Front End
Open UI & React Aria are nice. Histoire is nice to test out components.
Playroom seems nice.
- Front End Resources
- Front-end Job Interview Questions
- Front End case studies
- Front End Developer Handbook 2018
- Code my UI - Web Design Inspiration with Code Snippets.
- Front End Guidelines Questionnaire
- Great front end guidelines
- Thoughts About Front-End Development (2018)
- Rearchitecting Airbnb’s Frontend (217)
- FrontendArmory - Some great React/JS courses.
- The Elements of UI Engineering (2018)
- UI as an afterthought (2019)
- Front-end Developer Handbook 2019
- The Great Divide (2019) - Two front-end developers are sitting at a bar. They have nothing to talk about.
- Micro Frontends (2019)
- The Modern Front-End Design System Stack (2019)
- Navigating the Hype-Driven Frontend Development World Without Going Insane - Kitze (2019)
- FAB Specification - Compile target for frontend applications. (Code)
- What should i learn as a front-end web dev in 2020?
- dotcom-rendering - Frontend rendering framework for It uses React, with Emotion for styling.
- Front-End Conferences - List of upcoming front-end related conferences.
- Microfrontends made easy
- Frontend Lobsters, what are your pet peeves about the languages / frameworks you use? (2020)
- Open UI - Maintain an open standard for UI and promote its adherence and adoption. (Code) (HN)
- Guide to becoming a modern front end developer (HN)
- Frontdesk - Community driven list of useful things for Front End Developers.
- Front-end Bookmarks - Collection of articles and talks about HTML, CSS, and JS, grouped by elements, attributes, properties, selectors, methods, and expressions. (Code)
- Frontend Guidelines - Some HTML, CSS and JS best practices.
- React vs Vue: Compare and Contrast (2020)
- Why frontend build tools are getting an overhaul (2020)
- Responsively - Web developer's browser.
- What are the most difficult UI patterns you've coded? (2020)
- Asayer - Frontend Application Monitoring.
- Omatsuri - Open source frontend focused browser tools for everyday use. (Code)
- Front End Developer Resources
- Frontend Unicorn - Learn Front End Development.
- Awesome Front End Security
- Front-end Challenges - Testing your knowledge using real job challenges.
- I don't want to do front-end anymore (2021) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Frontend Greatness - Podcast that helps frontend developers go from good to great.
- How Wix improved website performance by evolving their infrastructure (2021)
- Cобеседование Junior Frontend разработчика (2021)
- Front-End Developer Learning Roadmap
- A Complete Guide To Accessible Front-End Components (2021)
- I can only think that modern front end development has failed (2021) (HN)
- Paperclip - Build UIs at the speed of thought. (Web)
- roxy - Frontend Proxy.
- LogRocket - Modern Frontend Monitoring and Product Analytics.
- Essential list of resources for Front-End beginners
- Никита Мостовой: перфоманс фронтенд приложений (2020)
- Front End Happy Hour Podcast
- Front-End Testing is For Everyone (2021)
- For Web - Awesomeness for front-end developers and web designers.
- feature-sliced - Structural methodology for frontend projects. (Code) (Awesome)
- rounded conf - Conference for well rounded frontend developers.
- How To Build Resilient JavaScript UIs (2021) (HN)
- Кажется, мы стали забывать основы фронтенда (2021)
- Чистая архитектура во фронтенде (2021)
- Interactive Learning Tools For Front-End Developers (2021)
- Frontend Learning Kit - Highly recommended collections for frontend developers.
- Practical frontend architecture (2021) (HN)
- What has your frontend stack journey been so far? (2021)
- Tips, Tricks, Best Practices for front-end development (Code)
- How website was rebuilt from ground up (2021)
- Словари по фронтенду
- Grab Front End Guide
- Frontend Horse - Learn techniques from the best creative frontend developers. (Twitter)
- Building Resilient Frontend Architecture • Monica Lent (2019)
- Perry - Agnostic front-end bug reporting. Collect logs, errors, clicks, and session data easily. (Web)
- Micro frontend resources
- Ask HN: Is back end dev generally easier than front end? (2021)
- UI Foundations - Learn to Build Beautiful UIs.
- Pglet - Build web apps like a front-end pro in the language you already know. No knowledge of HTML, CSS or JavaScript is required.
- Build user-adaptive interfaces | Workshop (2021)
- Dan Abramov SLAYS Frontend Interview w/ Ex-Twitch Engineer (2021)
- Frontend Developer Resources 2022
- Client-side software design
- reg-suit - Visual Regression Testing tool. (Code) (CLI Code) (Report UI Code)
- Goose&Duck – Фронтендер на заводе Tesla | Олег Исонен (2022)
- The 60 Hottest Front-end Tools of 2021
- Component Encyclopedia | Storybook - Reference thousands of components from leading UI engineering teams. (Article)
- Smart Interface Design Patterns – 100 Smart Interface Design Patterns & Live Examples. 6h Video + UX Training. (2022)
- Interaction Testing with Storybook (2022) (Reddit)
- Claymorphism: Will It Stick Around? UI Trends (2022) (HN)
- 30 popular communities and influencers about Front-End Development (2022)
- Frontend Component Architecture
- Style-free components for all the frameworks
- Architecture for a maintainable UI
- A "lawful" framework for styling/formatting UIs? (2022)
- UIs are streaming DAGs (2022) (HN) (Tweet) (Lobsters)
- TanStack Virtual - Headless UI for Virtualizing Large Element Lists in JS/TS, React, Solid, Vue and Svelte. (Web)
- Papanasi - UI library to use cross Frameworks. (Docs)
- TanStack - High Quality Open-Source Software for Web Developers. (Code)
- Front-End Performance Checklist
- How to implement Hexagonal architecture in front end
- Reimagining front-end web development with htmx and hyperscript (2022) (HN)
- TanStack Table - Headless UI for building powerful tables & datagrids for React, Solid, Vue, Svelte and TS/JS. (Web)
- Ask HN: What's is your go to toolset for simple front end development? (2022)
- UI Learn - Learn interface design with articles, books and video course. (Course)
- Avoiding \<img> layout shifts: aspect-ratio vs width & height attributes (2022)
- whyframe - Develop components in isolation. (Code)
- Client-side Rendering - Case study of CSR, it aims to explore the potential of client-side rendered apps compared to server-side rendering.
- How to handle spacing at scale (2022)
- Building mico-frontends with edge workers (2022)
- Building a UI Language w/ Dylan Piercey (2022)
- Front-end Testing Principles (2022)
- Backend for Front-end (2022) (HN)
- Lost Pixel - Holistic visual testing for your Frontend. First class integration with Storybook, Ladle & other frontend libraries.
- Frontend Mastery - Deep dives and guides on modern frontend development.
- Fastest Frontend Tooling in 2022
- UI Libraries: Picking The Best (2022)
- Headless UI Float - Easily use Headless UI with Floating UI to position floating elements.
- Фронтенд — это не больно - Пособие для разработчиков и сочувствующих. (Code)
- Composition Comparison - Collection of UI-framework compsition challenges.
- Modern FrontEnds Live (Twitter)
- Awesome Node-Based UIs
- CodyHouse - Lightweight front-end framework for building accessible, bespoke interfaces. (Code)
- OSS Is Out to End the Framework Wars: Jamstack Conf 2022 Opening Keynote
- Zoid - Cross-domain component toolkit.
- Breaking up with JavaScript front ends (2022) (HN)
- - Knowledge base for different front end frameworks. (Code)
- Full Stack Components (2022)
- Maverick - Build functional, reactive, type-safe, lightweight, and fast UI libraries.
- Ask HN: What is your favorite front end state management solution? (2022)
- Фронтенд - YouTube (Events)
- Frontend Infrastructure Notes (Code)
- Ask HN: Why did Frontend development explode in complexity? (2023)
- How to store your app's entire state in the URL (2023) (HN)
- Build UI - High-quality videos on front end development.
- Component Stats - Collect stats about UI components usage across the GitHub org.
- UIVerse - Create, share, and use beautiful custom elements made with HTML and CSS.
- Fwoosh - Front-end notebook inspired by Storybook. (Docs)
- Cross Framework Components - Write once, create framework components that supports React, Vue, Svelte, and more.
- AI Component Generator with ChatGPT (Code)
- Cool frontend arts of local-first: storage, sync, conflicts (2023)
- Ark - Headless component library.