Emacs is an interesting editor that I haven't checked out still.
This paints a pretty interesting picture of what Emacs really is. It is a programmable user interface with which you can do many things. One of these things is editing text.
Might give it a go sometime. Right now I love VSCode and find it plenty extendable.
Interesting configs
- Musa Al-hassy
- Radian - Dotfiles that marry elegance and practicality.
- Rakhim
- Gregory Stein
- Introduction to EShell
- general.el - Convenient key definitions in emacs.
- Emacs Live - Opinionated set of defaults for getting started with a specific focus on live coding with Overtone and Quil.
- Getting started with emacs
- Emacs Evil Guide - Addresses questions vim users might have when first using emacs with evil.
- Ohai emacs - Finest hand crafted artisanal emacs.d for your editing pleasure.
- Emacs Everywhere (2017)
- doom-emacs - Emacs configuration for the stubborn martian vimmer.
- HN: Absolute Beginner's Guide to Emacs (2012)
- Proof General - Generic Emacs interface for proof assistants.
- Emacs X Window Manager
- Modalka - Easily introduce native modal editing of your own design.
- Elsa - Emacs Lisp Static Analyser.
- Reasonable Emacs config
- List of people with nice emacs config files
- .emacs.el file and other personal Emacs goodies by John Wiegley
- Emacs Prelude - Emacs distribution that aims to enhance the default Emacs experience.
- Language Server Protocol Support for Emacs
- Why Emacs (2019)
- A Semi-literate Emacs Configuration
- Modern Emacs - Details a journey learning and hacking on Emacs.
- Lobsters: Whats your emacs setup like? (2019)
- EmacsConf - Conference about the joy of Emacs, Emacs Lisp, and memorizing key sequences.
- EmacsConf 2019 Talks
- EmacsConf 2020 Talks (HN)
- Consistent Technical Documents Using Emacs and Org Mode (2019)
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- Emacs - Productivity Tricks/Hacks (HN)
- systemE - Lightweight systemd replacement written in Emacs lisp.
- Emacs Lisp Style Guide
- How do you setup emacs? (2020)
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- Ask HN: Resources to grok Emacs and use it well? (2020)
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- organice - Emacs Org Files in a Browser. (HN)
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- Org Mode - Organize Your Life In Plain Text! (HN) (Lobsters)
- Introducing Org Roam (2020)
- Life is 90% of my use cases for org-mode (HN)
- Learning Emacs resources
- Castlemacs - Modern, minimalist Emacs for macOS.
- Emacs Code
- Protesilaos Stavrou Emacs Blog
- WikEmacs
- My Org Mode Flow (2020) (Lobsters)
- Emacs is special regarding UIs (2020) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Interview with Thierry Volpiatto, maintainer of Emacs Helm (2018)
- Emacs Prelude 1.0 (HN) (Lobsters)
- Practical Emacs Lisp
- Comprehensive guide on handling long lines in Emacs (2020)
- Class-based, functional configuration
- Making medieval manuscript transcription less painful with GNU Emacs (2020) (Lobsters)
- Firn - Static Site Generator for Org Mode.
- Why I Chose Emacs as My New Text Editor (2020) (Lobsters)
- Why Emacs itself is my “favourite Emacs package” (2020)
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- Batteries included with Emacs (2020) (HN)
- Emacs Should Be Emacs Lisp - Thoughts on the Future of Emacs (2020)
- Emacs Survey 2020 Results (HN)
- Org-Mode Is One of the Most Reasonable Markup Languages to Use for Text (2017)
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- Turn your .emacs.d Into an Emacs Distribution (with Straight.el) (2020) (Reddit)
- How to open a file in Emacs (2021) (HN)
- Reasons to Learn Emacs in 2021
- Emacs Manuals Online
- Emacs-ng - Emacs with Deno runtime and TypeScript.
- Emacs: from catching up to getting ahead (2021)
- My Custom Emacs Setup (2021) (Lobsters)
- Emacs org-mode examples and cookbook
- From Vim to Emacs in Fourteen Days (2015)
- Awesome Elisp - Curated list of emacs-lisp development resources.
- Emacs Lisp book revived: Marcin Borkowski (2021) (HN)
- How to maintain your Emacs configuration (2021)
- Emacs Love Tale (2021) (HN)
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- The Animated Guide to Symex (Emacs Structural Editing with Lisp) (2021)
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- Making Emacs Popular Again (2020) (HN)
- Hacking your way around in Emacs (2021) (Article) (HN)
- Why Emacs: Redux (2021) (Lobsters) (HN)
- Mastering Emacs
- Emacs for You (Emfy) - 72 line –/.emacs to quickly set up vanilla Emacs for editing. (HN)
- Building an Intelligent Emacs (2022) (HN)
- Emacs Lisp Guide
- 22 years of Emacs (Lobsters)
- Emacs Builds - Self-contained Emacs.app builds for macOS, with native-compilation support in nightly builds.
- What’s New in Emacs 28.1? (2022) (HN)
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- ElispCheatSheet - Quick reference to the core language of Emacs.
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- Who Needs Modern Emacs? (2022) (Lobsters)
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- Emacs.ch - Mastodon instance for Emacs enthusiasts.
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