Trealla is neat. Also liked Prolog embedded into Go.
- The Power of Prolog book (Code) (HN) (Videos) (YouTube) (HN)
- Interpreter for a simple Lisp, written in Prolog (HN)
- Ciao - Programming language that builds up from a logic-based simple kernel, and is designed to be extensible and modular.
- Database The Prolog Way
- Prodog - System Administration in Prolog. (Lobsters)
- It's Elementary, Dear Watson: Applying Logic Programming To Convergent System Management Processes
- Scryer Prolog - Modern Prolog implementation written mostly in Rust. (HN) (Web) (Lobsters) (HN)
- chalk - PROLOG-ish interpreter written in Rust, intended eventually for use in the compiler.
- ELPI - Embeddable λProlog Interpreter. (OCAml Binds)
- Programming in Tabled Prolog book
- SWI Prolog - Comprehensive free Prolog environment.
- Prolog and Logic Programming Historical Sources Archive (HN)
- Ask HN: Production Prolog in 2020?
- Solving the "Miracle Sudoku" in Prolog (2020) (HN)
- The Art of Prolog (1994) (HN)
- Prolog Web Applications (2016) (HN)
- Real World Programming in SWI-Prolog (HN)
- pylo - Python front-end for several Prolog engines.
- Implementation of Prolog in TypeScript
- Mycroft - Prolog-like language with compound truth value logic.
- Simple Prolog implementation in Rust
- Markus Triska on constraints and the power of Prolog (2021)
- Why Learn Prolog in 2021? (HN) (Follow Up)
- The birth of Prolog (1992) (HN)
- Prolog Notes - Some notes taken while working on Prolog.
- CLP(FD) - Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains.
- Some Global Optimizations for a Prolog Compiler (1985)
- 99 Prolog Problems
- Prolog Problems (Code)
- Prolog Meta-interpreters (2021)
- Prolog for Beginners (HN)
- A Hitchhiker's Guide to Reinventing a Prolog Machine (2018) (HN)
- Strand - Open-source implementation of Prolog dialect. (HN)
- D-Prolog - Prolog implementation in D language.
- Using Prolog for Sudoku Variants (2021) (HN)
- Trealla Prolog - Compact, efficient Prolog interpreter written in plain-old C.
- Demo of a WAM Prolog Implementation in Python (HN)
- Simple examples for new Prolog programmers
- CLP(B) - Constraint Logic Programming over Boolean variables using Prolog.
- LogicKit - Prolog-like language, distributed in the form of a Swift Embedded Domain Specific Language (EDSL).
- PrologHub
- Homoiconic Prolog: Explain yourself (2019)
- Embeddable Prolog scripting language for Go (HN)
- Julog.jl - Julia package for Prolog-style logic programming.
- PySwip - Python - SWI-Prolog bridge enabling to query SWI-Prolog in your Python programs.
- 50 Years of Prolog and Beyond (2022) (HN)
- Bringing Prolog to the masses
- Marelle - Test-driven system administration in SWI-Prolog, in the style of Babushka.
- A Tour of Prolog (2022)
- Prolamb - SWI-Prolog bootstrap for the AWS Lambda provided runtime.
- NLProlog - Neural Logic Reasoning for Question Answering.
- egglog - Prolog like syntax for egg.
- Web Prolog - SWI-Prolog implementation of Web Prolog.
- Ask HN: What are some interesting examples of Prolog? (2022)
- Stabilizer: Statistically Sound Performance Evaluation
- Simply Logical - Intelligent Reasoning by Example (Code)
- Trealla Go - Trealla Prolog embedded in Go using WASM. (HN)
- SWI-Prolog ported to WebAssembly
- PicoProlog
- Textmate syntax for Prolog
- Protelog - Evolving collection of more-and-less experimental Prolog syntax extensions.
- Solving a Dungeons and Dragons riddle using Prolog (HN)
- Djot implementation in Prolog
- PostgreSQL Prolog - Prolog library to connect to PostgreSQL databases. (HN)
- Praxis - Online IDE for visual programming in Prolog. (HN)
- tar creator + extractor in ~100 lines of Prolog
- Prolog Day - 50 years of Prolog (2023)
- Prolog assisted search for new simple Lie algebras (2023)
- Rethinking Prolog (HN)
- swipl-wasm - SWI-Prolog WebAssembly build as a NPM package.
- Awesome Prolog