Alexander Shulgin and David E. Nichols are amazing.
- Periodic Table
- A crash course in organic chemistry | Jakob Magolan
- The 2018 Lรถwdin Lectures - Markus Reiher
- The 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry - Lithium Ion Batteries
- Quantum Chemistry - Introduction
- Marie Curie's PhD thesis (2020)
- Organic Chemistry Portal
- The Vespiary - Virtual encyclopedia of drug synthesis, precursor synthesis and drug pharmacology with many links.
- What gear/glassware should I need for some easy beginner synths and what should my budget be? (2020)
- What should a beginner do to get started synthesizing? (2020)
- Chemify - Project dedicated to making chemical synthesis accessible to everyone, regardless of training. (Code)
- The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020: Genetic Scissors (HN)
- Zhang Lab - Studies biological diversity to discover systems and processes that may be harnessed for the improvement of human health.
- Machine Learning in Chemistry 101 course
- Highly Opinionated List of Open Source Cheminformatics Resources
- Beginners Guide to Understanding Chemistry (2021)
- Reddit Recommended Chemistry Books
- Chemistry Resources Collection
- Chemical space is really big (2014) (HN)
- Chemistry Development Kit - Open Source modular Java libraries for Cheminformatics. (Code)
- vabene - Python library for automatically making valid molecular graphs.
- stk - Python library which allows construction and manipulation of complex molecules, as well as automatic molecular design and the creation of molecular databases.
- stk-vis - Cross-platform application for visualization of molecular databases.
- moldoc - Sphinx extension for making better chemistry documentation.
- Reaktoro - Unified framework for modeling chemically reactive systems. (Docs)
- Chemistry Book Recommendations
- exmol - Explainer for black box models that predict molecule properties.
- Whitelab - Using Simulation and Machine Learning to Understand Chemistry and Design Materials. (GitHub)
- MatDeepLearn - Package for graph neural networks in materials chemistry.
- Graph neural network for predicting NMR chemical shifts
- Awesome Python Chemistry
- Awesome Cheminformatics
- Illustrated Glossary of Organic Chemistry (Common names)
- Solugen - Make chemicals from sugar, not petroleum. Carbon negative chemicals. (Twitter) (Tweet)
- 3D Periodic Table (Code)
- The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2021 (HN)
- OpenChem - Deep learning toolkit for Computational Chemistry with PyTorch backend. (Docs)
- How to grow sodium chloride crystals at home (HN)
- Structure of benzene is fascinating
- Compositional Thermostatics (2021) (Tweet)
- The Effect of Noise on the Performance of Variational Algorithms for Quantum Chemistry (2021)
- AiZynthFinder - Tool for retrosynthetic planning. (Docs)
- Surge - Fast Open-Source Chemical Graph Generator.
- Quantum Chemistry Done Wrong: One-Electron Systems
- Directional Message Passing on Molecular Graphs via Synthetic Coordinates (Code)
- NequIP - Code for building E(3)-equivariant interatomic potentials.
- Pushing the frontiers of density functionals by solving the fractional electron problem (2021) (Tweet)
- pyscf - Python module for quantum chemistry.
- Matthew Carey Lea and the Origins of Mechanochemistry (2021)
- Fermi - Quantum chemistry program written in (nearly) pure Julia.
- Chemical Computing with Clojure (Code)
- Penny Codes (2022)
- Chemfiles - Library for reading and writing chemistry files. (Web)
- Hamilton Morris interviews a chromium carbene chemist (2022)
- Phenethylamines I have feared and loathed (2020) (HN)
- Shulgin's lab in 3D (Reddit)
- Ketcher - Web-based molecule sketcher.
- AI is changing chemical discovery (2022) (HN)
- Materials Informatics Resources
- ChemiScripts - Translate ASCII chemical formulas into Unicode. (Code)
- These are real compounds (2022) (HN)
- cmlkit - Tools for machine learning in condensed matter physics and quantum chemistry.
- DiffiQult - Open source autodifferentiable quantum chemistry package.
- ChemPy - Package useful for chemistry written in Python.
- RDKit - Collection of cheminformatics and machine-learning software written in C++ and Python.
- Open Babel - Chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data.
- Practical Cheminformatics Tutorials
- Call for a Public Open Database of All Chemical Reactions (2022)
- openmoltools - Tools for Small Molecules, Antechamber, OpenMM, and More.
- autodE - Automated reaction profile generation.
- molfunc - Python tool for functionalization of 3D molecules.
- Morfeus - Python package for calculating molecular features.
- C++ Programming Tutorial in Chemistry
- NWChem - Open Source High-Performance Computational Chemistry.
- Psi4 - Open-Source Quantum Chemistry โ an electronic structure package in C++ driven by Python.
- xtb - Semiempirical Extended Tight-Binding Program Package.
- PENSA - Protein Ensemble Analysis.
- Torsional Diffusion for Molecular Conformer Generation (2022) (Code)
- Recreating one of the weirdest reactions
- cclib - Python library that provides parsers for output files of computational chemistry packages.
- overreact - Create and analyze chemical microkinetic models built from computational chemistry data.
- ccinput - Computational Chemistry Input Generator.
- CalcUS - Quantum Chemistry Web Platform.
- Legault Research Group - Investigating hypervalent iodine chemistry and organometallic catalysis to develop new synthetic methodologies with lower environmental impact. (Twitter)
- Time Machine - High-performance differentiable molecular dynamics, docking and optimization engine.
- Chemiscope - Interactive structure/property explorer for materials and molecules. (Web)
- rxnutils - Utilities for working with datasets of chemical reactions, reaction templates and template extraction.
- ChemPlot - Python package for chemical space visualization.
- chem_interp - Use interpretable machine learning to explain complicated chemical reactions.
- Faked Crystallography (2022) (HN)
- Scientific Computing for Chemists with Python
- Introductory tutorials on deep learning for chemistry
- Mofdscribe - Ecosystem for digital reticular chemistry.
- Nobel Prize in Chemistry Awarded to Bertozzi, Meldal, and Sharpless (2022) (HN)
- Electron states, light, and mitochondria (2022)
- Water: the liquid of life (2021)
- libcint - General GTO integrals for quantum chemistry.
- BAGEL - Brilliantly Advanced General Electronic-structure Library.
- gauche - Library for Gaussian Processes in Chemistry.
- Awesome Chemistry Datasets
- Pura - Clean chemical and reaction data.
- MolSkill - Learning chemical intuition from humans in the loop.