Point-Free together with their blog are great. Advanced Swift Book together with other books by objc.io are amazing too. Lickability Swift Best Practices Guide is a nice read.
SwiftLint is great.
OSS Swift CLI tools
- timeui - Command line profiling tool with stopwatch, cpu and memory usage.
- Avoid using AnyCollection.
- Swift collection types are value types, with copy-on-write to ensure performance as long as they aren’t shared.
- Swift Book (Code)
- Swift Tips by Sundell (Code)
- Swift Tips by Luur
- WWDC videos
- Swift for TensorFlow - TFiwS
- Functional Swift
- Objc (The Complete Collection - All Books Published Bundle)
- Top App Developers
- Proposal: Universal dynamic dispatch for method calls (2015)
- SwiftSyntax - Set of Swift bindings for the libSyntax library. It allows for Swift tools to parse, inspect, generate, and transform Swift source code..
- Komondor - Git Hooks for Swift projects.
- John Sundell: The Lost Art of System Design (2018)
- Code samples from the Swift by Sundell blog & podcast
- Ether - Command-Line Interface for the Swift Package Manager.
- SwiftRewriter - Swift code formatter using SwiftSyntax.
- SwiftHub - Github iOS client written in RxSwift and MVVM clean architecture.
- Swift Debugger and REPL - Version of LLDB that supports the Swift programming language & REPL.
- danger-swift - Stop saying "you forgot to …" in code review in Swift.
- SwiftTube - iOS conference videos in one place.
- Collection useful tips for the Swift language
- What’s new in Swift 5.0? - Xcode playground that demonstrates the new features introduced in Swift 5.0
- Airbnb Swift Style Guide
- Swift Community Podcast (Code)
- Periphery - Eliminate unused Swift code.
- Chris Lattner on the origins of Swift (2019)
- Swift Rust-like ownership model RFC
- swift-docker - Docker Official Image packaging for Swift.
- Awesome Server Side Swift
- Awesome System Swift
- Code Examples Repository - Examples of code in objc/swift.
- Swift Rules for Bazel - Bazel rules to build Swift on Apple and Linux platforms.
- Leaf - Expressive, performant, and extensible templating language built for Swift.
- Markdown Playgrounds for Swift - Markdown Editor that can execute Swift code. With building of it documented with videos.
- Improving the UI of generics (2019)
- Swift on Sundays - Completed projects for the Swift on Sundays livestream series.
- Swift Style Guide - LinkedIn's Official Swift Style Guide.
- SwiftKit - Start your next Open-Source Swift Framework.
- Swiftenstein - Simple Wolfenstein 3D clone written in Swift.
- How do closures and callbacks work? It's turtles all the way down (2018)
- SwiftWasm - Compiles your Swift code to WebAssembly. (Docs) (Docs code) (Code)
- NSScreencast - Video Training for iOS Developers.
- Swift for TensorFlow Newsletter
- SourceKit-LSP - Language Server Protocol implementation for Swift and C-based languages.
- Retro Rampage - Tutorial series in which you will learn how to build a Wolfenstein-like game from scratch, in Swift.
- llbuild - Low-level build system, used by Xcode and the Swift Package Manager.
- Accio - Dependency manager driven by SwiftPM that works for iOS/tvOS/watchOS/macOS projects.
- TelegramSwift - Source code of Telegram for macos on Swift 5.0.
- Differentiable Programming Mega-Proposal (2019) (Manifesto) (HN)
- swift-bindgen - Bridging the gap between Swift and Rust.
- Swift Performance (2019)
- Swift Compiler Driver - Program that coordinates the compilation of Swift source code into various compiled results: executables, libraries, object files, Swift modules and interfaces, etc.
- dotSwift 2019 - Soroush Khanlou - From Problem to Solution
- Swift: Banning force unwrapping optionals (2017)
- Flight School - Book series for advanced Swift developers that explores essential topics in iOS and macOS development through concise, focused guides.
- ObjC books - Advanced guides on iOS and macOS development.
- XCTest - Swift core library for providing unit test support.
- Building the Server-side Swift ecosystem, Ian Partridge (2019)
- Learn Swift in Y minutes
- Swift tricks (2019)
- How Swift Achieved Dynamic Linking Where Rust Couldn't (2019) (HN) (HN)
- The Best Swift and iOS conferences in 2020
- Swift 5.1 cheat sheet & quick reference
- Design Patterns implemented in Swift
- Modern Networking in Swift 5 with URLSession, Combine and Codable (2019)
- Swift Standard Library
- Pecker - Tool to automatically detect unused code. It based on IndexStoreDB and SwiftSyntax.
- Swift Algorithm Club - Algorithms and data structures in Swift, with explanations.
- Building networking layer using functions (2020)
- Swift for Good - 20 well-known authors and speakers are coming together to write an all-new book for Swift developers.
- swift-doc - Generates documentation for Swift projects.
- Swift Cookbook
- Point Free - Video series exploring functional programming and Swift. (Web Code) (GitHub) (Code Samples)
- Swift Dev - Weekly Swift articles.
- tree-sitter-swift - Swift grammar for tree-sitter.
- [Manifesto] Interoperability between Swift and C++ (2020) (GitHub doc) (HN)
- Swift Evolution - Proposals for changes and user-visible enhancements to Swift. (Code)
- Swift AST Explorer (Code)
- ProcreateUndoGesture - Example of Procreate's Undo and Redo gestures.
- SwiftTerm - VT100/Xterm Terminal emulator in Swift.
- Awesome Swift
- Yak Shaving - Swift Edition (2020) (HN)
- Awesome Swift and Tutorial Resources
- Swift Weekly Brief - Community-driven weekly newsletter about what's happening in Swift.
- Swift by Sundell - Weekly Swift articles, podcasts and tips by John Sundell. (Code)
- Swift on Mac OS 9 (2020) (HN)
- swift-format - Provides the formatting technology for SourceKit-LSP and the building blocks for doing code formatting transformations.
- Awesome Swift Playgrounds
- Typology - Swift type checking and semantic analysis for developer tools.
- Important talks and articles for first time Swift Contributors (2020)
- Swift: Google’s bet on differentiable programming (2020) (HN)
- SwiftSyntaxHighlighter - Syntax highlighter for Swift code that uses SwiftSyntax to generate Pygments-compatible HTML.
- Awesome Embedded Swift
- Swift Talk - Weekly video series on Swift programming. (Code)
- Swift Interview Tips (2020)
- Example project for the "Composable Architecture"
- SwiftGen - Tool to auto-generate Swift code for resources of your projects, to make them type-safe to use.
- JSON2Codable - Command line tool to generate a Swift Codable struct from a JSON document.
- Stephen Celis - Composable Setters (2017)
- How Do I Declare a Closure in Swift?
- Online Swift Playground
- HN: Swift 5.3 Will Be Supported on Windows and Additional Linux Distributions
- The Future of Swift on the Server (2020) (Twitter)
- SwiftNIO Example Apps
- Understanding type erasure in Swift (2020)
- try! Swift World - Set of personal online workshops led by Swift developers around the world.
- SwiftTrace - Trace Swift and Objective-C method invocations.
- IndexStoreDB - Source code indexing library. It provides a composable and efficient query API for looking up source code symbols, symbol occurrences, and relations.
- Avoiding Callback Hell in Swift (2018)
- Mint - Package manager that installs and runs Swift CLI packages.
- Getting started with Swift on AWS Lambda (2020) (Article 2)
- AppleProgramming YouTube channel (Cocoa tutorials code) (Apple Debugging tutorials)
- carton - Watcher, bundler, and test runner for your SwiftWasm apps.
- Calling Super at Runtime in Swift (2020)
- Swift Pointers Overview: Unsafe, Buffer, Raw and Managed Pointers (2020)
- You don’t (always) need [weak self] (2019)
- SwiftStatsDClient - Metrics backend for swift-metrics that uses the statsd protocol.
- The Curious Case of Swift's Adoption of Smalltalk Keyword Syntax (2020) (HN)
- Delightful Interactive Animations with Swift (2020)
- Advanced Swift - Deep dive into Swift’s features, from low-level programming to high-level abstractions.
- Swift notes
- Embrace Swift type inference (2020) - Great talk for understanding how to make APIs as concise as the ones in SwiftUI.
- 100 Days of Swift
- Swift Knowledge Base - Swift example code
- Swift in Sixty Seconds
- Hacking with Swift - Learn to code iPhone and iPad apps with free Swift tutorials. (Code)
- Hacking with Swift+
- Hacking with Swift Forums
- Awesome Swift NIO
- Swiftly Speaking: Chris Lattner interview (2020)
- Swift optimization notes
- Adding Core Data to a Swift Package (2020)
- Mark Moeykens's Swift videos
- What the heck are closures and why does Swift love them so much? (2020)
- Questions & Answers | Swift by Sundell
- AppCoda - Learn Swift, SwiftUI, iOS, and Mac App Programming.
- Swift in Depth (Book) (Book Code)
- Swift on Server
- Swift Server Work Group (GitHub) (Code)
- SwiftRef - Community-Generated Swift Programming Language Reference. (Code)
- Swift type checking is undecidable (2020) (Lobsters) (HN)
- The state of Swift documentation (2020)
- A deep dive into Swift’s function builders (2020) (HN)
- Introduction to parsing Swift code with the SwiftSyntax Library (2020)
- Swift Calling Conventions on ARM64 (2020)
- Force-Unwrapping in Swift is NOT a Bad Thing
- Functional Programming in Swift (2020)
- Logging in Swift (2020)
- Swiftly - Swift references for busy coders.
- The Swift Runtime: Heap Objects (2020)
- JSON Decoding in Swift with Codable: A Practical Guide (2020)
- Understanding Swift Performance - WWDC (2016) (Notes)
- Introducing Swift Cluster Membership (2020) (Lobsters)
- SwiftWasm Pad - Online playground to help developers learn about Swift on Web. (Code)
- swift-tools-support-core - Contains common infrastructural code for both SwiftPM and llbuild.
- Swift on Windows (2020) (HN)
- Swift System - Provides idiomatic interfaces to system calls and low-level currency types. (Announcement) (HN)
- Introducing Swift Atomics (2020) (HN)
- Lickability Swift Best Practices Guide
- SwiftDump - Command-line tool for retriving the Swift Object info from Mach-O file.
- Advanced Swift learning resources (2020)
- MinSwift - Minimum Swift compiler written in Swift.
- Swift Concurrency Roadmap (2020) (HN) (Video overview)
- Slow Swift Compiler Performance (2020)
- Practical Server Side Swift book (Vapor 4 code samples)
- Swift Dependency Injection by Needle (2020)
- Core Data Best Practices by Antoine van der Lee
- Differentiable programming for gradient-based machine learning in Swift
- CompileSwift Blog/Podcast
- Shwifty - Generate Swift types from Haskell types.
- Practical Core Data - Modern guide to the Core Data framework.
- Swift Version - Which Swift shipped with which Xcode?
- 200 weeks of Swift (2020)
- Framework Inspector - View the internals of Swift frameworks.
- Swift Stress Tester - Stress testing utilities for Swift's tooling.
- Swift Concurrency Example - SwiftPM CLI package experimenting with Swift async/await and structured concurrency.
- Introduction to structured concurrency in Swift: continuations, tasks, and cancellation (2021)
- Rendering Moana with Swift (2021) (HN) (Code)
- Advanced Codable - Demonstrating customizing Codable for different scenarios.
- Swift Secrets Book (2021) - The Secret life of Swift at runtime.
- Swift Arcade - YouTube (Code for Demos)
- Awesome Swift Function Builders
- How and when to use Lazy Collections in Swift (2021)
- Workspace - Automated Management of Swift Projects.
- Swift Evolution: Actors (HN)
- The Swift Array Design (Lobsters)
- SwiftPlate - Easily generate cross platform Swift framework projects from the command line.
- SwiftFiddle - Swift Online Playground. (Code)
- Classes vs. Structs in Swift — Basics and Memory Management (2021)
- Strings, characters, and performance in Swift — a deep dive (2016)
- How C and Objective-C declarations are translated to Swift
- How to Use iCloud While Only Kinda Using iCloud (2021)
- Building an App with ZIO (2021)
- How to index Swift strings for fast read outs (2021)
- UIFont and Dynamic Type explained (2021)
- FlippingNotch - Pull to refresh / add/ show custom animation written Swift.
- Swift on the Server (2020) (HN)
- Swift Generics 2: Existentials Boogaloo (2021) (Tweet)
- Introduction to Generics in Swift (2021)
- Swift Actors: A practical example, part 1 (2021) (HN)
- PlotPlayground - Swift playground that comes pre-loaded with Plot, that can be used to explore the new component API.
- Useful Swift Things - List of useful iOS & Swift stuff.
- SwiftLee Jobs - Find your next Swift job.
- Introduction to async/await in Swift (2021)
- Here is what SwiftData will be (…and what it could have been) (2021)
- New in Swift 5.5: Async/await, actors, throwing properties, and more (2021) (Lobsters)
- URLSession: Common pitfalls with background download & upload tasks (2021)
- Swift needs a better language reference (2021)
- buildSwiftOnARM - All you need to build Swift on a RaspberryPi or other ARM boards.
- Swift MemoryLayout Description
- Swift structured concurrency tutorial (2021)
- Chris Lattner on Swift concurrency, language and API design, etc. (2021)
- 5 Complex Algorithms Simplified Using Swift's Higher-Order Functions (2021)
- Swift concurrency: Behind the scenes (2021)
- Create a generic networking layer using async/await (2021)
- Dependency Injection in Swift using latest Swift features (2021)
- Swift Protocol Oriented Programming and Testing (2021) (HN)
- Generating captions in Swift (2021)
- How to build better command line apps and tools using Swift (2021)
- How Actors Work Internally in Swift (2021) (HN)
- swiftbox - Use Swift out of the Box on Ubuntu, CentOS(RHEL) and Amazon Linux.
- Opaque Return Types and Type Erasure (2021)
- Preventing Data Races Using Actors in Swift (2021)
- Codable synthesis for Swift enums (2021)
- Creating a command line tool using the Swift Package Manager (2021)
- Reducers, or understanding the shape of functions (2021)
- Swift Regrets (2021) (HN)
- 7 ways to pass a closure as an argument in Swift (2021)
- The Actor Reentrancy Problem in Swift (2021)
- Swift delight: value semantics collections (2021)
- What’s new in Swift 5.5? - Xcode playground that demonstrates the new features introduced in Swift 5.5.
- What is a KeyPath in Swift (2021)
- Learn the Essentials of Swift in one hour (2021) (Article)
- Discover | Swift by Sundell
- Dangerous Logging in Swift (2021) (HN)
- Async await in Swift explained with code examples (2021)
- Property Wrappers in Swift explained with code examples (2021)
- How to use CGO to call Swift code from Go
- Swift on Balena - Docker images for Swift on Raspberry Pi and other ARM devices from balena's base images.
- Unit testing Swift code that uses async/await (2021)
- How to Handle Errors in Swift Task Groups (2021)
- Non-fatal errors vs fatal crashes: The differences explained (2021)
- Set of blog posts about Swift Coding
- Swift actors: How do they work, and what kinds of problems do they solve? (2021)
- Modern Concurrency in Swift Book (2021) (Code)
- Result builders in Swift (2021)
- What role do Tasks play within Swift’s concurrency system? (2021)
- Abrahams & Elizarov: The design of Swift (2021) (Notes)
- SwiftyBeaver - App Logging & Analytics Platform for Swift. (Code)
- Swift Roadmap for performance predictability: ARC improvements and ownership (Reddit) (HN)
- 2021 LLVM Dev Mtg “Asynchronous Functions in Swift” (Tweet)
- Swift Regrets: Wrap-up (2021)
- Swift News Links
- experimental-tree-sitter-swift - Experimental tree-sitter grammar for the Swift programming language.
- Swift - API Design Guidelines
- Tasks in Swift explained with code examples (2022)
- Automatically retrying an asynchronous Swift Task (2022)
- Embedded Swift - Curated list of Swift on different platforms.
- Closures in Swift explained with Code Examples (2021)
- Functional core Imperative shell in Swift (2022)
- What type is self in a Swift self-executing anonymous closure used to initialize a stored property? (2020)
- Swift pointer nomenclature
- Writing High-Performance Swift Code
- Swift.org Code
- Swift Installer Scripts
- Functional core Imperative shell in Swift. Unidirectional Flow. (2022)
- Abstract types and methods in Swift (2022)
- Optimization in Swift, part 1 (2022)
- Swift Evolution Browser
- Getting started with CloudKit (2022)
- DrString - Finds issues in your Swift docstrings and fixes them for you.
- Don’t use a protocol when a struct would do a better job (2022)
- Hot Reloading in Swift (2022)
- Introduce embedded development using Swift (2022)
- Essential links for my talk at Swift Heroes 22
- Swift AST Explorer - AST visualizer for Swift source code. (Code)
- Swift visitor design pattern (2022) (Lobsters)
- The Golden Rules of weak self (2022)
- Swift Cloud - Fastest way to build and deploy server side Swift applications. (GitHub)
- ARC in Swift: Basics and beyond - WWDC21
- plSwift - Swift Conference in Central Europe. (Twitter)
- Swift interop from Frida
- Understanding the "some" and "any" keywords in Swift 5.7 (2022)
- Porting Graphing Calculator from C++ to Swift (2022) (HN)
- How to Achieve Dynamic Dispatch Using Generic Protocols in Swift 5.7 (2022)
- Hot Reloading in Swift (2022) (HN)
- Interoperability between Swift and C++
- Swift Proposal: Move Function (HN)
- What’s new in Swift 5.7?
- SwiftLSP - Language Server Protocol in Swift.
- Swift for JavaScript Developers Course
- Thread Sanitizer explained: Data Races in Swift (2022)
- Swift was always going to be part of the OS (2022)
- A possible vision for macros in Swift (2022)
- Compiling Swift Generics (2022) (HN)
- Swift concurrency – things they don’t tell you (2022) (HN)
- Swift Source Compatibility Suite
- An Informal Introduction to Move-Only Types (2022)
- CloudKit 101 (2020) (Code)
- Ask HN: What is the future of Swift on the server-side? (2022)
- Swift project in 2023 (HN)
- Modern Concurrency on Apple Platforms - Using async/await with Swift (2022)
- Swift concurrency: Behind the scenes (2021)
- The Ultimate Domain Language: Declarative Swift (2022)
- The evolution of Swift, with Nick Lockwood (2022)
- A Tour through Swift Attributes (2022)
- Using Swift for Scripting (2019) (HN)
- Visual Studio Code Development Container for Swift
- MUD game using Swift and NIO framework (Code)
- How to use async/await with completion handlers (2023)
- Swift Cookbook
- swiftly - CLI tool for installing, managing, and switching between Swift toolchains, written in Swift.