R language
R for Data Science & Advanced R Book are nice.
- The R language, for programmers
- gt package - Easily generate information-rich, publication-quality tables from R.
- usethis - Automates repetitive tasks that arise during project setup and development, both for R packages and non-package projects.
- RStudio Cheat Sheets
- mlr - Machine learning in R.
- Why I use R (2019) (HN)
- Text Mining with R (2019)
- R LSP - Implementation of the Language Server Protocol for R.
- Tools to make an R developer's life easier
- R Base Plotting Without Wrappers
- Lesser Known R Features
- R for Data Science
- R Graphics Cookbook (2019)
- HN: R 4.0 (2020)
- MOSAIC R package - Designed to facilitate the use of R in statistics and calculus.
- A roadmap for getting started with R (2020)
- hugodown - Make websites with hugo and RMarkdown.
- Palmer Archipelago (Antarctica) Penguins data package
- Plumber - Turn your R code into a web API.
- R-bloggers - R news and tutorials contributed by hundreds of R bloggers.
- R for Everyone
- TidyTuesday - Weekly social data project in R.
- Teaching Statistics and Data Science Online (Code)
- R & stats illustrations
- Tidy Modeling with R (Code)
- Torch - PyTorch port using LibTorch for R. (Intro)
- coro - Coroutines for R.
- purrr - Functional programming toolkit for R. (Web)
- ggplot2 - Implementation of the Grammar of Graphics in R. (Awesome)
- Tidyverse - Opinionated collection of R packages designed for data science. (GitHub) (Web Code)
- Programming R at native speed using Haskell (2020) (HN)
- jqr - R interface to jq, a JSON processor.
- Plotly - Interactive graphing library for R.
- remotes - Install R Packages from remote or local repositories.
- Shiny - Easy interactive web applications with R. (Web)
- Mastering Shiny book (Code)
- insight - Easy access to model information for various model objects.
- Awesome R Learning Resources
- reticulate - R Interface to Python.
- JuliaCall - Embed Julia in R.
- docopt - Command-line interface description language for R. (Web)
- parameters - Utilities for processing the parameters of various statistical models.
- flexdashboard - Easy interactive dashboards for R.
- recipes - Preprocessing engine to generate design matrices.
- golgotha - Contextualised Embeddings and Language Modelling using BERT and Friends using R.
- modelsummary - Beautiful and customizable model summaries in R.
- r-cli - Tools for making beautiful & useful command line interfaces using R.
- pod - Write Reusable, Composable and Modular R Code.
- ggcharts - Get You to Your Desired Plot Faster.
- tweenr - Package for interpolating data, mainly for animations.
- SDS 375: Data Visualization in R (Code)
- Modern Text Features in R (2021) (HN)
- An Ode to Stable Interfaces: R and R Core Deserve So Much Praise (2021)
- llr - Lisp-like-R: A clojure inspired lisp that compiles to R in R.
- Notes on R programming Newsletter
- mgcViz - Visual tools for Generalized Additive Models.
- Rhumba - R package manager that is blazingly fast. Powered by mamba.
- dm - Working with relational data models in R.
- Interactive Studio for Explanatory Model Analysis
- rOpenSci - Open tools for open science. (GitHub)
- collapse - Advanced and Fast Data Transformation in R.
- Epidemiologist R Handbook - R for applied epidemiology and public health. (HN)
- deepdep - Visualise and Explore Deep Dependencies of R packages.
- stringi - String Processing Package for R.
- How I Learned to Love Failing at Compiling R (2020)
- Learn R Through Examples (2020) (HN)
- robservable - Allows the use of Observable notebooks (or parts of them) as htmlwidgets in R. (Web)
- jsonlite - Robust, High Performance JSON Parser and Generator for R.
- radian - 21 century R console.
- Why do we use R rather than Excel? (2021) (HN)
- Supervised Machine Learning for Text Analysis in R (2021) (Code)
- performance - Test if your model is a good model.
- rmonad - Pipelines you can compute on.
- inspectdf - Tools for Exploring and Comparing Data Frames.
- htmldf - Simple scraping and tidy webpage summaries.
- R Posts You Might Have Missed (2020)
- scattermore - Very fast scatterplots for R.
- spatialRF - Easy Spatial Regression with Random Forest.
- pins - Pin, Discover and Share Resources.
- fabricatr - Imagine Your Data Before You Collect It.
- DeclareDesign - Tools for declaring and diagnosing the properties of research designs. (GitHub)
- capsule - Inversion of renv for low effort reproducible R package libraries.
- see - Visualization toolbox for beautiful and publication-ready figures.
- lubridate - Make working with dates in R just that little bit easier.
- butcher - Reduce the size of model objects saved to disk.
- Awesome R package development
- ggstatsplot - Enhancing
plots with statistical analysis. - esquisse - RStudio add-in to make plots interactively with ggplot2.
- GitHub Actions for the R language
- Awesome R Data Viz
- datawizard - Lightweight package to easily manipulate, clean, transform, and prepare your data for analysis.
- glue - Glue strings to data in R. Small, fast, dependency free interpreted string literals.
- Hole punch - Make your R project Binder ready.
- Simple Features for R
- metafor - Meta-analysis package for R.
- MetBrewer - Color palette package in R inspired by works at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. (Tweet)
- RStudio - Integrated development environment (IDE) for R. (Code)
- rocker - R configurations for Docker.
- workflowr - Organized + reproducible + shareable data science in R.
- R project workflows
- Rserve - TCP/IP server which allows other programs to use facilities of R from various languages.
- rayshader - R Package for 2D and 3D mapping and data visualization.
- easystats - Collection of R stats packages.
- containerit - Packages R script/session/workspace and all dependencies as a Docker container by automagically generating a suitable Dockerfile.
- gghighlight - Highlight points and lines in ggplot2.
- string2path - R package to convert string to path.
- report - Automated reporting of objects in R.
- tidyr - Tidy Messy Data.
- vetiver - Version, share, deploy, and monitor models.
- portal - Move R datasets between local sessions.
- flow - View and Browse Code Using Flow Diagrams.
- Rex - Friendly regular expressions for R.
- Autoinst - Automatically install packages when they are missing.
- lintr - Static code analysis for R.
- covr - Test coverage reports for R.
- cpp11 - Helps you to interact with R objects using C++ code.
- vroom - Fastest delimited reader for R.
- geomtextpath - Create curved text in ggplot2.
- rim - R Installation Manager.
- WebR - R in the Browser. Compile the statistical language R into WASM for use in a browser.
- R internals - Documentation for R's internal C API.
- startr - Template for data journalism in R.
- styler - Non-invasive pretty printing of R code.
- Quick Introduction to R (HN)
- wgpugd - WebGPU Graphics Device for R.
- CausalImpact - R package for causal inference in time series.
- units - Measurement Units for R.
- lavaanPlot - R package for plotting lavaan path models with DiagrammeR.
- bayestestR - Utilities for analyzing Bayesian models and posterior distributions.
- ambiorix - Web framework for R.
- broom - Convert statistical analysis objects from R into tidy format.
- Frustration: One Year With R - Extremely long review of R. (HN)
- Learning R for visualizing humanities data
- R Weekly - Blogs to Learn R from the Community. (Code)
- callr - Call R from R.
- graphlayouts - New layout algorithms for network visualizations in R.
- R/igraph - R package of the igraph network analysis library.
- ggspatial - Enhancing spatial visualization in ggplot2.
- ggraph - Grammar of Graph Graphics.
- ggtree - R package for visualization of phylogenetic trees with their annotation data.
- corrr - Explore correlations in R.
- ggstamp - Convenience functions for creating annotation layers in the ggplot2 and grammar of graphics framework.
- kittyR - Kitty pictures and meows from R console.
- pointblank - Data quality assessment and metadata reporting for data frames and database tables.
- r3dmol - R package for visualizing molecular data in 3D.
- reprex - Render bits of R code for sharing, e.g., on GitHub or StackOverflow.
- Geocomputation with R
- Efficient R programming (2021) (Code)
- Cargo Framework - Framework is provided to transparently develop R packages using Rust with minimal overhead, and more wrappers are easily added.
- WikidataR - R package for the Wikidata API.
- storr - Object cacher for R.
- rmarkdown - Dynamic Documents for R.
- rayrender - R package for ray tracing scenes in created in R.
- eventloop - Event Loop in R.
- ggdist - Visualizations of distributions and uncertainty.
- testthat - R package for testing.
- naniar - Tidy data structures, summaries, and visualizations for missing data.
- visdat - Preliminary Exploratory Visualization of Data.
- RMarkdown for Scientists (Code)
- fledge - Streamline the process of versioning R packages and updating NEWS.
- skimr - Frictionless, pipeable approach to dealing with summary statistics.
- swiftr - Seamless R and Swift Integration.
- Fast Lane to Learning R (HN)
- pak - Fresh Approach to R Package Installation.
- httr2 - Make HTTP requests and process their responses. A modern reimagining of httr.
- Parsing R code: Freedom of expression is not always a good idea (2012) (HN)
- furrr - Apply Mapping Functions in Parallel using Futures.
- Tutorial: An Introduction to Futureverse for Parallel Processing in R
- causact - R package to accelerate Bayesian analytics workflows.
- generics - Common generic methods.
- fastmatrix - Fast computation of some matrices useful in statistics.
- NetCoMi - Network Comparison for Microbial Compositional Data.
- R vs. Python for Data Science
- camcorder - Track and record the ggplots that are created across one or multiple sessions.
- rstatix - Pipe-friendly Framework for Basic Statistical Tests in R.
- nplyr - Grammar of nested data manipulation.
- lambdr - Run R containers on AWS Lambda.
- ViewPipeSteps - Create tabs of View() output for each chained pipe.
- Online R learning for applied statistics
- Introduction to ML with R using tidymodels
- Slider - Sliding Window Functions.
- Collection of various algorithms implemented in R
- rollRegres - R package for fast rolling and expanding linear regression models.
- CRAN/E - Modern R-packages search engine. (Code)
- Run R CMD check from R and Capture Results
- Regex in R
- tmap - Thematic maps in R.
- faux - R functions for simulating factorial datasets.
- Doctests in R (HN)
- ggpubr - ggplot2 Based Publication Ready Plots.
- poorman - Dependency free grammar of data manipulation.
- sjPlot - Data Visualization for Statistics in Social Science.
- R Packages Book (Code)
- R Polars - Use awesome polars DataFrame library from R.
- modelbased - Estimate effects, contrasts and means based on statistical models.
- Deep R Programming (Code)
- rtables - Reporting tables with R.
- torchaudio - R interface to torchaudio.
- Advanced R Book (Code)
- My Journey from R to Julia (2023) (HN)
- mirai - Minimalist async evaluation framework for R.
- rrtools - Tools for Writing Reproducible Research in R.
- tibble - Modern re-imagining of the data frame.