ReasonML is now ReScript. Vite ReScript Starter is nice.
Example Sites
- - Next implementation of, built on OCaml, ReScript, NextJS, and Tailwind.
- Exploring ReasonML
- genType - Auto generation of idiomatic bindings between Reason and JavaScript: either vanilla or typed with TypeScript/FlowType.
- Here’s why ReasonReact is the best way to write React
- Formality - Reasonable form validation tool for reason-react.
- ReasonML: Strict, powerful and forgiving (2018)
- Migrating Isolate to ReasonML + React (2018)
- Relit - Hygienic typed literal macros (TLMs) for Reason.
- Revery - Native, high-performance, cross-platform desktop apps - built with Reason.
- Esy - Simple workflow for native Reason and OCaml. (HN)
- pesy - Project configuration for esy.
- Reason Native - Testing, printing, coloring, and other tools to effectively write native Reason code.
- Odoc - Documentation compiler for OCaml and Reason.
- odoc2docset - Create Dash docsets from Odoc generated documentation.
- BsReact - Fork of ReasonReact adapted to work with Hooks and Context.
- Reason OCaml Language Reference
- Reason Design Patterns - Unofficial collection of "design patterns" for Reason and OCaml.
- Revery - Native, high-performance, cross-platform desktop apps - built with Reason! (HN)
- ReasonML - React as first intended (2018)
- Creating a CLI with Reason native (2019)
- RED - Better UX for OCamlDebug. Works with Ocaml and Reason code.
- The Birth of React and Reason with Jordarn Walke (2019)
- Reason Language Server - Implements the Language Server Protocol for Reason.
- Js_of_ocaml and BuckleScript (2019)
- Journey to Trait-like behaviour in ReasonML/OCaml (2019)
- Reason bindings for React Native - Write your React Native apps with Reason.
- ReasonReact Example App
- Reason Project Ideas
- React Advanced Reason Workshop (2019)
- How to write a library for BuckleScript and Native (2019)
- Nit - Better ReasonML playground.
- - Online Code Editor and ReasonML community.
- ReasonML Forum
- Notes and samples for understanding the basics of ReasonML
- Jordan Walke - React to the Future (2019)
- Reason Native - Libraries for building and testing native Reason programs.
- Towards an Open, Reason(ML)able Web by Parker Ziegler (2019)
- Ben Anderson - Investing in Testing with Reason (2019)
- Youxi Li - The Cyborg Future: Melding a Rust/Wasm Core with a ReasonReact UI (2019)
- Navigating Reason - Overview of Reason tooling options for the curious.
- Bryan Phelps - Making Windows Development Reasonable (2019)
- Sean Grove - Building Real Systems in Reason (Native) (2019)
- Ricky Vetter - Why React is just better in Reason (2019)
- Hongbo Zhang - Building a High Performance JavaScript Compiler (2019)
- Spin - Project scaffolding tool and set of templates for Reason and OCaml.
- Fullstack Reason Demo - Demo project that shows a fullstack ReasonML/OCaml app–native binary + webapp.
- Restack: Full-Stack ReasonML - Tutorial series on using the ReasonML language to build MirageOS unikernels and user-facing applications with tools like Reason-React.
- Constrainable Variants (2019)
- - Better Documentation Platform for Reason. (Code)
- How to Render Data from a GraphQL API in ReasonReact (2020)
- HN: Reason React 0.8 (2020)
- BuckleScript Monorepo example
- reanalyze - Program analysis for Reason and OCaml projects targeting JS (bucklescript) as well as native code (dune).
- If you think ReasonML compiles to JS, you are wrong (2019)
- Ulrik Strid - Reason Native Web (2020)
- Gabriel Nordeborn - ReasonRelay Demo (2020)
- ReScript - Compiled language to JS. (Code)
- ReScript Docs (Code)
- Easy cross compilation using esy [Reason/OCaml] (2020)
- ReScript Syntax - ReScript parser & printer.
- Rust ReScript Demo
- bsconfig.json - Quickly create an opinionated bsconfig.json.
- Rescript Editor Support - Command line to support editor integration for Rescript.
- Reason on multicore OCaml
- I Switched from TypeScript to ReScript (2021) (HN)
- Melange - Mixture of tooling combined to produce JS from OCaml / Reason.
- Melange Basic Template
- Creating an Observable Subject in ReScript (2021)
- Why ReScript? (2021)
- graphql-ppx - GraphQL language primitives for ReScript/ReasonML written in ReasonML. (Web)
- Ancestor - UI primitives for ReScript and React.
- Reason Native UI Discord
- Rescript React Boilerplate
- From TypeScript To ReScript (2022) (HN)
- From Object-Oriented JS to Functional ReScript (2021)
- Full-stack ReScript. Architecture Overview (2021)
- ReScript grammar for Tree-sitter
- ReScript JSON Typed Strongly (2021)
- Exploring ReScript on Deno (2022)
- ReScript vs TypeScript: Building a Concurrent Queue library (2022)
- ReScript 10.0 (2022) (HN)
- Getting rid of your dead code in ReScript (2022)
- ReScript Tutorial
- Defunctionalization in Reason (2019)
- Introducing ReScript: Functional Programming for Web Applications (2023) (Code) (Web)
- ReasonML Discord
- Vite React ReScript Starter
- Rewatch - Alternative build system for the Rescript Compiler.