AWS has a nice free tier. AWS CDK, Digger & ts2asl are nice. SLIC Starter seems great as AWS serverless starter.
Haven't used AWS much but did use GCP which is similar. One thing I learned is that settting up billing alerts is a must have so as to not overpay for compute. Also ideally you use services you truly need from these cloud providers, because the pricing does get a bit crazy at times.
SST seems like useful framework. Pulumi AWS is nice too.
- AWS Aurora - MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible relational database built for the cloud.
- Amazon Lex - Conversational interfaces for your applications powered by the same deep learning technologies as Alexa.
- AWS Lambda Layers
- AWS AppSync - Power your applications with the right data, from one or more data sources, at global scale.
- AWS Amplify - Build on a flexible, scalable, and reliable serverless backend.
- Amazon Neptune - Fast, reliable graph database built for the cloud.
- RDS Proxy - Fully managed, highly available database proxy for Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS).
- AWS Honeycode - Build Web & Mobile Apps Without Writing Code. (Announcement) (HN)
- AWS App Runner - Fully managed container application service.
- If you have an S3 bucket with zero files in it, it doesn’t incur storage charges. You can put a lifecycle rule on an S3 bucket that will automatically expire files after say 30 days.
- Can store everything in SSM & not use environment variables.
- AWS in plain English - Great reference.
- AWS practical guide
- AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit) - Framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code. (Web) (AWS CDK Examples)
- Serverless Stack Toolkit (SST) - Extension of AWS CDK that allows you to build serverless apps. (HN) (Web) (Ideal Stack Preview)
- AWS Fargate Action - GitHub action to deploy to AWS Fargate on push to the master branch.
- AWS Serverless Application Model - Contains the SAM specification, the code that translates SAM templates into AWS CloudFormation stacks, general information about the model, and examples of common applications.
- Kubernetes on AWS with Terraform - Kubernetes implementation using CoreOS on AWS platform.
- Cloud Reports - Scans your AWS cloud resources and generates reports.
- CloudMapper - Helps you analyze your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments.
- AWS costs every programmer should know (2019) (HN)
- awless - Mighty CLI for AWS.
- Easy Amazon EC2 Instance Comparison (Code)
- Buildkite Elastic CI Stack - Gives you a private, autoscaling Buildkite Agent cluster.
- sqs-consumer - Build Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) based applications without the boilerplate.
- The \$10m engineering problem (2019)
- AWSume - Utility for easily assuming AWS IAM roles from the command line.
- Modern applications at AWS (2019)
- cw - Best way to tail AWS CloudWatch Logs from your terminal.
- The Good Parts of AWS book (2019)
- Last Week in AWS - News and newsletter about latest offerings of AWS.
- The Amazon Premium (2019) (HN)
- AWS Security Toolbox (AST) (2019)
- AWS Glossary
- AWS Cost Optimization 101 (2020)
- Building a Serverless Podcast Search Engine on AWS (2019)
- Architecting for the Cloud - AWS Best Practices (2019)
- Bash-my-AWS - Simple but extremely powerful set of CLI commands for managing resources on Amazon Web Services. (Code)
- AWS Docs
- Better Way to SSH in AWS (With RDS tunneling and security automation) (2020)
- Serverless Microservice Patterns for AWS (2019)
- SSM Helpers - Help manage AWS systems manager with helpers.
- The good parts of AWS - A visual summary (2020) (HN)
- Amazon EKS workshop
- Amazon SSM Agent - Agent to enable remote management of your Amazon EC2 instance configuration.
- Amazon CodeGuru - Automate code reviews. Identify your most expensive lines of code. (HN)
- LocalStack - Fully functional local AWS cloud stack. (Web) (1.0) (HN)
- Punchcard - Type-safe AWS infrastructure.
- Infrastructure as Code on AWS in a familiar language — the right way with InGraph (2020)
- AWS Data Wrangler - Pandas on AWS.
- AWS Well-Architected Framework
- aws-api-tools - Tools to explore and transform AWS service APIs.
- Kubernetes Daemonset to gracefully handle EC2 instance shutdown
- AWS AppSync GraphQL Photo Sample
- AWS Icons for PlantUML
- Simple storage pricing calculator for AWS (HN)
- S3Proxy - Access other storage backends via the S3 API.
- saws - Supercharged AWS command line interface.
- AWS Go SDK (version 1)
- AWS Python SDK (botocore - low-level, core functionality of boto 3)
- AWS Haskell SDK
- Amazon EKS User Guide
- HN: AWS EC2 General Price Cut (2020)
- AWS Services You Should Avoid (2020) (HN)
- Getting started with serverless on AWS (2020)
- AWS Networking 101 (2020)
- VPC Studio - VPC CIDR calculator with codegen. (Code)
- AWS services explained in one line each (2020) (HN)
- Awesome Amazon EKS
- cloud-nuke - Tool for cleaning up your cloud accounts by nuking (deleting) all resources within it.
- Odin - Deploy your 12-factor-applications to AWS easily and securely.
- Map Of Computing Architectures for AWS (2020) (HN)
- AWS notes
- AWS Activate for Startups - Offers startups free tools, resources, and more to quickly get started on AWS.
- Policy Sentry - IAM Least Privilege Policy Generator and analysis database.
- Build an App with the AWS Cloud Development Kit (2020)
- Amazon ECS Container Agent
- AWS Solutions Constructs - Library of Architecture Patterns for the AWS CDK.
- How we got our AWS bill to around 2% of revenue (2020) (HN)
- Looking to reduce AWS EC2 spend? Save up to \$750k with these guidelines! (2020)
- S3 Bucket Monitoring - Ensure private buckets stay private and public buckets are correct.
- The Extended AWS Security Ramp-Up Guide (2020)
- Usage - Reduce your AWS spend. With no risk. 44% average savings. (HN)
- Top 5 Things to Learn First with AWS and How to Get Started with Amazon Web Services (2020)
- Ask HN: How can I quickly trim my AWS bill? (2020)
- Designing a scalable API on AWS spot instances (2020) (HN)
- AWS Tagging Best Practices (HN)
- Using ProxyCannon-NG to Create Unlimited Rotating Proxies (2020)
- AWS Stash - Collection of AWS related videos, podcasts, code repositories, whitepapers, and feature releases, all in a single, easy to search interface.
- AWS Boilerplate - Opinionated full stack web app's boilerplate, ready to be deployed to AWS platform.
- AWS CDK Intro Workshop (Code)
- Tips and Gotchas for managing your AWS Costs (2020)
- AWS Video Catalog
- AWS Perspective - Quickly visualizes AWS Cloud workloads as architecture diagrams. (HN) (Code)
- Open AWS Catalogue - Reference of all things AWS. (Code)
- AWS for the rest of us (2020)
- Bucket Stream - Find interesting Amazon S3 Buckets by watching certificate transparency logs.
- Granularity levels in AWS IAM policies (2020)
- AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code - Extension for working with AWS services such as AWS Lambda.
- AWS Copilot CLI - Tool for developers to build, release and operate production ready containerized applications on Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate.
- Top 5 AWS EC2 Performance Problems (2020) - How to detect them, why they occur and how to resolve them.
- Awesome CDK
- Where to Start with AWS as a Developer (2020)
- AWS Cost Comparison Tool
- My AWS toolbox - tools, plugins and applications (2020)
- Amazon ECR Docker Credential Helper
- Amazon EKS Helm charts
- AWS Community Builders - Program offers technical resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities.
- AWS Secure Environment Accelerator - Tool designed to help deploy and operate secure multi-account AWS environments on an ongoing basis.
- AWS Serverless Workshops
- Cachenator - Distributed, sharded in-memory cache and proxy for S3.
- Digger - Build on AWS without having to learn it, no-code DevOps. (Beta)
- Grafana dashboards for AWS CloudWatch
- 7777 - Your remote AWS database on your local port 7777. (Docs)
- Learn AWS Blog
- CloudNews - Never miss important AWS news. Newsletter.
- AWS List All - List all your AWS resources, all regions, all services.
- AWS Perspective - Tool that quickly visualizes AWS Cloud workloads as architecture diagrams. (Web)
- AWS Proton sample templates
- ConsoleMe - Consolidates the management of multiple AWS accounts into a single interface.
- CDK Patterns - AWS Serverless architecture patterns built with CDK for developers to use. (Web)
- AWS Deployment Framework - Extensive and flexible framework to manage and deploy resources across multiple AWS accounts and regions within an AWS Organization.
- aws-cli - Universal Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services.
- AWS CLI Cheat Sheet
- Vantage - Alternative AWS console, focused on user experience and cost transparency. (HN) (GitHub)
- Pacu - AWS exploitation framework, designed for testing the security of Amazon Web Services environments.
- aws-nuke - Remove all resources from an AWS account. (HN)
- superwerker - Automates the setup of an AWS Cloud environment with prescriptive best practices.
- AWS as a Framework (2021)
- Moto - Mock AWS Services.
- Amazon EC2 Metadata Mock - Tool to simulate Amazon EC2 instance metadata.
- Remote Debugging in AWS (2021)
- AWS Workshops
- AWS Compute Blog
- AWS CloudFormation Sample Templates
- GitHub Action to Deploys AWS CloudFormation Stacks
- VS Code CloudFormation Linter - Uses cfn-lint to lint your CloudFormation templates.
- Awesome CloudFormation
- SenseDeep - Serverless Monitoring and Troubleshooting. (GitHub)
- Amazon EC2 Instance Selector - CLI tool and go library which recommends instance types based on resource criteria like vcpus and memory.
- AWS Pricing Calculator - Estimate the cost for your architecture solution.
- AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Essentials - E-Learning Notes
- Alternatives to AWS
- AWS Cheat Sheets
- saml2aws - CLI tool which enables you to login and retrieve AWS temporary credentials using a SAML IDP.
- AWS Quick Starts - Quick Start Contributor's Guide. (Code)
- How they AWS
- What’s New at AWS
- Awesome AWS Chalice
- Exploratory Analysis and ETL with Presto and AWS Glue (2020)
- Platform that uses my AWS account, but provides me an incredible DX. This way I can start extremely easy, but also have the full, raw power of AWS at my fingertips. (2021)
- Repokid - AWS Least Privilege for Distributed, High-Velocity Deployment.
- Amazon S3 Object Lambda (2021) (HN)
- Collection of higher-level reusable cdk constructs
- ecsk - CLI tool that you can interactively call Amazon ECS APIs (run-task, execute-command, stop-task), copy files between ECS and local, and view logs.
- Diving Deep on S3 Consistency (2021) (HN)
- [MAMIP] Monitor AWS Managed IAM Policies
- AWS X-Ray SDK for Python
- AutoSpotting - Saves up to 90% of AWS EC2 costs by automating the use of spot instances on existing AutoScaling groups.
- Run an Action on all VMs in an AWS Auto Scaling Group (2021)
- Amazon SageMaker Safe Deployment Pipeline
- AWS SDK for Rust (Article) (HN)
- Learn AWS with Rust
- Hello App Runner - Example application for AWS App Runner.
- Ness - Deploy web sites to your AWS account effortlessly.
- Flashcards to learn AWS skills (HN)
- PMapper - Tool for quickly evaluating IAM permissions in AWS.
- Kubernetes Cluster API Provider AWS
- Nomad AWS Module - Terraform Module for how to run Nomad on AWS using Terraform and Packer.
- Advice on using AWS for startups (2021)
- Mind map of container platforms and tools on AWS
- Everything AWS - Search and discover 40K+ quality AWS repositories.
- AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) Terraform module
- 330+ Open source security controls for AWS
- Using AWS CDK with Go to launch an app with App Runner (2021)
- awsrm - Remove command for AWS resources.
- AWSweeper - Tool for cleaning your AWS account.
- awsls - List command for AWS resources.
- Running Scheduled Jobs in AWS Using Terraform (2021)
- SQS Message Mover - Tool for moving AWS SQS messages from one queue to another.
- LocalStack AWS CLI
- Former2 - Generate CloudFormation / Terraform / Troposphere templates from your existing AWS resources. (Web)
- iamlive - Generate an IAM policy from AWS calls using client-side monitoring (CSM) or embedded proxy.
- GoFakeS3 - Fake AWS S3 object storage (used for local test-runs against AWS S3 APIs).
- Declarative provisioning of AWS resources with Spinnaker and Crossplane (2021)
- AWS Cost Saving Recommendations (HN)
- Amazon Web Services In Plain English (2019) (HN)
- AWS’s Egregious Egress (2021) (HN)
- TinyStacks - Fastest way to deploy your Docker app on AWS.
- EKS on speed (2021)
- honeyaws - Observability for your AWS load balancers, CloudFront, and more.
- Prowler - AWS Security Tool.
- awslogs - AWS CloudWatch logs for Humans.
- Saw - Fast, multi-purpose tool for AWS CloudWatch Logs.
- JetKit/CDK - Cloud-native TypeScript API development kit for AWS CDK. (Web)
- AWS EventBridge Canon - Simple UI to Publish, Save and Share AWS EventBridge Events. (Web)
- Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) Best Practices (Code)
- Amazon EKS using AWS CDK with Typescript - Sample project that deploys an EKS Cluster.
- Helm S3 - Helm plugin that allows to set up a chart repository in AWS S3.
- List of open source tools for AWS security: defensive, offensive, auditing, DFIR, etc
- aacli - AWS authentication CLI with built-in MFA support.
- CDK Fargate Docker starter kit with AWS CDK v2.0 - Example of how to deploy a simple docker image to a Fargate cluster using AWS CDK.
- Amazon EKS Anywhere - Run Amazon EKS on your own infrastructure. (Web) (HN)
- Mistakes I've Made in AWS (HN)
- AWS IAM Tracker - Collects IAM actions, AWS APIs and managed policies from various public sources. (Web)
- AWS Cloudformation User Guide
- Building a Serverless Compute Platform with AWS and TypeScript - Tomasz Lakomy (2021)
- s5cmd - Parallel S3 and local filesystem execution tool.
- AWS Samples GitHub
- AWS Cloud Control API, a Uniform API to Access AWS and Third-Party Services (2021) (HN)
- 3 sad billing facts about AWS (2021)
- AWS Greengrass Core Rust SDK
- AWS Step Functions Supports 200 AWS Services To Enable Easier Workflow Automation (2021)
- Comparing AWS's RDS and PlanetScale (2021)
- Terraform vs. AWS CloudFormation (2021) (HN)
- AWS JWT Verify - NodeJS library for verifying JWTs signed by Amazon Cognito, and any OIDC-compatible IDP that signs JWTs with RS256.
- Free Templates for AWS CloudFormation (Docs)
- cfsec - Static analysis for CloudFormation templates to identify common misconfigurations.
- AWS Cloudformation Publisher - Packages your CloudFormation templates into an S3 bucket in every AWS region and creates "launch stack" links.
- Profiling 25,000 S3 Buckets: The Billion Dollar Opportunity for Cloudflare R2 (2021) (Tweet)
- AWS Recon - Multi-threaded AWS inventory collection tool with a focus on security-relevant resources and metadata.
- Get AWS costs posted directly to Slack (HN)
- Tools to Build on AWS (Code)
- s3-credentials - Tool for creating credentials for accessing S3 buckets.
- aws-auth - AWS credentials management CLI tool. (HN)
- AWS Exposable Resources - Resource types that can be publicly exposed on AWS.
- CDK-Dia - Automated diagrams for CDK infrastructure.
- ECS Best Practices
- Amazon EKS Workshop (Code)
- The CDK Book - Comprehensive Guide to the AWS Cloud Development Kit.
- Querying AWS at scale across APIs, regions, and accounts (2021) (HN)
- go-aws-sso - Makes dealing with AWS SSO Logins an ease.
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) Pulumi resource package - Providing multi-language access to AWS.
- AWS Events and Webinars (AWS Conferences One-Pagers)
- Answering some misconceptions about AWS Cloud Development Kit (2020)
- Flowchart: How should I run containers on AWS? (2021)
- AWS Load Balancer Controller - Controller to help manage Elastic Load Balancers for a Kubernetes cluster.
- Serverless Data Streaming on AWS | Anahit Pogosova (2021)
- IPv6-only subnets and EC2 instances (2021) (HN)
- Enumerate IAM permissions - Enumerate the permissions associated with AWS credential set.
- AWS Marketplace - Serverless integration for SaaS products (Example)
- Getting Started with Amazon Web Services
- AWS Samples GitHub
- AWS SDK for iOS
- s3sync - Go utility for syncing between s3 and local.
- AWS SDK for Swift
- Release of AWS CDKv2 and Construct Hub (2021) (HN)
- New EC2 Instance Types of re:Invent 2021 (HN)
- AWS Native Blog
- cwl-mount - Mount AWS CloudWatch logs as a file system.
- Vacuum - Clean up unused AWS resources.
- s3-server - Generic S3 server implementation.
- What should AWS focus on (2021)
- s3gof3r - Fast, concurrent, streaming access to Amazon S3, including gof3r, a CLI.
- AWS Well-Architected Labs - Hands on labs and code to help you learn, measure, and build using architectural best practices. (Web)
- aws-security-viz - Visualize your aws security groups.
- onaws - Tool to check if an IP/hostname belongs to the AWS IP space or not.
- S3 Manager - Web GUI written in Go to manage S3 buckets from any provider.
- AWSQS::Kubernetes::Helm - AWS CloudFormation resource provider for the management of helm 3 resources in EKS and self-managed Kubernetes clusters.
- AWS Community Builders - DEV Community
- Amazon ECS CLI - Enables users to run their applications on ECS/Fargate using the Docker Compose file format.
- AWS Serverless SaaS Workshop
- Publications - Amazon Science
- Amazon Science
- AWS SSO CLI - Powerful tool for using AWS SSO for the CLI and web console.
- Awesome EventBridge
- AWS is Not a Dumb Pipe (2022) (Lobsters)
- Amazon EKS AMI Build Specification - Packer configuration for building a custom EKS AMI.
- Rust On AWS (Really FAST Lambdas) (2022)
- Hologram - Easy, painless AWS credentials on developer laptops.
- Stack-Assembly - Command line tool to configure and deploy AWS Cloudformation stacks in a safe way.
- AWSTagHelper - AWS bulk tagging tool.
- cloudstructs - High-level constructs for AWS CDK.
- Crossplane AWS Provider
- awsping - Console tool to check the latency to each Amazon EC2 region.
- Amazon Elastic File System Update – Sub-Millisecond Read Latency (2022) (HN)
- aws-okta-processor - Okta credential processor for AWS CLI.
- Saving on AWS Lambda Amazon CloudWatch Logs costs (2022)
- Amazon EKS with AWS Cloudformation and AWS CDK
- CDK TypeScript Demo Project
- Set up Event Store on AWS with CDK (2022)
- S3RS - S3 CLI client with multi configs with diffent provider.
- How did you learn AWS? (2022)
- AWS Security Reference Architecture Examples - Example solutions demonstrating how to implement patterns within the AWS Security Reference Architecture guide using CloudFormation and Customizations for AWS Control Tower.
- Minimal AWS SSO setup for personal AWS development (2022)
- Setting up Kubernetes on AWS (2022)
- CSI driver for Amazon EBS
- IAM Credentials Rotator - AWS CDK construct for rotating IAM user credentials and sending to a third party.
- Amazon ECS "Deploy Task Definition" Action for GitHub Actions
- SageMaker Python SDK - Open source library for training and deploying machine learning models on Amazon SageMaker.
- Async AWS SDK for Python
- AWS Bootstrap Kit Examples Overview
- s4cmd - Super S3 command line tool.
- Alohomora - CLI that makes using AWS Parameter Store... as simple as the flick of a wand.
- A magical AWS serverless developer experience (2022) (HN)
- AWS.jl - Julia interface to AWS.
- AWS SDK for Java
- AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) for LocalStack
- Baby's First AWS Deployment (2022)
- Awesome ECS
- Soto S3 Transfer - Make uploading and downloading of files to AWS S3 easy.
- Stacktape - DevOps-free application development. (Code) (HN)
- ElectricEye - Continuously monitor your AWS services for configurations that can lead to degradation of confidentiality, integrity or availability.
- AWS Encryption SDK for JavaScript
- Typescript 2 ASL Transpiler
- Cloud Governance with CDK using Aspects (2022)
- 10 CloudWatch Logs Insights examples for serverless applications (2022)
- Biggest mistakes you see startups making in AWS
- aws-auth - Makes the management of the aws-auth config map for EKS Kubernetes clusters easier.
- Amazon CloudWatch Agent
- S3 Account Search - Tool lets you find the account id an S3 bucket belongs too.
- aws-sso-util - Making life with AWS SSO a little easier.
- Cloudy - Set of constructs for the AWS Cloud Development Kit that aim to improve the DX by providing a faster and type-safe code environment.
- Altimeter - Graph AWS resources in Neptune.
- python_fasts3 - Fast S3 in Python using Rust.
- AWS RDS Terraform module - Terraform module which creates RDS resources on AWS.
- goproxy-s3 - Go proxy that serves from S3.
- Scaling containers on AWS in 2022
- FP Complete AWS Foundation - Establish a solid Foundation on AWS with these modules for Terraform.
- Cross-account / cross-domain EventBridge example - Demonstration of using EventBridge across accounts to publish cross-domain application events.
- SLIC Starter - Complete starter project for production-grade serverless applications on AWS.
- SLIC Watch - Easy alarms and dashboards for Lambda, DynamoDB, API Gateway, Kinesis, Step Functions and more.
- AI as a Service: Serverless machine learning with AWS (2020) (Code)
- aws-account-shredder - Repository to audit, service, and clean up leftover AWS resources.
- AWS EKS ASG Rolling Update Handler - Handles rolling upgrades for AWS ASGs for EKS.
- Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 is Generally Available: Instant Scaling for Demanding Workloads (2022)
- Session Manager Plugin - Plugin to help you use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to start and end sessions to your managed instances.
- AWSSSMChaosRunner - Amazon's light-weight library for chaos engineering on AWS. It can be used for EC2 and ECS (with EC2 launch type).
- Terraform AWS Backup
- Terraform AWS CI/CD - Terraform Module for CI/CD with AWS Code Pipeline and Code Build.
- Code generator for AWS Controllers for Kubernetes
- AWS Serverless Ecommerce Platform
- Sceptre - Tool to drive AWS CloudFormation.
- AWS Should Be Easy - Simpler infrastructure as code specification. (HN)
- Amazon Redshift re-invented (2022) (HN)
- Poro - Scan publicly accessible assets on your AWS cloud environment.
- AWSS Bootstrap - Full stack on AWS in one click.
- OpenApiX - Combine the power of AWS CDK & OpenAPI YAML Schema Definitions.
- Amazon EKS Blueprints for CDK
- Graviton 3: First Impressions (2022) (HN)
- AWS Datadog Forwarders Terraform module - Terraform module which creates resources to forward logs and metrics to Datadog on AWS.
- Learn Amazon SageMaker Book (2021) (Code)
- dns53 - Dynamic DNS within Amazon Route53. Expose your EC2 quickly, easily and privately.
- Getting started with AWS Graviton
- YACE - AWS CloudWatch to Prometheus exporter.
- SSO Sync - Populate AWS SSO directly with your G Suite users and groups using either a CLI or AWS Lambda.
- openrolesanywhere - Open-source proof-of-concept client for AWS IAM Roles Anywhere.
- AWS Cloud Provider for Kubernetes
- ecspresso - Deployment tool for Amazon ECS.
- Microservice Observability with Amazon OpenSearch Service Workshop
- Complete AWS IAM Reference (Code)
- AWS AppSync Real Time Client iOS
- CDK Bill Bot - Serverless cost optimization bot.
- Hugging Face Transformers and Habana Gaudi AWS DL1 Instances (2022)
- Cfplot - Generate waterfall graphs of CloudFormation. (HN)
- S3 Datastore Implementation
- Matano - Open-source serverless security lake powered by Rust + Apache Iceberg.
- Serverless Snippets Collection (Code)
- AWS Neuron - Enabling high-performance deep learning inference using AWS Inferentia custom designed machine learning chips.
- MinIO Rust - SDK for Amazon S3 Compatible Cloud Storage.
- CDK-nag - Check CDK applications for best practices using a combination of available rule packs.
- CDK-watchful - AWS CDK construct library that makes it easy to monitor CDK apps.
- aws-delivlib - Library for defining continuous pipelines for building, testing and publishing code libraries through AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodePipeline.
- CDK Monitoring Constructs - Easy-to-use CDK constructs for monitoring your AWS infrastructure.
- CDK Pipelines for GitHub Workflows
- Construct Hub - Maintains a AWS Cloud Development Kit construct library that can be used to deploy instances of the Construct Hub in any AWS Account.
- Cloudformation 2 Terraform - Convert Cloudformation templates to Terraform.
- AWS Open Sources Event Ruler (2022)
- AWS Tech Conference
- Granted - View multiple AWS regions and accounts at the same time. (Code)
- We reduced our annual server costs by 80% by moving away from AWS (2022) (HN)
- Amazon SageMaker Developer Guide
- Have lots of AWS accounts (2022) (HN)
- CloudFox - Automating situational awareness for cloud penetration tests.
- AWS Security Survival Kit
- ecschedule - Tool to manage ECS Scheduled Tasks.
- FireSquid - Simple AWS Firecracker MicroVM Orchestrator.
- troposphere - Python library to create AWS CloudFormation descriptions.
- Managing resource permissions with AWS SAM connectors (Tweet)
- AWS MWAA Local Runner - Replicates an Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA) environment locally.
- The State of AWS Security (HN)
- aws4fetch - Compact AWS client for modern JS environments.
- Does anyone else finds AWS and other Amazon services overly complicated? (2022)
- AWS EC2 Instance Terraform module
- Terraform AWS Components - Opinionated, self-contained Terraform root modules that each solve one, specific problem.
- Data Engineering with AWS (2021) (Code)
- alterNAT - High availability implementation of AWS NAT instances.
- AWS IAM Roles, a tale of unnecessary complexity (2022) (HN)
- Empire - PaaS built on top of Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS).
- Now Go Build with Werner Vogels | AWS - YouTube
- AWS Policy Simulator - Offline tool for parsing and evaluating AWS IAM policies.
- RioFS - Userspace filesystem for Amazon S3 buckets for servers that run on Linux and macOS.
- Amazon S3 User Guide
- AWS Security Workshops (Web)
- Awesome AWS Security
- coldsnap - Command line interface for Amazon EBS snapshots.
- AWS Step Functions examples
- eks-node-viewer - Tool for visualizing dynamic node usage within a cluster.
- IAM Legend - AWS IAM actions autocomplete, documentation and wildcard resolution for Visual Studio Code.
- AWS-C-IO - Module for the AWS SDK for C. It handles all IO and TLS work for application protocols.
- Lambda, Rust, and CDK
- List of open geospatial datasets on AWS
- AWS re:Invent 2022 - A day in the life of a billion requests
- IAM Floyd - AWS IAM policy statement generator with fluent interface.
- AWS Events Playlists - YouTube
- AWS re:Invent 2022 - Practical experience with a serverless-first strategy at Capital One
- AWS re:Invent 2022 - Designing event-driven integrations using Amazon EventBridge
- SST - Makes it easy to build full-stack serverless applications on AWS.
- s3d - Daemon for data access using S3 API.
- AWS CDK bindings for Go
- eksdemo - kubectl-like CLI for Amazon EKS.
- aioaws - Asyncio compatible SDK for aws services.
- Basti - Connect to AWS DBs with no idle cost. No SSH keys. IAM-driven.
- s3s - S3 Service Adapter.
- itty-aws - Tiny AWS SDK for TypeScript.
- Hardeneks - Runs checks to see if an EKS cluster follows EKS Best Practices.
- Understanding AWS Services for Modern Cloud Architectures (2023)
- AWS Cost CLI - CLI tool to perform cost analysis on your AWS account with Slack integration.
- Pulumi AWS Infrastructure Components
- Convox Rack - Private PaaS that runs in your AWS account.
- aws-whoami - Show what AWS account and identity you're using.
- Taming AWS Costs (2023)
- AWS Creates New Policy-Based Access Control Language Cedar (2023) (HN)
- aws-whoami - Find what AWS account and identity you're using.
- Usage AI - Cut AWS Spend in 5 Minutes. (HN)
- Все что ты хотел знать о AWS Spot Instances, но боялся спросить (2023)
- Cloudlens - AWS Console in your terminal.
- Pull Request Preview Environments with AWS CDK and GitHub Actions
- AWS Serverless AI Stories - Using Lambda, EventBridge, DynamoDB, App Runner, ChatGPT and DALL-E.
- Mountpoint - File client for S3 written in Rust, from AWS. (HN)
- AWS icons - As SVG and PNG.