Google Cloud
Had some painful experiences using GCP, specifically, I got billed 100 euro for empty Postgres database that I held for 2 weeks only and made 0 hits to as I was setting things up. I get that you rent a full virtual machine but it's still a rip off. Compared to a model like PlanetScale where you pay as you scale and even get a free tier.
Thus I try to now use things I truly think GCP or AWS do well and set clear bill alerts so as to never overpay again.
Also looking into Railway & Cloudflare for various cloud compute tasks as they have some unique offerings and DX.
Connecting to CloudSQL from Go
- Cloud Tasks - Asynchronous task execution.
- Awesome Google Cloud Platform
- Google Cloud Buildpacks - Builders and buildpacks designed to run on Google Cloud's container platforms.
- How to find and delete idle GCP Projects (2020)
- Stricter Access Control to Google Cloud Registry (2020)
- Introduction to Google Cloud Functions (2020) (HN)
- Terraform module for configuring GKE clusters
- google-cloud-rs - Asynchronous Rust bindings for Google Cloud Platform gRPC APIs.
- 2020: The year in databases at Google Cloud
- GCPSketchnote - Google Cloud Developer's Visual Notes.
- Google Cloud Workflows - Orchestrate and automate Google Cloud and HTTP-based API services with serverless workflows.
- Google Cloud vs. AWS Onboarding Comparison (2021) (HN)
- Google API Improvement Proposals
- WebSockets, HTTP/2 and gRPC bidirectional streams for Cloud Run (2021)
- fake-gcs-server - Google Cloud Storage emulator & testing library.
- Terraform Google GKE Cluster - Terraform module to create a best-practice Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster.
- Building a high-scale chat server on Cloud Run (2021) (HN)
- Compare AWS and Azure Services to Google Cloud (HN)
- setup-gcloud - Collection of GitHub Actions for interfacing with Google Cloud Platform.
- runsd - Drop-in Service Discovery capabilities for Google Cloud Run.
- Google Cloud vs AWS in 2021 (Comparing the Giants)
- Why I distrust Google Cloud more than than AWS or Azure (2021) (HN)
- First look at GKE Autopilot (2021)
- Cloud Storage Rust - Crate for uploading files to Google cloud storage, and for generating download URLs.
- Google APIs - Public interface definitions of Google APIs.
- Google API Linter - API linter provides real-time checks for compliance with many of Google's API standards.
- Berglas - Tool for managing secrets on Google Cloud.
- Google Cloud Rust Client
- gRPC and gRPC Web on Google Cloud Run (serverless) (2021)
- Google Cloud Digital Leader Certification Course (2021)
- provider-gcp - Crossplane Google Cloud Platform (GCP) infrastructure provider.
- oidc-auth-google-cloud - GitHub Action for authenticating to Google Cloud with GitHub Actions OIDC tokens and Workload Identity Federation.
- Google Cloud Client Libraries Go
- Sample blueprints for Google Cloud
- Google Cloud Deploy: Managed continuous delivery to GKE (2021)
- GCP ping - Measure your latency to GCP regions.
- Rowy - GCP as easy as ABC. (Article) (Twitter) (HN)
- Listing of Rust crates for use with Google Cloud
- gcpdiag - Command-line diagnostics tool for GCP customers.
- Native Google Cloud Pulumi Provider
- Google Auth Library: Node.js Client
- GCP Tau VMs - Compute Engine virtual machines optimized for scale-out workloads. (Tweet)
- Local Emulator for Google Cloud Storage
- csi-gcs - Kubernetes CSI driver for Google Cloud Storage.
- Google Cloud Build Local Builder
- cloud-provider-gcp
- Push to GCR GitHub Action
- GCP Developer Center (Code)
- gcloud - GitHub Action for interacting with Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
- Cloud Run: multiple processes in a container (the lazy way) (2019) (Code)
- Serving gRPC+HTTP from a Go app on Cloud Run (and elsewhere) (2021)
- Deploying to Cloud Run with Go (2021)
- Bootstrap your Google Cloud Foundation with Terraform and Gitlab CI (2021)
- Microservices Architecture on Google Cloud (2021) (HN)
- Cloud Run Proxy - Local proxy for authenticating requests to Cloud Run.
- Awesome Cloud Run
- Get up and running with Go on Google Cloud
- Python Client for Google Cloud Storage
- Google APIs Node.js Client
- GCP Auth - Minimal authentication library for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in Rust.
- Google Cloud API Client Libraries for Rust
- Google Kubernetes Engine
- Google Cloud Common: Node.js Client
- Google Cloud Platform API hello world samples
- GCSB - Cloud Spanner load generator to load test your application and pre-warm the database before launch.
- Google Cloud Developer Cheat Sheet (HN)
- Google Cloud architecture diagramming tool (Article)
- Terraform Provider for Google Cloud Platform
- Google Rust APIs - Binding and CLI generator for all Google APIs.
- Google APIs Client Library for Go - Auto-generated Google APIs for Go.
- gcloudx - Extra features for accessing the Google Cloud Platform.
- Updates to Google Cloud’s infrastructure capabilities and pricing (2022) (HN)
- Google Auth Python Library
- Penny Wise and Cloud Foolish (2022) (Lobsters)
- Google Compute Engine Persistent Disk CSI Driver
- HarbourBridge - Stand-alone open source tool for Cloud Spanner evaluation and migration, using data from an existing PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle or DynamoDB database.
- Google Kubernetes Cluster review tool - Validates selected GKE cluster against set of REGO policies.
- TPU Starter - Everything you want to know about Google Cloud TPUs.
- Time limited, auto-expiring group memberships for users on Google Cloud
- Configure Google production keys for Auth0 (Tweet)
- Google API Extensions for Go
- log - Go logging library for GCP App Engine, Cloud Run, Cloud Functions.
- gcsfs - Pythonic file-system interface for Google Cloud Storage.
- Litestream & Cloud Run example
- Awesome Bigtable
- Google Cloud service emulators for local development stacks
- docker-credential-gcr - Docker credential helper for GCR users.
- Setup Google Cloud SQL Proxy on macOS (2022)
- IAM Go - Opinionated Open Source implementation of the google.iam APIs on top of Cloud Spanner.
- Protobuf + BigQuery + Go - Seamlessly save and load protocol buffers to and from BigQuery using Go.
- Google Cloud Project Factory Terraform Module
- google-cloud-rust - Google Cloud Client Libraries for Rust.
- Google Cloud Vertex AI Samples
- GroupSync: Cloud SQL IAM Database Authentication for Groups
- Cloud SQL Connector for Python Drivers
- Google Cloud Platform Pricing and Cost Calculator - Calculate estimated monthly costs of Google Cloud Platform products and resources via YAML files and Linux CLI program.
- CI for Data in BigQuery CLI utility
- Security Response Automation - Take automated actions against threats and vulnerabilities.
- Google Cloud Run, Satisfaction, and Scalability with Steren Giannini (2022)
- Building Serverless Applications with Google Cloud Run (2020)
- BigQuery Emulator - Provides a way to launch a BigQuery server on your local machine for testing and development.
- Lifecycle of a container on Cloud Run (2021)
- Database migration via Cloud SQL Proxy for Cloud SQL in Google Compute Engine VM (2022)
- Securely connecting external tools to your GCP SQL database (2020)
- Google Datastore - APIs that allow interfacing to Google Datastore on GCP from Deno.
- GCP Project Operator - Responsible for creating and destroying projects and service accounts in GCP.
- pubsub_sendmail - Send emails from Google Cloud Pub/Sub events.
- bqtail - BigQuery Google Storage Based Data Loader.
- Networking 101 GCP sheet
- Proof of concept use Cloud Run to deploy a SQL database on demand
- spanner-truncate - Tool to delete all rows from the tables in a Cloud Spanner database without deleting tables themselves.
- Google API Client Library for JavaScript
- Google Cloud Platform ESPv2 - General-purpose L7 service proxy that enables API management capabilities for JSON/REST or gRPC API services.
- Datastream for BigQuery Preview (HN)
- Terraform Google Cloud NAT Module
- Ask HN: Does anyone actually Use GCP? (2022)
- GCP Config Connector - Kubernetes add-on for managing GCP resources.
- Cloud Spanner Emulator - Open source emulator for Cloud Spanner.
- Gcloud storage: Faster data transfers for Cloud Storage (2022) (HN)
- Google Cloud tasks emulator
- Python Client for Cloud Logging - Writes log entries and manages your Cloud Logging configuration.
- Google Cloud Datastore: Node.js Client
- Drone-GKE - Drone plugin for deploying containers to Google Kubernetes Engine.
- Drone-GAE - Drone plugin to manage deployments on Google App Engine.
- Drone Google Cloud Run - Drone plugin deploy and manage Google Cloud Run services.
- googapis - Rust library generated from Google API using tonic-build.
- Emblem Giving - Sample application that demonstrates a serverless architecture with continuous delivery, and trouble recovery.
- Google Cloud Build community images
- Terraform Examples and Modules for Google Cloud
- Builds a secure CI/CD pipeline on Google Cloud
- AlloyDB Go Connector
- Code-Suggester: NodeJS
- Google API TS Type Generator
- Google Cloud Platform NodeJS Samples
- gtail - Simple Tail app for GCP Cloud Build, Cloud Run and PubSub.
- Disco - Utility for bulk image, license, package, and vulnerability discovery in containerize workloads on GCP.
- Deploy App Engine - GitHub Action that deploys source code to Google App Engine.
- SpeedStore - Blazingly fast Properties storage for Google Apps Script.