Lichess is amazing Chess service that's built with Scala. Scala Bootcamp & Rock the JVM courses are nice.
Learn Scala 3 The Fast Way is nice book.
Trading has nice Scala code architecture.
Scala Seed is nice starter code.
- Functional Programming Principles in Scala - Amazing course.
- Typelevel Scala Rebooted by Miles Sabin
- Metals - Work-in-progress language server for Scala.
- Scala Native - Scala compiled to LLVM. (Docs)
- Ask HN: Should I be learning Scala in 2019?
- almond - Scala kernel for Jupyter.
- Fury - Experimental dependency manager and build tool for Scala.
- Scala Best Practices - Collection of Scala best practices.
- scala-steward - Robot that helps you keeping your Scala projects up-to-date.
- Mill - Your shiny new Java/Scala build tool. (Build Tool based on Pure Functional Programming)
- Functional Programming for Mortals with Scala book
- Functional Programming in Scala Book (Review)
- Scala Almost Succeeded (2019) (Lobsters)
- Scala Exercises - Easy way to learn Scala. (Code)
- Code, exercises, answers, and hints to go along with the book "Functional Programming in Scala"
- Scala typeclassopedia - Abstractions and constructions from math (Category theory, Abstract algebra) implementations in Scala.
- A Tour of Scala 3 - Martin Odersky (2019)
- How to become excellent Scala FP
- Practical FP in Scala: A hands-on approach (Review)
- Extreme Cleverness: Functional Data Structures in Scala - Daniel Spiewak (2013)
- Scale By The Bay 2019 videos
- Scalafix - Refactoring and linting tool for Scala.
- Slinky - Write React apps in Scala just like you would in ES6.
- tetrix in Scala
- rsc - Experimental Scala compiler focused on compilation speed.
- Functional Scala - Modern Data Driven Applications with ZIO Streams by Itamar Ravid (2019)
- Functional Scala - Unleash Your Fury by Jon Pretty (2019)
- http4s: pure, typeful, functional HTTP in Scala – Ross Baker (2018)
- So, what's wrong with SBT? (2017)
- Scala School - Lessons in the Fundamentals of Scala. (Code)
- The Death of Hype: What's Next for Scala (2020) (Lobsters) (HN)
- Seed - Build tool for Scala projects.
- Hands-on Scala Programming (HN) (HN 2) (Code)
- Formalizing scala with dependent object types (2019)
- Effekt (2019) - Type and Effect-Safe, Extensible Effect Handlers in Scala.
- mdoc - Typechecked markdown documentation for Scala.
- Visual Scala Reference (Code)
- Martin Odersky – A Scala 3 Update (Reddit)
- Dotty - Research compiler that will become Scala 3. (Web) (Docs)
- Signify Technology - Award Winning Scala Recruitment.
- A Simple Soundness Proof for Dependent Object Types
- Things you need to know about JVM (that matter in Scala) (2020)
- Annoying things in Scala 2 that’ll be (mostly) gone in Scala 3 (2020)
- sbt-updates - sbt plugin that can check Maven and Ivy repositories for dependency updates.
- Get started with Nix in Scala
- Foundations of Functional Programming in Scala course (2020) (Video) (Tweet)
- Scala Website Code
- ScalaZONE - Scala 3 Programming Language Courses.
- HN: Scala 3.0.0-M1 (2020)
- Build your own Programming Language with Scala (2019)
- Explicit term inference with Scala 3 (2020) (HN)
- Scala Docs (Code)
- Scala Monthly - High-quality coding challenge delivered to your inbox monthly.
- Scala 3 - Crossing the finish line (2020) (Reddit)
- scalafmt - Code formatter for Scala. (Docs)
- - Scala Developer Jobs.
- Introduction to Metals with Scala 3 (2021) (HN)
- From First Principles: Why Scala? (2021) (HN)
- Scale By The Bay 2020: Martin Odersky, Countdown to 3 (2020)
- sbt-revolver - SBT plugin for dangerously fast development turnaround in Scala.
- Generic Derivation is the New Reflection by Alexander Ioffe (2021)
- Scala Conference Videos Reddit
- Best Scala/FP talks (2021)
- Scala projects are difficult to maintain (2021) (HN)
- Deriving the Frontend — Form Combinator Fun with Scala.js (2021)
- What's new in Scala 3: all the "small" things (2020)
- Scala 3.0 (HN) (Article)
- Build your own refinement types in Scala 3 (2021)
- ScalablyTyped - Typescript to Scala.js converter. (Docs)
- Conduktor's Scala API template - Template for writing Restful APIs we use at Conduktor.
- Scapegoat - Scala compiler plugin for static code analysis.
- Monads in Scala: A Way to Generalize Chained Computations (2021)
- setup-everything-scala - GitHub Action to prepare the environment for Scala & Scala.JS dev and testing.
- 10+ Best Scala Tutorials for Beginners (2021)
- Scala 3: What’s Changed Since Scala 3.0.0 (2021)
- A toy compiler of a Scala subset (Code)
- Scala project from scratch #1 - rough idea, setting up, design decisions (2021)
- Using BSP effectively in IntelliJ and Scala (2021) (Tweet)
- C-style for loops in Scala 3 (2021) (Reddit)
- Building Next Gen Applications on JVM with ZIO (2021)
- Functional Effects Workshop
- Scala 3 for Scala 2 Developers Workshop
- Functional Data Modeling Workshop
- Books - Underscore
- Creative Scala Book (2020) (Code)
- Scala3 typeclassery with graphs (2021)
- Guillaume Martres: An Interactive Compiler (2021)
- Testcontainers-scala - Docker containers for testing in scala.
- A Dive into how Metals works (2021)
- How to accelerate Scala Builds with Bazel (2019)
- Strategic Scala Style: Principle of Least Power (2016)
- New to Scala advice (2021)
- Scala CLI - Tool to run/compile/test Scala that aims at being a better scala command. (Code)
- How to Master Scala Step by Step (2021)
- Petr Zapletal's This week in Scala Newsletter
- Demystifying Akka Streams' Materialized Values (2021) (Reddit)
- Scala Beyond 3.0 - The Quest for Simplicity - Martin Odersky (2021)
- Introduction to Programming with ZIO Functional Effects (2021)
- DevInsideYou - YouTube
- Scala at Scale at Databricks - Li Haoyi (2021) (Talk) (HN)
- ScalaCon (Videos)
- No Need for NIH: Leveraging the Typelevel Stack in the Enterprise - Adam Rosien (2021)
- Hands-on full-stack Scala 3 application - Adrien Piquerez (2021)
- Builder Pattern in Scala with Phantom Types (2017)
- Scala Center at EPFL (Web Code)
- What's the name of that operator/symbol/syntax/thing, for Scala
- Debugging and Observing Your Scala Code - Will Sargent (2021)
- Shapeless 3 and type class derivation in Scala 3 - Miles Sabin (2021)
- Scala with Cats - Teaches core functional abstractions of monoids, functors, monads, and applicative functors using the Cats library and a number of case studies. (Code)
- Essential Scala Book (Code)
- Coursier and scala-cli - Changing the Way You Start Scala (2021)
- My Take on Scala 3 by Daniel Spiewak (2021)
- Intro to the Scala 3 Type System - Bill Venners (2021)
- YEGNI - You Errr Gonna Need It (in Scala 3) - James Ward & Josh Suereth (2021)
- Scala 3 Macros - Nicolas Stucki (2021)
- Sustainable Scala (2021)
- Scale By the Bay - Developers' own conference.
- Scala Step-by-Step - Extend the the DOT calculus, that is, the formal foundations of the Scala programming language, using step-indexed logical relations and the Iris framework; the result is the guarded DOT(gDOT) calculus. (Code)
- SoftwareMill Scala Posts
- Your Program Is a Language - Ryan Peters (2021)
- My Dos and Donts in sbt Build Definitions (2021) (Reddit)
- Metascala - JVM written in Scala.
- bleep - Fast Scala build tool. Automatically imports and builds huge projects, like tapir or http4s.
- Patch Theory and Type Classes (2018)
- Tagless Final in Scala (2021)
- Managing Effects in Domain Models - The Algebraic Way by Debasish Ghosh (2018)
- MiMa - Tool for catching binary incompatibility in Scala.
- Apache Spark Tutorial with Examples - Provides Apache Spark SQL, RDD, DataFrame and Dataset examples in Scala language. (Code)
- Scala and Rust interoperability via JNI (2021)
- Blake3 for scala - Highly optimized blake3 implementation for scala, scala-js and scala-native.
- Scala Discord (Article) (Reddit)
- A 10-Minute Introduction to Scala (2018)
- scala-native-cli - Command Line Interface for Scala Native.
- sbt-typelevel - SBT plugin which understands binary compatibility.
- Tetrix in Scala
- Functional event-driven architecture: Powered by Scala 3 (2021) (Code)
- Describable, Typesafe Computations - Daniel Westheide (2022)
- Taste the difference with Scala 3: Migrating the ecosystem - Jamie Thompson (2022)
- Simplifying sbt with common settings (2022)
- Learn Functional Programming course/tutorial on Scala
- WartRemover - Flexible Scala code linting tool. (Docs)
- Scala Rules for Bazel
- Scala Type Classes From Scratch (2021)
- tree-sitter-scala - Scala grammar for tree-sitter.
- Scala Cookbook: Recipes for Object-Oriented and Functional Programming
- Scala OOFP Design Sample (2022) (Reddit)
- Querying Like It's Tomorrow by Alexander Ioffe (2022)
- Scastie - Interactive playground for Scala. (Code)
- Scala Bootcamp
- Tree sitter grammar for Scala 2/3
- You already know Monad(ic) stuff
- New in Scala 3 - Quick tour of selected new stuff in Scala 3.
- Moving From Akka To ZIO: Experiences And Comparisons by Jan Ypma (2022)
- Tooling Talks - The Scala Cross Platform Story (2022)
- Effect-Oriented Programming: Creating Reliable Systems with Scala 3 and ZIO 2
- Scala Ukraine Knowledge Base
- Scala isn't fun anymore (2022) (HN)
- Scala-Lab - Playground for Scala 3's experimental features.
- http4s-laminar-stack - Complete example of a full stack Scala application, using http4s on the backend and Laminar and Scala.js on the frontend.
- Smithy4s full stack (2022)
- Scala Improvement Proposals
- Scala 3 is not production ready (2022) (HN)
- Scala 3 Macros Deep Dive
- Working With Thrift Unions in Scala (2021)
- Lichess gets a big upgrade. It doesn't go as planned (2022) (HN)
- Learn Scala 3 The Fast Way (2022)
- Simply Scala - Martin Odersky (2022)
- Say goodbye to implicits contextual abstractions in Scala 3 - Magda Stożek (2022)
- Scala with batteries included - Krzysztof Romanowski (2022)
- Boost your productivity with Scala tooling! - Meriam Lachkar (2022)
- Property-Based Testing: Let Your Testing Library Work for You - Magda Stożek (2021)
- Best books to learn Scala as a functional programmer (2022)
- Scala Seed - Nix flake for getting started with Scala.
- Type level Programming in Scala - Matt Bovel (2022)
- ForceOverrides - Scalafix rule to force explicit overriding.
- sbt-scalafix - sbt plugin for Scalafix.
- Scala Puzzlers (Code)
- Serving 5 Million Chess Games a Day with 125 Volunteers and €5 Donations (2022)
- SBT Welcome - SBT plugin for displaying a welcome message and commonly used tasks.
- It quacks but it’s not a duck structural typing in Scala 3 - Michał Pałka (2022)
- Fury - Build tool for Scala.
- scalafix rules
- Scala News
- Tutorials for FP in Scala (2023)
- Scala Toolkit - Batteries-included Scala.