I keep Goodreads lists of books I am reading, want to read in future & ones I want to read next.
I also have bookshelves of books I liked & read.
Below are books I read (or listened) sorted by year I read them in. The books with links attached will lead to notes I made when reading the book. Books with 🌟 are my favorite.
More books should be interactive and web first like these notes. Love Ted Chiang's writing a lot.
I love to use ChatGPT as I work through more technical literature. But even fictional too if you phrase your questions well.
Love how some started making GPT programs tuned to specific books like this. Ask questions about the book directly and have language model explain things to you.
- 21 Lessons for the 21st Century 🌟
- Brief Answers to the Big Questions 🌟
- A Brief History of Time (Review)
- Mind for Numbers 🌟 (Review) (Notes)
- Flowers for Algernon 🌟 (Review)
- Heart of a Dog 🌟 (Review)
- You Don't Know JS: Up & Going (Review)
- Logical Reasoning: A First Course (Review)
- The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant
- The Little Prince 🌟 (Review)
- Understand - Ted Chiang 🌟
- Roadside Picnic (Review)
- A Thousand Tiny Failures: Memoirs of a Pickup Artist (Review)
- The Last Question 🌟 (Review)
- The Master and Margarita 🌟 (Review)
- The Picture of Dorian Gray 🌟 (Review)
- Thinking fast and slow
- Go in action
- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
- Programming in Haskell
- Surely, you're joking Mr Feynman
- Mindstorms
- Rich dad poor dad
- Elements of programming interviews
- Crafting interpreters
- Brave new world
- Cracking the coding interview
- Code: hidden language of software
- Eloquent ruby
- Confident ruby
- University physics with modern physics
- The Yellow Wallpaper
Interesting authors
- Douglas Adams
- Ted Chiang
- Alan Watts
- Jorge Luis Borges
- Nikolay Nekrasov
- HP Lovecraft
- Aleksandr Solzhenitisyn
- David Sedaris
- Jorge Luis Borges
- Ask HN: What are some books where the reader learns by building projects? (2020)
- Gergely Orosz's reading list
- Side Project books
- Derek Sivers's books read
- Rahim's books read
- Books written in a style similar to SICP
- HN recommends (2017)
- Check these books - master switch is interesting
- Most meaningful books I read in 2016
- Most mentioned programming books on Reddit
- Language-agnostic programming books
- Some more recommends
- Bret Victor’s favorite books
- AI books
- Lobsters - what are you reading (2018) (2020)
- Ask HN - what are you reading
- Math books
- History books
- Good books for deep hacks
- Some psychology books to read
- Top programming books 2017
- Many math books
- Psychonaut books
- Reading list
- Pick three books you think every beginner to sci-fi should read, three for "veterans", and three for "experts".
- Any book recommendations for building your own indie business?
- Books read by Radek
- Bookicious - Favorite books of various founders.
- How long to read?
- Ask HN: Recommendations on books and documentaries on tech companies/people?
- Ask HN: What's one book that changed your life? (2018)
- Looking for a dark scifi novel
- Three books every beginner to scifi should read
- Good novels featuring mathematics and mathematical philosophy?
- Math-related pleasure reading books?
- Ask HN: Non-tech books that have helped you grow professionally?
- Ask HN: What are the best textbooks in your field of expertise? (2018)
- What’s the best book you read in 2018?
- Some fiction books
- Books I Recommend (2019)
- Miikka Koskinen's reading list
- My Favourite Book Recommendations by catonmat
- Hacker News Books - Dozens of book recommendations delivered straight to your inbox.
- Ted Chiang's books + audiobooks
- Some fiction audiobook recommendations
- Alan Kay's Reading List
- Ask HN: Recommend one book I need to read this summer? (2019)
- Patrick Collison's bookshelf
- Recommendations from an audiobook addict
- HN: Alan Kay's answer to ‘what are some forgotten books programmers should read?’ (2019)
- Ray Dalio’s Recommended Books: His Reading List
- Josh Wolfe's favorite books
- What are the most indispensable books for indie hackers? (2019) (HN)
- Jared Palmer's favorite books
- Nice CS books/papers
- Programming books that aren't boring
- Some Favorite Non-technical Books of Bjarne Stroustrup (HN)
- The 50 Best Nonfiction Books of the Past 25 Years
- Books Samrat Singh read
- Lobsters: New books worth reading in 2019
- Lobsters: Old books worth reading (2019)
- Ask HN: Books you plan to read in 2020?
- Ask HN: Favorite Nonfiction Books of 2019?
- Ask HN: Best books you read in the past decade? (2019)
- What and How I read in 2019 by Christopher Schroeder
- Books read in 2019 by arshia
- 85 Best Business Books in 2020 for Entrepreneurs, Creatives & Professionals to Read (and Grow) (2020)
- Naval’s Recommended Reading
- Toby Shorin's Library
- Books read by Mark McGranaghan
- Books read by James Somers
- Ask HN: What are the best unknown books you have read? (2020)
- Which book did you enjoy the most in 2019? 📚
- Favorite books that almost nobody else knows or talks about (2019)
- Rational Fiction books
- Top Fantasy Reads - Processed thousands of comments to determine top fantasy books the people of Reddit are reading. (HN)
- On the shoulders of the giants (2020) (HN)
- Ask HN: Great fiction books that have had a positive impact on your life? (2020)
- Books That Every Programmer Should Read (2020) (Lobsters)
- Nice web books (2020)
- Reading List of Ben Congdon
- Rafaël Garcia-Suarez's books read
- Books I recommend to my software engineering students (2020) (HN)
- Calvin French-Owen's bookshelf
- Maksim Stepanenko's bookshelf
- Austen Allred's reading list
- 107 books recommended by Patrick Collison
- Ask HN: Mind bending books to read and never be the same as before? (2020)
- Tom MacWright's reading list
- Which books have you read at least 3 times? (2020)
- Kevin Rooke books - Explore the books recommended by the world's top investors, entrepreneurs, and thinkers.
- Julian Weisser's books
- AskReddit: What's your favourite book you've read and why? (2020)
- Ask HN: Best books under 200 pages for developers (2020)
- Reading of David Blue
- Matthew Bunday's reading list
- Luke Smith's personal library
- Ask HN: Which books have you read more than once? (2020)
- Ask HN: What, in your opinion, are the greatest and most useful textbooks? (2020)
- Books I bought in 2019 but didn't read
- Amber Wilson's book reviews
- Michael Akilian's favorite books
- Nick Cammarata's bookshelf
- List of books on various topics
- Bardia Pourvakil's favorite books
- Juvoni Beckford's bookshelf
- Nabeel Qureshi's favorite books
- Sharif Shameem's Bookshelf
- Ask HN: Which book helped you understand the world? (2020)
- Dan Romero's bookshelf
- Devine's curated list of books
- Books people (re)read (2020)
- 89 books Paul Graham recommended
- - Best programming books, all in one place.
- Derek Sivers books read with notes
- 8 Science Fiction Books That Get Programming Right
- Juanito Fatas Bookshelf
- Library of Merveilles
- Patricia Mou Bookshelf
- Brutality of Life Reading List (HN)
- Some good books
- Abhinav Sarkar's books read
- Science Fiction Stories with Good Astronomy and Physics: A Topical Index (HN)
- The 100 Best Fantasy Books of All Time
- Ian Vanagas's Reading List
- Maker Reads (News)
- Essential Reading for Startup CTOs
- Book Recommendations - Limitless Curiosity
- Lex Fridman Library - Library of book recommendations of all guests of the Lex Fridman Podcast.
- NPR's Best Books (2020)
- Founder Library Bookshelf
- Ask HN: Recommend books that give you insight into other professions (2020)
- The Best Books of 2020
- The Best Books of 2020 2
- Great Books Program
- A Map that Reflects the Territory - Essays by the LessWrong community.
- My Favorite Books 2020 (HN)
- 2020 booklist
- Lobsters: What books are you reading? (2021)
- Best Books I read in 2020
- The Greatest Books of All Time (HN)
- Ask HN: What are some books where the reader learns by building projects? (2021)
- My sci-fi novel recommendations (2021)
- Most Recommended Books - Discover books recommended by the world's most influential people.
- Longest book you actually are delighted you read and think about very often?
- Ask HN: What is a good fictional universe to get immersed in? (2021)
- Unhinged Women Fiction // Book Recs (2021)
- 50 book recommendations (2021)
- 20 books to read in your 20s
- In search of the new (2021)
- Reddit's Favorite Books (HN)
- Books from which you forgot to take breaks (2021)
- Sylvain Kerkour - Readings
- If you could only ever read three books, again and again, what would they be? (2021)
- The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Books of the Past Decade (2021) (HN)
- The Best Books for Software Engineers
- Useful Spy Books (2021)
- HackerNews Readings - 40,000 HackerNews book recommendations identified using NLP and deep learning. (HN)
- The Most Influential Sci-Fi Books Of All Time (2021)
- Краткое содержание: лучшие новые рассказы на русском (2021)
- Books you can’t put down (page-turners)? (2021)
- Josh Wolfe's bookshelf
- What are your favorite books under 250 pages? (2021)
- Best and most engaging Sci-Fi books (2021)
- Favorite weird short story collections (2021)
- Whats your favorite book? (2021)
- Best book you read lately? (2021)
- Books that are better than therapy (2021)
- Eric Button's Books Read
- Ask HN: Most interesting, mildly impractical, well-written books on software? (2021)
- 5 books I loved reading this year | Bill Gates (HN)
- Books that changed my career as a software engineer (HN)
- Very very short book you read (< 150 pages) (2021)
- Ask HN: What are some must read books? (2021)
- Best fiction of 2021
- Reddit Reads: Book reccomendations from Reddit
- Radical Polish books to add to your reading list (HN)
- Reading List • Timothy Andrew
- To Read • Timothy Andrew
- 19 book recommendations from the Ars staff (2021)
- The 50 Best Books of Literary Journalism of the 21st Century
- The best fantasy and sci-fi books of 2021
- Best short story you've read (2021)
- Ask HN: Is there any fiction that's based on a world with different physics? (2021)
- Best books you've read as an engineering manager or software engineer
- Ask HN: Life Changing Books? (2021)
- Your favorite book that you read in 2021
- The Ultimate Best Books of 2021 List
- The Best Books of 2021
- Books where you it makes you happy & excited when you learn they're a favorite of someone else
- Best fiction book you read this year (Tweet)
- Ask HN: What's the best book you read in 2021?
- Best comedies you read (2021)
- Mind Expanding Books (Code) (HN)
- Robert Miller's 2020 reading list
- Books changed your life and stuck with you (2021)
- Books read in 2021
- What’s the most disturbing or scary book you ever read?
- Readers Pick the Best Book of the Past 125 Years
- What was your favorite book of 2021?
- 7 лучших книг 2021 года: выбор Егора Михайлова
- Топ-5 книг 2021 года
- Best audio book experience you’ve had?
- Best fiction books that are just beautifully written?
- Recommended books organized by country
- What is the most emotionally devastating book you’ve ever read? (2022)
- Programming book list
- Johnny Rodgers's reading list
- Ask HN: What is one book you would recommend everyone to read? (2022)
- Books you should read before you die (2022)
- Ask HN: What Books Do You Recommend Reading for 2022?
- Ask HN: What is your favorite fiction book? (2022)
- Ask HN: Recommend a biography? (2022)
- Peaceful books for someone in the middle of war
- What was your last 5 star read? (2022)
- Book or article you think about a lot that you don’t think anyone else in the replies will mention (2022)
- A non-standard book list for software developers (HN)
- Suggest me your favorite book and I will read it
- Psychonaut's favorite books (2022)
- Ask HN: What book changed your life? (2022)
- 50 Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time (2022)
- Suggest a book to someone who has lost all hope in the world (2022)
- Ask HN: Which book can attract anyone towards your field of study? (2022)
- Best books on Science Fiction and Philosophy recommended by Eric Schwitzgebel
- Suggest three books that will make me like your favorite author (2022)
- Your last 10/10 read (2022)
- Saddest book you’ve ever read (fiction)
- Novels you think have great reread value (2022)
- Deep and Interesting Graphic Novels (2022)
- Most interesting premise for book you've read? (2022)
- Ask HN: What are some good inspirational and uplifting books? (2022)
- Marissa's bookshelf: favorites
- Books by women that every man should read
- Ask HN: Books like “Crafting interpreters” or “The ray tracer challenge”? (2022)
- Посоветуйте книгу, от которой вы не могли отлипнуть
- Ask HN: Which are the best open source books? (2022)
- Ask HN: What is the best book you have read with the greatest impact on you? (2022)
- Ask HN: What are the best short tech/engineering books you have read? (2022)
- What are the scariest books you’ve ever read, ones that genuinely scared you?
- Ask HN: Which book would you pick to re-read for the rest of your life? (2022)
- Books where the character goes insane with power
- Books that are very similar to the show Stranger Things? (2022)
- Опишите свою любимую книгу максимально скучно
- The Best of What I Read in 2020
- Ask HN: Which book are you reading, since when? (2022)
- What are your top 5 favorite sci-fi works? (2022)
- Best and worst books you've read so far in 2022
- 20 of the Best Science Fiction Books of All Time (2022)
- What are you reading this week? | Lobsters (2022)
- Ask HN: What book have you re-read 3x or more? (2022)
- Your favorite book? (2022)
- Ask HN: Which books you have read till now that were worth investing time in? (2022)
- What are you reading currently and how are you liking it? (2022)
- Books that shifted your perspective, gave you a deeper understanding of yourself (2022)
- Top science fiction short stories published in August 2022
- Ask HN: Best programming books in the last couple of years? (2022)
- Ask HN: Books that teach you to think (2022)
- An Epic Fantasy series you genuinely believe to be worth reading (2022)
- Weird sci-fi and/or fantasy recommendations (2022)
- Ask HN: What are some of the best books you have read in 2022?
- Interesting books on culture and society
- Books with a very escapist immersive world. Like Harry Potter or LOTR (2022)
- Must read book series of all time (2022)
- What's a good dystopian read? (2022)
- Creepy unsettling sci-fi books (2022)
- Ask HN: Are there any books that changed your life during college or school? (2022)
- Without spoiling, suggest me a book you'd consider "one-of-a-kind" (2022)
- Short book recommendations (2022)
- Nice audio book recommendations (2022)
- Ask HN: Best books read in 2022?
- Book that, when you learn someone else has read it, creates instant solidarity between you two?
- Ask HN: What Books helped you sharpen your brains? (2022)
- The Best Books of 2022
- The Single Best Book You Have Ever Read (2022)
- Your favorite timeless "technical books"? (2022)
- Name three books you read in 2022 which you'd recommend
- Ask HN: What is the best thing you read in 2022?
- Books that take magic "seriously" (2022)
- Ask HN: Books you read in 2022 and recommend for 2023
- Books for Software Engineers in 2023 (HN)
- Reading List - Lex Fridman (Analysis) (HN)
- Bookshelf - Kent Hendricks
- Ask HN: What are you looking forward to reading in 2023?
- Ask HN: Books that teach programming by building a series of small projects? (2023)
- Great Books Reading List and Curriculum | St. John's College
- Suggest me your all-time favorite book (2023)
- My Favorite Books of 2022
- 20 Genre-Defying Sci-Fi Books That Broke the Mold (2023)
- Historical non-fiction that isn't a dry read (2023)
- What’s your favorite book of all time that no one has ever heard of? (2023)
Interesting Prose Books
- With Audible plans, you can do easy exchanges. Don’t love a book? Swap it for free, anytime.
- Kindle changed the way we read books and then… stopped there. I want social highlights, notes, flash cards, and fractal reading (each chapter summarized in 1 paragraph, expandable on several levels if you want to dig deeper)
- Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.
- Read what you love until you love to read.
- I used to read a lot of old books growing up, and they were all different. And... being extremely online and reading contemporary things all day does have a sort of tunnel-vision effect. The way we live, the way we think, the way we talk. Go read a really old book from a different time, from a different place.
- Sometimes you have to read a book at the exact right time in your life for it to really click
- Awesome books
- Free Programming Books (Code)
- Ask HN: How do you read programming books?
- Ask HN: 2018 Summer Reading List?
- Thinking with Types LaTeX source - Original source material for Thinking with Types: Type-Level Programming in Haskell book.
- Scribd - Books, audiobooks, and more for a fixed fee / month.
- Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Sub-Genres
- Ask HN: What books changed the way you think about almost everything? (2019)
- Awesome Programming Books
- Libby - Local library of thousands of ebooks and audiobooks.
- Why books don’t work (2019) (HN)
- BookBrowser - Easy-to-use tool to generate a web-based ePub and PDF ebook browser.
- Now, what do I read? - Enter your favorite book and get a list of suggested books to read.
- How I Read (2018)
- The Most Abandoned Books on GoodReads (2019) (HN)
- What Should I Read Next?
- Reedsy - Crafting beautiful books is at the heart of everything that Reedsy does.
- Ask HN: Are books worth it? (2020)
- 1,000 Free Audio Books
- Read This Twice - Books worth reading twice.
- Holloway - Knowledge you can rely on. Modern book publisher.
- JSTOR Open Content Books (Search)
- Public Books Database
- LibriVox - Free public domain audiobooks. (HN)
- Standard Ebooks (HN) (GitHub) (HN)
- SafariBooks - Download and generate EPUB of your favorite books from Safari Books Online library.
- Crafting "Crafting Interpreters" (2020) (HN)
- BookAuthority - Curates the books recommended by the world's most successful CEOs, business leaders and experts.
- Ask HN: How can I restore my concentration when reading? (2020)
- Writing a Book with Pandoc, Make, and Vim (2020) (HN)
- Library JSON - A Proposal for a Decentralized Goodreads (2020)
- Springer Link - Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips.
- Python script to download all Springer books
- The Tools I Use To Write Books (2018) (HN)
- KindleUnpack - Python based software to unpack Amazon / Kindlegen generated ebooks.
- How to write a programming book (2020) (HN)
- Most book clubs are doing it wrong (2017) (HN)
- Antilibrary - Space both for celebrating all sorts of amazing books, and exploring more broadly the idea of learning from the unknown.
- Hello, EPUB (2020) - Intro to the format.
- On Books - Collection of readings and notes on the past, present, and future of books.
- I won't buy ebooks anymore (2020) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Reading habits that changed my life (2020) (HN)
- LibraryThing - Catalog your books online.
- Bookshop - Buy books online. Support local bookstores.
- Kindle Highlights - Vercel/Next.js app to render my Kindle highlights.
- How I made \$3,300 on a short niche philosophy book (2020) (HN)
- Collection of free books from Springer (HN)
- Project Gutenberg - Library of over 60,000 free eBooks.
- GutenSearch - Full text search Project Gutenberg (60m paragraphs) . (HN)
- Ask HN: How do you read long PDFs? (2020)
- The Open Book Project - Open-source, DRM-free Kindle alternative. (HN)
- Ask HN: How do you take notes when reading a book? (2020)
- Readwise - Makes it easy to revisit and learn from your ebook & article highlights. (GitHub)
- Penguin Random House - Committed to publishing great books, connecting readers and authors globally, and spreading the love of reading.
- Klutz Press: books built for learning stuff (HN)
- HN: There’s no replacement for the thrill of browsing in a bookstore (2020)
- Lessons and Regrets from My \$25000 Book Launch (2020)
- Timeful Texts (2020) (Tweet)
- Future Text Publishing - Collection of dreams for how we want text to evolve as well as how we understand our current textual infrastructures, how we view the history of writing, and much more.
- Literature Map - Tourist Map of Literature.
- Making a modern ebook with Standard Ebooks
- Readng - Global community of book lovers & readers. (Beta)
- GITenberg - Open source community for publishing ebooks in the public domain. (HN)
- Highlights from books and articles
- The Book is a Program - Practical exploration in dual-publishing websites and printed books, using Pollen, LaTeX, and the Racket programming language.
- Write a Micro-Textbook - Write a complete first draft of a micro-textbook on a subject of your choice.
- 3D Book Image CSS Generator (Code)
- StoryGraph - Help you to surface the best books that fit your current mood.
- Great book covers
- Gatsby Starter Book - Gatsby starter focused on simplicity to help you create books.
- How Chekhov invented the modern short story (2020) (HN)
- I Want to Fix Goodreads (2020) (HN)
- DeDRM tools for ebooks - Remove DRM from ebooks. (Fork)
- Writing a book: is it worth it? (2020) (HN)
- Searchable Library of book summaries
- The Book Trail - Match your next read to your destination with The Literary Travel Agency.
- Chareads (YouTube)
- IntechOpen - Publisher of Open Access books. By scientists, for scientists.
- Open Textbook Library
- How I Made \$30,000 on My First Self-Published Book (2020)
- Readium - Easier way to track reading habits.
- Write Useful Books - Guide containing everything I know about how to design, test, and refine nonfiction books.
- Inventaire - Collaborative resource mapper powered by open-knowledge, starting with books. (Code)
- Five Books - Best Books Recommended by Leading Experts.
- 3D Book Cover - Create your 3D Book Cover, and embed it on your website. (HN)
- Pollen - Book-publishing system written in Racket. (Docs) (Guide)
- How I read (2020)
- ibis - PHP tool that helps you write eBooks in markdown and convert to PDF.
- Writing a technical book: from idea to print (2020) (HN)
- Bit Better Book Club
- No Starch Press - Publishing company, specializing in technical literature often geared towards the geek, hacker, and DIY subcultures.
- Fable - Social reading club app.
- How I read books: a guide on how to learn (2020) (HN)
- Guide to Effective Reading (HN)
- Nat Eliason's Roam books notes
- Ask HN: How do you decide what books to read? (2020)
- BookDark - Read over 56000 Free Books Online.
- Books Search with Typesense - Instantly search 28M books from OpenLibrary (by Internet Archive). (HN) (Code)
- A Book Like Foo - Powerful Book Recommendations. (HN)
- Open Library - Open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published. (Code) (Open Library Data Dumps) (HN)
- Packt - Programming Books, eBooks & Videos for Developers. (GitHub)
- Paged.js - Open-source library to display paginated content in the browser and to generate print books using web technology.
- Verso Books - Largest independent, radical publishing house in the English-speaking world, publishing one hundred books a year.
- BookWyrm - Federated GoodReads Replacement. (Code) (Article) (HN)
- The Most Popular College Books (HN)
- Downpour - DRM Free Audiobooks. (HN)
- Free Science Books
- Free Ebook Foundation - Making the world safe for free ebooks. (GitHub)
- Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem (2020) (Article) (Code)
- ePubViewer - ePub viewer with dictionary, themes, search, offline support, and more. (Code)
- Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction (HN)
- Old Book Illustrations
- Shortform - World's Best Book Summaries.
- Book Marks Reviews - Book review aggregator.
- Literary Hub - Daily literary website highlighting the best in contemporary fiction, nonfiction, and criticism.
- The new reading stack (2020) (HN)
- Goodreads Scraper - Python scripts can be used to collect book reviews and metadata from Goodreads.
- Reading Techniques
- - RSS Feed with New Releases from Your Favorite Authors.
- 50 Great Classic Novels Under 200 Pages (2021)
- Literary Hub - Daily literary website.
- The Art of Reading More Effectively and Efficiently (HN)
- Find Books - Generate search query links for books across a range of websites.
- worldmiao.two - Book search engine.
- How I self-published a professional paperback and eBook using LaTeX and Pandoc
- Zeneca - Share and discuss your favorite books. (HN)
- Plex & Booksonic Audiobook Guide - Walkthrough for optimal Audiobook experience using Plex.
- Ask HN: Do you read books regularly? Fiction or nonfiction? (2021)
- The Ambiguous Utopia of Iain M. Banks (HN)
- Storytel - Audiobooks in your iPhone or Android mobile.
- What Goodreads could have been (2021)
- Copybooks - Books recommended by real people, not Amazon's robots. (Code)
- Pictures, Engravings and Extracts From Old Books
- Why has no one made a better Goodreads (2021) (HN)
- How to Write a Technical Book (2021) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Shepherd - Discover The Best Books To Read. (HN)
- Ask HN: How do you become an active reader and deep thinker? (2021)
- Goodreads Datasets (Code) (Reddit)
- Little Free Library (HN)
- Ask HN: How can I read faster? (2021)
- Writing books is not really a good idea (2021) (HN)
- Writing a Programming Book in 2021 (HN)
- Librimood - Find books based on your mood.
- Suggest Me A Book Reddit
- Writing a Technical Book (2021)
- Unbuch - Compile markdown into an HTML and PDF book based on Pandoc.
- So You Want to Write a Book
- How to Write a Programming Book (2021) (HN)
- Setanta Books - Rare and Collectable Photography and Books.
- - Find your local indie bookstore.
- Oku - The companion app for your book shelf.
- A Book Apart - Brief books for people who design, write, and code.
- Aleator Press - Computer-Generated Literature.
- 640 Pages in 15 Months (2021) (Lobsters)
- So you want to self-publish books and courses on programming (2021)
- Writing an iOS book: tools/process used (2021)
- The 4 Reading Levels: Different Ways To Read Different Books (2018)
- Apress - Book publisher. (GitHub)
- ЛитРес - Библиотека электронных книг – скачивай, читай и слушай. (GitHub)
- How to Remember What You Read (2021) (HN)
- How manager's handbook was written incorporating feedback using Notion/GoogleDoc (2021)
- Gnooks - Discover new Books.
- Literature Map - The Tourist Map of Literature.
- Ruby for ebook publishing (2021)
- Summarizing Books with Human Feedback (HN)
- 73 Beautiful Books from the MIT Press Essential Knowledge Series
- The Anarchist Library
- Kevin's Book Notes
- IndiePaper - Easy way to write and sell self-published books. (HN)
- Z-Library - World's largest ebook library.
- Z-Library Books
- Z-Library Articles
- Top Shelves | Goodreads
- Royal Road - Home of web fiction.
- Why did Dostoyevsky write Crime and Punishment? (2021) (HN)
- Manning Deal of the Day
- So you want to write a technical book (2021) (HN)
- Ytalki - Find books in a foreign language according to your language level.
- The Internet Archive transforms access to books in a digital world (2021) (HN)
- Philip K. Dick’s Novels Of The '50s Are Underrated And (Mostly) Untouched By Hollywood
- AutoBook - Procedural 3D book configurator. (Tweet)
- BookNLP - Natural language processing pipeline for books.
- London Review of Books
- Kavita - Browse your Manga, Comics and Books.
- Tablo - Best place to create, print and publish a poetry book. (Print)
- How I wrote my book
- BookStash - Ideas from Top Books in 3m or less.
- Books.jl - Create books with Julia. (Template) (Web)
- How to Write a Technical Book (2021)
- NPR Books: Book Reviews, Book News, and Author Interviews
- Things I learned writing my first technical book (2021) (HN)
- Издательство «МИФ»
- How James Clear is Writing His Next Book (2021)
- How to easily read 50 books a year (HN)
- Thoth - Metadata management and dissemination system for Open Access books.
- Global Grey ebooks - Free public domain ebooks in PDf, ePub, mobi formats. (HN)
- Standard Ebooks toolset for producing ebook files
- How a Book Is Made – Ink, Paper and a 200k-Pound Printer (2022) (HN)
- Booqsi - Show HN: A more social, Amazon-free alternative to Goodreads. (HN)
- Useful Books - Community, process, and tools to help you write great nonfiction, from first idea to first edition.
- Indie bookshelves
- SQL-Powered Reading List (2022)
- Audio Book Shelf - Self-hosted Audiobook Server. (Code) (HN) (Mobile Code)
- A Good Used Book
- ZLibrary Books
- Litnerd - Bringing Books to Life.
- From Idea to Self-published Book: 27 Writing and Book Marketing Tips (2022)
- Kepubify - Fast, standalone EPUB to Kobo EPUB conversion tool.
- Openbooks - Search and Download eBooks.
- Librarian - Index, search, read ebooks - pdf, epub.
- Docland - Application that allows a user to display, organize, search and store all the articles and ebooks a person has ever read, together with personal annotations and comments.
- How Neuromancer formed the Cyberpunk Aesthetics (HN)
- Goodreads book parser in NodeJS
- I sold 640 copies of my book in one year (2022) (HN)
- Petar's Virtual Bookshelf (HN) (Code)
- Bookshelf Action - Track your reading using GitHub Actions.
- New York Review Books
- Thomas' Book Notes
- Kindle, ePub, and Amazon’s love of reinventing wheels (2022) (HN)
- 14 Amazing Books Summarized in One Minute (Or Less) (2022)
- DALL-E can bring fantasy novels to life. Each paragraph can be used to generate a unique set of vivid imagery on the fly
- Coffee Table Mags
- New Tolkien book: The Fall of Númenor to be published (2022) (HN)
- - Python3 script to download books in PDF format.
- [Flowers for Algernon (1965)] | Hacker News]( (HN)
- Generating Children’s Stories Using GPT-3 and DALL·E (2022) (HN)
- Pirate Library Mirror - Preserving 7TB of books (that are not in Libgen). (Intro) (HN)
- Which fictional universe would you rather live in? (2022)
- I just finished reading a book and took lots of notes. Now what? (2022) (HN)
- Recommend Me a Book - Find a new book by reading the first pages of random of novels. (Reddit)
- Calibre - E-book management. (Code)
- What’s the strangest thing you ever found in a book? (2022) (HN)
- Talk to Books - Browse passages from books using experimental AI.
- OpenBookStore - Bibliographic search of books and personal manager.
- Lota - Online ePub reader with VS Code style.
- 3x new books added to the Pirate Library Mirror (+24TB, 3.8M books) (HN)
- Why read Dostoevsky? A programmer's perspective (HN)
- Compelling Science Fiction Newsletter
- Cheap Books - Finds the cheapest place to buy a book. (HN)
- Where Is All the Book Data? (2022)
- Nice fiction authors
- BookWyrm - Social Reading and Reviewing.
- Awesome Bookmarking
- Videobook
- Putting Z-Library on IPFS (2022) (HN)
- Flow - Online EPUB reader. (Code)
- Write & Publish a Book on the Side [Short Course]
- What book and author did you read that made you go "I need all of their books."?
- Ask HN: Similar books to “Ray tracing in one Weekend”? (2022)
- Reverse engineering yet another eBook format (2022) (HN)
- Zlib Searcher - Search the Z-Library Index for Books on the IPFS Network. (HN) (Code)
- Your brain on books: themed readings lists for a 20-page-a-day habit in 2023
- Kindle to Notion - Seamlessly transfer your Kindle highlights to Notion Database.
- Apple Books digital narration (HN)
- I don't read web articles anymore, but I read books (2023)
- EPUB 3 Samples (Code)
- Doc Search - Converse with book - Built with GPT-3.
- Konjer - Turning books into chatbots with GPT-3. (HN)
- I “wrote” a kid's book with ChatGPT and Midjourney (HN)
- Постсоветская литература: что это было?
- Create bilingual books yourself
- BiblioReads - Alternative Private Goodreads Front-End.
- Viberary - Recommend you books based not on genre or title, but vibe.
- Make Books - Scripts to convert Markdown to PDF and ePub books with Pandoc.
- Fastbook: Listen to audiobooks faster (2020) (HN)
- Highlights - Code for converting, importing, processing, and displaying Kindle, Instapaper, and Safari Books highlights.
- bk - Terminal Epub reader.
- Burgr – Books in Your Terminal (2023) (HN)
- BookGPT - Drop a book, start asking question. (Code)
- BookFinder - Find books with just one search.