (Tweet)
- SwiftAR - Declarative Framework for AR, Inspired by SwiftUI.
- Augmented reality face filters with iOS - Roxana Jula (2021)
- SCNRecorder - Allows you to record videos and to capture images from ARSCNView, SCNView and ARView (RealityKit) without sacrificing performance.
- ARKitScenes - A Diverse Real-World Dataset For 3D Indoor Scene Understanding Using Mobile RGB-D Data (2021) (Code)
- ofxARKit - Starting point for openFramworks and ARKit experimenting.
- Face Mesh with ARKit
- Reality Shaders - Demonstrates using ARKit in iOS to apply metal shaders to real world surfaces.
- Capturinator - Powered by RealityKit, Capturinator is a Mac app that turns photos of an object taken at multiple angles into 3D USDZ models.
- AR Simple GeoLocation - Minimal iOS AR app that displays virtual objects at specific geographical locations, in an AR scene.
- SceneKitVideoRecorder - Record your SceneKit and ARKit scenes easily.
- RealityKit Asset Loading - Enables easy, convenient asynchronous asset loading in RealityKit for many different kinds of assets.
- Shadows & Lights in RealityKit (2022)
- ArtFilm - CMIO Camera Extension of the creative camera type, with configuration app.