Introduction to Julia Workshop is great intro. What's great about Julia? is fun read.
- XLA.jl - Julia on TPUs.
- Julia wrapper for TensorFlow
- Julio - Example of Julia embedded in Haskell.
- JuliaInterpreter - Interpreter for Julia code.
- IJulia - Julia kernel for Jupyter.
- A Julia interpreter and debugger (2019) (HN)
- The Julia Express - Concise Julia language introductory manual for programmers. (PDF)
- Learn Julia the Hard Way
- Think Julia: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
- Julia Docs
- Learn Julia in Y minutes
- Quantitative Economics with Julia (2019) - Lectures on quantitative economic modeling. (Table of Contents)
- JuliaDiff - Differentiation tools in Julia.
- Simon Danisch - Julia - A Compiler for the Future (2019)
- JuliaCon 2018 | Engineering Julia for Speed | Lionel Zoubritzky
- JuliaCon 2019 | Cleaning Messy Data with Julia and Gen | Alex Lew
- HN: Julia v1.3
- JuliaLang: The Ingredients for a Composable Programming Language (2020) (HN)
- Julia website code
- Julia Virtual Meetup (2020)
- Pluto.jl - Lightweight reactive notebooks for Julia. (HN)
- MIT: Computational thinking with Julia + application to the COVID-19 pandemic (2020)
- Set of IPython (Jupyter) notebooks to introduce the Julia programming language
- OhMyREPL - Syntax highlighting and other enhancements for the Julia REPL.
- Tutorials on Topics in Julia Programming (Tweet)
- Why learn julia? (2020)
- Julia Case Studies
- Administrative Scripting with Julia
- The Fast Track to Julia
- JuliaLang Antipatterns (2020)
- Julia as a cli calculator (2020) (HN)
- Julia By Example (Code)
- Implement Your Own Source To Source AD in ONE day (2020) (HN)
- Yggdrasil - Contains recipes for building binaries for Julia packages using BinaryBuilder.jl.
- Grassmann.jl A\b 3x faster than Julia's StaticArrays.jl (2020) (HN)
- JuliaAcademy courses
- JuliaCon - Conference dedicated to the Julia programming language. (Live) (Code)
- Julia for teaching optimization
- Interactive notebooks ~ Pluto.jl | Fons van der Plas (2020)
- Julia 1.5 (2020) (HN)
- Flux β Accelerating Flux.jl with PyTorch kernels (2020)
- Hands-On Design Patterns and Best Practices with Julia (2020) (Code)
- Julia High Performance - Optimizations, distributed computing, multithreading, and GPU programming with Julia 1.0 and beyond.
- Julia Quick Syntax Reference
- JuliaCon2020: Julia is production ready (HN) (Lobsters)
- Julia: Are there any performance tips that are not mentioned in the docs?
- Sum Types in Julia and Rust (2020) (HN)
- Analyzing sources of compiler latency in Julia: method invalidations (2020)
- Introduction to Computational Thinking using Julia language MIT course (Videos) (Code) (2021 Edition)
- AlgebraicJulia - Bringing compositionality to technical computing. (Blog)
- A History of Releasing Julia Packages (2020)
- Chris Rackauckas - SciML: How Language is Changing Scientific Research (2020)
- A quick introduction to data parallelism in Julia (2020) (HN)
- CSV Reader Benchmarks: Julia Reads CSVs 10-20x Faster than Python and R (2020) (HN)
- The unreasonable effectiveness of the Julia programming language (2020) (HN)
- Example of Julia workflow using Docker and GitHub Actions
- The accelerating adoption of Julia (2020) (HN)
- Why Does Julia Work So Well? (HN)
- Guide to distributed computing in Julia
- Julia: Dynamism and Performance Reconciled by Design (2018) (HN)
- Julia REPL tips and tricks (2019)
- A review of the Julia language
- Thoughts on Julia after 2 weeks (2020)
- Julia2Nix - Generate Nix expressions for building a Julia depot with a set of packages.
- Tutorial on Precompilation for Julia (2021)
- Quick Overview of Julia language (2021) (HN)
- Julia adoption keeps climbing (2021) (HN)
- JuliaFormatter - Opinionated code formatter for Julia. (Docs)
- Julia workshop for Data Science
- Julia 1.6: what has changed since Julia 1.0? (2021) (HN)
- YASGuide - Yet Another Style Guide For Julia.
- Building a constraint programming solver in Julia (2019)
- Data Science in Julia for Hackers (Code)
- Julia 1.6 Highlights (2021) (HN)
- Unreasonable Effectiveness of Multiple Dispatch (2019)
- Seam carving in Julia (by 3Blue1Brown) (2020)
- BeautifulAlgorithms.jl - Concise and beautiful algorithms written in Julia.
- Blue: Style Guide for Julia
- Is Julia Really Fast? (2021) (HN)
- Julia and the Reincarnation of Lisp (2020) (HN)
- Julia used Multiple Dispatch! It's Super Effective! (2021) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Julia2021 Workshop β Package development: improving engineering quality & latency
- Beautiful Makie - High-performance, extendable, and multi-platform plotting ecosystem for the Julia programming language. (Code)
- Simulating Big Models in Julia with ModelingToolkit (2021)
- What's bad about Julia? (2021) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Non-local compiler transformations in the presence of dynamic dispatch (2020)
- Julia for Biologists | Elisabeth Roesch (2021) (Code)
- FromPython - Python-to-Julia transpiler. Mainly intended for translating numerical code and wrapping Python packages to add multiple dispatch.
- Debugging in Julia - Two different ways (2021)
- Machine Learning with Julia on AWS SageMaker (2021)
- GPU Programming in Julia (2021) (Code)
- Julia Enhancement Proposals
- Julia Data Science Book (Code)
- New features coming in Julia 1.7 (2021) (HN)
- SciMLTutorials.jl - Tutorials for Scientific Machine Learning and Differential Equations. (Web)
- Composability in Julia: Implementing Deep Equilibrium Models via Neural ODEs (2021) (HN)
- Exercises in avoiding common performance traps with Julia
- Implementing a fixed-bit-width string type in JuliaLang with LLVM (2021)
- Concurrency in Julia (2021) (HN)
- Differentiable Programming with Julia by Mike Innes (2019)
- Zero-to-Hero Julia workshop (2020) (Video)
- Julia 1.7 Highlights (2021) (HN)
- GPU Programming with Julia course (2021)
- Type Stability in Julia: Avoiding Performance Pathologies in JIT Compilation (2021) (HN)
- Deep Learning with Julia book, using Flux.jl (Code)
- Bayesian Statistics with Julia and Turing
- The Comprehensive Julia Tutorials - YouTube (Code)
- The Future of Machine Learning and why it looks a lot like Julia (2021)
- 10 things I love about Julia (2021)
- Write custom Julia compiler passes in library code (Lobsters)
- Statistical Rethinking (2nd edition) with Julia (Code)
- HelloJulia.jl - Resources used by the author for a short Introduction to Julia workshop.
- Julia-on-Colab - Notebook for running Julia on Google Colab.
- State of Machine Learning in Julia (2022) (HN)
- The State of Julia | JuliaCon 2021
- A Tour of Julia - Erik Engheim (2021)
- Julia macros for beginners (2021)
- Juliaup - Julia installer and version multiplexer.
- Why We Use Julia, 10 Years Later (2022) (HN)
- Optimizing Julia code (2022)
- Julia 100 Exercises - Set of introductory exercises for Julia. Based on 100 NumPy Exercises.
- Some special cases of method dispatch in Julia (2022) (HN)
- minGPT in Julia using Flux! (2022)
- Julia for Economists Bootcamp, 2022
- The Julia language has a number of correctness flaws (HN) (Reddit)
- My Experiences with Julia (HN)
- SciML Style Guide for Julia
- Julia for Data Analysis Book (2022)
- Building a transformer in Julia (2022)
- Julia parser for Lezer
- StaticTools - Enabling StaticCompiler.jl-based compilation of (some) Julia code to standalone native binaries by avoiding GC allocations and llvmcall-ing all the things.
- Why I still recommend Julia (2022) (HN) (Lobsters)
- JuliaCon 2022 - Introduction to Julia Tutorial
- Advanced Scientific Computing in Julia course
- Julia for High-Performance Computing (2022)
- A Complete Guide to Efficient Transformations of data frames (2022)
- Julia 1.8 Highlights (2022) (HN)
- Julia Functions In Excruciating Detail (2022)
- Ask HN: Why hasn't the deep learning community embraced Julia yet? (2022)
- Julia 2.0 isnβt coming anytime soon, and why that is a good thing (2022) (HN)
- Julia grammar for Tree-sitter
- Intro to Julia workshop (2022)
- ModelingToolkit and JuliaSim Workshop (2022) (Code)
- Improvements in package precompilation (2022) (Code)
- What's great about Julia? (2022) (HN)
- SciMLWorkshop: Workshop Materials for Training in Scientific Computing and Scientific Machine Learning (SciML)
- Data-parallel programming in Julia (Code)
- Julia 1.9 precompilation will be a turning point (2023)