I keep a list of movies I've seen and liked on Letterboxd.
I have a Watchlist of movies I want to watch & I share thoughts on some movies I saw.
And here are some lists, films and reviews I liked.
I try to review/rank a movie/series/game first thing after consuming the content without seeing what others scored it on as that makes my score not truly honest. I try to rank things based firstly on my enjoyment of the content and only after, the actual quality of the acting/cinematography and the rest.
In Bruges is one my most favorite movies I saw. Would love to write a script for something this good played by such great actors.
- Some film critics to follow
- It's good to sort reviews by recent as you can find fresh perspectives/accounts this way.
- Letterboxd 2017
- Documentaries list
- What's your favorite really obscure film?
- If you had to recommend someone watch 5 movies to really get a feel for your tastes what five would you pick
- Awesome IT-films list
- Stalker: in search of Tarkovsky’s Soviet sci-fi locations
- Do Not Go Gentle: A Film Tribute (2020)
- New Movies Coming Out - Never miss a movie coming out again. (Article)
- Film School Rejects - Website about popular culture.
- Eastern European Movies (HN)
- Ask HN: Films that made you see the world differently? (2020)
- The Beauty Of French Cinema
- MUBI - Watch and Discover Movies.
- The Movie Database (TMDb)
- Luminous Arts - London-based film production company.
- Film at Lincoln Center - Dedicated to supporting the art and elevating the craft of cinema and enriching film culture.
- Recently watched movie you cannot stop thinking about (2020)
- Mind-bending movies (2020)
- Film School Rejects - Movies, TV, Culture.
- Collection of Classic Movies
- In Bruges: Morality In Dialogue
- Flim - Search movies, actors, directors or keywords.
- Heat: The Perfect Blend of Realism and Style
- Modern action films fetishize the body even as they desexualize it (2021) (HN)
- What’s the last 10/10 movie you’ve seen? (2021)
- Akira Kurosawa’s List of His 100 Favorite Movies (2015) (HN)
- What are any number of movies in your top ten? (2021)
- Gentle Cinema, a list of films by Doug Dillaman - Pleasant people doing pleasant things and there's not much drama and you just kind of feel lovely about the world.
- Parasite Movie Explained in 15 Beats — How to Write a Screenplay with Save the Cat's Story Structure (2021)
- Why Do Wes Anderson Movies Look Like That? (2020) (Article)
- 100 Greatest Korean Films Ever
- The Most Beautiful Shots in Movie History
- Seth Rogen Explains How to Write a Movie (2020)
- Movie of the Night - Movie/series recommendation engine.
- WeWatch - Find what to watch with your friends.
- What was the movie that shook you to your core and confirmed your passion for cinema? (2021)
- PlayPhrase - Site for Searching Cinema Phrases. (HN)
- How Good Filmmaking Brings a Script to Life (2021)
- No More Movies (2021) (HN)
- Wes Anderson Explains How to Write & Direct Movies (2019)
- What is the most visually stunning film you've ever seen? (2021)
- Revisiting Call Me By Your Name. (2021)
- Nice Sci-Fi movies to watch (2021)
- Gnovies - Discover new Movies.
- Movie-Map - Find Similar Movies.
- 26 Overlooked Movies to Watch This Fall (2021)
- Films to Films Twitter
- Your favorite movie? (2021)
- Lost In Film - Visual publication dedicated to cinema that celebrates the best arthouse, independent & classic films. (IG)
- Flick Metrix - Best Movies on Netflix Right Now.
- Movio - Shaping the future of movie marketing. (GitHub)
- 8 Books That Should Be Movies: What Hollywood Should Adapt After Dune (2021)
- “Dune” (The Movie), Annotated (2021) (HN)
- Your top movies for 2021
- Netflix Top 10 Movies - Global (HN)
- What are your favorite movie podcasts? (2021)
- Evemovies Bot - Track torrent releases of movies.
- Mood2Movie: Top-rated movies based on your mood (HN)
- Best movies that involve gambling as the main event?
- The 50 best films of 2021
- BFI - Film, TV & the moving image. (Twitter)
- Movies which had a big twist that it left you speechless
- Your top 4 movies (2022)
- Must see movies
- Over-reliance on CGI in movies (2022) (HN)
- Mind blowing movies (2022)
- What’s your all time favorite movie (2022)
- True story movies out there that are great (2022)
- Best movies to watch on shrooms (2022)
- Best Sci-Fi Movies of the Last 15 Years (2022)
- Your top 10 movies (2022)
- Uplifting, simple and comforting movies (2022)
- What movie do you consider to be the greatest of all-time? (2022)
- Engaging movies for short attention span people (2022)
- Modern movies teach us awful lessons (2022) (HN)
- Movies that play with your mind (2022)
- Predicting that Dune will win Best Picture by analyzing coughs and sneezes (HN)
- What's your favorite action movie opening sequence?
- Framed - Daily movie guessing game.
- Perfect Moments in "Bad" Movies
- Great movies to watch
- Great movie posters
- Arguably "great " movies that would have no chance of being made today because of social or political climate? (2022)
- What is the most brilliant shot in movie history? (2022)
- What do you think is the greatest 3-film run of a director?
- Funny movies list
- Movie that can make me cry
- The Critical Drinker - YouTube
- Movies that require significant brain usage (2022)
- Best SciFi movies (2022)
- Moving Image Archive : Internet Archive
- Letterboxd Recommendations - Scraping publicly-accessible Letterboxd data and creating a movie recommendation model with it that can generate recommendations when provided with a Letterboxd username.
- What is the most underrated sci-fi movie according to you? (2022)
- Movies where music is integral to the movie, but it isn't a musical (2022)
- What's the single best line reading you've ever heard in a movie or TV show?
- Similar movies to Blade Runner (2022)
- What is the saddest movie you've ever seen? (2022)
- 5 star comedy recs (2022)
- Animated movies for adults with interesting art style (2022)
- Kanopy - Stream Classic Cinema, Indie Film and Top Documentaries. (HN)
- What's a current movie that you think people will see in 20 or 30 years that you think was "way ahead of its time"? (2022)
- r/letterboxd favorite movies list (Reddit)
- What was the last film you watched that instantly became on of the best you’ve ever watched? (2022)
- TheCinesthetic Twitter
- Great comedy movies (2022)
- "Deep" sci-fi movies (2022)
- Underrated horror movies (2022)
- Great Thriller/mystery movies (2022)
- Saddest movies (2022)
- alass - Command line tool to synchronize subtitles to movies.
- What are your top Horror Movies of all time? (2022)
- Movies with better sequels (2022)
- What is a film everyone should watch at least once in their life? (2022)
- Movies for when life is terrible (2022)
- Most underrated sci fi movies (2022)
- Movies where villain wins at the end
- What’s a movie with a female lead and zero romance? (2022)
- Why The Batman's Sound is Different
- What are some of the scariest horror films? (2022)
- The Most Fun Movie
- Movies that made you Cry
- Top Korean movies
- Movies with a massive plot twist (2022)
- Any obscure but great animated movies? (2022)
- Comedy movies that aren’t stupid (2022)
- Great action movies (2022)
- Good Movie to Watch - What to Watch on Streaming.
- Movies with endings so sad and/or beautiful that you struggled to hold back tears
- Movies that are Perfect on every possible aspect (2022)
- The 35 Best Sci-Fi Movies Of All Time, Ranked (2022) (Reddit)
- Letterboxd's Top 250 Horror Films (Tweet)
- Your top 3 favorite movies of all time
- Movies that entirely f*ck your brain in the end (2022)
- Movies that are interesting as well as difficult to understand (2022)
- Ask HN: HN-like forum for literature and cinema? (2022)
- Give me a tiny detail in a film that you absolutely love, that you're pretty sure no one else notices
- What is the best film from 2022 (So far) in your opinion?
- Movies that you messed up in the way that it makes you feel strange (2022)
- High art movies (2022)
- Why Great Movies use the 60-30-10 Percent Color Rule
- What's your favorite book to movie adaptation? (2022)
- Looking for a WW2 movie (2022)
- What is the most romantic movie you've ever seen?
- Movies as "hard to watch" as Requiem for a Dream?
- Actually romantic movies where couple care for each other (2022)
- Horror movies so great you wish you could forget and watch again (2022)
- How to find great films to watch (2022)
- Искусство кино
- A24 - American independent entertainment company.
- What is the most profound movie you've ever seen? (2022)
- What is your favorite movie? (2022)
- Fylm - Wonderful automated command line app for organizing your film media. Built for Plex and SABnzbd.
- Runway AI Film Festival
- Mind fuck thought provoking films (2022)
- The Greatest Films of All Time
- Whats a 2022 movie you loved but was overlooked?
- Watching the Greatest Hits from the Last 120 Years (HN)
- Great Sci-Fi movies (2022)
- What's a film in the last five years that you believe a classic that'll be praised for decades to come (2022)
- what in your opinion is the most quotable movie? (2022)
- Lies of Heroism – Redefining the Anti-War Film (2020)
- What are some of the weirdest/ most fucked up films you’ve ever seen? (2022)
- What movie has the biggest All star cast?
- What movies would you consider to be "modern classics"? (2022)
- What are your top three movies that came out in 2022?
- Murder Mystery Movies (2022)
- What was everyone's last film(s) of 2022?
- Movies that’ll leave me an emotional mess (2023)
- Why The Banshees of Inisherin is the Best Movie of 2022
- Comedy movies without a stupid plot (2023)
- How In Bruges is Perfection
- The Top 10 Movies of 2022
- Animated must-watch movies (2023)
- SciFi movies better than the book (2023)
- Movie you'd love to see again for first time (2023)
- Movies where ""Every frame is a painting" (2023)
- Best films with a positive message/outlook (2023)
- What are some films from the last 10 years or so that you think will be considered classics in the future? (2023)
- Scriptnotes - How to Write a Movie (2020)
- What film is undeniably better than the source material? (2023)
- What movie have you rewatched the most? (2023)
- What movie best represents your country? (2023)
- Most visually amazing movie you've seen? (2023)
- Times when you actually liked the movie more than the book? (2023)
- Are there any post-post-apocalyptic movies? (2023)
- Movies where the protagonist realizes he's not the good guy at the end? (2023)
- What is the weirdest movie you've seen? (2023)
- Official Oscars Discussion Thread 2023 (Reddit)
- My ten favorite movies of 2022
- What's the "Best Picture" of the 21st century? (2023)
- What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen? (2023)