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Being a human myself, I can't but be amazed and inspired by what other people have both created before me and are creating right now.

I have many interests and I find studying and looking into people who have spent their time studying some of these topics is a really good investment of my time. It's also quite amazing that nowadays you can potentially message a person whose work you like and sometimes they can respond.

I maintain a list of awesome humans across different disciplines.

I am trying to meet as many people I find interesting as possible to get to know them more. I find what many podcasters are doing with publishing open interviews like Lex Friedman does fascinating. Reaching out cold to people you admire is nearly always a good idea especially if you have something actionable in mind, like advice or opportunity to discuss. And if you don't, a simple compliment goes a long way. In the end of the day, people will never forget how you made them feel.

Interesting interviews

Interesting bios

Personal workflows
