Generative art
This article & p5.js demos are great intros. WEIRD-A, Processing & p5.js are great frameworks.
Josef Pelz, Etienne Jacob, Julien Gachadoat & daeinc are great.
Samila, Alma & Nannou are interesting.
GPU-IO & SwiftyCreatives are interesting.
- WEIR-A - System for making generative systems.
- SNEK - Experimental system for writing generative systems.
- On Generative Algorithms
- Inconvergent's generative art
- Generated Space - Various generative art sketches (GitHub)
- - Platform for playing generative music in the browser.
- Physarum polycephalum
- Generative Art and Biology: Creating Life Through Computation
- A tangle of webs 3D
- Depth of field
- Components AI - Experimental platform for exploring generative design systems. (Simplex)
- Solandra - Framework for algorithmic art. TypeScript first. Make drawing concepts part of framework. Make APIs for humans.
- Escher-like Spiral Tilings (2019) (HN)
- Creative Coding & Generative Art with JavaScript
- Collection of my generative artwork, mostly with Processing in Python mode
- Generative Art by Thomas Lin Pedersen
- pack-spheres - Brute force circle/sphere packing in 2D or 3D.
- Veit's Art
- alt-AI - Exploring the intersection of artificial intelligence and art.
- Machine Learning for Artists
- Plask - Multimedia programming environment.
- Drawing with Ants: Generative Art with Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms
- Ink - Framework for 2D graphics in Go, focused on creative coding, and based on OpenGL. (Code)
- Generative Artistry (HN) (Tutorials) (Code)
- Flow Fields (2020)
- How to make generative art feel natural (2020)
- Generative Hut - Home of generative art.
- Dacein - Experimental creative coding IDE. (Article)
- AI for 3D Generative Design (2020) (HN)
- Awesome Machine Learning Art
- Nervous System - Generative design studio that works at the intersection of science, art, and technology.
- Experiments in generative art (Code)
- Valora - Brush for generative fine art. (Docs) (HN)
- Writing Generative Art (2019)
- Valora's Rasterizer (2019)
- Trianglify - Algorithmically generated triangle art. (Code)
- Generative Art by Eric Davidson
- Generating color palettes using neural nets (2020)
- thedotisblack - Platform for research design on (generative) drawings and videos made with code. (YouTube)
- Sketches (Code)
- Jacob Rus's notebooks
- PATAKK - Does generative art.
- StippleGen - Software that can create stipple drawings and “TSP art,” from image files.
- Code as Creative Medium
- Genetic Drawing - Genetic algorithm toy project for drawing.
- Tilings Encyclopedia | Substitutions
- art-DCGAN - Modified implementation of DCGAN focused on generative art. Includes pre-trained models for landscapes, nude-portraits, and others.
- Guide to help you make generative art using the electrical activity in plants
- Hexagons
- Digital morphogenesis resources - Comprehensive list of resources on the topic of digital morphogenesis (the creation of form through code).
- Random Roads (HN) (Code)
- Generative art sketches
- Shvembldr - Generative artist and web developer.
- Seismic Dreams - Trained GAN on some seismic data.
- Awesome Generated Art
- 100 Day Computational Design Challenge
- Space colonization branching experiments in JavaScript (2020)
- Ricky Reusser's sketches
- The Generative Portraiture of Espen Kluge
- Hyper Glu - Generative artist.
- Generative Art with CSS (2019) (HN)
- Interview With Generative Artist Jared Tarbell (2020)
- Moire Pattern
- Generative Art with Context Free Grammars
- ln - Vector-based 3D renderer written in Go. It is used to produce 2D vector graphics (think SVGs) depicting 3D scenes. (JS port)
- Abstract Puzzles
- Jigsaw Design IDE - Development environment for jigsaw design.
- Interview with Generative Artist Kjetil Golid (2020)
- Functional Geometry (Code)
- Plotter Mushroom - Algorithm for generating SVG art.
- Generative Book Covers
- Tixy.Land - Minimalist coding environment. Control 16x16 points with a single JavaScript function. (1) (2) (Lobsters) (Code)
- tixyz - Minimalist three-dimensional coding environment. Control 8x8x8 dots with a single JavaScript function. (Code)
- Generative Collective Weekly
- Awesome Creative Coding - Creative Coding: Generative Art, Data visualization, Interaction Design, Resources.
- Automaton - Animation engine for creative coding.
- Olab's generative art
- Recreating the OFFF by Night opening shot in Houdini (2019)
- yyz - Experimental generative art toolkit based on JSX and esbuild.
- Vodka - Creative Coding Environment. (HN)
- Observable & creative coding (2020)
- Callum's Sketchbook (Code)
- Models of Interaction - Catalogue of models of interaction. Part of the trilogy on models of computers/interaction/computation.
- Etienne Jacob's Animations (Code)
- Interview with Etienne Jacob (2020)
- wavegrower's animations (Code)
- Codecember - Create compform (computation form), one sketch a day. (Code)
- na5 art (Twitter)
- Sighack - Explorations with generative art.
- - Platform for playing generative music in the browser. (Code)
- Creative Code-Generated Art (HN)
- Texture, from Nothing
- Generative Art in Go (2020) (Pre Order)
- Tabbied - Doodle with generated patterns.
- Pattern Generator
- chaosbox - Generative art framework in Haskell.
- Tips for Generative Infrastructure and Tooling (2018)
- "A Box of Chaos: The Generative Artist's Toolkit" by Benjamin Kovach (2018)
- Noise Planets (Generative Art) (2021) (HN)
- Automatically Generating Algorithmic Art
- JetBrains Animation Generator (Code)
- Chris Shier's Generative Art
- Starting point for your creative code journey
- Creative Code Berlin - Community for anyone interested in the use of computing skills for artistic expression. (GitHub)
- Fun Programming - Video tutorials to learn creative coding.
- Mutable Gallery - Generative artworks by Heydon Pickering. (HN)
- Sandpit - Playground for creative coding.
- AI Art Generators
- Unknown pleasures - Animated lines using matplotlib.
- Creative Code algorithms & techniques (Tweet)
- Generative Art Finds Its Prodigy (2018)
- Quads - Computer art based on quadtrees. (Web)
- Coding Adventure: Ant and Slime Simulations (2021)
- Physarum Transport Networks - Particle-based simulation inspired by the Physarum polycephalum slime mold.
- Simple formula to create bit fields that look like alien art
- Reflections on Five Years of Making Art Through Programming (2019)
- How I Do Generative Art: In Praise of Netpbm (2021)
- Art Blocks - Generative Content Hosted on the Ethereum Blockchain.
- tiny-artblocks - Starter kit for tiny and robust ArtBlocks artworks with plain vanilla JavaScript.
- Generative Art in Go
- Delaunay Maze Loop Animation
- Solvency - Limited edition series of WebGL artworks. Each artwork is a unique, generative NFT. (Tweet)
- Triangula - Iterative algorithm to generate high-quality triangulated images. (HN)
- Noise in Creative Coding (2021) (HN)
- Making Generative Art with Rust (2021) (HN)
- List of Generative Art Resources
- Experiments in Generative Art - Using Python, Processing, and P5.js.
- Trassel
- PINTR - Create single line SVG illustrations from your pictures. (Code)
- Noise generator
- UJI - Minimalist generative art thing – press the buttons and play with the sliders. (Code)
- Manolo Ide's Processing Sketches (Code)
- generativepy - Generative art and graphing library for creating images and animations.
- I redesigned my site & added some generative art (2021) (Tweet)
- Mondrian Art Generator (Code)
- Subscapes by Matt DesLauriers - Generative algorithm that draws the impression of a landscape from a multitude of possibilities. (Code)
- Javad Tabatabaei's generative art
- Non-Circular Packing (2021)
- Sketching - A Language for Creative Coding
- The Rise of Long-Form Generative Art (2021)
- Integer Circle Algorithm (Minsky circle)
- generative-art-node - Create generative art by using the canvas api and node js.
- The Short Guide to Generative Art & Creative Coding (2020)
- Context Free Art - Program that generates images from written instructions called a grammar.
- Good resources/ideas to start with generative art
- Bauhaus poster generator
- generative-art-opensource - Create generative art by using the canvas api and node js.
- When the Machine Made Art: The Troubled History of Computer Art (2014) (Tweet)
- zig-generative-template - Zig framework for generating png images (single or multiple frames.).
- Creative Coding with Swift
- Generative Utils - Collection of handy generative art utilities.
- Pattern generator with 1300 shapes and 300 dpi (HN)
- Generative Design Code Package (for P5.js)
- Generative Design, Creative Coding on the Web Book
- HashLips Art Engine - Tool used to create multiple different instances of artworks based on provided layers.
- David Mignot IG
- Flora - L-systems sequencer and bandpass filtered sawtooth engine for monome norns.
- Suite of tools for NFT generative art
- Generative Deep Art - References of Generative Deep Learning tools, works, models, etc.
- 7 Days of Code - Monthly social creativity challenge for generating art with code. (Code)
- Generative Art Books
- Creative Coding Notes
- Haxademic.js - Personal front-end JavaScript toolkit.
- Tiny humans - Little interactive sandbox for tiny people, tiny thoughts, and their tiny stories. (Code)
- Tyler Hobbs - Designing NFT Generative Art with a Traditional Touch (2021)
- aRt - R package to create generative art.
- GenerativeArt-SwiftUI
- Cubeverse - Generative, unique and random NFTs of beautiful structures, of different shapes and sizes. (Twitter)
- Magically Rearranging Patterns - CSS Houdini (Tweet)
- genartlib - Utilities for creating generative artwork with Clojure.
- Open source and generative art
- Programmable Pen Tool - Vector graphics editor with programmable pen tools. (Code)
- Samila - Generative Art Generator.
- Create Generative Art with R
- Women in Generative Art Twitter List
- Generative Art Using Neural Visual Grammars and Dual Encoders
- GenArt - Various Sketches written in Python Language for Processing.
- - Polyglot computational design tools (TypeScript, Clojure, ClojureScript, C). (GitHub)
- Generative Deep Learning Book (2019)
- Nannou/Rust tutorial based on Schotter by Georg Nees
- Escher-like Spiral Tilings (2019)
- Generation of advanced Escher-like spiral tessellations (2021) (HN)
- nightgraph - Interactive, low-boilerplate creative coding platform in Rust.
- WEIRD-A - Generative art in Common Lisp. (HN)
- Volumetric Light (2021)
- Future Alterations (2020)
- Future Alterations and Loops (2021)
- Building an Autonomous Generative Art Collection with P5.js (2021) (HN)
- Generative Art Experiments using Haskell, GHCJS, and Reflex (FRP)
- Grok {Shan, Shui}*: Advent of understanding the generative art (2021) (HN)
- Procedurally understandably generated Chinese landscape painting
- 2D Generative Art Resources
- Building Generative Glitch Art Tools (2021)
- Markov chain based generative art
- Genuary - Generative Code Art Prompts for a Month. (HN)
- Vaporwave Sketchbook
- identity / monogram (Code)
- What is Generative Art?
- "Are we collectively growing an intellect into existence?"
- The performative quality of computer-generated art (2022) (HN)
- Chromata - Generative art tool.
- Drawing generative NFT mushrooms with Three.js (2022)
- Electric Sheep - Crowdsourced Evolving Art. (Code)
- FLAM3 - Cosmic recursive fractal flames. (Code)
- Birb’s Nest Discord
- Creative Code resources for beginners and beyond
- Sketchy - Framework for making generative art in Go.
- List of Generative Art and Live Coding Tools (HN)
- Programming with Escher
- What is this thing called Generative Art? (2022)
- Noon Silk's generative drawings
- GenerateMe - Processing scripts used to generative glitch / art / design.
- Recreating macOS’s Drift Screensaver with Rust and WASM (HN)
- Generative Design Library for Processing 3
- Grok {Shan, Shui}*: Advent of understanding the generative art (2021) (Lobsters)
- Generative Typography, A Primer (Code)
- Generative Art in Processing
- That Creative Code Page - Illustrated catalog of useful creative coding algorithms & techniques.
- Generative art with Leipzig, Quil, and infinite sequences
- DiscoArt - Create Disco Diffusion artworks in one line.
- tgen.js - Seamless texture generator in JavaScript.
- Infinity Mirror HYPERCRYSTAL (2022)
- Chromatlas
- Sketch - Elixir library for creating generative art.
- Ask HN: Resources to learn generative art programming? (2022)
- Fragment - Web development environment for creative coding.
- ciphrd - Generative artist particularly interested in the exploration of autonomous systems from which life-like behaviors emerge. (Twitter)
- Josef Pelz
- openFrameworks - C++ toolkit for creative coding. (Web)
- Beautiful Generative SVG Grids (Code)
- Generative art using Haskell
- Juhani Halkomäki (Twitter)
- Jeff Palmer (IG)
- Jerry-Lee Bosmans (IG)
- Visual Morphology of Vowels (HN)
- Pattern Maker AI - Generate seamless patterns using artificial intelligence. (Tweet)
- Qianqian Ye's Everyday Art Sketches (Code)
- Code as Creative Medium (2021) (Code)
- - Home For Generative Artists.
- Generative Artists
- Daily creative coding sketches for Genuary 2022
- Experiment with Penrose Tilings and other patterns (HN)
- Pattern Collider - Tool for generating and exploring quasiperiodic tiling patterns.
- Alma - Digital playground for generative graphics.
- Studio Shoji
- Gotoxy Gallery - Random generative art.
- Ojas Shukla's generative art
- Variations Combinator - Real-time generative art tool with openFrameworks.
- Dessins géométriques et artistiques avec votre micro-ordinateur programs
- Particle Simulator (Tweet)
- Ssam - Creative coding wrapper and helper.
- Daily Sketch 2
- RTV - Broadcasting the latest and greatest generative AI, direct to your web browser.
- Canvas And Lisp Magic - Calm down and draw something, in Lisp.
- Void - Toolkit for making generative art in TS.
- gaul - Generative Art Utility Library.
- Nannou - Open-source creative-coding framework for Rust. (HN)
- Watercolor - Dev server for artblocks-compatible projects using p5.
- Performant 2D strange attractors plotter
- Tristan's Digital Art