- L-system renderer Processing
- The wrong way to use a signed distance function (sdf) (2020)
- Learning Processing: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction
- Perfect loops in Processing
- OpenProcessing - Creative Coding for the Curious Mind.
- Codecember - One Processing sketch a day during december.
- Generative Watercolor in Processing (Code)
- Processing Boilerplate for Generative Artists
- Fifteen Ways to Draw a Line (Code)
- PEmbroider - Embroidery Library for Processing.
- Chroma - Color conversion library for Processing.
- Processing Posters - Collection of generative posters I designed with p5.js.
- p5 - Python package based on the core ideas of Processing.
- Haxademicai - Personal Processing-based creative coding toolkit.
- Processing + p5.js iCompiler for iOS (Code)
- SwiftProcessing - iOS Swift Package for creative coding. (Web)
- Playful, beautiful, original p5xjs projects (2021)
- Processing: the Software that Shaped Creative Coding (2021) (Tweet)
- Handy - Hand-drawn sketchy rendering in Processing.
- How Processing And P5 Got Newbies Into Coding (2021)
- Flutter Processing - Flutter port of Processing.
- Processing 4.0
- Testing some things in Processing
- Creative coding, making loops with Processing (HN)
- Making a first gif with Processing (2020)
- Processing GPT (Code)